brave as a noun & injured raid cats

It had been stupid of him, but to bite his tongue and hold his silence felt dishonest and callous. Sootstar’s vision was obviously her paranoia rising and misplacing blame; he knew for a fact that StarClan would not have sent her warning of him when they wanted him here to help stabilize things, but what could he do now. Would they even speak to him anymore with this demotion of hers? Would he receive a sign that he was right, that he should do something?
Or had he been abandoned? Was he on his own in this. There was nothing left to do but await his fate unless he tried to leave but part of him didn’t want to abandon the clan to suffer without a skilled healer; even if they wanted his blood spilled by her word he still could not find it in him to forsake them like that. Sootstar knew that she was using it against him and she had purposefully picked Vulturemask to spite him as well knowing he would not lie or fight the other. His friend, a tom he wished he had been more brazenly outspoken to before but it was too late now and it didn’t even matter anymore. He remembered watching him return with his little siblings, another leverage against him, and how close Bumblebreeze stood at his side. Dandelionwish gave a snort of amusement as he stalked to the den, that he was sentenced to death on a long fuse but was thinking of his own bitter jealousy instead.

He didn’t let the thoughts sink in, the switch in his head flipped to focus on his tasks alone because the realization he was walking a thin wire was already so prominent; each step felt fragile. He’d splinter into pieces if he wasn’t careful, so he moved with a purpose.
A tail flicked, demanding Tigerfrost to remain outside his den because he didn’t need the extra body taking up space and being in his way and for a moment he wanted to breathe deep and let the facade crack for just a second. He didn’t know a lot as it were, enough to manage in a clan where the most injury was claws or teeth but there were so many little things he didn’t know still. He couldn’t fix bones, sprained or broken. He didn’t know how to help tooth pain or cracked pads or…stop. STOP. Stop thinking about it. If he thought about it he’d lose his cool again. So he thought about something else. The sepia point grabbed what he needed and took his time setting it up just at the mouth of the den in careful piles.

“Right, if you’ve a scratch or injury, come here. This will be our first lesson…” He turns, mismatched eyes on his dark-furred friend and he wants to say something encouraging, thoughtful, he wants to apologize he was forced into this, he wants to tell him so many things. But instead he smiles his fake smile, lacking sincerity or genuine cheer; he didn’t think he’d be able to smile genuinely again now. "Shall we?"

Guard tag -
Other - @VULTUREMASK & @Periwinklebreeze.
periwinklepaw | 06 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
A he trails alongside the other toms, head down as he slinks about with the slightest of limps leftover from his previous wounds, he feels useless. He's just a shadow, a tag along. He cannot fight - will not, though perhaps vulture had had the right idea of things in at least trying to learn... the stench of fox and heat of rancid breath against his face still haunted him, following him in both the waking and dream worlds, no matter how much he tried to ignore it. He had never felt so terrified. Even now, facing the impending doom of Dandy's eventual exile, it is dwarfed in comparison. Taking a deep, shuddering beath, he pushes the disorganized thoughts out of his mind - there is more important matters to focus on now.

Watching as dandy jumps straight to it, he takes a moment to really observe. The medicine den is not unfamiliar - it is a place he has spent nearly as much time in as the nursery. Nearly three moons in each, he realizes. It is a place of comfort and hope and home. Even as he's avidly aware of Tigerfrost's gaze, even as he's aware of the chaos going on just outside the confines of the dens walls, he finds himself relaxing absentmindedly, instinctively. His small figure takes up little to no room, easily skirting along the edges to make way for those who will heed the medics call. Dandy seems... tense. Resigned. Fake. The smile never really reaches his eyes, and Peri wishes there was something eh could do - anything - to change that.

Herbs are pulled and placed into neat piles, and he thinks he catches at least one familiar scent, an echo of it lingering in his mind. As often as he's been here, he supposes it is only natural to become passingly familiar with some of the herbs. He thinks, perhaps, it might be one of the ones used on nettlepaw, used on himself. Now, they'll likely be used on some other injured clanmate. Pelt prickling, he watches attentively, though this lesson is not meant for him. He will stay out of the way - aware of all the things he wants to say and do but cannot with a warriors gaze upon the three of them. If he's asked to help, he will. If not, he is content to bask in the older toms presence. It'll be enough - has to be, because someday, he won't be able to.
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Eyes are cold as the brute takes his place just outside, vision sweeping into the den with every shift of his scarred head. Tigerfrost is a looming figure, a vigilant statue that awaits like a guardian just outside. Unlike others in WindClan, he does not question the choices of Sootstar in regards to their former medicine cat, the dream she had described seemed clear enough, an ominous omen from StarClan themselves. He is not the type to question the dead, nor their intent, so in Tigerfrost's mind, this was the right thing to do.

Dandelionwish should count himself lucky that he was permitted to live and work at all, for some might say that a traitor deserves a traitor's death, and the chimera tabby would be quick to agree. He knew of the recent exiles, knew of the threats that had been uttered like venom into the cold air. These cats were threats to WindClan, and as such, Tigerfrost would spare them no inch of sympathy. It was through Sootstar's mercy that the former medicine cat still lived, and Tigerfrost supposed that he could see the reason in that. After all, so many were in need of healing, and Vulturemask needed a teacher, however temporary it might be.

For now, Tigerfrost is silent where he sits, observing from outside the den, prepared to lunge into the tunnel if it became suddenly necessary.

He still find it diffiult to believe that this actually was happening. Why him out of all cats in this clan?. Surely there most be cats who was a better match for this position. All he had ever known in his life was violence, to use his paws and claws to fight and defend himself, to spill blood. Vulturemask was not meant to heal others only to cause pain. Sootstar had made a horrible mistake to pick him, and he hated what this meant for his friend as well. Dandelionwish was a outcast now, thrown aside and caged even more into a bird. The only good that might actually come out from this was that when this month was over at least they would be free. Dandelionwish could take his leave to spread his wings and find a life somewhere heartbreaking that might be for himself to lose the closest friend he had he could tell his friend was not happy here. For a long time he had not been. If he now was gonna be forced into doing this then at least he could comfort himself by knowing he would take that heavy responsibility off from his friends shoulders.

Vulturemask would seat himself down beside his new...mentor ( he had not even been a warrior for a month before he was down to become an apprentice again ) to stare down at all of the supplies. He observed them closely, at least knowing some of them by name but only because he had often helpt Dandelionwish to go out there and collect herbs for him, and sometimes he had watched them as they had treated their clanmates. When he had been stuck in here himself to recover from the injures from the hawk there had not been much else for him to do then watch his medicine cat and their daily rutines.

His gaze would lift itself up to look at his mentor who was doomned to fake that smile to him now. How he once had complained over his smiles...but now he wished he could see his real smiles again. He missed seeing them, and he wonder if he ever would get to see that smile that shine this whole toms face up like a sun ever again. " Yes, lets get this over with..." he agreed, his voice unusually tender. He felt for his friend he really did. This might be the most difficult challenge he had ever been forced to face...beside his mothers wrath.

Periwinklepaw was there as usual following their medic like a shadow. Vulturemask had still not come to accept to call himself for windclans new medicine cat. It was too unreal yet for him to come to terms with. In his head Dandelionwish was still their medicine cat and him...he was just...a step in. Tigerfrost on the otherhand...he ignored for the time being thinking he suited perfectly to seat out there in the cold and a part of him wished for that warrior to freeze to death out there. Spiteful he could be...and more spiteful he would become. One day all of this cats lives would be in his paws and he...would make sure to let them all know that.

He had no intention to become a merciful medicine cat after all.

It would be, perhaps, an understatement to say that Badgermoon had taken a few hits in the raid on SkyClan: his chest, face, and shoulder had all received some not-insignificant injuries. This being said, as much of an event the raid had been, it appeared that the real fireworks had been reserved for once they had returned to camp. Insubordination, prophecy, exile, the threat of murder, the loss of a warrior and Badgermoon's own loss of a friend...and, perhaps the choice which would have the greatest ramifications, the demotion of Dandelionwish and the immediate promotion of Vulturemask. It was an...unexpected decision, to put it delicately, but in all honesty it felt above his head. He knew nothing of healing, of the duties of a medicine cat, of the will of StarClan - these things were not to be known by him, anyway, in his opinion.

There was something very bizarre about moving toward the medicine den and seeing a guard posted outside, even if he was expecting it, and the black-and-white tom nodded to Tigerfrost as he approached, stiff-legged and crusty with blood, the front half of his body throbbing with a dull ache. He gave their medics a tired half-grin, feeling confident that he would not be especially welcome here - he was faithful to Sootstar, after all, and believed in her choices and in her leadership. "Anything to spare for me?" inquired Badgermoon in a quiet voice, seating himself and tracking Periwinklepaw with one exhausted yellow eye. "The kittypet king's deputy gave me some souvenirs, as you can see." though he flattered himself that he had left her with just as much, if not more, to remember him by.

[ gash on his cheek, scratches on one shoulder, and a long, deep wound on his chest which will probably scar! ]
Though he does not count himself among the worst of those injured, neither has Sunstride gone wholly unscathed. With his gaze cast occasionally back towards those he has walked away from, he decides that they are better tended than left to fester. It seems a common enough theme amongst all those in this clan. Healing, and festering, and a deeply-seated rot. Who exactly is to blame for this wound...that, in this moment, he is uncertain of. Unlike those far more WindClan than Sunstride may boast, he does not trust so wholly in the will of StarClan, or the strength of their leader. Too much of his life has been left on shaky ground by those he has given everything to. With it cracked the way that it is...all he may do is pull away.

A cowardly reaction, he is certain, but one that he will own.

With the den busy with Badgermoon's wounds, and his own paws unwilling to enter the fray, the sun-touched tomcat stops beside Tigerfrost. His pale eyes stare, unblinking, yet without the eagerness for battle the tabby seems to claim. Slowly, he shifs his head to invite conversation. "You take well to your new duties. Hopefully it is not too cold a post?"

  • ooc: not seeking healing just yet, but inury tally is:
    — long, deep scratches on his left shoulder, deep bite towards the end of his tail, less severe scratches on his face and left side
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, uses he - him. thirty-four moons old. warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— cautious of clan life, but an apt learner. encourages close bonds between clanmates.
    —— loyalty uncertain, cares for those surrounding him. undoubtedly closest to wolfsong.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
Tags and Information

He says nothing as others stride past, seeking Dandelionwish. Eyes track Vulturemask, and then Badgermoon too, but the chimera remains in his silent pose, expression as cold as the snow. There is another, but he stops just outside, pale eyes gliding across the guard's dusty form. The words that spill into the chilled air betray the other's desire for conversation, perhaps not wishing to crowd the den at their back. Tigerfrost supposed he didn't mind, he could watch the den and talk with Sunstride at the same time.

"It is cold." He responds with a flick of his tail, "But I'll deal with it, as long as I have something to contribute to the clan. I can handle the frost if it means keeping everyone safe." Despite his grim exterior, his words seem genuine, and indeed, Tigerfrost believes that he is in the right, that StarClan had spoken and so had Sootstar. Who was he to challenge such things? The tabby was a brute, harsh and stubborn, but nonetheless a hard-working and loyal Warrior.

His fiery eyes stray across the lead warrior's wounds with a moment of curiosity.

"Quite the scratch on that shoulder." The tom comments with gruff concern. Tigerfrost has been marked by SkyClan claws as well, but the scrapes across his chest were shallow, as the talons of his foe had simply grazed him. The lacerations had already crusted over with scabs, no longer bleeding. They would heal without intervention, provided he did not catch some nasty infection. Of course, he knew that he'd need to groom the blood from his fur once he got a few moments to himself.

His eyes move over Badgermoon's approaching bicolor form, taking in the sight of the very prominent scar on his chest and the few other less serious ones scattered around; his check, his shoulder, a few nicks here and there. Nothing serious, he hadn't died after all. The most serious injury in that raid was one no healer could cure, no matter the skill. Dandelionwish gave a quiet hum, didn't turn to meet his dark-furred friend in the eye as he shifted from paw to paw; it felt like the ordeal hadn't happened due to the surreal sensations drifting along in his mind and down his spine. He was still live, somehow, but he was not here because he was forced to be. It would have taken no effort on his part to easily outrun the lot of them if he had to, blizzard be damned. But his mind drifted to the nursery, to Daisykit, to abandoning Vulturemask who had been his friend for so long whether the other liked it or not.
Perwinklepaw sat nearby, but he did not address the apprentice; his lesson was not for him but it was nice having him so close. If the shadow of a tom ever needed aid in the future when Dandelionwish could not offer it due to being very, very dead, then the apprentice was a good stand-in. Dead.
Oh, he wasn't so foolish to think himself able to simply leave later. It was only a matter of time.
Green and golden eyes lifted to Sunstride, who chooses to speak to Tigerfrost alone and it gives him pause. Does well, does he? He'd be putting the work in proper later. The sepia point did not intend to die in his place.
The demoted medicine cat made no move to pick up any herbs himself and instead gestured with a paw to each in turn as he spoke.
"Marigold stops infection, if yer worried about a wound getting worse and we've the herbs to spare always opt to apply it. Infected wounds have a scent to them after a few days, but best to stop'em fer they get that far." His paw moved, his eyes didn't, didn't raise once to address any of the cats present and he continued onward. "Goldenrod helps healing, minor scrapes can get by with a good cleaning; cobweb if its big to bind it."
Lightly his gaze draws up to the golden bengal's shoulder wound before dropping again. "With multiple patients you pick the biggest, more serious wound to focus on first...tell me what you think."


Vulturemask would give an acknowledged nod his if head to Badgermoon as he walked into the den to get his wounds checked and treated. He would take a close look at their deputies injuries, while one of his ears where perked to Dandelionwish's direction, listening closely to what he shared. Slowly his gaze dropped to the herbs in front of them so he could tell which one was the marigold herb and which one was the goldenrod one. Mairgold for infection...and goldenrod to heal wounds. Hmh, interesting. He made sure to take a good look at both of them. Thinking, his gaze went upwards again when Dandelionwish requested him to decide which one should get treated first. Badgermoon's injured he already had run a eye over but...there was somebody more who stood outside of the den alongside Tigerfrost. Sunstride. It was difficult for him to tell how serious their lead warriors injures was from over there he sat not having this special eye yet that Dandelionwish seemed to have to be able to tell from a distance. " I would pick to treat Badgermoon first because he is here ready to get treated...i cannot tell from here how serious Sunstrides injures are. But if he can stand out there talking instead of visiting cannot be that serious. " he would give his answer over the analysis he had been able to take in. Maybe it wouldn't be the answer that would please Dandy though. Moving his eyes to stare at Badgermoon's body, he would think again. " I would work to treat the chest wound first, since it looks worse than his scratches."

There was something unsettling about being examined in this way, even if Badgermoon knew it was for his own good and there was no malicious intent behind it. Well, presumably there was no malicious intent - he hadn't forgotten about Sootstar's vision, after all - but he trusted Tigerfrost and Sunstride to back him up if the situation became hostile. As Dandelionwish instructed Vulturemask the black-and-white tom gave his best grin and tried to stay very still, hoping to be a model patient for their technically-two medicine cats, though unable to keep his speckled paws from massaging the ground beneath them. Goldenrod and marigold, eh? Those sounded ... good, right? They both had 'gold' in the name, and gold was nice and shiny. "I've done my best to clean them out." offered the yellow-eyed tom hopefully; it had been a painful process, not to mention a bad-tasting one, but his wounds did feel better now that all the blood, snow, and grit had been flushed out. "Since, uh, it's probably not good for them to be dirty, y'know?"
everything had went wrong in a matter of seconds the moment both patrols had returned from their battle, one that looking back on had costed them more than necessary but during the heat of the moment all shrewtuft could think about was getting the supplies for dandelionwish no matter what even if it meant risking her life during a damn blizzard.

'you were reckless again shrewtuft.' a little voice hissed out from the back of her mind which only served to cause the molly to sink further into herself while trailing behind the older toms who disappeared into the medicine den one by one until she was up next to face the entrance of the dark tunnel and where there was once elation at thought of being able to freely visit her brother it had instead turned into an overwhelming sense of dread and guilt that threatened to send shrewtuft tucking tail and fleeing.

she didn't want to face him, she couldn't face him. not when she is apart of the reason dandelionwish is no longer a medicine cat but a prisoner forced to teach another to be his replacement before the sand in the hourglass empties. shrewtuft eventually sucked in a quivering breath before slinking in, umber ears lay flat against her skull and her gaze remains glued to her own two paws afraid to even look at her own kin.

[ wounds; a deep, claw mark across her muzzle that will scar. scratch on her flank. shallow cuts littered around her body and a few brusies. ]

Dandelionwish nods, slowly, approvingly, he does not look up from staring at the herbs and wondering when they started to look so bright. The yellow and orange was almost eyesearing now despite the low light and he wondered if maybe he was just seeing things. Was he losing his cool so easily already? He'd held it together well since walking away from the crowd of cats to gather his herbs but now he found he was struggling to focus. Panic was still very present in his form, hunched shoulders and dull eyes but when he lifted his mismatched gaze finally to find the cats gathered and his sister one of them he swallowed his apprehension like a lump in the throat. Get it together.
"Yes. Good." Badgermoon is speaking plainly, uncertain but calm, he's a good cat somewhere in there where the sooty claws had not yet touched. He didn't need to be afraid of him. "Cleaning wounds is important. Licking them free of dirt might save you having it get worse. " A brown paw waves, trembling, but he pretends not to notice it, "We chew them to pulp, makes it easier to apply. You'll get use to the bitter tastes. Some of them you shouldn't chew...I'll point them out to you later." Most flowers had a tint of poison, it was just natural, but none had enough to really harm a cat unless they ate them in excess. His head thunders, war drums, he finally tries to meet Shrewtuft's gaze only to find she refuses to look up from her paws. He wants to apologize. He wants to ask her to help him. But there was nothing any cat could do now without risk to their own safety.