break up the dark [ johnny ]


New member
Feb 27, 2024
THINK AGAIN IF THAT'S YOUR GOAL — katniss had been up in the trees for days. he'd seen the pack enter thunderclan territory, and he'd half considered going to find a thunderclanner to give them some kind of warning, but any time he came down from the trees, he found himself scrambling back into the leaves. the wolves always noticed him before any thunderclanner did, so he needed to stay up high until he got into one of the other clan's territories. here was the issue: he could smell skyclan inn the air, and that wasn't good. they couldn't know about the wolves. he'd batted down acorn after acorn near the tom, trying to get his attention, but it never seemed to work. he seemed to smell the wolves at least, considering the tom seemed to get more and more cautious with each step.

finally, katniss decided that it was worth the risk. skirting down the tree, he rushed to it's base and hissed towards the fellow tom, eyes wide and suspicious. "stop, stop!" he hissed, keeping his voice low. "their right over the hill, get in the-" he paused as a shadow cast over them from atop the hill, and his ears pinned. it was a wolf, tall and growling. "shit." he slowly backed against the tree, tail lashing. he wasn't one to fight a fight that he knew he was going to lose, but this was a noble enough cause, right? "quick, get in the tree. there's more of them, i'll distract them."

  • pure white tom with amber eyes, short fur, various scars
    22 moons old; ages the 14th every month
    homosexual; currently not looking
    son of npc and npc
    formerly a loner; loyal to skyclan
    hard to befriend; tries to keep to himself, extremely distrusting but acts as though he trusts people.
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed oocly, but he may not allow it


Johnny could tell that something was off long before the smell hit him. There was a lack of natural noise in the air around him, a silence from the birds that left an uneasiness sweeping through the tom as he made his way along. Shoulders stiff with each step, ears pricked forward to scan like radar, Johnny couldn't quite place just what the disturbance was. For that reason alone he kept close to the trees, ready to propel himself up the side of the nearest one should danger rear its head. The occasional drop of a pinecone left him agitated, as if the trees themselves were trying to give away his position to whatever was out there- a fox, maybe?

Jaws parted to taste the air as a stronger breeze finally pushed a scent toward him, and Johnny realized with a sinking feeling that the scent he was detecting didn't quite fit the parameters of anything he knew.. What the hell was that? It was almost dog-like but wilder, more pungent.

He nearly jumped out of his skin at the urgent whisper that sounded from his right, claws unsheathing as he quickly turned toward the sound, ready to claw the face off whatever animal had been stupid enough to come sneaking up on him, when he realized at the last second that it was another cat. "-their right over the hill, get in the-"

The sudden cut-off, the unexpected shadow, the pinned ears- Johnny didn't need any more than that to realize what was happening. Every hair on the back of his neck rose as he watched the skinny white tom slink backwards until they hit the tree, and slowly- despite the adrenaline rushing through his body- he turned and looked up the hill with wide yellow-gold eyes only to see a golden pair staring right back at him.

He'd never seen a dog with eyes like that.

"Like hell your playing distraction in your condition." growled Johnny quietly as he backed toward the tree, putting him side-by-side with the unknown white cat as they stared down the wolf on the hill. They didn't have long to make a choice before it acted, but his instincts as a lead warrior refused to let him abandon a fellow cat in such a dangerous situation. "Get in the damn tree- there's room for us both!" he urged, nudging the cat before turning and hooking his claws into the bark and hauling himself up.

The stranger looked half starved with how skinny he was, and while he might have had general height on the daylight warrior, the bobtail was well fed and well muscled in comparison to the half-tailed cat. To Johnny, it was the stranger who needed help, and he'd be damned if he let them try and bolt on their own only to get torn apart in the process. It was better to get to safety and make a plan once they were out of immediate danger.


THINK AGAIN IF THAT'S YOUR GOAL — he lets out a soft, thin hiss as he turns a bit, eyes on the wolf. as soon as it take a step, he shot up the tree, his hackles raised. he didn't know who this guy was, bringing up the fact that he was uncomfortably skinny at this point, but his ears pinned back, rushing across the branch that he stood on to give the other tom room to stand on it. "i could've lead them away! now they're going to follow us wherever we go!" he argued, uselessly.

half in frustration and half to get the wolf's attention somewhere else, he batted a pinecone off to the side. the wolf didn't seem deterred, and came to the base of the tree to lift its front paws onto the bark. staring down into the wolf's eyes, katniss was filled with dread, his ears pinned almost painfully against his skull.

"we're so screwed." he breaathed, closing his amber eyes for just a moment. he batted another pinecone behind the wolf this time, hoping to get it to turn. all it did was make the wolf growl. no more pinecone throwing, then. looking around at the other trees, he tried to decide if it was worth jumping to the next tree, but the wolf would likely just follow. "have you got any ideas?"

  • pure white tom with amber eyes, short fur, various scars
    22 moons old; ages the 14th every month
    homosexual; currently not looking
    son of npc and npc
    formerly a loner; loyal to skyclan
    hard to befriend; tries to keep to himself, extremely distrusting but acts as though he trusts people.
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed oocly, but he may not allow it