camp BRAND NEW WORLD // first day


Feb 2, 2024

Boldkit had not been sleeping very well last night. It just felt strange to sleep alone and not curled up next to Big Blue's warm body and fur. Without them in the nest beside him the night had felt cold and lonesome. He had not liked that at all. When he finally had fallen asleep after many attempts he had been haunted by bad dreams. Overall his first night here had been horrible. Boldkit actually felt more tired today than he did yesterday. The only good thing about the night was when it finally was over and the sun started to slowly rise up in the sky. After a big wide yawn and stretching out all his legs the kit left the nest to approach over towards the entrance of the den. There he stopt as he cast a look over his shoulder not seeing Gentlestorm anywhere inside. Great, what was he suppose to do now?. Just sit here and wait?. Boldkit blinked his eyes back to the entrance's doorstep. He stared at the opening that parted the sun and the shadows from this shelterd place. He wanted to go outside but didn't think it was the wisest choice if he wasn't allowed to. Bold knew personally how scary the adults could be if going against them. He did not wish to cross that line. If anything he wanted to do a good impression to prove he was obident and trustworthy.

So after thinking it through Boldkit was left with no other choice but to sit down by the entrance of the medicine cat den as he peeked outside from the shadows. It looked busy out there with the camp crowded with lively spirits. Sniffing up the air to get comfortable with all this new scents Boldkit caught the scent of something that made his stomach growl. His eyes soon found the biggest pile of food his eyes ever had wittness. Wow!. He had never seen so much food before in his life!. He was convinced this pile of food was bigger then all the prey he had ever eaten his entier life thus far. Bold was amazed by the view. He wondered how it would feel to climb up there to the top! to stand on top of so much food with a never ending alternative of what to eat first... He could be afford to be picky.

His stomach growled again like it had thier own say in the matter. Boldkit placed a paw on his belly in sympathy. He was so hungry.... when would he be allowed to eat he wonderd?. Maybe one of the warriors would finish their food soon and have some leftovers to give him?. A hungry kit for sure could hope. Boldkit huffed knowing that staring at the pile of food wouldn't satisfy his hunger! only making it he stept back inside to reunite with his nest. Bold leaned down as he grabbed one of the nests twigs as he took a step back to pull the twig away. He returned back to the entrance of the den to lay down as he started to chew on the twig to dampen his hunger.

Padding back into camp, Tybalt held his head low as the rabbit he held swung from his jaws. He headed absently towards the fresh-kill pile, and had been about to deposit it amongst the other catches until something made his pelt prickle. It was the feeling of being watched, and the wavy-furred tom glanced uncertainly to one side, tail swishing from side to side. He straightened up as he caught the slight movement just inside the medicine den, a tiny kit tail disappearing back inside for a moment before the little newcomer reappeared with a stick between his teeth.

A soft chuckle escaped Tybalt's maw, a flash of his ivory teeth briefly visible as his lip twitched. He padded over to the little tom, his shadow falling over the younger cat's shape as he leaned down to deposit the rabbit in front of him. "Here," he rumbled. "As invested as you seem to be in chomping on that twig, somehow I think this'll taste better."

He punctuated the jab with a crooked grin. He too, had often gnawed the occasional twig in his kithood when food was scarce, the snapping of the bark tricking his snarling empty belly into reluctant silence.

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Boldkit was new, and unlike the other kits he wasn't in the nursery at the mean time due to his own injuries which... sucked because Fadingkit wanted to show the other the whoollee camp, and her friends of course! So when she saw the tom finally come out of the forbidden medicine den and Stagstrike approach, the kit made her approach. Wiggling her haunches a bit before she pounced on a leaf that laid perfectly still next to the other kit with a soft giggle.

"I'm sure the twig doesn't like being chewed on either Boldkit" she jests before finding a spot next to the other. Yet, she wondered...did the prey they catch also hate when they get chewed on? Or since they too left the world before them like cats do sometimes... does that mean it doesn't matter? The she-kit never thought of it like that but still she shrugged. Stagstrike was right, rabbit was much better than what Boldkit had been chewing on before and Fadingkit couldn't wait till the day the other was in the nursery with them! Means they could have more fun.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 3 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


If Stagstrike hadn't brought over a rabbit for Boldkit to taste instead of having a stick for breakfast, Softpaw would have - she nodded in thanks to the older tom who had come over to help out the new kitten where he was stuck in the medicine cat's den, and she watched as Fadingkit approached and made a comment on the stick's feelings.

"Have you ever had rabbit before, Boldkit?" Softpaw asked as she sat down near the kit.

⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ The brown warrior walking had caught her eye. Why was he bringing a rabbit for a kit to eat? Very interesting. Dwindlingkit did not know the reason for Boldkit to be in the medicine den. And to her, that’s a big problem; she needed to know, so she padded on over to also inquire about what he’s up to. Her cream brows shoot up, not expecting him to be chewing a stick. A hard stick, like a stick from a tree stick, she winced. The medicine cat definitely didn’t tell him to do that.

“Eating sticks is definitely not good for your tummy,” Dwindlingkit lightly scolded. Perhaps he didn’t know, so it’s definitely a good thing that she came over to spread her wisdom. “You should only be eating prey and herbs, but only herbs if you have to.”

  • ooc:
  • 80664514_Uly8tZ3KKwBMVoL.png
    Dwindlingkit — She/Her ・ 3 moons ・ Thunderclan Kit ・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A fluffy (LH) flame point kit with low white and has blue eyes
    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    ☀︎ Tags
Last edited:

Boldkit looked up to stare at the unfamilliar face that had approched him, still with the stick chewed between his fangs. He had never seen a cat with a such unkept fur before. Had they never groomed themselves before?. Strangely enough, they did not look dirty not even a glimt of twigs and leaves stuck in their fur. With a blink the kit soon stared down at the massive prey that had been presented in front of him. Boldkit dropt the stick as he stared wide-eyed at the biggest mouse he had ever seen in his entier life!. " Anything tastes better then a stick." he grumbled in reply not exactly chewing on it because he liked the taste or anything. It was just helping him to endure his hunger a bit better. " But thanks, i appreciate it. He mumbled his gratitude as he had never before get presented a such big gift like this before. It was even bigger then him!.

Boldkit didn't waste any time to dig into the prey as he took the first wide bite as he chewed on it with delight as a purr rumbled in his throat. It tasted so good!, for sure better then that stick he had been chewing on.

Soon enough he had company in the middle of his dinner. Boldkit had his mouth full with meat to show upon as Fadingkit dropt a comment to him about the stick. He chewed before swollowing. " I doubt that, sticks don't have feelings." came his reply finding it a bit odd for the she-kit to even say such a thing. Because he was right for sure, right?. Boldkit took a moment to actually stare down at the stick like he for a brief second considered it to be true...No way!. The kit shook his head and was about to take another bite from the big mouse but Softpaw said something interesting.

" Ra...bbit?. Huh, i thought it was a wonder it looks so weird." he said with a puzzled expression. It tasted really good though. Hopefully more opportunities to eat one would arrive. The flavour was far better than eating a mouse.

A new kit who looked similliar to Fadingkit brought up about the stick again. Seriously?. Boldkit didn't quite understand why they were so concerned over a stick out of all things. Not did he wish to argue though so with a sigh Boldkit decided to come to some sort of agrement with this two. " Okay fine, i get it. I won't be eating sticks anymore." He hoped that would be good enough to make them drop the stick issue and so he could contunie to eat his rabbit in peace. It would feed him for days for sure which meant for a couple of days to come he did not need to think about his next meal. All thanks to the mysterious tom.

Though it has taken her moons, Ivorykit is finally accustomed to the mouthfeel of meat from fresh-kill. The little white-pelted kit still sometimes misses the dusty, crackling crunch of kibble between her teeth, but even she has to admit that prey has a better, more satisfying taste. She now knows what it’s like to ration food—not to the degree Boldkit does, of course. They’d come from wildly different backgrounds; her kittypet roots and his rogue roots have next to nothing in common. Boldkit came from a world where hunger was the status quo, whereas Ivorykit, as Adora, had never gone to bed hungry, ever…

Dark brown eyes watch as Stagstrike deposits a rabbit before Boldkit, who’d been snapping his teeth hungrily against a twig. She smiles as the other kits gently chastise him for eating the stick, and decides to pad closer, curled ears flicking in a friendly greeting. “Don’t bother him about it too much. I’ll bet it feels kind of nice on your teeth, huh, Boldkit?” She smiles in his direction, then directs her gaze toward the oversized rabbit Stagstrike had gifted him. “I bet that tastes good,” she murmurs. Her own belly snaps with hunger, though she does not ask the ravenous Boldkit if she can partake with him—he doesn’t seem like the sharing type to her.

  • ooc:
  • Adora . Ivorykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 4 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan kit. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.