private brand new eyes ☀︎ roaringpaw


oh, be something you love and understand
Feb 3, 2024

The situation that had arisen was a strange one - a kittypet taken in by ThunderClan, despite the usual rules about joiners aside from those who desired to join SkyClan. Their clanmates were not pleased, that was for certain, but Howlingstar's judgement could not be denied, and whatever their leader thought was best, he would oblige. He himself did not have much to say of it - he did not have much against kittypets, not truly - it was only that he believed that they could not survive in the wild as the forest cats did without a lot of effort put into learning how to live among the trees, and that was the truth. Many of them did not really desire the life of a clan cat, no matter how they claimed to, only yearning for a taste of the world beyond the fence, scared at the first sign of danger, which after all of the things that had occurred lately, he could not entirely blame them. Angus - Roaringpaw, now - had been brave enough to follow Howlingstar's challenge, however, taking on Palefire in a spar that he had no chance or hope of winning, and that showed them that whatever Roaringpaw's desire was to join ThunderClan, it was earnest and true.

It would be a difficult path, that was certain - to be accepted in the clan in its current state, where kittypet joiners were essentially non-existent except for those who had joined many moons past and many clanborn warriors and apprentices alike had much much to say of those with kittypet origins. Both acceptance by their clanmates and the learning of clan ways would require full-time effort, and Copperfang had been trusted to ensure that this would happen. It was a great honor - and he would not disappoint. Roaringpaw was staring out a touch behind the other apprentices due to his kittypet origins, and it would require training to catch up even to them - but there was a lot of explaining to do in terms of clan customs as well, and what would be expected of him, as well as touring the territory.

That was a logical first step, and so their first outing as mentor and apprentice would be as such - with some training, of course. As they exit through the gorse tunnel and enter into the forest, the sounds of birds in the trees and the scuffle of rodents in the undergrowth grows louder without the muddle of the voices of other cats, sunlight dappling the ground through the cover of the oaks above. "ThunderClan territory stretches in each direction until it reaches the borders we share with other clans, which I will show you. Over time, you will learn to differentiate the scents of different clans - it will only take a moment to be able to tell where each cat is from. We mark the borders daily to ensure that they are fresh, and check to make certain that cats from other clans have not trespassed in our territory." As they continue walking, they near the divide between oak and pine - the SkyClan border, and he stops short. "What can you smell?"

// @roaringpaw !

  • speech, thoughts, actions
  • SH chocolate ticked tabby tom w/amber eyes
    47 moons; ages every 3rd, npc x npc
    cis male he/him; bisexual, not purposely looking
    currently mentoring roaringpaw
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted
    easy to befriend; will not start fights, will end fights
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
ANGUS HADN'T QUITE EXPECTED TO BE ACCEPTED. And perhaps he should start referring to himself by his new name: Roaringpaw. But he was glad and thankful he had, and the dirty looks his clanmates threw at him did little to deter his up-beat attitude. The wound on his shoulder inflicted by Palefire had since scarred after the spar, forever a reminder etched onto his skin that he'd become an apprentice of ThunderClan. His past life abandoned - and sometimes he thoughts of missing the warmth of a two-leg nest, he didn't see himself walking out on Clan life.

Roaringpaw worried for the cat Howlingstar would assign as his mentor. Many ThunderClanners wanted him gone, and might go too hard on him in an attempt to get him to give up; on the other hand, a few might go soft on him because of where he came from. He didn't know any of these felines well enough to know who would be well-suited for him, and either way, the decision falls onto Howlingstar. He recalls the name Copperfang from the patrol that found him - while the warrior hadn't been outright accepting of his presence in their territory, he hadn't given him sharp glares and venom-laced words. Roaringpaw hoped for the best, and optimistically saw his mentor in a good light.

He is especially excited on their first day out together. A territory tour, part of which he'd only seen under the sun-down lightning. It felt so different with the sun high in the sky, shining brilliantly onto the forest floor. His ears are perked up, attentive to every little noise around them - and he can't help but get lost in the grandiose of it all. Everything is so much brigther from here, not behind a two-leg window. Copperfang's voice breaks him out of his trance, and he takes in the scents around him - two standing out, one he's quite familiar with. "Umm. . . pine. . . and oak."

"speech" thoughts
OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE

He takes Roaringpaw's attentiveness to his surroundings as a good sign, at the very least. Although there are many skilled cats that could've been chosen to mentor the young apprentice, it was true that Copperfang would not work him recklessly hard as some would, nor would he be gentle like others may, though he doubted the latter - he would be pushed, but not exceedingly hard; enough for him to become a warrior.

"Good," the tabby tom nods in approval, corners of his mouth turning slightly upward into a subtle smile, "We are very close to the SkyClan border - you should be able to pick up their scent as well. The border is essentially where the oaks meet the pines, so it is very hard to miss." Parting his jaws, he tastes the air, angling his ears toward the border in an attempt to find out if there were any SkyClan cats just across the scent-line. It appeared that there was not. "SkyClan cats are known for their excellent climbing ability - they're able to walk among the branches of trees as if it's solid ground. They are also known for having daylight warriors - cats who are warriors during the day, and return home to their Twoleg nests at night - and allowing cats from all walks of life to join them." As he explains the latter, he watches the young cat carefully, wondering if he'd regret having come to ThunderClan when SkyClan would've been much more welcoming - much more kind, given how used to kittypets they are. There are more questions to ask, and more answers to provide, but this is a statement worth waiting for the reaction to.

IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
HE EYES THE PINE FOREST CURIOUSLY while Copperfang tells him about SkyClan. "What is ThunderClan good at? Are we climbers as well?" He asks, looking up at the trees and remembering his embarassing first-impression to ThunderClanners: a cat who didn't know how to get down. Roaringpaw figured he'd learn how to properly climb in due time, but it was still humiliating to think back on.

At the mention of the Daylight Warriors, his ears perk up. He was under the impression all clans were against kittypets joining them, but that didn't seem to be the case at all! Still, though, he didn't regret waltzing into ThunderClan instead of ending up in SkyClan. It would have been too easy. And if there's anything he's learned is that nothing about this should be easy! One question hung in his mind from the moment Copperfang mentioned the special role their neighbors had: "Why don't the other Clans do that too? Why just SkyClan?" It was an earnest question, out of genuine curiosity. He was also slow, because if ThunderClan's reaction to him joining had been so poor, they wouldn't take kindly to members who are only there for half a day.

"speech" thoughts
OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE

"Some are. ThunderClan has plenty of cats that know how to climb well, but it's nothing like SkyClan." His amber gaze follows Roaringpaw's, looking up into the pine trees across the border, half expecting to see the multicolored pelts of cats weaving carefully across the branches, among the dark green needles and filtered sunlight. "We are known for our tracking ability - stalking across the forest floor completely unnoticed. We'll spend a lot of time perfecting it - it's one of the most important skills you will learn, that is for certain. It could very well save your life one day." He says it because it's crucial that the young apprentice understands how important his training is, because it may very well be true, but a moment more of thought stirs a bit of an unease in his heart at the possibility of another loss in their clan. He prayed that the day where Roaringpaw was in that much danger was very distant, despite the inevitability of danger in the life of a warrior.

"I believe that it's because SkyClan's first leader, Blazestar, had kittypet origins, so SkyClan has always been more open to kittypets joining them than other clans. Emberstar, the previous leader of ThunderClan, did not mind allowing kittypets in either, and so there are many cats with kittypet origins within our clan. Howlingstar usually refuses most cats - kittypet or loner," As he knew, of course. But hopefully it was a reassurance that it wasn't necessarily just kittypets that were refused, "as do most other clans, except under very specific circumstances, such as if a group of loners helps a clan in some way. They may then be offered entry into the clan if they desire to join. Part of it is safety, and part of it is that kittypet lifestyle is incredibly different from our own, and there's much to learn. Additionally, many kittypets underestimate the difficulty of clan life, and it does no good to teach a former kittypet only for them to leave when that time could've been spent in another way." As he explains, his voice remains level. Thankfully for Roaringpaw, Copperfang is not a warrior with a strong opinion on kittypets, despite that he'd said initially that he should not be allowed to join. Most of the issue was the unfortunate timing. Still, the subtle warning is present, even if it's not presented as a challenge. Do you intend to stick this out?

IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
HE LISTENS ATTENTIVELY, QUIET. His eyes shine at the mention of a kittypet leader, wondering if one day that could be him addressing ThunderClan as Roaringstar. His imagination makes him smile to himself, although he doubts he'd be made into Deputy, or even Lead Warrior, under Howlingstar and eventually Flamestar. His whiskers twitch, ears dropping at his own musing that suddenly became rather depressing. He would work twice as hard as the other apprentices to prove himself. Prove he's not soft, that just because he's not clan-born, it doesn't make him lesser.

"Was Blazestar a good leader?"
Roaringpaw asks, the subtle hint of worry in his voice. What if he'd been a terrible, incompetent leader? The optimism in him wants to believe Blazestar was incredible, and part of him laments not having met him; whether good or bad.

He meets Copperfang's eyes with hope reflected on his very own, amber ablaze with conviction. I won't abandon ThunderClan, and your time won't be wasted on me.

"speech" thoughts

OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
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"Yes, he was a very good leader. I did not personally know him, but he was well-loved by many," The tabby tom nods, still watching Roaringpaw. It was obvious that he'd asked out of worry that the clans might have more reasons not to trust kittypets, and this concern is at least one easy to dismiss. He hadn't really known Blazestar that well, being a ThunderClan cat and not a SkyClan one, but he was familiar enough with the attitudes of the other cats towards SkyClan's past leader. It was a terrible loss - losing any good leader was difficult, and his mind drifts back to their clan - to Howlingstar. He couldn't imagine the clan without her, even if it were Flamewhisker that would be leader after her. She would be a good, noble leader when she eventually took the role - but the passing thought alone of Howlingstar leaving them was a grim one.

"ThunderClan and SkyClan are on rather good terms with each other. Their leader now is Orangestar. She has been a good leader as well," He adds, "But of course, we must be loyal to our own clan above all else. Even if we may be friendly with cats from other clans, we must be careful - we may very well meet them on the battlefield one day." The look in Roaringpaw's eyes - the fire of determination - is met with approval, a glitter in his mentor's eyes.

IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
HE FALLS SILENT FOR A MOMENT. processing all the information that had been given to him. If Blazestar had been a good leader despite his kittypet heritage, why weren't the Clans more welcoming towards them in general? Shouldn't they be hopeful others might turn out to be just like the SkyClan leader? Or maybe they worry most won't be, and it'd be a waste of time to even try. The apprentice still doesn't get why it would lead to hostility, though. He recalls the hushed whispers and sharp glares thrown his way when he'd entered ThunderClan's camp for the first time, every word revolving in his mind.

We must be loyal to our own clan above all else the words echo in his head once, twice, thrice. "What if someone has kin in another Clan?" He asks sheepishly, as if embarassed by the question itself. Would they kill family if necessary? Roaringpaw doesn't think he would be able to do it if that were the case.

On a more upbeat tone - likely an attempt to drive the bad thoughts circulating in his mind - the yellow-toned tom perks up his ears. "How did the Clans come to be, anyway?"

"speech" thoughts
OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE