BOWS TO THE BLADE ★ Gathering [12/15/23]

A light sheen of snow covers the ground, sparkling in the pale light, and a light snow is falling from the sky. The path to fourtrees is clear, allowing easy passage, though under the trees the snow has piled thickly in places. It would be a cold night and they would only get colder.
Smokestar leaps upward onto the smooth stone, his paws carrying him swiftly to his place next to Chilledstar where he dips his head in greeting to the ShadowClan leader as well as Howlingstar and Blazestar themselves. There is a distinct air of calm around them all and he quickly realizes why.
“I see WindClan has chosen not to grace us with their presence, I can’t say I’m particularly sorry to lose it.” If Sootstar had shown her face and started spouting her usual rubbish he would have ripped her apart where they stood, he was done humoring the madness of the moorland and he didn’t care how many lives he needed to bleed through to ensure she stayed down for good. The next time he saw her it better be groveling for forgiveness and relinquishing highstones.

Smokestar raised his head up as the clamor of voices around them died down. “Cats of all clans, let the gathering commence.” His voice is a smooth current, steady stream, he’s lost the anxiousness and uncertainty that wavered in his tone before, the heaviness of grief still prominent in that lone orange eye but it did not drag him beneath the depths as it once had. His voice commanded attention, respect, emboldened by WindClan’s absence.

“RiverClan does well come early leafbare, our cats are strong and our freshkill pile full.”
For how long he could not say, but the river had yet to fully freeze over and lock them from their primary food source and until then they would take advantage of it.
“I have chosen Lichentail as my deputy, a loyal cat who I believe will help further strengthen the clan in the coming days...and you will surely prove herself this leafbare.” Whether she wanted to or not, his new deputy was already balancing delicately across the precipice that was foolishness and understanding and he would not hesitate to replace her if she didn’t deliver but that was neither here nor there.

“Several new apprentices join our ranks, Bitepaw, Valepaw and Goldenpaw, have each begun their first steps into becoming warriors of RiverClan and join us tonight for their first gathering.” He scans the crowd for the three youngsters, keeping a mindful eye on Bitepaw specifically; the more troublesome of the trio.

“...Ravensong has taken on an apprentice as well, Moonpaw will be training to become a medicine cat for our clan alongside him.” The young molly, once easy to see in a crowd, practically melts into the snow now and vanishes but he follows the trail of his clan to Ravensong and gives her a knowing look once he'd located the copper eyes blinking in the expanse of white. She'd do well.
With the more proper news shared he cleared his throat, irritation flashing across his gaze as he spoke and for once it was not at WindClan during a gathering that his words spilled with a venomous bite.

"...a blue tabby loner came to our territory asking to join us with three kittens in tow, after speaking to her for only a moment it became clear she had these kits as a ploy to gain sympathy and get into a clan and she abandoned them as quickly as she came when she was refused. With leafbare approaching the outsiders get bolder in their means to take and manipulate us, I implore you all to be mindful of any cat who approaches you. They may be harmless but who is to say which of them has ulterior motives..."

His orange gaze danced to SkyClan and ThunderClan specifically, the two clans most known for allowing other cats into their fold though ThunderClan's borders had tightened since Howlingstar became leader. Still, it was worth saying, he doubted he would see Kindling again but if she tried her tricks with another clan he hoped they would treat her with the same disdain. Using kittens are a means to bargain, how barbaric...
“That is all from RiverClan.”

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

Blazestar nods a small greeting to Smokestar, who remarks upon the calmness of their Gathering. It’s no secret why. The clearing seems emptier, almost vacuous, without the presence of an entire Clan, and the Great Rock holds only four sets of paws. “I see WindClan has chosen not to grace us with their presence,” the black tom snorts, eye burning, “I can’t say I’m particularly sorry to lose it.” Blazestar’s tail flicks. “It’s no surprise she’s chosen to stay away. This is the second Gathering in a row she hasn’t shown her face to answer for WindClan’s crimes.” He’s surprised that she hasn’t even bothered to send her deputy this time, but perhaps he, too, can no longer stomach the bile spewing from their jaws. Smokestar commences the Gathering, and Blazestar tucks his tail over his paws as he listens.

He names his new deputy, a gray-faced warrior named Lichentail. Blazestar locates her from where she sits proudly at the base of the rock and nods his approval. She’d served under Cicadastar as a lead warrior, he knows, and he remembers her briefly from when she’d stayed in SkyClan’s camp. He makes a note to congratulate her later.

Smokestar speaks of new apprentices, and of Ravensong taking a medicine cat apprentice under his tutelage. There’s a snow-bright splash of fur beside Ravensong’s sleek black figure. Blazestar wonders if she’s nervous, to be scrutinized by so many Clans at once.

He listens to the tail-end of the RiverClan leader’s news, a frown creasing his muzzle. “Another queen abandoning her kits. What has this forest come to?” They’d found far too many in SkyClan, all of them now resting comfortably in the nursery alongside a respective queen.

Once Smokestar finishes his news, Blazestar rises to his paws and crosses the Great Rock to its ledge. “SkyClan has welcomed two new warriors into our ranks, Tatteredlight and Softheart. Both came from outside of the Clan, but worked hard to learn our customs. We also have a new apprentice, Macaronipaw, training under one of our daylight warriors, Tigerscar.” He blinks, defiance sparkling in his blue gaze—he still refuses to listen to the jibes that come from the other Clans where his warriors and daylight warriors are concerned. “Another of our daylight warriors, Fantastream, is expecting kits. We’re excited to welcome them into SkyClan.” Nevermind the dangers leafbare litters pose to the rest of them—at least Fantastream will be nesting with her Twolegs, more often than not.

Onto more concerning news… I led a patrol near the unmarked territories that lie beside SkyClan. There was rogue activity inside our border…” He straightens, tail flicking out like a wind-blown flame behind him. “The rogues had the same scent as the ones we recently chased from our camps. The scents were scattered, but they left prey bones at our border all the same. We will be dealing with the threat before it can worsen.” He turns briefly to Howlingstar, Chilledstar, and Smokestar. “I advise all the other Clans to remain diligent, though. It’s just like those scavengers to take advantage of weakness.

After a heartbeat, Blazestar dips his head. “That is all from SkyClan.

, ”

chilledstar's eyes rolled at the very prospect of sootstar not showing up. cowardly. she hardly ever wanted to face her actions and now she was hiding from the consequences? their tail lashed back and forth as they listened to both smokestar and blazestar.

"she isn't here because she knows good and well that shadowclan would gladly tear her throat out for her crimes."

they growled, teeth gleaming in the moonlight. they often opted out of showing any sort of emotions at the gathering but the anger has been stewing inside of them for weeks. what a better place to let it run free, hm? so long as no one got hurt. sootstar and her cronies were lucky they did not show their faces.

"it was revealed that sootstar was the one who stole our kits. but this is not all. with the help of both granitepelt and siltcloud, they were able to steal them right from under our noses. granitepelt pledges his loyalty to sootstar, and siltcloud put hers in granitepelt. if you see either of them, you are better off killing them where they stand."

they hissed.

"they paraded us around like fools. promising to look for our missing kits, when they knew good and well where they were. the only reason we have them back is because of the brave actions of sunstride. whatever may happen with windclan, sunstride shall always have my support. if he rises like the sun, and becomes sunstar, he shall have my support then, too."

chilledstar is surprised to not see him here, at least, but whatever happened, they only hoped that he was safe from the tyrant of the moors. she was digging her grave, and sooner rather than later, her last life would drain and all she would have to show for it is pain and heartache. and those who blindly follow her? they'd have the same.

"but all news isn't bad news from shadowclan. we have quite a few new apprentices. chervilpaw, snowpaw, lividpaw, basilpaw, halfpaw, thornpaw, and silkpaw. they take their steps with eagerness, and before we know it, we will have more warriors."

they take a moment.

"and speaking of warriors... wheattail has gained her full name. we are glad to have her apart of our ranks. this, along with a few cats that have been missing before we knew it. cats that are kin to skunktail. we are watching carefully to see how they adapt to clanlife, and with the right amount of training, they will be perfect shadowclanners."

they twitched their ears back and forth before taking a deep breath in and out.

"if i may return to the... grim news for but a moment. the true nature of pitchstar's, ghostpaw's, poppypaw's, and tornadopaw's deaths have all been revealed. we thought it all accidents, and that the killer of pitchstar had been brought to justice. we were wrong. granitepelt killed them all. and siltcloud helped cover up a couple of the murders. i can only hope now they were truly resting within the stars, now that we know the truth."

they take a moment to be silent, closing their eyes with a nod of their head.

"that is all from shadowclan."
The RiverClan leader is late to mount the Great Rock, likely catching up with others among the chatter down below. But when he does join them, he immediately begins the Gathering, and Howlingstar's jaws shut in acknowledgment. He comments that WindClan won't be joining them and the ThunderClan leader finds herself glancing in the direction of the moorland, eyes narrowing. Too afraid to even send her deputy this time, is she? Very well.

She dips her ahead to listen to the RiverClan leader speak. He speaks of his new deputy, news she had found out just before the Gathering began. Her eyes drift to Lichentail below before Smokestar continues with talk of new apprentices, a new medicine cat apprentice (she glances up to try to find the cat in the crowd, but it's not a name she recognizes) and new kits dumped on them by a loner. Her ears twitch a bit in annoyance when his gaze falls on her, warning the other leaders to be careful who they take in. It's a bit ironic to have that come from RiverClan, who has just absorbed an entire colony into their ranks - of all four leaders on this stone, she is the least likely to do such a thing on a whim. But she says nothing, only nods politely. "Congratulations on your new deputy and medicine cat apprentice - that's big news," She murmurs before her attention shifts to Blazestar.

He speaks of new warriors and a new apprentice, and even a queen expecting kits. For a moment, she feels sympathy for SkyClan for having to deal with such a thing in leaf-bare, but the name the queen bears is one of those daylight sorts...she will be fine with her twolegs, then.But the news of rogue-scent sends shivers down her spine, her eyes darkening with caution. "We will be on guard, too," She mews, nodding to him.

When Chilledstar steps up to share their news next, it is with growls and a lashing tail, putting the tabby on high alert. Her jaws nearly gape at the news: Sootstar stole the missing kits?! And with the help of ShadowClan warriors who could so easily betray their clan? It's a terrifying revelation, one that causes her to wrap her fluffy tail even more tightly around herself. But the news that Sunstride helped return them does come as another surprise - after his speech at the last Gathering, she didn't think she had it in him to go against Sootstar. Chilledstar speaks of Sunstar and Howlingstar must stifle a doubtful look. Sootstar has gone through deputy after deputy - she'll likely just move on to the next candidate. After the news of new warriors and apprentices, Chilledstar then brings up not deaths, but discovered murders. The stout she-cat shakes her head in disappointment. "That is awful...." She mews, glad the wretched cat who has done all of that is now exiled from the forest.

It is now her turn and she moves to the front of the boulder to address all of the clans. "This moon, I have named three new warriors: Falconheart, Skyclaw, and Duskbird. ThunderClan is beyon proud of the work they put in to learn the meaning of the Warrior Code and what it takes to be warriors." She fights the urge to look at Blazestar at the mention of his secret kits. "And Fallowpaw has been made an apprentice, mentored by Stormywing. I have also invited a deserving cat to my council - Roeflame now sits as a lead warrior in ThunderClan."

Her ears flatten a bit as she goes on, "We have lost a warrior this last moon - Sandthorn was too young to join the ranks of StarClan, but we are comforted in knowing she watches over all of us now."

"I will say I'm glad WindClan is not here tonight,"
She continues boldly. "Sootstar's warriors, in their blasphemous defense of Highstones, attacked my medicine cat and his new apprentice on the way to the Moonstone. Fortunately, they were escorted by warriors and are fine, but this has gone too far. To attack a medicine cat is irreverent, and if Sootstar were here tonight I wouldn't blame my warriors for enacting their revenge on her." She frowns and shakes her head in anger before stepping back. "That is all from us." She notably does not mention the capture and return of Sunfreckle - she sees no point in bringing up the potential danger that faces her clan.