no angst BREATHE IN DEEP — twoleg bridge

The ice has at last released the rivers from their wintertime slumber, leaving the cats of RiverClan free to swim about as they please. No more do they have to stay planted firmly on land, out of the waters that nearly killed Cicadastar and Houndstride. The winter has been harsh, cruel, and RiverClan has lost so much. Their camp, for one. Their access to the sun-warmed rocks that lie on the border with ThunderClan. Hell, they’d nearly lost Smokethroat to the claws of a WindClanner.

Though the air still carries a chill, brisk wind ruffling water-soaked pelts, Clay can’t help but to think, it’s over. They’ve done it. The cats of the river have made it through their first winter as a clan, and he likes to think that they’ve all grown at least a bit closer after all of it. And of course, the first few nice days in a while call for a special celebration. Just the other day, he’d taken a dip in the water for the first time in months, alongside his deputy and their healer (well, Bee stayed mostly dry, but it’s the thought that counts) and a few of their warriors. The water is safe, he thinks, calmed down from the height of its rage, and everything seems clear enough to make a special trek out toward the edge of their territory.

The old bridge marks a corner of their territory that Clay doesn’t visit often. He sees no reason to attend gatherings, and its proximity to WindClan’s territory never fails to set him on edge. Today, though, he’s surrounded by clanmates, cats he cares about, and he couldn’t be happier to be in this corner of the territory.

He’s managed to drag a few of-age cats out to the bridge, unfortunately having to tell the kits that they couldn’t come with (he wouldn’t want to risk a kit getting hurt anyway). Besides, Willowroot’s brood are all out of the nursery now, so they can join in the fun—under the watchful eye of the man who is, like, five seconds away from flinging himself into the water below.

His mother had once asked something of him, thinking she was being so clever, when he’d followed a few of his friends into the dark woods at night, clearly breaking the rules set for them. “Clay, if your friends all jumped off of a bridge, would you follow them?” Looking back on it now, it’s clear that she was expecting steadfast refusal, perhaps embarrassment at being reminded that following others was no excuse for doing bad things. But no, the gentle smile on her face had fallen instantly when her brown-furred kit had confidently stated, “Oh, that sounds fun!”

Now, of course, Clayfur is still a follower. He has no need to lead others, to give direction. He is content to trail behind, paws slipping perfectly into the prints left by others. He is still a man who would follow his allies into a dark, deadly forest. But now, he is also a man who would leap from the arch of a bridge just because it sounds fun. So with a flick of his tail, the tom hops up onto the edge of the bridge, raised higher than the rest of it, and looks out over the side. Not so far down that it’s dangerous—not like the gorge—but just far enough that to jump could be seen as an act of bravery. A thing for apprentices to brag about, and for the more fun-hating warriors to judge about.

Hazel eyes shift to the clanmates who’ve joined him at the bridge, and he chuckles, "I’ve never done this before." The height is a bit daunting, but he finds comfort in the fact that the water below will provide some sort of cushioning. It takes him a moment, and then he takes the leap off the edge of the bridge.

He lands in the water with a splash, chilly water closing in over his head as he sinks in. He doesn’t have the webbed paws that true river dwellers like Buckgait have, but he’s a good enough swimmer not to worry about making his way back to shore. White paws tread water while he tilts his head up to look up at the cats still on the bridge. "Come on, guys! I promise it’s fun!" His eyes squint against the water dripping down his face, but his mouth is set in a bright grin all the same.

// TL;DR time to jump off the bridge

Snakeblink is not one for rash decisions and foolish acts of courage: his personal philosophy runs closer to the old adage of discretion being the better part of valor, with a side of live to fight another day. Picking fights with foxes and barking at dogs is all well and good, but he’d much rather stand back and let others do the bold thing. It’s been a long time since he last felt shame over it: others may judge him for it, but he knows where his strengths are.

Still, a part of him wonders: wouldn’t it be impressive if he did it? Wouldn’t it be fun? Being the kind of warrior who throws himself headlong into things, who fends off attackers and comes out of it with only a few scars and a hunger for more. It’s not him — he doesn’t have the muscle mass to do what Smokethroat does, for starters — but it’s an attractive thought nonetheless, at times.

Times such as this one: watching Clayfur soaring through the air and landing in the water below with a splash, face alight with a grin.

He’s not usually one for thrill-seeking — unlike the moor cats or those of Skyclans, he has no urge to run like the wind or throw himself off trees — but he can’t deny it looks… exhilarating. Snakeblink glances around, a little wistfully, watching who among the audience will be next to follow Clayfur in leaping off the bridge. He has a feeling it won’t be long before the apprentices start goading each other into it.
——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • ooc: snakeblink will jump if goaded into it by someone else... or you're welcome to push him off the bridge >:)
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

beesong doesn't think of himself as a thrill-seeker. he doesn't crave the pounding adrenaline or the rush of excitement mingling with fear as he does something undeniably stupid. others say it makes them feel alive. beesong says they're asking for a premature death. he remembers being a scrappy little kid on the streets of the twolegplace, getting into trouble that, in hindsight, should've killed him. dodging monsters on the paths, goading on dogs at the top of a fence post, stealing scraps from twoleg dumpsters. maybe it'd been the influence of his littermate egging him on. or maybe it'd been the fleeting naivety, the lack of awareness of his own mortality.

everyone dies. beesong's trying to run from it as long as he can now.

they watch with their usual impassive expression, one eye glinting with the harsh edge of judgment as clayfur throws himself off of the bridge and into the river below. "stupid cats make stupid choices," they murmur to themselves, loud enough for anyone nearby to hear without the intention to. "try not to hit your head in the shallows; i wouldn't want to clean up the mess." i wouldn't want you to die, they correct in their mind, but beesong's never been good with words.
A look of brief astonishment twists and stretches her features as Clayfur, a tom she'd not normally see doing something so brash, leaps upon the railing of the Two-Leg bridge with a mischievous glint in his eyes. She had followed the earthen tom amongst a few others, her curiosity pulling her like strings on a puppet towards where he had led them. The air is brisk, yet the sun kisses the earth sweetly and on their pelts. Cindershade was a cat aligned with caution and careful thinking. She's not quite sure, or better yet trying not to think the unthinkable, about what the warrior's intentions are. Though—it's abundantly clear on the dangerous stunt he's about to try.
She strides up next to Beesong, flashing them a conflicted look upon her dark features as they speak about stupidity and not wanting to clean up the mess. Her grin pulls back darkly, the edges of her lips curling along with the tip of her tail. "It'd sure be messy." The lead warrior murmurs to the medicine cat before aiming to flick her tail over the cinnamon tom's shoulder as she passes them. Her eyes flitted back to Clayfur just as he takes his plunge, followed by a hefty splash below. A string keeps pulling her to the edge, and she obliges with a graceful leap upon the railing just in time to see her clan mate emerge from the river foam with a gleeful smile and a call to join him.
"You're a total fish-brain for this, Clay! But—nice landing." She calls with a gleaming smile, ivory teeth a stark contrast against her shadowed pelt. Out of the corner of her gaze, she makes out a watchful tabby with emerald hues. No doubt her fellow lead warrior, his conflicted gaze and tense posture brings an idea to her mind. Of course, it wouldn't be her character to not ruffle his fur a bit. "Don't sit there trembling like a homeless kit, Snakeblink. Just jump. Don't be a coward." She begins to goad the lean tom, another grim smile pinching her face as she spoke. She sighs lightly, her tone matching in mock disappointment. "I guess I can see why you're so scared—after nearly falling into the gorge like a blind badger. Such a shame. I took you to be a courageous warrior, hm? So courageous to speak your mind yet so conflicted over a mere jump." Her paws balanced carefully along the post, she nimbly strides over to him with a concerned slope of her ears, but her eyes tell a different story. They were mischievous as ever, gleaming within her irises to get him to take the plunge.
"Oh well, guess I gotta make you!" With a sweep of her fore limbs, she aims to push the warrior off the railing. Whether she succeeds or not, the rosetted warrior is also leaping in the air. Her heart flies into her stomach as gravity pulls her downward. She gives a squeal of delight, something unlike her character and would completely deny it if anyone asked her about it, until the brisk pull of water submerges her overhead. It's exhilarating and her adrenaline is pumping, muscles coming alive as she swims up to break the surface. "Phew! That was crazy!" She calls to Clayfur, swimming up to tread water beside him.

// hehehehehe.
where the angels sing ✧°.☀ ———————————— She had followed the warriors quietly up to the bridge. She had came because she always needed something new to brag about. And jumping off a full bridge seemed like it was going to be pretty cool.

She had watched from shore as Clayfur jumped and before he could come up on the riverbed she had scampered up to the edge of the diving place and right when she was about to tease Beesong about being boring she looked down to the water. A deep breath was inhaled and held as the hunger for adventure in her eyes was replaced with hesitation. That was a like long way down wasn't it? The air from her lungs finally came out as Cindersplash streaked through the air. And the temptation to scuttle off the bridge altogether was getting pretty real.

//catfish can also be pushed or persuaded to jump
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey
Gloompaw watched with delight as Clayfur plunged off the bridge. Then followed Cindershade, her sweeping paws towards Snakeblink, another splash as she dived. She couldn't swim, so she didn't jump: simple enough. With Beesong's judgment of the divers, she was almost glad of it. But, stars, seeing them splash around and leap off into the water made her want to learn. Which sounded stupid, cause the river ate stuff, but wouldn't swimming out of the river's jaws be fun? A grin on her face despite the water below, she turned to see Catfishpaw peering over the edge.

The gleam in the other's eyes was traded out for hesitancy. Looking back at her mentor, she was praying it wasn't obvious that her whispered words were of encouragement (it was). "They're fine," she bent her head conspiratorially. "I'll give you a neat claw I found if you do it." It was definitely not neat, and only just the sheath of one, but hopefully it was enough to rekindle Catfishpaw's resolve.
she had heard the breaking splash, only catching a small sight of clayfur and his descent into the water. at first, she had assumed the worst. or if clayfur had somehow tripped over the bridge. but there's no scent of panic in the air, and thus no real need for any anxieties. however, she still joins the slowly growing group upon the bridge. eyeing clayfur, down in the waters and joyful. she has no real want to jump from the bridge either, but it's enough to watch the others have fun and celebrate the waters claiming them once again.

she can hear gloompaw goading catfish into joining, while cinder is trying to throw snake overboard and jumping in herself. "having fun?" she calls down, eyeing them with slight jealously. though, she can't stick around too long. buck has plenty of others things to be doing. even if the waters look nice...and inviting...oh, perhaps a dip won't hurt her.

the deputy doesn't even attempt or contemplate on using the bridge like the others had, simply making her way down to the waters and slipping in. as always, the waters greet her gently. rubbing small waves over her back, calming the woman as best they can. she nudges cinder slightly, a non-verbal hello. while her attention raises to where the two apprentices and beesong stand.

"y'don't have to jump if you're too scared, but at least swim!" she calls to the three of them, with a light tease to try and get them to take action.

In every situation you give me peace
Sablepaw followed in behind Cindershade all they way up to the point of the lead warrior leaping upon the railing of the bridge. She, however, stayed firmly planted upon safe dry ground. She still had not been taught how to safely swim and traverse the river waters below. Therefore she opted not to foolishly fling herself in. The girls eyes grew a fraction wider as her mentor makes the move of attempting to push Snakeblink into the river, only for the dark molly to jump next. Several other cats are following suit, each of them ending up in the sun warmed liquid one way or another. Carefully Sablepaw makes her way down from the bridge to stand along the shoreline. A single ebony paw tests the water, letting calm waves lap at her fur as she settles into a lounging position.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
The moment Iciclepaw's feet touch the damp wooden surface of the Twoleg Bridge, her heart hardens. This is where WindClan had attacked them. This is where she'd fled as Smokethroat disappeared behind rabbit-eating foxhearts. Where he'd lost his eye to that wretched lead warrior. Bitterness like saltwater fills her mouth; it's all she can do not to spit.

Clayfur has led a procession of RiverClanners leaping from the bridge into the water. Iciclepaw listens with one twitching ginger ear. She has no fear of plunging into the river's depths from up high. But her spirits are so dampened by the memory of the skirmish that she can't find it in herself to dive after the others.

Her eyes flick to Sablepaw, one of the ShadowClan kits, who sinks dark paws into the water as though afraid of what comes next. Iciclepaw stares after her for a moment. Is that the ShadowClan blood? Are those paws made for marshland underfoot? She does not say this aloud, though; she knows Skunkpaw and Sablepaw did not choose to be born to traitors, to outsiders.

The tortoiseshell drifts over to where she sits, following suit. The cool river lapping at white paws soothes her dark mood ever so slightly. "You can't swim yet, can you?" She asks, tone mild. "I suppose no one could teach you... even if it hadn't been leafbare." Her eyes glazed with a distant memory. "Before I was apprenticed, my father taught my littermates and me in the puddles around camp..."

She gives a half-apologetic look to Sablepaw. "Guess floodwaters wouldn't have made for great practice."


Not all cats are as enthralled by the thought of voluntary, unassisted and temporary flight as Snakeblink is. Beesong seems skeptical enough of the concept — occupational hazard, it seems. The medicine cat’s commenents are almost enough to convince him to step away from the edge. This is silly; it’s not for him.

He’s about to turn tail when Cindershade appears, as if summoned from the shadows she seems to be cut out of. She reacts to Beesong’s words with a teasing touch of her tail, but her attention is much less gentle when she turns it on Snakeblink. Her ribbing stings but he can’t say it’s not warranted. His near-slip down the gorge is one of the dumbest things he’s done in recent memory — most of his interactions with his fellow lead warrior are on that list, actually. His shoulders tense, lifting up to his ears as she disparages his lack of courage.

Her worried anger when he nearly fell to his death proves that she cares about him, in some way, but he wishes she would stoop to liking him as well. It would make things easier.

”I’ll leave the falling off edges to you brave warriors then,” he mutters, though she either doesn’t hear or doesn’t care.

It seems for an instant that she will jump and leave him alone, but then a strange look flashes in her eyes. His only warning is the glee in her voice when she says Oh well, guess I gotta make you! His body moves before his brain can notice the danger, backing out of the way of her playful shove. Then, in a repeat of his recent mortification, Snakeblink feels the ground give under his back paws — in dodging her swipe, he has brought himself near and over the edge of the bridge.

Wide eyes throw a panicked glare Cindershade’s way as his claws rack against the stone, grasping for purchase as his lower body dips off the bridge and his own weight pulls him into a free fall.

He flails in the air, body twisting as he tries to brave for the fall. He barely hears the wind whistling in his ears before he hits the water in a great splash, close enough to the other cats taking a dip to wash them generously in a mist of droplets. Instinct kicks in and he rights himself, finding the surface… and the dark bulk of Cindershade, having jumped after him.

Well. No reason she should be the only one to have fun

Kicking his legs, Snakeblink swims towards her, quick and silent, and goes to pull her beneath the surface while she’s looking at Clayfur.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • ooc: cat_falling_off_table.gif
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

The water is a nice temperature, comfortable as it laps over his back and soaks into his fur. His gaze stays hovering around the bridge, awaiting the next face to pop over the side and possibly leap to join him at the bottom. He thinks about who might jump next—definitely not Bee, he thinks. But Catfishpaw and Gloompaw are up there, so maybe one of them will be up for it? Iciclepaw might jump, but Clay doesn’t think Sablepaw will. Cindershade certainly seems the type to throw caution to the wind. And speaking of caution, Snake is the first face he spots. Beside him is Cindershade, who calls down that he’s a fool for jumping. "’Course I am!" He calls back with a toothy grin. "It’s your turn now!"

He spots Sablepaw sitting off at the riverbank, lounging casually, and he assumes that either she can’t swim or she doesn’t want to. He’s about to paddle over to explicitly invite her to join them, but Icicle gets there first, talking to Sablepaw in a voice that Clay can’t quite hear. Icicle and the other apprentice seem to be fine, though, so he returns his attention to the others who have joined him in the river. It’s a small group—just him and Buck, and the two apprentices in the shallows—but when he looks up he sees quite a few cats still on the bridge, possibly being convinced to jump.

Sure enough, there’s movement on the bridge and thenCindershade takes the leap into the waters alongside him—but not before giving the tom beside her a shove. It’s enough to set him off balance and send him splashing into the river as well, and it sends Clay into a fit of laughter that threatens to send his head bobbing below the water. "HELL YEAH, SNAKE! You’re a natural!!" He cheers the other tom on, even as Snakeblink attempts to drag his fellow warrior beneath the water. He’s laughing anyway, head tossed back and honest-to-god tears rolling down his face. Everyone seems so happy, if the wrestling and hesitation from some is discounter. It’s perfect.
  • Haha
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