Although he wasn't the biggest fan of sleeping in the camp currently, Mousepaw had thought that it would be the best idea to do so from now until the gathering where everyone would leave, possibly not returning. Most of the cats that he actually cared about were going to go on the journey with him - though that wasn't saying much - so the instruction to say his goodbyes were mostly wasted on the tunneler apprentice, but he stayed all the same. Sleeping in the camp and resting as instructed, however, caused the apprentice to grow restless during the day, and so he walked around camp, almost in circles, waiting for the day they were to leave. All he wanted to do was tunnel once more, but his mentor thought it best to wait - he needed to be healthy and not get injured somehow by digging wrong or running into another badger.

Mousepaw laid on his back, staring up at the sky and watching the clouds as he thought of the tunnels and of the journey that was soon to come, squinting at the bright blue above him as he tried to figure out what they looked like. It was a boring task, but it was working to pass the time, and he could have sworn one of the clouds looked like a rabbit, but he was shaken from his thoughts as the sound of a panicked "RUN!" reached his ears, and Mousepaw found his head shooting up, ears swiveled towards the entrance of the camp. It took little time for the tom to make his way over, pace quickening as he smelled blood before head pushed through the gorse, ears pinned as the scene unfold before him. "Sootstar!" The gasp of shock left him before he could fully process, he looked as his leader stood there, the scent of blood surrounding her. "What happened? Who did this?" Was it RiverClan? Had they somehow found out about the tunnel and come to attack in silence before they could finish their own plans?

  • this takes place right after this thread!
    Please wait for @SOOTSTAR to respond
  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouse???
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 10 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler apprentice of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
  • Like
Reactions: SOOTSTAR



Everything. Had. To. Be. Perfect.

Her limbs are forced to quiver, she looks as if she might fall over but manages to gracefully sit herself down. Refusing to look at Mousepaw she keeps her eyes on the hills, on the same spot on the horizon where her deputy and Curlewnose had vanished.

Her breaths are rapid and shallow, this she almost does not have to fake. Everything she's done, everything she's worked for was on the line. All it took was wrong one word, one wrong action, a giveaway from her body language, and it was over.

'What happened? Who did this?' Her nose wrinkles and she display what seems to be a distraught and angered grimace.

"Badgermoon... attacked me! He and Curlewnose!" Her voice escalates from a hoarse whisper to an enraged roar. She rises to stand on her paws now, not too fast, not to slow. She whips around to face her clan, the crowd much larger than just Mousepaw at this rate.

Now looking them in the eyes she sees the sheer disbelief and shock on their faces, many as she expected didn't want to believe it.

"Badgermoon- he's acted strange before with me. But I never... I never thought he'd have the gall. And how could I have ever guessed Curlewnose...?" Her head shakes as if dismayed.

Was this good enough? No. It couldn't be. She needed to be more convincing- how?! She finds herself stranded on the stage of her most complicated performance yet. She's done this before. Just pull it off one. More. Time.

She grasps to the being, the deity she oh-so-loves to use to her advantage the most. Suddenly a shocked expression is smacked on her face, she gasps. "No... I- How could I have been so hare-brained?! StarClan had warned me!" These rotten, StarClan obsessed fools would eat out of her paw if they thought StarClan had anything to do with this! Just as Badgermoon had, just as he would've if she had not made to many mistakes.

"I had a dream- it was dark. Stars shone in the sky and a big bright moon hung above..." She motions to the almost full-moon that hung above them now, only a sliver of it remaining in shadow. "The moonlight revealed a badger who stood hulking in the distance. It had stared back at me with cold and calculating yellow eyes. It's lips curled and it sounded a snarl... Then I woke."

"I had thought it was just a dream..." 'But it was a warning' intentionally she forces herself not to overexplain. Let them ask questions... and hope that they will fall for your trickery once more.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
✦  .   ˚ .   He had thought not too long ago what a blessing it was, to sleep long and uninterrupted hours among this moorland cradle. The stars above them and the walls protecting them, there is not much that Sunstride need worry about. And yet he worries even still. Sleeplessness calls upon him at odd times, and even the rustling of his clanmates nearby may stir him. It is a good thing that he moved to Wolfsong's den, far from their tangling limbs, yet he misses it too. The camaraderie of it all. A closeness that could not be replicated anywhere else. He is in search of it tonight, having left his mate and kittens asleep in their nest to stroll about beneath the stars. Mousepaw is not far off, but closer to where their leader enters camp. He is the second to arrive, as far as his frantic gaze manages to see.

"Sootstar?" The lead warrior's panicked voice cuts through the beginning of her explanation and is swiftly thereafter silenced. Broad shoulders rise and seaglass eyes widen to a taut string of tension. The dream that she speaks of and the rage and dismay in her voice: after all that they have shared, he can do nothing but believe it. Even if there is a part of him what whispers he would not, and in another voice, Curlewnose? How would they have though to take her alone? How had they failed so terribly that they would leave, unsuccessfully? He did not know what came before her. Not a thought was offered to the voice he had heard. Run. Why would he have felt the need?

Instead, he circles around her, fur lifting up to grant the lead warrior an even larger silhouette against the moonlit grass. "Did he know–" He cuts himself off. He would not ask before the clan how many lives she had left, or how many Badgermoon would have had to take. "He intended to take your life? That we would not hear of this, and would simply follow him into this darkness he chose?"

  • OOC.
    ——  a tall auburn tabby with thick fur and bright glacial eyes. sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond it, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of them. he radiates confidence and self-assured authority.

  • "speech"
The echoes of the night were gaurenteed to draw attention. The tunneler rose to pass with several others, gaze angered, brows furrowed under thick bangs draping over her helm and maw. She was quick to approach, soaking in the story.

Sootstar did not deserve that. She did not heed the story of Starclan, she barely believed in it. But she trusted Sootstars word.

"Half a mind to chase them down," the long limbered molly would say. "On your word, I can." She offered, eyes glimmered with bloodlust. Claws always protruded, but this time they grit deep into the ground, curled into it to only plant her in place.
The tunneler, paws weighted by the remnants of sleep, is just behind Weepingwillow as the other molly arrives at the scene. Golden eyes are dulled with exhaustion as she looks upon the smoky-furred leader, but Scorchstreak’s normally stoic expression turns to one of horror and nothing else as Sootstar explains what happened. She was attacked by Badgermoon and Curlewnose, and had been given a dream even before that. StarClan had tried to warn her—to warn all of them.

Badgermoon… the father of her kits, a friend to her in his own way. And Curlewnose, her dearest friend, the closest she’s had since Tigerfrost. No. Why would… why would they…? How could they do this to Sootstar, to WindClan? How could they do this to her? To their kits, the family they had built up? How could Badgermoon leave Scorchpaw without a mentor, the rest of his kits without a father?

There is a heavy weight within her, settling somewhere against her ribs. Grief, cold and thick, frosts her veins. It was too good to be true, wasn’t it? A happy family, strange as it may have been, was simply too great to hope for. Her mind races, struck speechless as rage and horrible, horrible sadness war within her. Will nothing ever go her way? Is her family cursed?

"What am I going to tell the kits…" Her voice is soft, hardly a murmur in the dark as she turns to look over her shoulder, as though one of her kits may be approaching as she says it. How can she even begin to explain this to them? That their father could put anything above their safety, above their security, seems impossible to imagine. After Hyacinthbreath’s exile, the clan had turned against the traitor’s children—what will become of their kits? She can only hope that her position as a lead warrior is enough to shield them from the worst of it, or the journey that they are about to go on will give the clan enough time to forget about Badgermoon’s blood ties.
Breezerunner, too, is drawn by the cries and yowls that split open the night air. He follows his clanmates dutifully and uneasily. He expects tragedy- it's hard not to these days- but he doesn't expect the story that Sootstar is spinning for them. Silent surprise furrows the moor runner's brow. How is it that Sootstar's second-hand man has betrayed her so deeply when WindClan is already facing such loss and turmoil in recent moons? He frowns. Even StarClan had foretold of his betrayal, but he's certain that Sootstar could never have interpreted the signs in such a manner.

Breezerunner offers a pitying look to Scorchstreak, unable to imagine what is going through the lead warrior's mind. 'I'm so very sorry,' he wants to say 'there's no way any of us could have known.' But he holds off his apologies that can be given at a later and less critical time. His gaze tears away from the calico, and turns back to Sootstar. She appears distraught, and rightfully so. So many emotions that Breezerunner cannot fully comprehend swim around him at once; both Scorchstreak and Sootstar's confidants have betrayed them. He feels his pity melt to anger.

"We should," he agrees aloud with Weepingwillow. Breezerunner detests the spilling of blood- the effort it takes to get the iron smell and rusted color out of his white fur, really- but the hunt of a traitor thrills him. He craves to run Curlewnose and Badgermoon down, to snap at their heels and barrel them over. To deliver a merciful death to the pair would be too kind, too easy. Though Breezerunner is far from lustful for blood, the anger he feels for his leader and lead warrior brings him to only one conclusion: someone must answer for these crimes.
  • Wow
Reactions: Badgermoon
Morningsong's feelings about his clan were known only to him. Windclan was a bed of untrustworthy cats, cats he knew would turn on him in an instant, especially if Sootstar said so. He was keenly aware of the blind faith surrounding his leader, and he took his awareness as a warning not to follow suit.

To blindly put your faith in someone is to be disappointed. You can only trust yourself. Only believe in yourself. Everyone has an agenda, and you are either a pawn, a stepping stone, or expendable in it.

He knew to play his act well, to keep his true feelings hidden and play the part of a loyal sheep, never questioning Sootstar or her council.

But tonight, oho. Tonight was something spectacular. He hears a ruckus outside camp, and follows suit with his clanmates, after Sunstride.

It comes as a surprise to hear that Badgermoon and Curlewnose attacked Sootstar. But is that really the case? Both of them were loyal...Badgermoon especially. For him to suddenly attack Sootstar.... He looks at Sootstar with a surprised expression as he scoured her form.

She wasn't bleeding anywhere, yet she says she was attacked. If Badgermoon wanted to kill her, there surely would have been blood.


A chuckle erupted in his mind.

Badgermoon and Curlewnose made the same mistake Yewberry had made. That Dandelionwish- all the exiles had made. They stood up to Sootstar. To stand up to her while she has the clan wrapped around her claw is suicide.

And now, they have no deputy and lost a tunneler.

Silly, this was. To think that a simple tongue lashing would take down Sootstar, to think that a simple brawl would send her running. No, no. Were they so foolish? Whatever they tried to do, It's better to keep quiet, assuming that his assumption of what has just happened is correct.

But Morningsong is not like them. He will not be chased from the moors, from what remains of his family. And so, he keeps his observation and thoughts quiet.

"How could they...?" He says out loud, looking over the moors. "Perhaps we can still catch them?" He has no qualms about going after them, attacking cats who would have done the same to him anyways if asked.

Sootstar plays her act well, and even though Morningsong doubts her dream, he goes along with it. It's better to do so. He knows that after Dandelionwish, she would take such dreams more seriously and would have acted on them. More cats arrive, Scorchstreak among them. And oh... What about her kits, she says.....

The laughter in his mind becomes hysterical. They'll be treated like HORSE SHIT, of course! Always suspect of traitorous activity, always looked down on with disdain and suspicion! Hahaha!!

He will watch this all unfold without lifting a paw. He will play his part, the unwitting pawn. The exiles of Windclan lost everything. He will not be so foolish as to throw it all away for a moment of false glory.

"This is terrible...And at a time like this? We need all the help we can get with Yellowcough running rampant....And they sought to overthrow Sootstar...." He said. "Despicable." He adds, shaking his head.
  • Haha
Reactions: Badgermoon
She has been scarcely able to sleep lately. Between Sootstar's approval for her departure and the illness that pushed her to pursue such a thing, the young molly has taken to tossing and turning beneath the watchful stars. Badgermoon worked her hard in spite of (perhaps because of) the blood they shared, but even that bone tired ache could not lull the apprentice to sleep. No; she stares up at the cloud-dusted sky, mind alight with worry and hope in equal measure.

But it seems that sleep would not be in her cards even if silverpelt was racing above her. WindClan is alight with some sort of activity; a buzz she cannot describe, frantic and strange, unlike anything she has seen before in her short five (nearly six) moons of living. There is a screech, and then the sent of blood wafts over the gorse wall, and Mousepaw alerts them all to whatever crime has befallen Sootstar. And oh, how terrible it is to see the blue molly in such a state. Blood spatters her pelt, and she quakes with such conviction that Scorchpaw could not hope to imagine the cause for her distress to be little more than a ruse. Sootstar was in danger. Is she still? Are they all?

But when the moorland monarch speaks and offers a name to this mystery danger, Scorchpaw's world seems to stop turning.

Her jaw slacks at first, lost for words. Badgermoon and Curlewnose are not traitors. This she knows; for if Badgermoon's is the blood that runs in her veins, then it needs to be good blood, because she is good. Isn't she? And if Badgermoon is a traitor, what did this mean for her? What did this mean for Luckypaw? She doesn't believe what she is hearing. She has her father's bones. She has her father's rage. And rage she feels, rising like heat off the pavement, sending ripples through her heart. Her bi-color gaze finds Weepingwillow, who calls for the hunt of her father and his partner. She sees little more than a dog in the warrior, so easily swayed. And Breezerunner agrees; he volunteers for it without so much as a blink. Desperate, Scorchpaw looks to her mother– her mirror, pelt blazing red and hot ash-black.

She sees no rage in Scorchstreak. Only resignation, a quiet and heavy acceptance of her leader's word. Should Scorchpaw follow her example? Her whole life, she has found it simpler to lie down and take orders than to question what she's told. But she is her father's apprentice. She must know Badgermoon best, or at least second-best or third-best. And it is Badgermoon's rage that she feels when it finally becomes too powerful for her to clamp her teeth around:

"Your vision– it can't be about Badgermoon!" the girl yowls, ears flattening. "It has to mean something else. Badgermoon wouldn't do this– Curlewnose wouldn't do this!" Sootstar may have seen a badger, but that beast was not her father, lover of the moors and WindClan alike; loyal deputy to an exemplary leader; passionate teacher. And then she directs her ire to the two warriors in her midst, her whip tail lashing with the force of anger she cannot unleash with her tongue alone. "How can you call to chase them down?!"

  • 68999045_NL19RL4Beh3AydG.png
    scorchkit . scorchpaw — she/they ; apprentice of windclanclan
    — short-haired tortoiseshell she-cat with low white and orange/yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — penned by meghan
    — chibi by giinya, ref & profile art by me
Bluepaw has never seen her mother look this way. Sootstar had the potential for great violence, to display power and wield it as expertly as any of the claws protruding from her paws, but there’s a strange look to her mother now. Hunted. Haunted. The gray she-cat is almost reminded of the shriek she’d made when she’d come back to life, Fire! She studies her mentor’s pelt, looking for wounds, for blood that must crust the tips of her fur. Mercifully, she sees none, and she is not her father—she will not flock to Sootstar’s side to bury her face into that plush fur like a kit would, or a lover.

That is her mother, but Sootstar is her leader first, her mentor second, and her mother third. Bluepaw’s green eyes shine, her fur prickling stiffly about her neck and shoulders. Weepingwillow, Breezerunner, and Morningsong call for a hunt, and Bluepaw would agree… but then she shifts, uncomfortably aware of Scorchstreak’s grief, Scorchpaw’s outrage. She’s forced to consider, then, that the cats she still trusted may not be who she thought they were…

She studies the deputy’s daughter and apprentice for a moment, suspicion veiling her emerald stare. “Do you doubt Sootstar’s interpretation?” Though her question is asked without volatility, there is a stony quality to her expression. “Badgermoon and Curlewnose are traitors. StarClan themselves has seen this.

  • bluekit . bluepaw
    — she/her, apprentice of windclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — long-haired blue she-cat with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — art by Meg
Many sinister happenings occur under the cover of nightfall — the tendrils of ominous shadows streaking across the moors, the swoop of an owl making its typical nocturnal kill, whisperings and conspiring between cats on the outskirts of the territory. There was a lot more potential for trouble at such a time when the moon was high, which was why almost nobody could have expected things to go awry right in the dead of day.

A normal day in WindClan's camp quickly flipped and landed squarely on its back — a terror-stricken shriek ripped from a clanmate's maw; Snakehiss could have sworn it was Badgermoon. He knew his mentor's voice, but never had he heard it sound so raw with fear.

Snakehiss swiftly exited the camp after the others, eager to know what was happening, though he kept to the back of the crowd just in case a bad situation awaited ahead. Was it an ambush by another clan? A fox, close to camp? He smells blood and his claws instinctively unsheathe, kneading the ground anxiously as he sweeps his gaze to try and detect a threat. However, it is none other than Sootstar herself who is there to greet her clan; she looks bewildered, all while surrounded by the stench of blood.

The leader mentions Badgermoon, as well as Curlewnose, and at that moment he nearly feels his heart lurch out of his chest. The Moor Queen damns their names, claiming that they had both attacked her, claiming that she had dreamt of her deputy's betrayal.

A wave of shock and rage engulfs WindClan. How could Badgermoon, the deputy that they all knew and trusted, turn his back on Sootstar? What was there to gain? Did he really think he would win such a battle? "They're— They're filthy traitors, both of them!" Snakehiss cries, ice running cold through his veins, claws digging into the earth below. Honeytwist, Dandelionwish, Hyacinthbreath, Galeforce, Yewberry.... None of their betrayals had truly affected Snakehiss. He had been so young then, so naive and willing to turn on his clanmates at a given moment. They had only been passing faces, nobody of importance to him. This, though? Snakehiss was shook to his core, fighting the feelings of utter disbelief and shock that plagued his mind.

"How dare a deputy betray his clan?! We must find them, Sootstar. I'll—" He takes a second to swallow, to quickly suck some air into his lungs, to compose himself. "—kill him myself if I must." His claws have never sealed death. He has never made a killing bite. Could he really stomach the thought of using his training, using everything he had ever been taught, against the cat who had taught him in the first place?

No, not a lick of hesitation must leave his lips. Not an ounce of doubt must weigh on his words. Snakehiss is purely loyal to the crown, to the moors and to everything WindClan stands for — that is what is expected of him. There is no time to consider the what ifs; Snakehiss's reputation was on the line as it was, and he wasn't about to be remembered as the apprentice of a traitor.

So many moons he had teased and jeered at clanmates who had ties to WindClan exiles, and now he was one of them. Badgermoon was no longer his deputy, nor his former mentor. He was an enemy.

How could you do this to me?!

  • 67742787_tPGcdYVUNzWpIz9.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
Last edited:


”Power can become tempting- especially when it’s at your paws for any cat.” She meows to Sunstride while slowly straightening her neck. ”He must’ve had some sort of plan, Badgermoon was no fool. I only wish I could tell you what he intended.” A lie she was afraid to could not fabricate at this time, hopefully “not knowing” would buy her enough grace to worm out of this.

Breezerunner and Weepingwillow’s determination to chase the two traitors down gives her inspiration. She fakes a hesitant pause, ”…Yes, run after them. At the very least see they do not remain on the territory. Morningsong, you too.”

Snakehiss is enraged- Sootstar knowns well that Badgermoon was his mentor. She’s tempted to play into her lie and falsely distrust the black tom, but she doesn’t find it in her to squish his anger for Badgermoon. ”Go with them Snakehiss. You know Badgermoon well, you might be able to predict which paths he would’ve taken.”

Scorchstreak appears distraught, her voice is hoarse. Sootstar turns to her now, ”Scorchstreak- I’m sorry for what he’s done. Why he would’ve done this to you and your children is… madness.” Anger shows within her more now, she allows her claws to flexs out of their sheathes. ”After… the first kit you brought up- I know you would’ve been extra diligent in ensuring your new litter are all loyal and hardworking WindClanners. They have my trust, you have my trust, WindClan will get your family through this.” Sootstar vows as genuine as she could make herself sound.

Speaking of her kits, Scorchpaw is in denial. The vision could not have been about Badgermoon, that he would never do that. Sootstar is afraid she’s right, but they must never know if she’s to remain seated on Tallrock. Bluepaw is quick to challenge Scorchpaw and question if she means to doubt Sootstar’s interpretation, StarClan’s warning. The support of her apprentice brings on a great deal of relief.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Around her, clanmates talk of chasing after the toms, of hunting them down like prey. It is with a painful twist of her stomach that Scorchstreak finds herself agreeing. If Badgermoon and Curlewnose are a threat, are willing to abandon their family over some pointless grab for power, then they are better off dead. Better to get rid of the traitors’ corpses than to bury another loyal WindClanner. After all, they’ve chosen their nests now. Sootstar gives the order to chase them down, and she nods stiffly. She will not join in on any hunt—she needs to find her kits, tell them what’s happened—but behind the grief that shows on her face is fury. How could they?!

Sootstar turns to her, faces her with apologies, assurances that the kits have her trust, and the leader sounds angry enough that Scorchstreak believes it. The tension that’s coiled in her shoulders loosens, just a bit, as she offers a grin smile to the other tunneler. "Thank you." She is far from concerned about herself, now, but one of her kits has arrived at the scene already, and the calico’s attention is drawn to Scorchpaw. Scorchpaw, who as a result of one terrible decision has lost both her mentor and her father. The flame-flecked apprentice yowls her dissent, denying Sootstar’s words with her claims that neither of the toms would ever do such a thing. Scorchstreak would be inclined to agree, had she not seen this sort of betrayal play out so many times before. So many cats desperate to wrest power away from Sootstar, to dethrone their leader for reasons yet unknown to the calico.

"Scorchpaw," she snaps, a warning. How could she be so foolish as to doubt her leader’s word? Sootstar has never led their clan astray, and she would not lie to them about a vision. Especially not one featuring a badger. Scorchstreak thinks back to the badger that they had fought in the tunnels—Sootstar must have thought that was the reason for her vision, and brushed it off once the threat came to pass. The leader wouldn’t have kept something such as this from them, otherwise.
Cottonpaw had been up late in the night, not wandering the camp like the others but instead desperately trying to memorize 'strengthening herbs,' as Wolfsong called them. It was frustrating, with as much as she wanted to tell leaves and stems and petals apart, she would simply confuse herself all over again in the end. Fatigue eventually won and the she-cat meandered to her own nest, prepared to take on the rest of the night with her eyes closed.

Until, like everyone else, a shout shook the camp and roused everyone to leave it instantaneously.

She pauses beside Snakehiss, pressing her side against the tall tom's. Like Bluepaw, worry and fear graces her features for Sootstar, however primarily for the woman's position as leader. She has more empathy for the other's motherly values than her sister, she thinks, however it wasn't Sootstar's motherhood that was challenged and threatened. It was her rank. Badgermoon... It still didn't feel real to an extent.

Discussion of giving chase flies in one ear and out the other. Confusion and outrage mix together and Cottonpaw is, admittedly, unsurprised. It was never that she didn't trust the now former deputy, but instead that it feels too long since someone of rank defected so dubiously. Cottonpaw knows how childish it is, to think traitors operated on timers, but truly she felt it is about time. In the end, she is simply glad it hadn't been Wolfsong - she cannot tell many of the herbs in their shared den apart from one another. StarClan chose her, yet she struggles still with her position.

"Stay safe," she murmurs to Snakehiss, keeping her thoughts internal otherwise. "I want to see you return, got it?" His anger is palpable, and perhaps hers should be too. Maybe StarClan blessed her with a stunningly calm demeanor... she isn't sure.​
Bluepaw turns her dagger on her in an instant. Scorchpaw's roiling grief and molten anger pale in comparison to the ice that materializes beneath the point of the older girl's stare. And she stares with suspicion, as if Scorchpaw has ever shown an inkling of dishonesty, as if she has ever indicated a lack of loyalty– and again her chest seizes. Downy-soft, well-groomed, flower-scented pelt whisks across her mind's eye, and Scorchpaw's jaw clenches so hard her teeth could crack. Her tail lashes but she remains silent, her own bi-color gaze vitrified with the force of her rage. Badgermoon and Curlewnose are traitors. StarClan themselves has seen this. But no, it must mean meant something else– right?

She turns her attention to Sootstar, wondering what her leader would say in response to her outcry. But she says nothing, simply reiterating a motive. So he had been hungry for power? Her eyes sting. Her muzzle wrinkles. Her conviction crumbles beneath the force of the stares she receives; it falls apart completely when Scorchstreak hisses at her. Nobody believes me, she realizes, and quietly, the voice creeps in: does she even believe herself? Could Badgermoon have been scheming all along? Could he have wanted power so badly that he would sacrifice everything – even her, even Luckypaw – to get it?

A trapdoor opens beneath her to swallow each lick of fire that scorches her chest. At once, her will to fight, her will to believe in the best of her father, has been sapped from her in the midst of her confusion. Grief erodes the jagged edges of her rage. She finds her bearings enough to finally look back at Bluepaw and answer her: "No." And then, turning towards Sootstar, "I'm sorry." She wills the tremble from her chin as she continues, trying her best to be resolute: "They're traitors, like you saw."

Her head hangs as she takes a step towards her mother, instinctual need for comfort guiding her paws before she catches herself. Would Scorchstreak want to comfort her after the blasphemy she has spouted? And yet, discomfort still sits bulging between her ribs. Badgermoon and Curlewnose wouldn't do this, she repeats to herself, but in vain. Unless. Unless he had grown tired of his long tenure as deputy. Unless he had grown tired of the waving golden grasses and warm kiss of wind. Unless he had grown tired of Scorchpaw.

Uncertain, the girl stares mournfully at Scorchstreak for a moment more. Then her cream-dipped paws turn towards camp's entrance, where she quickly ducks into the gorse tunnel so that no cat may see her weep.

  • 68999045_NL19RL4Beh3AydG.png
    scorchkit . scorchpaw
    — she/they ; apprentice of windclanclan
    — short-haired tortoiseshell she-cat with low white and orange/yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — penned by meghan
    — chibi by giinya, ref & profile art by me
A low rumble of a growl escaped her throat as Scorchpaw stated the blasphemy, but otherwise, she knew that Scorchpaw was protecting her father, what little she could deny that her father could actually do such a thing. Anyone can do something wrong, and believe what they will do to make their own moral compass make them feel better. She could barely word it right in her head, trying to understand and unable to.

Yes, run after them. That's all she heard that broke her thought as immediately she dipped her head in respect before charging after their scent. She would find them. She would not let anything except borders stop her as her clawed paws dug into the ground and her hind legs threw powerful strikes. She felt like she was flying, her long wirey limbs providing a weightless feeling as she threw herself across the moor after their still strong scent.

/out ; tired so short post

periwinklebreeze & 14 moons & demi-boy & he/they & windclan moor runner

Another death omen, another betrayal. He's seen it before - or heard it at least. A whispered conversation not meant to overhear, but how could a child unable to sleep possibly ignore it when the two ex-medicine cats were only a pawstep away. The roles have been reversed this time - instead of a warning against sootstars actions, starclan has stepped in to save their beloathed leaders life. Another tally in the young toms eyes that starclan truly favors their moorland queen - no matter the heavy cost.

But the others dredge up a good point - why, exactly, had the two felt the need to take her life? Had they simply grown tired of her tyranny, where before they'd taken no issue? Had they really wanted power for themselves? He... he doesn't know. But tired mind cannot bring itself to try to fathom such thoughts any more - there is no snailstride to voice his woes to, and with the elder warrior gone he knows there is none here he can trust. He will never forget the silver-furred felines words - firefang had so readily spied upon them once, turned them over to sootstar - and that had been over simple inaction. Who knows how many spies lay amungst the ranks? No - his mind is filled with visions of red as he turns his back, disinterested.

This is not worth his care, and certainly not worth his life. He has more important concerns right now.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: in & out
    tw/cw: —
  • a lithe figured black and white tom with a false-pointed pattern and clear blue eyes that gleam periwinkle in the right lighting. he seems perpetually worn and exhausted, with heavy bags beneath his eyes and a slouched posture. he has a speech impediment which leaves him with a stutter and sometimes even completely non-verbal, and his fluffy tail is adorned with carefully woven daisies.

    physically medium && mentally easy && pacifist
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ccccff]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


More than anything, the waiting is getting at Luckypaw, steadily weighing down on him until he feels restless, troubled. Since the time between the announcement, he's had plenty of chances to think over his decision, to play back every little detail, every little shuffle and flick of the tail, and it's all led back to one question - should he have even volunteered to go in the first place? In his better moments, he'll think of it as pragmatic, noble even, to head off into the unknown in search of a cure for his ailing, dying clanmates; at his worst, however, he can hardly stand the thought that he'd condemned himself to such a fate. And it's not an if either, no question of whether or not he'll make it back; no, in his mind there's no room for any uncertainty. If anyone makes it back at all, it surely won't be him - and he had chosen this, had stepped up even before Scorchpaw, stood there alongside Scorchstreak. At this point, there's certainly no taking it back, not after Sootstar herself had affirmed his decision, but part of him wants to crawl to her den, to throw himself at her paws and beg to stay behind. To his credit, he's been able to keep from doing anything drastic thus far by staying busy, out training with Cygnetstare, though now he's been left to his own devices, tucking away in a corner of camp - not quite asleep, but certainly not paying any mind to his surroundings, not after such restless nights fraught with uncertainty.

When a yowl rings out, somewhere outside of camp, he's slow to move, slow to react - slower than he should be, certainly, and slower than he needs to be to make it back in one piece. Clumsily, his limbs unfold from one another, even as he sees cats rushing past him, and finally he's stumbling after them, finding himself in the throngs of the gathering crowd that now stands before Sootstar. He's too close to the others, and his ears flatten in the face of the proximity of all the moving, milling bodies, but any discomfort he might have felt is gone without a trace the moment Sootstar begins to speak. She tells a tale of betrayal, of threats and attempts and dreams and -
None of it really processes, though, not initially - Luckypaw is too focused on her very first exclamation, the first name out of her mouth. "What?" The word leaves hoarsely and unbidden, as though he himself doesn't even realize he's spoken aloud. Badgermoon and Curlewnose had - Badgermoon had-? The more Sootstar speaks, the more incredulous he grows, jaws parted and eyes blown wide at the very prospect. Badgermoon had - how could he - it can't be true, can it? "What?" he repeats again, as though he can't summon up any other words, tongue filling stiff and unwieldy in his maw.

Somewhere along the way, the Badgermoon that had played with him as a kit, that had told him grand tales of the outside world and had visited him in the nursery with whatever scraps of time he could spare, had started to change into Badgermoon, deputy of WindClan busy not just with Clan affairs but with mentoring Scorchpaw, and that had been - well, it had just been. There wasn't anything to do about it, and as his time with his father had grown shorter and shorter, he would freely admit that he'd grown jealous of Scorchpaw, who got to spend so much time with Badgermoon, who got to learn directly from him every day, but now? Now, the very thought of being jealous of his littermate for that made him sick to his stomach, vision clouding over in horror. It can't be true, he thinks, even as his clanmates around him begin to rally, to offer to chase down the "traitors", to do who knows what out there with nobody to bear witness. Suddenly, Luckypaw is feeling unsteady, a tremble running through his frame, and there's no one there to quell it. He thinks of the raid on ShadowClan, the raid on SkyClan, of being pressed against solid and steady black-and-white, and the absence has never felt more apparent than it does in this moment.

Scorchpaw's cries ring out even over the din of the crowd, and his head snaps up, trying to seek her out amongst the throng of other pelts. More than ever, he feels overcrowded, like he has no room to breathe, and as Scorchpaw calls the vision from StarClan into question, he murmurs, "Badgermoon wouldn't - he wouldn't..." Whether it's an attempt to soothe himself or some feeble agreement with his sister, he'll never quite know, not as Bluepaw challenges Scorchpaw, as Scorchstreak admonishes her for her words, and Luckypaw shrinks back into himself, away from the nearest cat that he can't quite make out anymore. Sootstar continues on, directs cats to go after the wayward WindClanners - ex-WindClanners - but he finally just tunes it out, unable to understand anything more in this moment. Was - had everything been a lie, up until now? Had Badgermoon just been waiting, as Sootstar had said, for the perfect opportunity? That couldn't be true though - it just couldn't. All these moons, all the little moments they'd shared - Badgermoon was good. He was a good cat, and couldn't have done that, even as everything around him points to the contrary. Everything except Scorchpaw, of course, but even then it was as though her namesake had been doused, the admittance sounding wrong to his own ears.

Belatedly, as cats begin to disperse out onto the moors, to track down Badgermoon, he realizes that during all of this he hasn't truly conflated the two together - Badgermoon and traitor - yet, or at least, not in his own head. Badgermoon, and traitor. The words dance around in his skull, threaten to press right out of his head, and still it doesn't sound right. Still, Badgermoon wouldn't have done that - attacked Sootstar, tried to take her life and her position. It feels horribly wrong to admit even that, the possibility that he could have done any of that, for the first time, and yet...there doesn't seem to be any question anymore about the former deputy's guilt. Sootstar's words are absolute, surely; they leave no room for dissent, no room for any argument, and even as he finds himself wanting to take up the mantle Scorchpaw had abandoned, to come rushing in to Badgermoon's defense - he finds he can't. Maybe Sootstar had been mistaken, maybe there was some sort of misunderstanding and - and -
Luckypaw is grasping for some sort of alternative explanation now and he knows it; he just doesn't want to believe it, even as the grief begins to sink into his bones. Badgermoon was a good cat - but, was he anymore? It's the only thing he can hold onto, the idea that Badgermoon was real and true and good up until now, when something must have changed that; it's the only thing he can wrap his brain around.

Because, if Badgermoon had been bad this whole time, ever since he and his littermates were only just leaving the nursery, then - what does that say about him? About Scorchpaw, about Scorchstreak? The alternative is too much to bear, that Badgermoon had been scheming behind everyone's backs for moons and moons, had been pretending this whole time; the words 'traitor' and 'Badgermoon' and 'father' and 'mentor' haunt him, the memories of all the happy times they've shared haunt him, until there's nothing left to do but give way. He is Luckypaw, tunneler apprentice of WindClan, brother to Scorchpaw, son to Scorchstreak, and son to a traitor. Even unspoken, it leaves ashes in his mouth, the finality of the statement, the harsh acceptance, and finally, finally, he can't take it anymore. Catching sight of a disappearing flame, he shoulders his way out of the crowd, unperceiving of those around him, only sparing a mournful glance to his mother as he bites his lip to keep it from wobbling and makes for the gorse wall, seeking out Scorchpaw.

// In & out :')
  • Sad
It's chaos. Absolute chaos. Everything's erupting, like some giant beast has dug its claws into the very earth below WindClan and is ripping it up beneath their feet. Everyone's screaming and arguing and spitting hatred from their teeth like it's poison they have to release, and Sedgepounce is a leaf carried on the wild, tempestuous current. There's Scorchstreak, a fiery ember finally died out and cold. Her children, betrayed. There's Sootstar, finally finding strength on her shivering, wavering legs—filthy from the scuffle, clutching at a steely resolve over her panicked, wide-eyed confessions. And there's Badgermoon. There's—it's...Badgermoon.

He's somewhere in the fringes of the crowd, lost. Badgermoon is the epitome of loyalty and diligence. He is—he was—a true believer in StarClan, carting Sedge to the Moonstone out of duty, but also out of kindness. Was it an act? Sootstar's dream is one of startling foreboding; he understands why she would keep it to herself. But if StarClan had scorned Badgermoon, why would he pretend to be so pieous?

To usurp Sootstar, obviously. Sedgepounce tries not to let his disbelief cloud his better judgement, it's's insane.

But Sootstar stands a testament to reality. Her steely pelt unscathed, despite the best efforts of her betrayers, and all of Badgermoon's nefarious efforts remain fruitless.

And Sedge can do nothing about it.​
Breezerunner finds that the truth is often hard to swallow. But his pity for his clanmates- especially Scorchstreak and Scorchpaw- only grows with the information Sootstar spills forth. He scowls. Not an angry or disagreeable expression, but rather one of sadness and pity for his clanmates and leader. He watches idly and quietly as Sootstar addresses both the mother of Badgermoon's kits and his own child indirectly as well. He can't imagine what must be going through both of their minds. If either of his siblings- or even a potential mate- could have committed such an atrocity...? No. Such things aren't possible. They don't happen to Breezerunner. He resigns himself to work. It's how he stays whole.

When Sootstar commands him, Snakehiss, Morningsong, and Weepingwillow to chase after Curlewnose and Badgermoon, his paws move quicker than his mind can think. The disbelief in his clanmates' eyes and words have left an impression on him. As Sootstar has said: power can become tempting. But Badgermoon? Breezerunner utters a quiet "Yes ma'am," as he turns quickly to trail after the former deputy and his charge like a silent and deadly bloodhound. He doesn't look to see if the other moor runners are following with he and Weepingwillow. His jaws part as he tries to scent the exact direction of their departure.

Breezerunner doesn't think about what this betrayal means for WindClan. He doesn't think about omens and signs. He doesn't think about the hurt and confused looks on his clanmates' faces, and the way some had jumped immediately to his defense as if they knew something wasn't right. He resigns himself to work like he always does. After all, would they too come to his defense if he did such things?