camp BREATHING IN THE DARK ☾✩ stargazing

the sky was in a beautiful state. free of clouds, the moon and stars burned brightly over thunderclan. perhaps if she were religious she would have taken it as a sign from starclan. an omen that the clan would prosper despite the trials they faced now. however, she wasn't full of that much faith. starclan's existence was undisputable, but nightbird didn't know if that was such a good thing. their whole purpose served to guide the clans, and in her opinion they weren't doing too remarkably.

nestled towards an area just big enough to watch the starlight peek through the barren branches, she sat with her head craned towards the sky. it might even look to be a prayer of sorts, for their dead ancestors to throw them a bone. she had no doubt any more problems to come would be faced with strength, but how long until their muscles grew too tired to keep fighting? her feathered tail laid softly over mismatched front paws, lifting in a slow and repetitive tap. she just didn't understand, and could only hope that new-leaf would come soon and bring a little prosperity with it.
[ ☾✩ ]

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
Lightpaw didn't usually have problems sleeping at night. In fact, he typically slept rather calmly, a stark change from his waking state. Until someone came along to wake him up for one thing or another, that was.

Tonight was different.

How could he sleep? How could anyone sleep, for that matter? Emberstar was dead. She had died saving Ragwortpaw from dogs, and those dogs were still out there. He couldn't even do anything to help. He didn't get to say goodbye.

So if... if he shed a few quiet tears late that night, dwelling on maybe more than a few regrets, so be it. At least he took the time to groom his face before he finally gave up on sleep and left the den. There was nothing he could do even now, and for a moment he questioned why he was even getting up- but Lightpaw squashed it down and kept moving anyway. Sometimes it just made him feel better.

The golden tom had figured he would do a few laps around camp, maybe just whittle away the time until he could finally feel tired enough to sleep. Dragging his gaze from his paws, however, brought him to pause. In the dim light of the moon sat a dark figure, soon familiar as he focused on her features. Her head was tilted upward, and he couldn't help but follow, quiet as he noted the source of her interest: the stars.

In spite of his somewhat dry mouth, Lightpaw swallowed hard. He wanted to still be mad at her. Maybe on some level he was. Yet after their stretch of shaky silence, he found no harbored resentment bubbling up inside as he looked at Nightbird. He didn't know if he still should. Believe him, he'd had more than enough time to sit and dwell over their spat, far more than he'd have liked.

Stop thinking, he decided in that moment. No more. He was sick of it. Plodding paws carried him forward, nearly avoiding his mentor's gaze as he took a silent seat beside her, pelts brushing.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
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Tossing, turning, to be asleep but not actually asleep was a torture. Stormchaser was fidgeting in his nest, unable to get comfortable and felt uncomfortably hot. Images of death and gore plagued his mind, haunting him as crimson edged his vision. A flash of imaginary light sweeps over his closed lids, the flashing of large teeth and slobber coming at him. He gasps as his lids flew open to reveal darkness and the sleeping silhouettes of warriors. I need some air. Not like I'm gonna sleep anyways. Dark thoughts still whirled around his cranium and suddenly he feels claustrophobic, as if the bramble walls were to close in on him. A shudder passes through him then, prickling his feathered fur as he made himself scarce by exiting the den and out into the camp.
He takes a few deep breaths, closing his eyes as he inhaled through his nose and exhaled out of his mouth to steady his thundering heart beat. It was hard to get a moment's rest with canines still slinking about, causing mayhem where they decided to go. Ruffles of feathered fur stick out of their original place, and riggt now, he doesn't seem to care. His limbs ache to be stretched, and so be obliges, reaching his two fore legs out while stretching his hind legs in a big stretch. A silhouette of a figure catches in his peripheral, his glowing gaze following to trace over the suspect was and it's followed by a half smile. Another figure comes into view now, his pale coat gleaming silver while bathed in moonlight. "Ah, Nightbird and Lightpaw. " He comments to her, making her aware of his presence before slipping over towards the shaded molly. "I see you two can't sleep either, hm?" His steps were light as he came up beside the duo, settling himself down near her other flank without asking if she even wanted his company at this time. He was gonna give it to them both anyways. Even if it was to just sit in the silence and watch the vast sky above them. He lifts his chin up to the starry heavens, apricot eyes reflecting silver light as his blue-tinged fur. "Times like these are when we really need to pull together." He finally comments, his eyes not dwindling from their previous post. Such wise words spoken from a young adult, it was strange. Of course, Nightbird and Lightpaw probably knew that already. In order to survive this weight of grief, ThunderClan needed to hold themselves together with support from one another. It was the only way to help ease the pain.
✦ ★ ✦

Ragwortpaw too, could not sleep. She’s tried to shut her eyes, but the sound of dogs howling and a vision of bloody fangs keep her up. It’s a terrible… terrible thought, but images of Emberstar being killed also haunts her. She is certain even if she did find sleep she would only encounter nightmare upon nightmare.

In times like these, she wishes for her mother, Salamander. Oh how she resents the blue cat for abandoning her, but she misses the touch of a mother. She wanted someone to cuddle up with, someone who’d groom her fur backwards and tell her stories until she grew sleepy. No such comfort for an orphan was to be found.

Luckily she isn’t alone, much of the clan cannot sleep. Lightpaw and a couple of warriors too.
Ragwortpaw was not the type to isolate herself, she thrives in the company of others and eagerly approaches them with a dumb grin on her face. It fades though as she follows Nightbird’s gaze into the sky.

Every time a warrior dies a new star shines bright in the sky… an elder had rasped to her once. She decides to dare ask the question they all wondered out loud, ”Guys,” Ragwortpaw meows, ”do you think she’s up there?”


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 5 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
There were several reasons she could not sleep tonight. The red tabby had gotten so many opportunities to sleep lately it was the last thing she wanted to do right now. The camp had an all new kind of emptiness that wouldn't be filled...and somewhere out there, there were Emberstar's murders running around.

As silently as she could, she would slip out of the nursery, hoping to not wake Little Wolf. Her gaze would flick towards Wind's den. What she would give to see their flame point leader again...Her smile was enough to reassure anyone right now...She tried her best to imagine Emberstar sitting up there on her rock, smiling down on them, and the thought brought a tear to her eye.

She had thought she was alone out here, but she soon heard silent voices. Were they being raided? The fur on her neck quickly rose, but when she spotted her clanmates gazing at the stars she relaxed. The queen glanced up at the sky from where she was standing, then quietly padded over to join the others. She hoped they wouldn't mind her company...there was no doubt they were still awake for at least one of the same reasons as her.

Ragwortpaw's question falls upon her ears as she begins to sit down. Flamewhisker would flick her tail, attempting to lightly touch the apprentice's shoulder. She couldn't imagine what the young Molly was going through right now...she had been the one that had almost been killed before Emberstar found her. "Of course she is up there..." she responded quietly, "and if I know her, she will be the brightest one."

downturned ears flicked at the sounds of paw steps approaching, but there was no reason to worry. far too light to be a dog that had crept into camp under the protection of darkness. she didn't turn to see who it was, as long as she was unbothered it didn't matter. the steps didn't leave though, instead lightpaw appeared at her side.

she let the silence hang for a few moments before transferring her gaze from the sky to her apprentice. he looked a lot better, obviously moving around camp wasn't an issue. "you better yet? i'm getting bored," nightbird huffed, solidifying her point with a yawn. admittedly, she should have checked up on him a bit more, but the world didn't stop when someone got hurt. finding the time for wellness checks was difficult with so much going on.

soon, more were approaching. she only gave stormchaser a small dip of her head as a greeting, answering his question with a nod. he moved to sit beside her before a protest could be uttered. nightbird wouldn't have been upset if the conversation ended there. it was the middle of the night, but it seemed like the tom had different ideas. the statement held truth, but seemed redundant. did it even have to be said that sticking together would produce the strongest outcome? "how enlightening, o' wise one," she responded sarcastically bowing her head.

ragwortpaw and flamewhisker were the next to show, quickly devolving into a conversation of starclan. the smoke decided to remain quiet, tilting an ear to listen. the furry apprentice asked if they believed 'she' was up there. it didn't have to be explained that they were talking about emberstar. nightbird didn't really understand why it mattered. either way, she was dead. but flamewhisker gave a response far softer than hers would have been, and she quickly grew bored of the conversation. however, her gaze once again drifted to the sky, training its self on the brightest star she could see.
[ ☾✩ ]


There aren't a lot of nights where the ebony she cat cannot sleep but since becoming pregnant again she had found herself awake more and more at the same time as the stars. Usually, she just spends her time in the nursery, head on her paws and green eyes only partly open as she waits for sleep to overcome her once again. Tonight though, she hears voices drift into her ears, hushed and soft but still prevalent. She finds herself wondering who was up at this hour and pushes herself to her paws to stand, stretching her limbs as she does. Her ears pin back against her head and her back arches before she turns her attention to the den entrance where small bits of conversation continues to drift towards her.

She makes her way out into the moonlight and comes to sit next to her apprentice and denmate, listening to their quiet contemplations about Star Clan, about Emberstar. She is glad Flamewhisker answers so kindly, her eyes glitter with unshed tears as she looks up at the sky. Her daughter, her father, her leader, she hopes to be able to see them all again someday.
( ) Lichenpaw often found himself sleepless, and it was even worse now that he had joined ThunderClan. The forest still feels foreign to him, every distant rustle of leaves setting his fur on edge. He feels out of place here. On one of his many sleepless nights, however, the apprentice hears voices coming from outside his den. Is something happening? Hm. Best to check it out. As disjointed as he feels with this close-knit group of cats, Lichenpaw still wants to be a part of them. So if something is happening without him, he wants to know what it is.

The apprentice pads out of his den as quietly as he can, trying not to wake the other cats. He is not one for subtlety, and his paws are too large and clumsy for much precision, but he makes his best effort nonetheless. It feels wrong, somehow, to interrupt the quiet stillness of the night. It leaves the usually energetic cat subdued in a way he rarely is.

As Lichenpaw exits his den, his eyes flick across the small gathering of cats. They're all sitting together, gazing up at the sky. At StarClan; he knows of them, though he still isn't quite sure whether he believes. Still though, he knows better than to say such things now. Voices drift over to him, hushed and near-reverent. Talk of StarClan, of Emberstar. Another place where Lichenpaw does not quite fit.

He holds a fondness for the former leader, for as briefly as he knew her--she let him in, after all, when he needed somewhere to stay. She was kind, and she was oh so clearly loved. Yet the grief Lichenpaw feels is not the loss of a dear friend or a leader; it is the loss someone he wanted to know, but never got the chance to, a fleeting admiration cut off too soon. The severing of what could have been. It seems trivial, compared to the other cats' grief, yet he still feels like there is a hole in his chest. He keeps it to himself.

Lichenpaw keeps his distance as he listens to the cats' conversation, but he does not turn away. He listens, settles down quietly. It feels almost sacrilegious to interrupt. He turns her gaze to the stars; he did not do that often, in the Twolegplace. Too many bright lights shining in his eyes. Here, though, the sky is clear, and he thinks he can understand, just a little bit, why the Clan cats believe there is something to be worshiped there.

Lichenpaw sits alongside his Clanmates, takes in their soft-spoken words. There is no expectation, just quiet companionship. The cat lets out a soft sigh, a breath it feels as though he has been holding since she left the Twolegplace.
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WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
For once, he found himself relishing the silence, unwilling to break it even as Nightbird spared a glance his way. It was short lived, and the dry question brought out an even drier bark of a laugh from the young tom. If anything, he was grateful for the casualness of it. "You're getting bored? I think I died ages ago. You're talking to a corpse." After all the time that had passed, unable to do much but sit or pace, if she asked him to go fetch moss, he would probably thank her.

A new voice drew Lightpaw's attention away, ear swiveling before his head did. It was Stormchaser, and green eyes tracked him until the warrior sat down nearby. Nightbird was the first to reply, but instead of offering his own, he only let out a small hum.

Regardless of the answer piecing itself together in his mind, the voice of Ragwortpaw stopped it short, and he frowned, twisting around to gaze at her. It may have just been the darkness playing tricks on him, but she looked terrible. He didn't comment. Instead, his eyes trailed back up to the stars. "Yeah," he said quietly. Flamewhisker, the next to approach, said it better.

"...She wouldn't want us to be sad," Lightpaw said, voice nearly a mumble. There was little thought behind the utterance. In fact, he hadn't known he was going to say it until he did. Well, at least he agreed, even if he did square his shoulders a little, as if defensive for reasons unknown.

The gathered cluster was slowly but surely growing. Tt helped to ease the biting chill of the night, maybe even a little deeper than surface level. Although he didn't move, the thought of pressing his face into Nightbird's side flashed through his mind. He turned his head away.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

He has a tendency in avoiding a glimpse at the stars above. A tendency brought on by guilt and regret for the lives lost in the Great Battle, for the life who was taken by Finchcatcher's own claws. A fear, that they watch him with narrowed eyes from the night sky for the senseless violence he's caused.

But, after the loss of Emberstar - sudden, all too soon - Finchcatcher's gaze tends to lift upwards, yellow-green eyes drawn to the night sky, to the stars. As if searching for any semblance of his friend, up there.

And it seems he's not alone in this, tonight, as another sleepless night rises the scarred warrior to his paws, to step out of the warrior den. An urge to seek out the flame-point in the stars. An urge, it seems, shared by others who stand in the midst of camp - gazes drawn to the inky sky, freckled with twinkling light.

It's the little one, Ragwortpaw, who asks the question - do you think she's up there? And, of course, Emberstar is among the other star-pelted cats, now. But, it's the child's question that makes him realize, that there's members of the clans now, far too young to remember the destruction of the Great Battle, to remember StarClan's intervention, their intent to split two into five.

Finchcatcher thinks they're lucky to have not seen the clans' formations.

And, it's Flamewhisker's answer - she will be the brightest one - that guides the equally flame-furred warrior's gaze back up to the stars, seeking out the brightest star he could find. There. That one. It must be her, for the sense of comfort that arises at the sight of such a bright blink of light feels like the founding leader is with them, in the midst of their stargazing.

An ally in the stars. Perhaps Finchcatcher has one, after all.

"I hope she's happy, up there," the tom says quietly, aimlessly, as he observes the star.

He can't help but wonder if Toad is happy up there, too. If Morningpaw, as well.