BOY, I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY || family outing

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Time. Time is fleeting. Blazestar had blinked, and almost overnight the slick, mewling bundles of joy he and Little Wolf had named together on their Clans' borders have grown into cats. Small cats, identifiable cats, personalities distinctive, sharp. Leafbare is coming, and his kits will soon start their apprenticeships in Emberstar's Clan. He and Little Wolf will lose them in some ways, and this makes him sad -- will they have time to visit, once they are expected to do chores and train with their mentors?

The next time his mate brings the five of them to the SkyClan border, he stays her paw. Since her time has become occupied with their children, Blazestar has seen so little of her -- she's tired, she's drained from caring for five kits, despite her love for them, and she's still not well after the fire had damaged her lungs.

"Emberstar and Howling Wind can spare you for a few hours, can't they?" He pled, closing the gap between them to give Little Wolf a soft nuzzle. "How would you all like to go walking through SkyClan territory with your mother and I? It's such a nice day out... and soon you'll be so busy being apprentices, and your mother back to being a warrior, we'll hardly have the time." He gives Little Wolf's ear a lick before turning his warm gaze on the kits. "Maybe we can go to the Rockpile and sun ourselves? We'll catch some prey to share and we can just... enjoy the day."

He wants a day to enjoy his children being small, his mate before she must return to her Clan -- he wants a day to be a family, not separated by an arbitrary border that they no longer respect by virtue of familial bonds.


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Reactions: LITTLE WOLF
He had grown so used to the shade of ThunderClan's trees that leaving its safety unsettled him. Fireflykit, growing taller by the day- shared no bulkiness like his father. His body was slim, with whispy fur along his stomach and legs- but he wasn't extremely fluffy like his siblings. Fireflykit stumbles after his father as he tries to convince their mother to come to SkyClan with him to spend time as a family. "We can go, right, mama?" Fireflykit whines out softly, wide sea-blues gazing up at the shadow-pelt of his mother. She was so pretty, stunning to look at- and when the sun hit her fur just right, it shined with a golden-red hue that reminded him of the prettiest of gems. Some would say their first love would be in their childhood, and Firefly loved his mother more than anything in the world; his siblings just as much.

He fluffs his fur up against a chilly breeze, eyes shutting against a flicker of light. He doesn't mind spending time with his family, and being around his dad was enough for him. "Will you teach me how to climb a tree, pops? All of the apprentices know how to, and I'm so jealous of 'em!" He whines softly, his attention soon stolen by his siblings. "C'mon, slowpokes! You're slow!"
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Reactions: LITTLE WOLF
unlike most kits who were always keen to barrel out the nursery and explore every nook and cranny the world had to offer, crescentkit was the opposite. it wasn't that she was afraid or nervous, she just did not want to run the risk of ruining her perfectly tidy fur running amock like some hooligan. if even one strand was out of place she'd make sure to voice her complaints loud and clear much to the annoyance of others.

today little wolf had rounded the five of them up to make their daily travels to the skyclan border where they'd come face to face with their father who'd usually just usher them back to skyclan camp but this time was different. her father instead had insisted they spend time together, partake in a walk through the territory to enjoy the nice day. crescentkit couldn't help but make a bit of a face when the rockpile came up, what was so special about a bunch of rocks?

the young tri-colored point flicked her gaze towards her siblings, fireflykit was already pleading mother to let them go then prattled off about climbing and she was sure the rest of them would want to go too. it was a chance to know more about their second home afterall. "i guess being able to find a nice spot to sun myself in doesn't sound too bad." crescentkit declares, giving a little lick to her chest fur.
[ penned by cobi ]
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Their's was an unusual family dynamic; a loving family of seven torn between the two worlds of ThunderClan and SkyClan. Now that they were old enough, the visits to their fathers clan became more and more frequent, and Howlkit relished the chance to spend time with Blazestar and the SkyClan cats she so loved to pester.

Their mother delivered them safely to the SkyClan border, where, as usual, Blazestar awaited patiently. As soon as she spotted him, Howlkit hurried over to greet him, bumping into his legs warmly. Usually Little Wolf would leave them to be ushered to SkyClan by their father, but Blazestar had a different idea, suggesting they spend the day together instead. "Ooohhh can we mama, can we?" Howlkit pleaded, looking up at Little Wolf with wide eyes. She didn't know what the Rockpile was but she wouldn't pass up any opportunity to spend time with her family. As her father mentioned she and her siblings would soon be apprentices and times like this would be few and far between with their training.
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Reactions: LITTLE WOLF

Their kits - what a funny thing she never thought she would have the pleasure of thinking - had grown so fast. She adored each and every single one of them, though sometimes she would admit, they could be a pawful. Each and every single one of them had such strong personalities, which, at times could be a challenge but Little Wolf wouldn't have it any other way. She also loved the fact that her kits got to spend time with their father, despite the clan borders that kept them living mostly separate lives. She finds herself often wishing that she could go with them, though, but when she was not with her kits she hunted and helped to provide for the clan, returning to some duties despite the protests of her friends and family. You need to rest, Little Wolf. She knew what she needed and it wasn't more downtime. Her paws itched to leave the nursery, the camp, to get out and go back to doing the things she loves. Running under the thick canopy of trees, feel the fresh cool forest air hit her lungs, undamaged by the fire.

Those were nothing more than dreams.

She follows her kits through the woods, murmuring encouragements as they maneuvered over roots and branches. When they get to the border she prepares her goodbyes, but there are words that keep her from leaving. Her mate's words hold her steady. She cannot deny him - cannot say no. She is relieved that he wants her to stay, touched. Her heart melts further as her kits plead her to come with them. She loved this family she had created for herself so much that it almost hurt sometimes. "Of course" she says, her voice almost breaking "Of course, I'll stay. My mother will understand" Surely Howling Wind and Emberstar would get it. She leans forward and presses her nose to Blazestar's cheek, green eyes closing for a moment and a purr erupting in her throat. She then leans down to lick the top of Howlkit, the loudest in her pleas for them to go, chuckling softly at the rest of her kits. "Do I have kits or squirrels?" she teases Fireflykit gently, laughter evident in her voice as she turns her attention to her children.

She had to agree with Crescentkit, though, finding a nice spot to relax in the sun surrounded by her family sounded absolutely heavenly.

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Blazestar's purr is thunderous as he gazes down at his kits, the little miracles Little Wolf has given him and their Clans. He leans down to lick Fireflykit between his ears, his response a throaty chuckle. "'Fraid your pops isn't the greatest at tree climbing, but I'll get Daisyflight or Squallmist to come teach you sometime," he promises.

His little princess, fur long and soft and groomed more carefully than any of her littermates', says she wouldn't mind having a place to sun herself. Blazestar turns his attention to Crescentkit next, giving her a gentle nuzzle. "We'll pick the warmest rocks," he promises.

Then, of course, ever his little warrior, his little Howlkit. Precious Howlkit, wiry and small and short-furred like her mother, with a true warrior's spirit. (Sometimes, Blazestar privately thinks the rest of his kits, with the exception of maybe Burnkit, have a little too much of his kittypet blood.) He presses a paw gently onto Howlkit's head -- her tiny skull would be almost dwarfed by the massive ginger foot. "Yes, Little Wolf, can we?" He gazes deeply into his mate's emerald gaze, warmth seeping from his pads to his ears.

She says, "Of course." Blazestar purrs and closes his eyes as her little black nose pushes into his cheek fur -- at how she has to lift up onto her toes to reach his face. He wraps his forepaws around her and clutches her close for a moment. "She can always talk to me if she has an issue with it," he assures her, giving her another lick on the ear.

But he's excited now, drawing away from Little Wolf and gazing fondly at their collection of kits. "Okay, it's settled! Stay close to me and your mother. It's a bit of a walk." At the far end of their territory, truly, but a leisurely stroll beneath the brilliant sun peeking through the pines sounds beautiful to him.

As they walk, Blazestar catches Little Wolf's eyes, and the look he gives her is limpid with love. His heart has never been fuller.

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