BREAKING THE LAW | intro + goblin mode


here come the runts
May 28, 2023

Camp was a place of respite and social gatherings for RiverClan, but for Littlekit, it was all she knew - a frustrating prospect when she wanted to learn more. Everyone had told her to wait for her apprenticeship, where she would be assigned a mentor and taught the ways of the world, but the wait was so dull that the bicoloured she-cat had become a rabble rouser in her impatience. Other kits were her minions, the adults were her targets, the apprentices were something that even Littlekit hadn't decided. Miserable weather brought more warriors to her home than usual but few were bothering to pay attention to the small ones running by their feet. In reality, their minds were probably elsewhere, trying to decide how to get enough prey for the oncoming storm or how best to repair a part of their home that had scarcely been touched, but it wasn't good enough for the three moon old. Her zoomies grew in intensity, reaching one end of the camp to the other in record time for a child with her tongue lolling out. It wasn't enough, she needed more.

A mischevious glint was in her eye as she scoured the rest of camp, immediately clocking something that reminded her of a fluffy worm - someone's tail. The large kitten crouched down on her haunches, wide blue eyes lasered in on the swishing appendage before her. As quiet as a ThunderClan mouse, she moved closer and closer, only stopping when she thought the victim may have clocked what she was doing. Then, whenever their attention shifted, she would shuffle again. It was a game lasting seconds but to Littlekit, it felt as if minutes had passed as she held her breath in preperation for the final blow. The lashing stopped and the two-toned fluffball counted to three. Then, she propelled herself forwards, attempting to pounce on the tail of the other RiverClanner and sending herself skidding across the floor from a sudden halt in momentum. It didn't deter Littlekit. Pushing herself back up to white-tipped paws, she leapt again mouth first and, with no inhibition, attempted to chomp down on the other's tail, kicking at it with her back legs as if seriously trying to kill a fish. It served them right for not paying attention to her! What a strange irony it was that, now, Littlekit wasn't paying attention to the cat whose tail she was trying to murder.

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It was a day to get out and sunbathe and Petalnose had just done that instead of lazing around in the medic den. She didn't go far so she was within sight of everyone, as much as she snuck out she wanted them to know she wasn't doing so this time. Her eyes closed in as she soaked up the warmth, carefully grooming her paw and drawing it over her face. She didn't particularly want to look like a mess as she healed.

Her grooming was interrupted by the feeling of bee stings in her tail. She instinctively spun her torso around in an attempted strike, however, she let it smack the ground in between them as she realized it was just a kit. Sand blew in her face as she slapped the ground, spitting it out in disgust. Her ears flattened against her tail, attempting to rip her tail away from the two-toned kitten. "I could've scratched the stars out of you!" she spat, sheathing her claws that had originally unsheathed due to the sudden action.

As frustrated as the patched warrior was with the kitten, she was quite impressed that she managed to sneak up on her. Normally kits were sloppy with their stalking and being spotted or heard was a common occurrence. There was some inner pride for the kitten. Unfortunately, she still wouldn't let her get away with using her teeth. Petalnose didn't quite believe she deserved her praise for such an act.

If she had successfully retrieved her tail, she would attempt to cuff her around the ear. "I'd be more friendly if you did not use those dreaded teeth of yours! That's unacceptable!" she scolded, baring her teeth in the direction of Littlekit.

SKY HIGH"Having fun there? Heh!" Crawlingroach let a soft chuckle escape him as he padded by Petalnose and her attacker, Littlekit. It seemed that yet another warrior had fallen victim to the youth's boundless energy. The tom sat himself down on a warm patch of ground and began the tedious process of licking his fur dry after his earlier hunt in the river. Though he soon cast his gaze towards the kit as he decided to make himself useful by attracting the boundless energy towards himself. "So, how fast are you these days? Are your laps around the camp getting quicker?"
❪ TAGS ❫ — A harsh tone of voice grabs Foxkit's attention, causing him to cease his exciting activity of batting a leaf around and turn to look over his shoulder. A warrior who he didn't know very well, Petalnose, was scolding Littlekit! The molly had even dared to swat his sibling over the noggin, which prompted Foxkit to scramble to his paws and jog over. Another warrior was there too, seemingly not as angry as the Petalnose was, so his fieriness was directed solely toward her.

Blue hues glaring protectively, Foxkit squeaked up at Petalnose, "Hey! Leave my sister alone, stink-breath." Obviously, Foxkit believed that Littlekit had done nothing wrong here. Even if Littlekit had deserved it, he didn't enjoy the idea of just any cat yelling at and cuffing his siblings over the ear. It was clear that Foxkit would learn a thing or two about clan culture in due time.
It was just getting more and more comical to her the more this went on. Petalnose, faced with the task of interacting with small children, never failed to leave a conversation with her fur bristling. An amused chortle escaped her, unable to contain it despite her best efforts as she started arguing with Littlekit who was quickly rescued from such impatience by an equally bratty sibling. Crawlingroach did his best to try to distract from the battle raging between the two but found no purchase in the baited question.

"We reserve our claws and teeth for our enemies, small ones," a gentle reminder to take some of the sting out of the disagreement hopefully... "You don't have to love Petalnose but you do have to get along." Hopefully... the other molly wouldn't take that to mean Lichentail herself didn't like her? She mostly meant that you had to work with others even if you didn't want to; clan-mates were still better than non-clan-mates!​
( 𓍊𓋼 ) the ginger tom has been laying not far from petalnose, snoozing in the soft afternoon sunlight. dawn patrol is not for the weakhearted, and coyotecreek had found it slightly more difficult than usual this morning, so he's decided he's earned a short break. he works hard, he justifies to himself. his muscles ache from rebuilding dens, and the sunlight feels so nice- there's no harm in a ten minute nap. so, he's sprawled beside the riverbank, odd eyes half closed in bliss, when he hears the disgruntled vocals of his fellow warrior. one yellow eye slides open, squinting to the side as the tom watches the dreadful ambush with amusement. it is a well known fact that that coyotecreek is fond of kittens, and has quite a lot of patience for them, so watching this child be scolded by one of the more sharp warriors sends a pang through his chest. the kid did something wrong, yes, but she's so cute and such a little huntress. how anyone could cuff a kitten is beyond him. rising to his paws, the tomcat saunters over, taking a seat beside lichentail. "that was a mighty good pounce, littlekit," he'll offer, ears flicking as he smiles at the little one. "perhaps we can leave petalnose's poor tail alone and try to find something else to pounce on. when i was a young'un, i would practice with feathers n things."

"foxkit, littlekit, what do you say we find a feather try our pounces. if you want, i can sacrifice my tail for a bit- we could tie it to the end and i could run around... oohoo!"
now this sounds fun. his eyes begin to glaze over, imagining the fun time. he's gonna be the favorite warrior amongst the kits, he just knows it. "or, you know, we could do something else. let's just not bother petalnose."


A tiny voice made know to her, the she-cat spun her head around to gaze down at the small fireball. Her lips curled up in a warning snarl, lifting her head with a look of disgust for his insult. "I'll make sure you pick ticks off the elders if I hear another insult! Where is your mother?" She hissed, she didn't even turn to face Lichentail as she had made her way to the scene. Petalnose had almost always expected her presence in such conditions, though she couldn't say disliked it. The warrior did stick up for her when the heathens happened to play with fire. However, the fire could easily stick up her herself with no hesitation. Lichentail explained things and tried to convince them to be better but Petalnose had another way to convince them. Yelling at them and cuffing ears. She'd gladly pin them down and put them in their place if so tested. It was the quickest way to solve the problem in her eyes. "You can hate me for all I care. But it's likely one of you are going to have to deal with me as a mentor someday." She growled, pulling her tail close to her body as it flicked in displeasure. She groomed it carefully, fixing the mess of her fur from the attack.

Coyotecreek was next to approach the scene, convincing them to have fun with him instead. She hummed, something to show her agreement. "Please, I beg you to keep them away from me. I may just show them how good of a fighter I am if I'm bothered any longer." She grumbled through her grooming, starting to settle herself back down into the summer rays. She squinted at the kits to show her distaste with an addition of flashing her teeth in hopes to scare them both off towards Coyotecreek.
