camp BOUQUET OF PULSES \ a discovery

Berryheart had never been afraid of death- and now he realised how foolish he had been. That morning he had collapsed, and in fading delirium had faced mortality for the first time. Now he lay in his own den a patient, rather than a guardian- as oblivious to medicine as any warrior, as unable as he had been all those moons ago. When his predecessor had been exiled, he had been clueless- utterly so, and had not felt like that since. Until now, laid upon a nest that felt colder than it should, no solution to his predicament dormant in his mind.

I won't give up and die. He had said it with certainty, and though he lay motionless in his nest, wheezing breaths a cacophony around him, Berryheart knew he had to stick to his word. Laid beside his herb storage, green eyes slipped to the plants, thoughtful. Berryheart had demanded his apprentice sleep elsewhere, and not risk his heath- so now, alone he lay beside his collection. He took in a shaky breath, reaching toward some juniper berries and feverfew. He had tried them individually, but together...

Consciousness slipped from him like water through pebbles.


On the second day, Berryheart felt worse. The herbs had not touched him, just as Peepers had claimed. He ordered everyone who wandered too close to stay away, his tone quieter each time it fell between shambolic fangs. Chamomile was strengthening and soothing... perhaps it would embolden him through this illness, if it did not cleanse him of it. His chews were lethargic, juice spreading across his tastebuds, stinging the back of his swollen throat. Honey and feverfew slid its way toward his patients, and Berryheart faced another tumultuous night.


On the third day, Berryheart began to see death in his future. When he closed his eyes he saw inky shadow and dancing lights, pin-pricks of acute pain clamping claws around his brain. Had he lied, then? He was not giving up, or dying as a result of giving up, but he had still never felt so much hatred or frustration. He had vowed to be nothing like the Executioner- never to leave behind his apprentice without a teacher, never to leave his Clan without an experienced healer. There was nothing Berryheart hated more than ignorance and its consequences.

Weary eyes rested on the sleeping, writhing forms of his patients. He missed the sunlight, the warmth, but he lay now unsure of where the sun lay in the sky. There was no night or day- only the waking world and fitful dreams. Discomfort threatened to burst out of his chest, but he kept it choked behind a steel wall and a stony face. If he was to die, he would need to last as long as possible. It was his final bastion, his final bid. Burnet would give him strength.


On the fourth day, Berryheart awoke with a pain in his chest so sharp it felt as if he had been impaled. The night before, he had gone to sleep hopeless- and now he awoke with a regret reverberating from him so powerful that he could barely stand. How could he be so spiteful? So dismissive of those who needed him, to look death in the eye and accept it? For once, he would shrug away the bid of the stars. Staggered, he still did his duty, determined despite the struggle of illness that begged him back to bed. When his haggard gaze fell to the herb store, gaunt features studying them, he went through the names in his mind. Marigold. Chervil. Lungwort.

A white-toed paw reached for the latter, the flecks on the leaves reminding him of his apprentice's freckled pelt. Violet-blue blooms sprawled from them. My favourite.


Five days. Was it the bliss before the end, that he felt better now? StarClan offering him strength? But- for once, for once, he felt as if he was not fading. He had forgotten what it was like to feel strength in one's soul. Curious, near-nauseated by the anticipation, he took lungwort again. Again. Again.

It took three more sunrises for his sight to clear, for the fog to part from his judgement. Berryheart was almost sure, now, that he had not lied to his brother. It would have been selfish to lie down and die, after all. His predecessor had left a bleeding wound, a cat to run ragged around that rend in an attempt to staunch the weeping of claret. He had vowed to the stars, to all that he loved, that he would not be the same. Freckles would not resent him for dying, and he would not live in StarClan as a reminder of an ignorant healer who had let himself die. He would live, and he would know.


After ten days, Berryheart was at last sure he was cured. Before he had left the medicine den he had offered lungwort to his patients, looking toward the gap of sunlight. The dawn was as beautiful as he remembered, and as he faced the light, swept his eyes over the rousing forms of his Clanmates, he looked for Stripes, Freckles and Big Mama in particular. Eyes swivelled toward him, inevitably worried and hesitant- but Berryheart met them with the clearest eyes he had ever bore, an unhitched breath winding like silk down his throat. "The cure is lungwort." Stated clear, a smile settled on the medicine cat's crooked maw. The cadaverous stature he had bore was gone. He took a step forward, unhindered by delirium, nary a cough wracking his shoulders.

"The other Clans must know. Lungwort."

TL;DR — after a fitful bout of illness, berryheart discovers the cure for yellowcough. he demands the other clans be told immediately.
\ @HOWLINGSTAR (is also looking for @LICHENPAW and racconstripe particularly B) ) but no need to wait for those tagged!!
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This sickness is crueler than the boar.

Graystorm had died brutally. When they’d brought his body back, there’d been the suggestion of a snarl still on his face, his thick iron-gray fur stiff with the blood wrenched from his broken body, but he’d died fighting. He’d died quickly,, too, his spirit on its way to StarClan before the warmth left his body.

But Berryheart slips away a little more every day. He has ordered his healthy Clanmates to stay outside of his den, and Raccoonstripe does as the medicine cat demands, but he’s worn divots in the earth with his pacing. His brother does not give up—he tries each of his herbs, but he does not rise from his nest. The clarity slips from him. He sees shadows, he sees ghosts, figures who cannot reach him or speak to him when he is coherent. Raccoonstripe fears every day he will go to check on Berryheart and it will be Lichenpaw who greets him, tears unspent in blue eyes.

He cannot lose Berryheart, but this is a battle that cannot be fought. He is powerless in the face of this illness—all of his Clanmates are. And now, as the kittypet had said, they will lose everyone they care for… slowly, unable to stop the disease from taking and taking.

And then one day—one day, Raccoonstripe’s bleary gaze sees movement just inside Berryheart’s den. Tortoiseshell fur, dark like a sun-spotted forest floor. His heart leaps into his mouth. He’s moving again. The morning is still almost-cool when their medicine cat—when his brother—emerges from a nest he’d likely thought he’d die in. Berryheart’s eyes are not fever-bright, nor are they clouded with delirium. They are the same calm, cool waters Raccoonstripe had given up seeing again. “The cure is lungwort,” he tells the Clan, and though the name of this herb means nothing to Raccoonstripe, his eyes begin to shine.

You did it. I knew you could.” Quick, powerful strides bring him face to face with Berryheart, and he headbutts him in the shoulder with aggressive affection strengthened with relief. “Don’t you ever doubt yourself again… don’t you dare!” His voice trembles, but when he pulls his head back, there’s a winning smile there. “We should tell the others… right, Howlingstar?” He turns to look for his mother, knowing she will be reveling, too, in Berryheart’s success.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

When Berryheart had fallen ill, a sense of unease fell over Flycatcher like none before since this disease began to sweep through their clan. Of course, it was worrying to see all the ill clanmates grow weaker and weaker, but when Berryheart started to display symptoms that sparked troublesome thoughts in Flycatcher's mind. He supposed being around all the infected cats it was perhaps inevitable, but it still didn't make it any easier. With no sign of a cure, Flycatcher could only wait with bated breath that the medicine cat would pull through, or that by some miracle another medicine cat would find a cure.

After days of waiting, Berryheart finally re-emerged from the confines of the medicine den, looking brighter and in fine health. Flycatcher doesn't immediately pad over, but offers a warm smile in the medicine cat's direction, relieved to see him alive. "Lungwort..." Flycatcher echoes, trying to put the name of this mystery herb to memory. "At least we have a cure now. We have a chance to survive this."

He has been fretful, nervous, curled around his kits and nosing them each day; pestering for signs of whatever this was. Sunshinekit sniffled, wheezed but for the time being it seemed to be thankfully mild and not the horrifying sickness that had grasped tightly at their medicine cat. Sunfreckle felt ashamed he did not go and check on Berryheart, felt his fur prickle hot with unease at the idea of it-he cared, truly, but he was so afraid of bringing whatever it was into the nursery and his kittens were already prone to getting sick; a failing on his part it seemed. They'd always been that way, Dovekit's crumpled body in the center of camp a memory that never let him forget how quickly the world could just stop, and he hoped his refusal to reach out was taken as the caution it was and not true abandoment. The red tabby rasps a tongue over Pigeonkit's sleeping head as the blue kit mewls once in a dreamy slumber, tiny paws chasing something in his mind. When he lifts his head again to look out across the camp it is to immediate relief. Sequestered and withdrawn from them, Berryheart's fate had been a mystery since the other had begun to shake in his delirum but now he walked with an almost confident stride outward to make single bold declaration. Lungwort. A herb. The cure. Racconstripe moves forward in a rare display of enthusiasm and searches for their leader, Flycatcher seems equally relieved as well. Nothing this he decides to join and ask the questions still burning in his head.
Sunfreckle rises, stiffly, carefully over his sleeping litter to step outward though his posture still made clear his caution in his approach and his ears remained pinned back, " we have plenty of this? Is it something we can get easily?" He knew nothing of plants, nor could he help send the message, but if another queen watched his litter he could aid in gathering and carrying as much of it as they could back to camp. Surely things would be alright now, the clan would be safe and he could sleep at last knowing his kits would not join their sister in StarClan far too soon.
Every day, she wishes StarClan would answer her prayers and strip her of several lives in exchange for her son's singular one. The days he has spent weak in his nest have sent her spiraling. She can't sleep, she can't eat, she can't breathe knowing her beloved Berryheart is wasting away with the same illness that Blazestar said has already killed one of his own. No cure is known, and treatment can only do so much, she's heard her son say. The spot next to Raccoonstripe has been warmed by her form daily, his pacing mirrored by her own.

She cannot lose another son. She cannot do it. Her heart couldn't take it.

So when excited chatter fills the camp and she sees that familiar red-speckled pelt exit the medicine den, olive eyes clear and wide, she yowls in relief. She is not far behind Raccoonstripe, brushing and rubbing her face and side against Berryheart's. "Thank the stars, you did it," She purrs loudly, tears pricking her eyes. Not only is he alive and healthy, he's a hero.

She straightens, looking to both sons and then to her deputy. Her gaze is full of joy, but also determination. They're right - the other clans must have this knowledge if they are to treat their sick, too. "Raccoonstripe, take a patrol to RiverClan immediately and let them know. Flamewhisker, SkyClan. Flycatcher, ShadowClan. Nightbird, WindClan. Berryheart, Lichenpaw, you can go, too - wherever you wish. But be fast; every moment counts in life or death." She seeks out the named cats and nods, sending them off immediately.

// @RACCOONSTRIPE @Flycatcher @nightbird @Flamewhisker Each can take a patrol of 2 warriors and their apprentices to their border! Berry and Lichen will be going with Fly to ShadowClan!
Howlingstar and Flycatcher are quick to flock to Berryheart, their eyes shining with relief and pride. His mother allows herself a moment to relish the clarity in her son’s eyes, sparkling with good health at last, before straightening and issuing orders. She tells him to take two warriors to the RiverClan border, and though the tabby warrior has no interest in being friendly with the water-dwelling Clan, he does not balk. No matter his feelings on the petty fish-eaters, every Clan deserves a chance to cure their sick before it’s too late. “Right.” He dips his head, picking two familiar spotted pelts in the crowd. He knew he could trust his former apprentices to have his back in case, for whatever reason, things went south. “Moonwhisper and Wildheart , we’ll go at once.

  • @Moonwhisper and @WILDHEART I'll drop the thread in your discord channels once I get it up!
  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
Her eyes light up as a familiar figure pads out of the Medicine Den. "Berryheart!" she trills, hurrying over to greet him. Thunderclan had been so close to losing him, and now here he was, looking as strong and healthy as before. Her tail raises happily, and she casts a look towards Flycatcher. There is a hope to getting over this. Berryheart had found the cure...they needed to tell the other clans as soon as possible. There could be other cats dying as they spoke.

Howlingstar didn't hesitate on assigning patrols to inform their neighbors. She was to go to Skyclan, the source of the sickness. They probably needed it the most of all...she would lead her patrol with haste. "Leopardtongue, Silverlightening, Acornpaw, we leave now!" she called out, to the nearby warriors and her apprentice. She would waste no time, they needed to leave at once.

@Silverlightning @leopardtongue @Acornpaw.

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
A cure had been found by the sounds of it, the name of the plant foreign to him is dubbed lungwort. Grey eyes watch the tender moment of rejoicing shared between Raccoonstripe and Berryheart. He knew full well the pain of losing a littermate and within his heart he was glad the lead warrior was able to keep his brother just a little longer. "Excellent work, Berryheart." The blue tabby voiced calmly among the throng of cheers and trills. Now the deadly disease could be stopped before more lives are claimed. His stoic mask turns to face Howlingstar, ears perked as she calls patrols immediately to set off and deliver the good news. Amongst those going his own name is called, picked by Flamewhisker to accompany her to skyclan's border. A curt nod is his only acknowledgement as silver paws trail swiftly behind the molly.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
————— ❁ —————
None of the spreading illness has brought as much worry to Lichenpaw as his mentor's gradual deterioration. He fears the worst, of course he does, watching closely as Berryheart grows more and more sick. The hacking, the pain, the delirium; Lichenpaw feels powerless watching it. He should be doing more, wishes he could be doing more. None of the herbs work, Berryheart only worsens, as do all those afflicted.

Lichenpaw doesn't know what he'd do if Berryheart left them alone, if the sickness claimed him. Yet it seems inenevitable, like rot creeping in, claiming everything it touches, spreading throughout the camp. He feels hopeless.

Until, Berryheart emerges from his den with a clarity in his eyes that has been missing for far too long —only a few days, but still much too long, it never should have left to begin with. Something in Lichenpaw eases, seeing his face. Eases more, hearing his words. Lungwort. Lichenpaw runs to his mentor, smile bright.

"Lungwort," he repeats to himself, half-dazed. "Lungwort. We have that, we have - I don't, uh, remember how much, need to check, but -" but it's something, it's a cure, it's hope. "You did it," he laughs, half-disbelieving.

And - they need to tell the other clans, says Howlingstar. "Yeah, we should, uh, should leave as soon as possible, I think," he says with a nod, looks to Berryheart. He's doing better, but - "You - you're good to, um, to walk that far, Berry?" his tone softens, a little, yet his eyes sharpen as he looks over his mentor as though assessing for lingering sickness. Still, even if he's not fully recovered yet, he's better. They have a cure. That's what matters.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 13 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
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