no angst BOYS WILL BE BOYS — eating sand

One thing that Darkpaw wants to be, other than what StarClan has chosen for him, is someone that his family is proud of. His mom and dad are both, in Darkpaw's opinion, two of the best swimmers in RiverClan. Darkpaw is trying his best to be good at swimming, too. Uncle Clayfur is funny, and eats weird things sometimes. So Darkpaw wants to be funny and eat weird things, too. Who knows? Maybe he's missing out on some of the best culinary experiences by sticking to what RiverClan declares as food, instead of what the world offers all around them!

So, with determination to make his Uncle Clayfur proud of him for his culinary exploration, the dark-furred apprentice flops onto the sandy shore. Eyes wide and pupils enlarged, Darkpaw stares down at the granules. Then, he parts his lips and scoops up a mouthful of sand, shifting it around and focusing on how it scratches his tongue and gets caught between his teeth as he chews. "Mm... Crunchy..." The apprentice murmurs, slightly stifled by the sand. It doesn't taste good, but he likes the way it crunches.
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He wasn't sure what he was witnessing, but he was intrigued. Why sand? What possessed Darkpaw to eat it? Was it good?


"............Is it good?" He asked.

He was genuinely curious. He may or may not try it himself. He was not a responsible adult.
*:・゚✧☁ ⋯ Gloomkit stood nearby, imaginary brows lowered at the idea of eating sand. It sounded crunchy, but she was somewhat offput by the... confidence in Darkpaw's sand-munching endeavors. Shuddering at the sound, she padded closer, staring at the apprentice. It reminded her a lot of Clayfur's own inclination to taste test what most deemed inedible or risky. Which might've been Darkpaw's goal. "Weirdo!"

Then, with an afterwards hint of genuine curiosity, she added alongside Voidwhisper, "...Yeah, is it actually good?"

Theres a blink of surprise from two mismatched eyes that had the misfortune of landing on their friend, with large ears flattening backwards in... shes not quite sure what she honestly felt right now. She stifles a mixture of laughter, shock and sorrow, standing there dumbfounded because what did she just watch? Was it good, the others would ask, but none would try to actively get him to drop the sand.

Surely it can't be good, right? Right? I- Sand is dirty, and nasty, and it gets everywhere, it's a pain to get out of your fur! Nervously, she'd pad to Darkpaw's side with a slightly trembling lip. And the sounds, oh Stars, the sound was terrible! Crunch, crunch, crunch, make it stop! "That- Thats not healthy," she'd stammer out in a squeak, but she does not move to get him to drop it. "You, I, why- Why? Why?" flabbergasted she is as her mouth hangs slightly open, brows furrowed in worry. Geez, he really does remind her of someone.

Who are you really?

Well this was quite an odd sight to come across for the young cat, his ears twitching slightly as he approached, sunflower eyes looking between everyone with a tilt of his head. Darkpaw was eating said, Voidwhisper and Gloomkit were asking if it was good and Koipaw expressed her concerns over the manner and he hummed a bit before finding a spot next to Darkpaw, not sure were the other's head had been but soon enough Forestkit too had took a moutfull of sand and began to eat it. Disgust glittering in his hazel eyes as he forced himself to eat the stuff, the dusty and crunchy taste was what made Forestkit put it in the box of "don't eat" in there mind but... "Its good, you should totally try it" he said towards Gloomkit and Voidwhisper with a smile, even looking a Koipaw as a way of inviting the she-cat as well.
"speak""Thoughts" Currently uses She/Her pronouns

The desire to impress is one part of himself that Crappiepaw could do without, and the lack of it would probably make his life at least a bit better. Because the need to impress drives him to do stupid things, such as jumping into the rushing river at a measly two moons old, or attempt to climb to the top of the prey pile, or try to jump over two stepping stones instead of one. And, apparently, it also drives him to eat sand.

But eating sand is okay, because Darkpaw and Forestkit are both eating it, and Forestkit even says it tastes good! And he thinks Darkpaw is very smart, and he likes Forestkit, so surely Koipaw’s incredulous questioning is just her being dramatic—because Gloomkit and Voidwhisper both seem curious, too. Crappiepaw brushes the tip of his tail against Koipaw’s spotted flank as he passes by and flops down in the sand. "So," he says conversationally, voice already garbled from his mouthful of sand, "why are we eating sand?"