pafp boys with pretty eyes // naming

✧ Mottledove.

Apr 28, 2023

mottledove & 22 moons & female & she/her & skyclan perma-queen

When the child is placed into her care, mottledove isn't quite sure what to expect. When she'd pleaded with blazestar to let her remain behind in the nursery, she'd honestly half done so out of fear - the forest was still a strange and terrifying place for the sheltered irl. She'd thought - so foolishly at that - that staying within the walls of the camp would keep her safe.

She'd been wrong. When riverclan had come into their camp in a flood of unfamiliar faces, it'd been her first official task as a perma-queen - helping make nests, getting the queens and ktis settled within the den. Comforting and consoling them, just as her clanmates had her upon her arrival. And then they'd come for them too - the rogues. Blood and violence erupting before she'd had a chance to react.

It'd been terrifying - knowing that somewhere in the mess were her kits, fighting off cats probably bigger than herself. Knowing that she was useless - unable to stop them if she tried. A liability. They'd made it out in the end - all of them, even him. She's disgusted by her own relief at that, mingling deep down with her fear. And then they'd come home - her soft paws working just as hard as everyone else to clean up the mess left behind.

And now - this.

Dull blue eyes warm the moment she see's the child - warmth creeping in. It doesn't matter anymore that she is still foolish and naive, that she is inexperienced and clumsy even now. This is the real reason she'd stayed behind as a queen - moments like this. It doesn't take long for Kiki to realize there is a glaring problem though - pain entering her gaze at the realization that the child before her has clearly not been loved the way he should. "... you don't have a name?"

Honestly, she can hardly believed it. Even orphaned kittypets like herself had names, even if not from the cats who birthed them but from the twolegs who'd cared for them. She can't imagine ever doing the same - can't imagine getting upset just because a kit wasn't a she-cat, o a tom, or whatever else poor excuse the childs dam had given. "Well then how about I give you one? You can be shimmerkit - because you have very pretty fur," it's a more grandiose name than she would've thought of moons ago - lost in pain and grief as she'd once been - but it feels fitting.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: please wait for @Shimmerkit
    tw/cw: —
  • a fluffy she-cat with a mane of fur and a mottled cinnamon tortie pattern. she is missing half her back left leg leaving her at a disadvantage in most things. mottledove is very quiet and withdrawn, a gentle soul. she and the kits she cares for adorn her pelt with flowers and 'paints' made of plants.

    physically extremely easy && mentally very hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#74a2a5]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

The boy had scuttled after Blazestar, nervousness gripping him immediately after the leader had said a queen would be able to look after him. What was to stop this unknown stranger from reacting just the way his mother had? He didn’t need looking after. He could look after himself and stay out of the way!

But he hadn’t said any of this to the older tom. The only thing that had escaped his mouth was a small squeak before he’d gone scampering after them.

And now that he was here, he realized that staying out of the way would be more of a problem than he’d anticipated. He knew these cats lived in groups, but he’d never imagined them being so big. There were more cats here than he’d ever seen in his whole life.

Then came the question of his name. Of course. His mother had a name. Jingle, Stripes, and Ferris all had names. Nobody had ever given him one. Not even his housefolk. He shook his head as the queen spoke, feeling his pelt grow hot with embarrassment.

Giving him no time to lament on this fact, she offered her own idea. And he liked it! He liked it a lot. Loved it, in fact.

“Yes please!” he blurted, giving an excited little hop as he spoke. He stretched a small forepaw out in front of him, gazing down at his fur for a moment before asking, in a very small voice, “ really think it’s pretty?”
If they had any kind of manners, Edenpaw might've considered that their insight was not really requested here.

"Shimmer for pretty huh? I don't know I think something like... Herokit would be way cooler," comes a tactless interjection. They lift a paw to gently ruffle the fur of their newest clan-mate. This kid had a rough start but even with a silly name like Shimmerkit they'd turn out just fine... Edenpaw had the coolest name, obviously, but it was taken and therefore, not a suggestion at the tip of their tongue.

"It sure is nice, kitten fuzz," they purr, glancing towards Mottledove as they realize they've probably overstepped. "Oh sorry, Mottledove. I was coming to bring you something to eat but I-" They notice the staggering emptiness of their mouth, the way speaking was so simple and clear and- Ah fox dung. They'd forgotten the part where they had to get the food. "Rats..."

Figfeather was off to the side of the nursery, likely visiting with Howlfire or Butterflytuft who grew closer to kitting with each passing day. She was just about to take her leave and get out of everyone’s fur when she overhears Mottledove name the orphaned kit recently placed in her care.

Shimmerkit. A pretty name, the marmalade tabby finds it to be fitting for the kit’s glossy pelt. ”It’s nice to finally have a name for you instead of calling you ‘that kit’.” Figfeather with tease gently with a smirk, ”Congratulations Shimmerkit.”

To Edenpaw she looks now and scoffs light-heartedly at her forgetfulness. The daylight apprentice had always been air-headed, rarely Figfeather was surprised by her antics or forgetfulness anymore. ”Luckily the fresh-kill pile is plump full. When you go back grab a piece for Butterflytuft too, she needs to keep her strength up.” She instructs the apprentice with a warrior’s authority before slipping out of the den, not waiting for agreement or protest.​
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Another cat appeared, older than Shimmerkit but still not fully grown. She reached out a paw to ruffle his fur, reaffirming Mottledove’s compliment before the queen could do it herself. He let out a purr as another cat congratulated him, and then looked up at the apprentice who had spoken first.

“I can help you carry something back,” he offered. There was no reason she wouldn’t be able to do it herself, but Shimmerkit was eager ti get to know more of his clanmates. And possibly taste a mouse or two.