breakfast at tiffany's | roe

There was a slight chill in the air, as Flycatcher stretched in the clearing. Soon patrols will need to be arranged, but first a meal. He doesn't usually like to eat before some of his clanmates have had a chance, but the growling in his stomach is hard to ignore. As to be expected, there isn't much prey on the pile this early in the day, so Flycatcher settles for a small bird hoping that will tide his hunger pangs until later. He picks the bird up gently in his maw and pads away to find a spot to sit and eat. As he does so his eyes land on Roepaw emerging from the apprentice's den likely having only woken up recently herself. "Roepaw!" He calls out, hoping to catch her attention. Recognising that his words likely came out as a muffled jumble on account of the bird in his mouth, he sets it down before trying again. "Roepaw! Did you want to share this bird with me?"

@. Roepaw .
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She feels almost damp when she wakes up that morning, and she can only assume the transition from a dry leaf-bare to a humid newleaf is to blame.
Still, she stretches herself out of bed, stumbling out of the apprentices den still half-asleep when she hears her name called, or at least muffled garble that sounds similar to it.
She glances over with a few blinks as her eyes adjust to the morning sun, just in time to see Flycatcher setting down a bird and gesturing her over.
The rumble in her stomach instantly prompts and eager nod and she trots over without another thought. "Breakfast with the coolest deputy? Sure!" She chimed jovially in her first verbal response.
When the two finally settle down to eat, a hefty yawn was still on Roepaw’s jaws. "Its almost time for my warrior assessment, right?" She asked then, her tone casual as she didn’t want to get pushy so early in the day, it wasn’t often Flycatcher asked to eat with her, and the cinnamon molly can’t help but wonder if it’s due to the heart attacks she often almost gives the warrior.


"The coolest deputy?" Flycatcher echoes with an amused grin. "Keep talking like that and I might let you skip out on some chores today." There would still be some tasks for her to do, of course, but he supposed he could find something enjoyable for her to do if she remained on good behaviour.

The two settle down to eat, managing a small bite, before encouraging his apprentice to eat. Before she does so, she brings up the topic of her warrior assessment. His green eyes study her carefully for a moment. "You are correct," He responds simply with a nod. It does not seem like that much time has passed since she was given to him to train. He can scarcely believe that the time will be upon them when she will stand in front of Howlingstar and receive her warrior name. It is a strange notion to think of her soon being a warrior, but Flycatcher is proud of his apprentice and cannot wait for that day to arrive. They had their ups and downs but Roepaw had truly flourished over the past few moons. "Have you been thinking about it a lot?" He asks politely. "Can't wait to be a full warrior of ThunderClan already?"

As Flycatcher answers, Roepaw takes the opportunity to snag her quick bite before gently passing it back over to the grey warrior. Her ears perked as she follows along despite her grogginess.
He prompts if it has been on her mind a lot, and she shrugs. "I think it’s just a lot to process when you think about it" she replies, gaze flickering back towards him before she looks forwards again. "Plus, I’m worried more about you really, what are you going to do without me to keep your life interesting every day?" She hums, an obviously playful muse dancing in her words as she switches the tone of the conversation. "I’ll have to give Burnpaw some tips on how to keep you on your toes now that I think about it!" She adds, tilting her head and placing her forepaw on her chin in a faux-thoughtful state.


"Becoming a warrior is a big step," Flycatcher confirmed with a small nod. And it was true of course. Receiving a warrior name was a huge part of any young cats journey in a clan. Flycatcher had already been warrior aged when he joined the clan so had missed out on such an occasion himself. At Roepaw's comment about not keeping him busy every day he let out a loud laugh. "Oh, I'm sure there'll be plenty of time for that, much as I might not wish for it to happen," Flycatcher smirked. "I could quite easily put you on patrols with me." At her comment about giving Burnpaw ideas he groaned, though this was more in amusement rather than annoyance. "Between the two of you and my kits, I might go completely white in a year's time."

When Flycatcher laughs, she drops her thoughtful expression with a giggle, giving a brief but eager nod when he points out that he can still stick them on patrols together.
"We can be patrol buddies!" She hummed along, her tone still light.
At his comment over her being an accomplice to early aging the cinnamon molly almost snorted, ”please! You love our company." She sends one last playful jab his way before she’d quiet, suddenly aware that it was still dawn, and the possibility that not everyone would be so keen on her loud chattering.
"I do think I’m excited though.. I dunno. How did you feel when you first became an official warrior?" She prompted then. She hadn’t heard much about Flycatchers past, despite the amount of time they spent together, she supposed it wasn’t not normal to know everything about your mentor like you would a friend.



"I do love your company," Flycatcher was forced to concede. "Even if you do all drive me insane at times."
At her following question, Flycatcher has to consider it for a little while. Although he has reflected on his personal journey to and within ThunderClan numerous times he's never really thought too much about what it was like to become an official warrior. For him, it was just something that happened. He wished he could say it evoked many emotional memories but there really wasn't much to it. "Honestly I don't think I really felt anything when it happened," Flycatcher confessed, looking at his paws for a moment. "It wasn't really a special occasion for me as it will be for you. It was just something that happened. One day I went from being Fly to Flycatcher." He paused and gave her an apologetic look. "Sorry, Roepaw that's not the most exciting response I know," Flycatcher chuckled. "I guess at most I can say becoming a warrior made me feel like I truly belonged here. That I really did make the right decision in coming here all those moons ago."