BRAND NEW EYES — tree climbing & stargazing


a poison to erase my existence –
Feb 7, 2024

They had some skill in hunting, and were gradually getting better as they continued to have to go out to do so (though they preferred not to; the feeling of ending a small life still made them uneasy), but they were still far from a star hunter. Not to mention their fighting skills, which were mediocre at best, and terribly clumsy at worse—but they had some experience in climbing, which led to proficiency in the trees that one would expect from a born Skyclanner. Getting up the tree was the hardest part for the chimera, struggling to pull their body up, up, up with their claws until they could rest in the long, gnarled arms of the pines. Once among the branches of the tree, their footing was more sure, and it was easier for them to find their way, knowing their next step between and across twisted branches instinctively despite the foreignness of this forest to them. Now the warm season had come, it was a good time to get back into the trees without fear of slipping on a wet drift of snow, and that was exactly their intention. The sky was clear, tonight, too; to see the stars clearly out here would require climbing up into the boughs, which they would do readily. Approaching a nearby tree, they extend their claws to grab onto the thick bark of the trunk to test it, then proceed to climb up, reaching the lowest branch. They easily leap to the next, though the branches near the bottom are still fairly thick, hardly shivering under their weight. The bark however, suffers a little from their claws, and a few small pieces rain down towards the forest floor. Harmony watches from above with dull eyes.

  • speech, thoughts, actions
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  • HARMONY they/them, loner, 14 moons
    LH blue/black chimera with high white and amber-green heterochromia
    ex-member of a loner group
    speaks with a strange lilt; eyes are without highlights and are dull or even dead-looking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by harmoniamessage for discord or find me in the server
If hunting were to be a type of love language, Duckleap would have a mound of fresh kill just waiting whoever was lucky enough to have her fancy -- though possibly the location of such a pile would be a bit too odd for whoever was receiving it. She'd probably hide it behind camp like she'd be making some type of deal instead of offering her love. But, nonetheless hunting was easily her best skill and earned her the name "Duckleap" -- and it's not like they wouldn't just give the she-cat with one of the highest jumps in SkyClan her very obvious reward of a name that reflects her skills, right? Either way, that's not what brought out the molly this evening as the chimera hopped from branch to branch with continued hums, each landing causing the branch below her to bellow -- she thought she heard a little crack on the last one but still slid gracefully through the trees with no signs of tension or worry etched on her face. That is, until she almost slammed face with Harmony when the sound of bark hitting the ground took her focus off of what was directly in front of her.

Jumping back and onto the secure base of a thick tree branch, Duckleap's gasp was cut off by her own excitement at the realization that Harmony was in a tree. She didn't know them very well, but she didn't care who she was talking to just as long as they were listening and giving back to the conversation. "Oh my StarClan, Harmony! Are you trying to climb trees right now? That's soo awesome, I remember when I first learned to climb the trees here too! Yup. Good times," ending off with a sigh, Duckleap looked to Harmony with her scrunched nose displaying her mischievous look. "Wanna try racing through the branches? I'm sure you could do it, it's not that hard!" Ears perked and voice chipper, she hopped on over to the branch next to Harmony with a lopsided grin.​

Skittering up the rough bark next was Chrysaliswing, as he deftly climbed up to the realm where the jay-birds and the squirrels hid about. Motions of climbing had become very familiar to the Skyclan-born warrior, as it was much of a balancing act more than a struggle for footing. Once he found his rhythm, pulsing from the flesh of the trees to claws curled inwards, he was able to traverse the pines as the squirrels did. His pitch pelt, brushed in cinnamon flame, burned through newleaf's young pelt. In a way, Chrys had been grateful that newleaf had returned so graciously and so quickly after harsh winters. With all the snow, he could hardly hunt - if his long hair didn't snag on a hidden knoll or root, then his brash colors would have surely given him away. The Skyclan warrior had seen Harmony and Duckleap scale upwards, and curiosity had gotten the better of him.

The shimmering stars of Silverpelt greeted him, sidereal sea silent and still in its glory. He had been captivated by their light, if only for a moment. I should come up here more often, he pondered before conversation dragged him out of his stupor. Daggered eyes turned towards Duckleap's raucous voice and mannerisms, which sent a snort out of the tom, with his glowing gaze only visible where soot-stained coat failed to show itself. He sat on an adjacent bough, just far away enough to be able to be seen but not shoved with a haphazard paw or shoulder. "Are you sure you want to race through the trees at night? Don't want to risk one of you falling from such a height." He snarked, a glimmer of derision crossing his countenance before it faded into his general disposition of dull disgust (though never surreptitious in the slightest). Whiskers twitched, though, with the abrading call of adventure, though he shook it away as easily as one did to a speck of dust on their flank.

  • OOC:
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  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 22 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- The stars glittered above for the first time in what felt like moons, and the starry pelt above was hopeful. Like it promised something only the medicine cats could understand. They had been walking back out of habit to the medicine den- they should get their nest back in the warriors den soon here- when movement caught their green gaze. Honeysplash glanced over for a moment as orange and black moved up a nearby tree. What was he doing?

Curious as always, the warrior limped her way across the clearing and looked up into the branches. Oh was it a party in the tree now? Though they hadn’t tried climbing in moons due to their leg- would they even be able to get up there? Determined, stubborn truly, Honeysplash wanted to climb. She use to love it but things had changed since then. She hunched up her back legs and sprang upwards shortly after, clawing into the tree.

Though unable to use her bad leg to climb she found, it was very painful, she slowly but surely pulled herself up. At the the height she needed to sit with the others she was breathing heavily and now regretted it. How was she suppose to get down? Oh well- another bridge to cross when it comes. Still, she did it! Carefully, slowly, but she did it! Honeysplash breathed heavily through her nose to prevent herself from panting from the extortion, “Are we having a party up here?” She asked playfully.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Despite expecting to be followed, they tense at the sound of Duckleap's voice, ears half swiveling backwards for just a moment before they re-establish their mask. They're used to the scent of SkyClan now, and when other cats follow, they can tell, though they aren't exactly sure which cats they are until they hear voices within the pines, glimpsing faces and bright eyes under the dim light of the stars. Part of them is surprised any of these other cats want to partake in stargazing, though they're also not entirely certain they're aware that that's what Harmony's intentions were, considering Duckleap's suggestion of a game. But even then, from what they'd heard, they were mostly under the impression that clan cats did not really have time for games, or for things that were as unproductive as basking in the night.

Then again, their two moons with SkyClan seemed to contradict this as well, to some extent. It seemed a fairly major portion of clan life was social activity after all. But they did still have much more to learn, and would for many moons more.

And another case in which a piece of them says what they do not, they would like to race through the branches. They could imagine it - the cool night air whistling through their pelt, the sky unfolding overhead, the stars watching them from their places in the heavens, paws carefully lighting on one branch before lifting to the next in careful rhythmic movements. But even though these cats had not ever known them, they're still hesitant to let themself go, to indulge in games and competitions. "Chrysaliswing is right - but perhaps on a night where the moon shows its face," they say carefully, yet still all too quickly, turning their gaze back to the stars, which seem to be caught and reflected in it, "the stars shine brightly tonight."