twolegplace break all my bones // intro



forget-me-not | 02 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #7cccff
The twolegplace is a strange and scary place. It's a strange thing, to be away from her siblings, but she is no longer alone and that is all that mattered. The strange cats of the sewers had been kind enough to take in a pitiful scrap like her after she'd been so unlucky as to get attacked by annoying birds, but that didn't mean life was now all sunshine and rainbows. She trusts these strangers about as far as she can throw them. No - she will not depend on them, lest they leave her too. Just like her mother - just like her siblings. She can trust no one.

Blue eyes watch with rapt attention from her hiding place as monsters roar by with their thunderous pawsteps, as twolegs chatter as they mill about. When the coast is finally clear, it is a bruised and battered figure the color of ash and earth that hauls herself up and out of the drain she was hiding in, darting across the asphalt until she reaches the safe shadows of the nearby alleyway. She's hungry again, and scraps are all she can really find at her size. The child rummages through discarded paper and plastic upon the ground, but finds nothing edible, leaving her with a frown on her face. "" she mumbles to herself, ears flattening.

⋆⍋ Timberwolf had never really liked the city. It smelled, and given the strength of the place they used to live, that was saying something. Then again, just about everywhere smelled now, given how unused they were to the outside world. And how much they had been avoiding human domiciles, for fear of getting picked up and sent home before they’d found their family.

So, walking on the rough sidewalk concrete, they’re more focused on watching the humans around them than for any predators or other cats- but the sound of rustling down an alleyway catches their attention. Ah, perchance there is some poor lost soul in need of assistance! they think, before biting their tongue on their wording. They aren’t quite sure what exactly is off with the sentence, but even in their head they know something is.

Timberwolf shakes their head before trotting into the alleyway, the familiar sounds of rustling paper and plastic (their owner had been very into crafting things) almost relaxing them. But the sound of a kitten, obviously disappointed! Timberwolf’s heart shakes and tears nearly spring to their eyes as they look down at the kitwith flattened ears.

"What are you looking for," they’re supposed to say something to address the other here, right? What was the word again? ”kit?” Well, obviously it wasn’t ‘child’, that’s not the right term despite it being what their human used. So hopefully this was the right one?
forget-me-not | 02 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #7cccff
The girl startles - pelt twitching as she jumps a good few inches into the air in surprise before whirling around. Baby blue eyes are wide as she blinks at the stranger before her though she seems to quickly calm down - well, as calm as she's capable of anyways. Hesitance and uncertainty easily read on her face, she frowns. "Who're you?" she asks nervously, completely ignoring the fact she's been asked a question. While she doesn't have a mother anymore, even she knows not to trust every passing cat. Stranger danger and all that she thinks absently. "I was hungry..." she decides to admit after a moment, if only because the tom before her clearly looks better fed than herself - he is not made of skin and bones.