BREAKIN' THE LAW — o, hunting / code-breaking

Every morning started with a hunt.

For many seasons, even in the days pre-dating SkyClan, Slate had started his day with a bite to eat. A large tom like him required hefty meals to properly curb his hunger and fuel his body. He had suffered two cold leafbares scrounging for scraps and fighting over meager portions, so his admittance into SkyClan had been quite a blessing. Slate hadn't truly starved in many moons thanks to the bountiful pines that the clan called home.

Seeing as Slate was so set in his ways, his memory had completely omitted the implementation of a new code — kits, queens, and elders eat first.

The Maine Coon dropped the squirrel onto the ground, feeling quite proud of his catch. This should keep him full for most of the day, Slate thought to himself as he settled into a comfortable position. Without a second thought, the lead warrior tore hungrily into the juicy prey, his mind only focused on satiating the pangs of hunger that gnawed at his stomach.
Unlike Slate, Dog wasn't known for being an early riser. He moved about camp in a zombie-like daze, smacking his jowls tiredly and shuffling around. While he preferred afternoon patrols, he reluctantly attended morning ones when required. Clan life was certainly a chore but a part of him liked the routine a touch.

Fortunately, today, no warrior had the desire to drag him out of his half-slumber. Might as well start on some cleaning duties before I get my one good ear chewed off. He amusedly thought as he rounded a grove of rocks.

Trudging along, his senses perked at the scent of prey wafting through the air. A small smile graced his maw, and the disheveled cat turned his head toward Slate, curious about the day's catch. However, it didn't take long for his foggy mind to clear, and Blazestar's words from the previous day echoed in his ears, '-elders, queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors.' Panic bubbled within him, and he cursed himself internally for not paying more attention.

Slate was known for his less-than-friendly demeanor and presented the unsuspecting Dog with an unsettling sight. He knew he had to tread carefully, considering the grizzled cat's disdain for the former loner since day one. He didn't like Slate very much either, but he didn't want to see him get into any trouble for a possible mistake. Taking in a breath, he carefully approached with a sorry attempt at friendliness. Tattered ears high and tail flickering in a shy greeting.

The striped ex-loner nodded to the lead warrior and spoke at a low volume. "Hey, good morning and all... I have something important t-to tell you." He hesitated for a moment, his nerves nearly getting the best of him as he chided on. "Um, we aren't supposed to eat first anymore..." His one good eye glanced down at the other, trying to gauge the maine coon's reaction.

Dog did his best to maintain a cheerful yet hushed tone, hoping not to draw any curious onlookers but considering how 'out-in-the-open' they both were the bedraggled feline had little hope.

Dog is trying to not be a snitch and attempting to quietly tell Slate he's breaking the new law. ​
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Like Slate, Howlfire was usually awake bright and early. She hadn't participated in any hunts this morning but had kept herself busy with some chores around camp, and the promise of a dusk patrol later in the day.

She raises a quiet brow when she hears Dog's words and turns to see Slate[ ripping into a recently caught squirrel. "He does have a point," Howlfire chimed in glancing at her mentor. "But it only just announced so maybe don't worry too much. I doubt anyone will bite your head off for a small accident."

Unlike the gentle and careful reminders of the others, she would give the dark tom not breaks or leniency though obviously she didn't particularly care that much about such a minor slip-up but the chance to bully Slate did not come often; naturally she was going to abuse it the second she saw an opening.
"Oooooooooooooooooooooh, I'm telllllllinnnnnnnnnnnnng~!" Hazel sang loudly and shrilly, voice a birdsong rising in the morning to signify the dawn of the day, "Ooooooh, can you believe this you guys I can't believe Slate doesn't care about the rulesssssss - oooooh!"
The black and blue she-cat trilled, dancing forward onto the scene properly rather than continuing to sing her merriment at a distance and she shoots a wide grin from Dog to Howl to make clear she was mostly picking a little fun rather than being purposefully obtuse.
The new rule made sense, even to her who was newly joined because of course you had to look after the cats who couldn't hunt for themselves first! Honestly, she was surprised it wasn't a rule already all things considered, but the clans were still new and she supposed they had to work out a few kinks here and there still.
"What'll ya give me for not snitchin, huh?" She asked, tone light and playful but a paw very pointedly raised to her mouth as if slyly considering making mischief anyways. She didn't ACTUALLY want anything other than a reaction.

Grapejuice didn't mind the new rule. He usually ate later in the morning anyways, so whatever he caught would go to someone else regardless. Of course, he would still yell at his twoleg to fill his bowl even if he wasn't going to eat it. Can't have them slacking. But out here, no one would fret over him eating a little later. As long as he ate, why bother? He was happy to make sure the kits and elders ate first.

He was surprised it was only just now being made a rule.

Striding along and listening for sounds to lead him to his next victim for the pile or for someone to devour, he hears the voices of his clanmates. Ever the nosy one, he trots on over to see what was going on... And sees the breaking of the LAW. He lets out a dramatic GASP.

This was so funny to him. If it had been a daylight warrior to break this rule, they would never hear the end of it. " Ooooooooh Slate thinks he can break the ruuuuuuules!" He trills with Hazel " He's gonna get in trouuubbllle!"

He could be meaner. Could point out his thoughts about how if a kittypet had done this he'd be all up in arms. But he refrains, deciding to leave that ammunition for another time. Hazel is trying to blackmail Slate and he wants to see what happens.

"His SOUL." He blurts with a mischievous giggle. He doesn't actually think that. He thinks Slate should wear a kittypet accessory and if he takes it off, they spill the beans. That sounds so much more fun.​
Just when Slate thinks he's alone, he's suddenly surrounded by his clanmates like a pack of wolves. They have a real knack for doing that, just showing up out of the blue. He doesn't like that. How hard is it to enjoy a meal in peace?

It didn't seem like he'd be enjoying his meal like usual, though. Dog, one of the newcomers to SkyClan, was the first to break the bad news this morning — the new rule in the warrior code. Stars above, he wants to groan. "Dammit all." Slate grumbles mid-bite, chewing with a miserable frown upon his face before swallowing. If it were just Dog there, he would have likely told him to keep his mouth shut and mind his business, but there were too many eyes on him to get away with this.

Howlfire seems to be understanding of his mistake. She does have a point; this new part of the code would take some getting used to, and it would be stupid to punish cats for messing up on the first day. "I don't like this new rule. I always eat first thing in the mornings." Slate complains, staring down at the half-eaten squirrel. His belly hungered for more, his eyes filled with longing.

On the other hand, cats like Hazel and Grapejuice took this opportunity to tease him and drive him up a wall. The Maine Coon flattened his one shredded ear, shooting a fiery glare toward the daylight warriors who sought to embarrass him for his mistake. "Shut it, both of ya'." Slate growls, expecting them to listen and pipe down lest they want to get him angry. He hadn't meant to break any rules, but how could Blazestar expect everyone to settle in smoothly after doing things a certain way for so long?

Turning back to the more tolerable faces here, Slate meowed, "That rule say anythin' about me finishin' this and huntin' for more prey after? They can have whatever else I catch." That seemed like a fair exchange, right? Slate had already bitten into this squirrel anyhow.

  • slatechibi.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles