
how am i going to live laugh love in this economy
Jun 8, 2022
hello all! regina has given me permission to rehome some of the bramber children. there are 6 slots open currently; 3 are warrior-aged at 24 moons, the other 3 are apprentice-aged at 7 moons! the first litter was born in the marsh colony, while the second litter was born in a newly-formed shadowclan. their father, amber, was killed in the great battle before the second litter's birth. their mother, briarstar, had all nine lives taken recently by a monster on the thunderpath while saving marrowpaw and slitherpaw. following this incident, slitherpaw ran off to windclan, and the siblings have only recently discovered his whereabouts at october's gathering.

these kits are gen 2.
their mother was briarstar, former leader and founder of shadowclan.
their father was amber, former member of the marsh colony.
they are the nieces and nephews of bonejaw, shadowclan's current medicine cat
they are siblings to pitchstar, shadowclan's current leader, as well as starlingpaw, shadowclan's medicine cat apprentice, slitherpaw, ravenpaw, and marrowpaw.

— this is not first-come, first-served! i want these kits to be decently active, so i will be mainly picking based on the roleplayer's activity with their existing character!
— there is no set choosing date; depending on interest, it could be in a few days or a week.
— the first litter ages realistically on the 1st; the second litter ages realistically on the 8th.
— ideally, they will have remained in shadowclan after the split, but i am open to hearing plots involving them leaving!
— while it is not required to use a name from the list below, it is heavily preferred!
— form is free-for-all, as long as it includes the basics! (name, gender, appearance, and personality!)

Sire: LH cinnamon rosette tabby w/ low white (carrying solid and dilute).
Dam: SH black (carrying longhair, dilute and chocolate).

Kits can be black, black tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, blue, blue tabby, lilac, or lilac tabby.
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired.
- kits can have no white or low white.
- tabby kits will display a rosette pattern.
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color.
- all kits will carry cinnamon; shorthaired kits will carry longhair; tabby kits will carry solid; non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute.

here is a list of names that briarstar would most likely name her children, written by regina!

Amber - To honor her fallen mate. I would absolutely LOVE for one of the kits to take this name.
Twilight (or anything similar) - for her mother's name.
Dust (or anything similar) - to relate to her sister's name.
Thorn, Bracken, Nettle, etc. - To go along with the names Briar & Thistle, would likely give these names to kits with spiky fur.
Crow - Birds are her favorite prey animal, and these types of birds are seen the most around their territory. Other bird names (Robin, Cardinal, etc. would be acceptable too).
Marsh, Swamp, Mud, Lagoon, Lichen, Moss/y, etc. - Any type of name that fits with the swamps, for her home!
Frog, Toad, Snake, Adder, Lizard, etc. - Any type of name that fits the prey animals most commonly eaten. Again, to honor her home!
Black, Dark, Night, Shade, etc. - Any dark-sounding names to fit the shadowy swamps!
Lavender, Lilac, Violet, etc. - Any purple names for her favorite color!
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Apprentice of Shadowclan
— Cisgendered masculine (he/they)
— Discovering sexulity// male leanining
— 6 months old // created: 10/22/2022​

A black tabby cat with white on their chest and blue eyes
— Thornpaw is a rather lithe and scrawny little thing, being just about 4lbs in weight and standing at 5 inches high- he's rather lanky. He has a square shaped head with shorter, rounded ears and a narrow muzzle. Thornpaw can usually be seen with his ribs out, but is perfectly healthy otherwise. He has long, brown fur with black stripes across his body in a rosette pattern and it sticks up every which way. There is a stripe of white that runs from under his chin down his chest much like the stripe on Bonejaws' back. Thornpaw has these pale, icey blue eyes that seem almost white in certain lightings.
no extra notes

( + ) positive traits
( / ) neutral traits
( - ) negative traits
— other extra personality quirks​
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LILACPAW ( previously Lilackit ) / ”Lill“
─ closeted nb / currently she/her pronouns
─ physically 7 moons / spiritually around 12-14 years old / ages on the 8th
─ Shadowclan apprentice
─ Named for her mother's favorite color, has a positive outlook on her name because of it
─ VC is Amber Lee Connors, specifically as the titular character from Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina
─ speech in HEXCODE


HEALTH 100% ─ [REFERENCE ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*]
LH chocolate rosette tabby with low white and green eyes ─
Upon first glance, the dead seem to walk again in this young molly, with rosettes painted across her fur in the same alignment as her late father. White splashed onto her face and paws in just the right way, and then you keep looking. What should've been cinnamon has deepened into a warm chocolate, ocean blue has bloomed into a dull spring green. A standing collar of briars rises out of sleek fur to stand guard like the camp walls. Remnants of her mother dust over memoires of her father like the finishing touches on a fine artwork. Though she keeps little of her own opinions right now, the mix of her parents that makes up her appearance makes her feel proud. Though however vapid it may appear, she spends many a free moment looking into clear puddles to wonder what her father might've looked like. To try and put a face to the stories of his grandeur. ─
LH chocolate rosette tabby w/ low white (carrying cinnamon, solid and dilute) ✧ GENETICS ────
none ✧ INJURIES ────
Vaguely sweet, mainly has notes of freshly fallen leaves and petrichor ✧ SCENT ────


─ INFJ-T "The Advocate" // Tritype 692 "The Good Samaritan"
── At their core, INFJs, or 'Advocates', are highly unique, creative individuals who strive to better the world around them. Their success comes not from material possessions or status, but from helping others and doing right by them. Heavily troubled by injustices, they possess lofty ideals and ambitions in hopes of weeding the garden of life from the inside out, and scorn the idea that such problems were given room to grow in the first place. They never lose sight of their morals and values in pursuit of their goals, even as a means to an end. Advocates tend to be very insightful, cutting to the heart of the matter and making it easy for them to discern others' motivations, feelings and needs. This can tend to make them isolated from their peers, and in the case of Turbulent Advocates, can make them more prone to hyper-empathy. This is a blessing to some, helping them to better help their community, but combined with the Advocate's passion and perfectionism, can cause emotional burnout as they try to help everyone without doing the same for themselves, or letting anyone else for that matter. Though they have ambitions for the future their need for excitement may make them over plan these ambitions, never actually starting on the project itself. Turbulent Advocates value and consider people as any Advocate would, but they go so far as to feel as if they need people in their lives, despite their introverted nature. This can lead them to bouts of indecision as they consider the opinions of the group and people they value the opinions of, as well as stifling their individuality to prevent conflict. Its a common way for them to protect themselves.
── The Good Samaritan likes people and want to find ways to engage with them. Your sense of pride comes from getting along with others and being of assistance. You are known for your easygoing and friendly disposition. Your life mission is to identify what is problematic and needed, then find peaceful solutions for those concerned. A true trouble-shooter, you are happiest when you can help others in conflict bridge their differences. Your blind spot is that you can be so focused on being a peacemaker, tending to the needs of others and getting along with them that you can fail to voice your own truth and act in a timely manner. You are overly identified with being a ‘nice’ person. Your growing edge is to recognize that being nice does not always create peace and that being passive does not mean that you are nice. True charity comes from listening to your heart and acting in accordance with what is needed without strings attached even if it causes conflict. The Good Samaritan tritype is the gentle, supportive type. They are identified with getting along with others and not making waves. They are one of the most passive tritypes and avoid confrontation. They struggle with indecision. They are not identified with their aggression and are passive- aggressive. Of all tritypes this is the most helpful and good natured.
─ CURRENT ARCANA: Eight of Swords [Reversed]
── The Eight of Swords is a card that deals in the feeling of being trapped. A woman stands surrounded by swords, blindfolded, appearing as though she has no way out. Though in the case of its reversal, it is being trapped by ones own inner thoughts. Self-imposed limits or ideals may be preventing you from moving forward, and your inner critic becomes your biggest advisor. Unable to take the things you need, you are pulled further and further away from your goals and ambitions. You're too worried about getting cut by the swords that you cannot see that there is a way to escape, because not only have your eyes been blinded, so have your instincts.
─ Mimics accents and vocal niches when talking to someone; tends to pause or emphasize words for the correct effect so she isnt misunderstood; exaggerates emotions vocally sometimes because she sounds monotonous
─ daydreams often about what could've been, the worlds in which briarstar and amber never died, where slitherpaw never left, especially at night, but unless she's talking to someone she's not quite here; cannot sit still, something's always moving or she's always doing something for someone; has to eat all prey beginning from the back of the neck, down the spine and back around
─ When she was younger, Lilacpaw was full of life, a stream of sunshine in the shadows. She often gathered her siblings to play, weaving tale after tale with the ease of a spider and its web. Grand adventures of the ancient clans that she would play out with her littermates, her older siblings subjected to being an audience if they had the spare time. Diligent in her future role in the clan, she often took to taking mental notes of warriors and apprentices alike, but most of the notes were on her elder family members, the guiding stars of Shadowclan. Role models to all they were to look after sure, but to little Lilac...they were and perhaps still are, the epitome of what she should strive for to help support the cats she loved. She excelled greatly in her apprenticeship at first, going toe to toe with her mentor in tongue, mind and claw.

And then it all came crashing down when Briarstar died two moons ago. Lilacpaw seemed to....change.

Many would now call her two-faced, wishy-washy and hypocritical, and they would be right. Mask after mask after mask adorns Lilacpaw's personality, one for each cat, modeled to what she thinks they need her to be. A distinct sense of loss permeates her very being, loss of family, loss of normality, loss of hope and trust in a council of spirits that was supposed to protect and love them and yet sat back and watched as her home and family turned upside down and inside out. In the hopes of keeping Shadowclan in higher spirits, she became a mirror. The opinions of others became hers, and hers were stashed in a closet. Its made her a much better subordinate than in the past, but her individuality is being destroyed in the process. With her faith in Starclan shattered as well, Lilacpaw is desperately trying to cling onto routines, as well as the past, though the once star student continues to fall short in her apprenticeship, even as she overworks herself to become better.


gen 2, Briarstar × Amber / Littermate to Starlingpaw, Slitherpaw, Ravenpaw, Marrowpaw, X and X ─
Niece to Bonejaw, sister to Pitchstar, X, X and X ─
no children ─
Single, not really looking ─
½ of nothing / no past relationships ─


── Songs are either a vibecheck based on sound or lyrics I felt would represent Lilacpaw's current self and development in the imminent future

── lots of purple, ironic star aesthetic mixed with florals and shadows

── Currently, Lilacpaw is using the emotional turmoil of Shadowclan as an excuse not to process the emotions that have come with recent events. She crafted mirrors and masks to protect herself and ignore her own emotional and physical needs, and this in and of itself made them imperfect from the start. The cracks they were made with will only get bigger before the end of her apprenticeship, eventually they will shatter, leaving her raw and vulnerable in a horrible mental breakdown. It will result in her warrior ceremony pushed back a few moons, due to her failure in training, current emotional state...and perhaps physical as well depending on how things unfold. Having refused to lean on others in the past, learning that it is alright to take as well as give will be integral for her recovery, but much of this upturn in her life will be from rebuilding herself from the ashes of all that transpired after Briarstar's death. She will have to relearn who she is once more, without the masks to be there as a crutch. When she is ready to become a warrior, Lilacpaw will shed her childhood name entirely, taking on the prefix Amber- and a suffix that emboldens hopes for her future, such as -bright, -petal, -willow or -dawn. It will be a mark of a new beginning for her, and the first steps she takes into true adulthood will be guided by it.

── I really want to use Lilacpaw to explore the idea of what self and identity can be to people, both in herself and in others. Primarily, this will be done through a plethora of different relationships with cats such as her siblings and aunt. Overall it will be a good mix of people who were well acquainted with how Lilacpaw used to be, and how she is now. Probably going to end up doing a shitton of backwritten relationships bc of how old she is.


permission for powerplay of nonviolent actions granted / may powerplay nonviolent actions ─
physically easy / mentally easy ─
will not instigate fights / will not finish fights / will show mercy ─
not easy to provoke, will not provoke / prone to flee ─

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SHARP: adapted to cutting or piercing; keen in attention​
↳ named for his fur, spiked in odd tufts on the day he was born.
— shadowclan apprentice
— non-binary, responds to he / him and she / her pronouns; sexuality undecided
briarstar x amber, sibling to pitchstar, slitherpaw, ravenpaw, starlingpaw, and marrowpaw

sharpkit . sharppaw . sharpshadow

longhaired / shorthaired, solid black chimera with mismatched green / yellow eyes. small and dark, sharppaw resembles his mother from birth. A sleek, black pelt abruptly spikes in places, forming strange, uneven slopes along his back and tail. Though small when very young, a growth spurt has left him all awkward limbs and tangled fur, standing at an above-average height with a thin, wispy frame.
↳ carrying cinnamon, dilute
↳ genetically shorthaired; carrying longhaired​

+ dependable, hard-working, precise; / reserved, ambitious; - insecure, pessimistic, envious.

Sharppaw keeps her head low, maintaining distance from more outspoken littermates while supporting them from afar. He aches for praise in small doses, not necessarily attention, but to feel wanted by Shadowclan, more than just a face to fill the ranks. Between Briar and now Pitchstar's legacies, she feels the overwhelming obligation to become something great, but her anxiety often prevents her from achieving this, and, resigned to her fate, she's convinced that she was doomed from the start. Utterings of praise feel like a pitying thing when directed at her. The judging looks are both in her head, and all too real. Unsure what to do, she keeps a distance, casting envious looks to those who are braver than her. Any task assigned to him he'll take on with determination stirring alongside the nervousness in a gut. Always, always, he will put in his best effort.

mannerisms: sharppaw often makes himself small without truly realizing it, keeping dark paws tucked close to himself and ears flat against his skull. She meticulously grooms herself to no avail, unaware that the unevenness of her fur is out of her control. He isn't one to make noise, but his tail is prone to jittering when he's afraid. Voice tends to waver when under pressure
— will not start fights | will not end fights | will flee | will show mercy
— with time, will grow into a skilled hunter and tracker
— smells of moss, dry bark, and cool night-air​
— early in life, sharppaw will build a relationship with a bad influence, whether this be within clan, or a rogue outside the border. His more negative traits will be brought out of him by this influence, quiet, envious looks transformed into outright acts of loathing. His insecurities are easy to influence. He'll begin to bring down others around him, the bird on your shoulder saying you're doing everything wrong.
— she may develop bitter jealousy against a littermate or otherwise childhood friend, a plot that could go several ways depending on what the other wants. His sensitive self that would otherwise be buried after kithood would be loud and clear when involved with this cat.
— deeply anxious, she will not cope with this well. will slowly transition from wishing she could be better to belittling others who have what she lacks
— believes shadowclan - and specifically her family is forsaken by starclan ( puts a good amount of the blame on bonejaw :( ), will react extremely poorly to mentions of them
— pitchstar's sporadic behavior will become more or less normalized in her mind, will fail to recognize it as a problem as she herself becomes more volatile with age
tail was run over on the thunderpath the day briarstar died? pretty much acts as deadweight and he will have to learn to deal with it </3 (will ask for permission to backwrite this <3) need to research this more but its still in my silly little head...​
[ details subject to change :) ]

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TEASEL for his mother's favourite colour ; PAW for his rank
— six moons ; ages on the 8th
— cisgender male, uses he/him pronouns. unopposed to they/them.
— pansexual panromantic, feminine preference ; admires intelligence
— no mate, no offspring
↪ brother to pitchstar, honey, slitherpaw, ravenpaw, starlingpaw, shadepaw, and marrowpaw.​
— scratchy voice often raised in annoyance or protest​

— teaselpaw is not the biggest of the bunch, a typical shadowclanner in build and pelt. with midnight fur, he blends into the darkness masterfully; or he would if not for his face, an irritating congregation of all his white entirely concentrated upon the one part of his body always facing toward prey. if his features could not get any more stark, set in his skull are two luminous eyes of bright amber, in moonlight dancing as noticeably as bonfire. wiry and thin, teaselpaw's black fur sticks snug against his frame, highlighting muscles well-developed for sneaking but not much else. his posture is hindered by the disgruntled bow of his head he often adopts, and his approachability is equally ailed by his unfortunate resting scowl.
↪ smaller than average, but not tiny; takes offence to jabs about his height​
↪ often ill-groomed due to laziness​
↪ surprisingly swift and feather-footed; footsteps are near-inaudible​

( + ) decisive, brave, loyal, strategic, bold, hardy
( / ) no filter, competitive, insecure, hasty
( - ) easily frightened, unintelligent, lazy, messy, irresponsible, quick-tempered
— deep-seeded fear of failure due to his family's legacy; a fear that leaves him unwilling to even try.
— unbearable to live in close proximity to due to his messiness
— genuinely talented with strategy, but has not discovered that fact yet
— despises being insulted, and will often bark back with a much less intelligent insult or retort​
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Addertongue is a lilac and chocolate chimera molly with prickly fur and green eyes. She is slender, walking with fluid movements as if she were water itself. Her voice is sweet and laced with venom. Her gaze has the coldness of ice to it and her face rarely in a smile.

- Addertongue, as her name suggests, has an ill temper and spits words of venom to those on her nerves. She doesn't outwardly show her feelings, not out of trauma, but because she doesn't want anyone to worry. There are more important things to worry about.

Addertongue is snarky and judgemental. She may not always speak her mind, but when she does, it's usually with the intent to hurt. She is a nihilist and believes nothing in life matters. We live, fight, and die. That's life. This has only gotten worse after seeing her mother die.

She hates starclan and scorns the stars every night. She isn't outwardly unhinged, but inside is a different story. She just doesn't show it.

However, she has the cheesiest, most immature sense of humor and is very easy to make laugh. She is kind in her own way, even if it's not immediately obvious. She does have her moments of genuine joy, but she tries to hide it. She feels that it's out of character since she's always so .... Edgy.

- Addertongue is bisexual, though she's never even thought about love. If she ever feels something she will skitter away.

- She draws inspiration from the snakes of the swamp and has learned to strike quickly and quietly, to move fluidly with serpentine grace through the marsh.

- Enjoys combat and beating up her enemies. The rush of victory is her favorite feeling and she often sizes up who will be the most worthy prey on patrols should things go south with said clan.

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bumping this + updated some of the information! there are now 5 slots open instead of 3; three for the older litter, and two for the younger litter. and their sister, starlingpaw, has recently been chosen as shadowclan's medicine cat apprentice!

we're looking to pick sometime soon!! >:)
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name meaning?
Named for his black and white pelt.
previous names? Magpiekit
age? 6 moons
position in clan? apprentice of shadowclan
gender/sexuality? Cis Male | (He/Him) | Asexual Aromantic
relationship status? single

A long-limbed and terribly awkward looking child cloaked in disheveled black and white fur. Magpiepaw looks less like a cat and more like a sentient sea urchin ambling about with great big blue eyes. His legs are too long for his body, his ears too big, he is a cryptid of a cat who contorts himself and bends around in ways that only emphasize his strange shape and odd behavior. The only thing seperating his head from his body to give him any definition is his white throat.
Census Appearance: A spiky furred black tom with a white throat and blue eyes.

Magpiepaw is, well, Magpiepaw is a weird little guy putting it simply. He never quite outgrew the kitten habit of putting things in his mouth to learn about them, has an unsettling fascination with death and bones that seems to have only gotten worse after Briarstar's passing, and does not quite understand personal space and social ettiquette much to the chargin of his clanmates. He's very friendly, but maybe he could do to be a little less so given his habit of abusing his lanky proportions to hover over shoulders and bend around trees at odd angles to percieve his fellows. There has been many a complaint in the apprentice den where some have woken to find Magpiepaw standing at the edge of their nest and leering over them with a blank expression. When asked he would always answer he was just making sure they were breathing still.
He keeps a collection of bits and pieces of cleaned prey bones around his nest much like the very bird he was named for but never any bird bones. In fact, he has such an aversion to feathered prey he will refuse to eat it or add its remains to his trinket pile. He claims it is because he has a pet bird who talks to him and he does not want to offend them. The 'pet' seems to be an imaginary friend that he speaks to more often than his own clanmates.

➸ average to form platonic relationships
➸ average to form romantic relationships
mate of? crushing on? N/A
parent to? N/A
child of? N/A
sibling to? N/A
➸ apprentice to? N/A

➸ This section blank to avoid pinging people unecessarily.

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— named mist for the fog that covers the marshes at times
— 24 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st
— bisexual, biromantic - currently uninterested in love
— slight female identifying, she/her
briarstar x amber, sibling to pitchstar, starlingpaw, marrowpaw, shadepaw, slitherpaw and ravenpaw​

— mist is quite small compared to her littermate, standing at around eight inches tall from her shoulders. shes more fluff than body, with velveteen fur of dark gray that is only interrupted by a jagged scar across her chest. she takes good care of her pelt, so its always very well-groomed and free of any debris. upon her face sits eyes of blue-gray and a white splotch that frames her muzzle. beneath her fur, shes quite muscular, and has no problem doing heavy lifting despite her size.
has a scar on her chest and a nicked ear

ENFJ-T (the protagonist) - xix. the sun
( + ) responsible, motherly, outgoing
( / ) busy, overly organized, whimsical
( - ) fearful, insecure, overthinker
— fiercely loyal to shadowclan, the home shes known since she was born
— hides behind her cheery personality to mask the trauma caused by her parents deaths
— tends to crack if things do not go right or go her way
— will always stick up for her siblings and be their rock, even if shes struggling
— physically affectionate, especially towards her siblings
— likes to share silly stories of her siblings & her from when they were children​
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Twilightkit / Twilightpaw / Twilight-

↳ Named for his grandmother
— Apprentice of Shadowclan
— Trans male (AFAB), he/him; Undecided sexuality
Briarstar x Amber, brother to Starlingpaw, Slitherpaw, Ravenpaw, Marrowpaw, Pitchstar, & TBD

SH chocolate rosette tabby with low white and heterochromia Rather striking in appearance, Twilightpaw sports a warm, ruddy pelt littered with dark rosettes. A few splashes of white interrupt his chocolate-dipped fur - his chin, a splash along his cheek, a locket along his throat, and white front toes all stand out in stark contrast. Short in length, Twilightpaw's coat only barely retains his mother's familiar spikes, most notably around his tail and chest. While at this age his proportions are not entirely even, as he continues to grow Twilightpaw's frame will be considered rather average, if not slightly tall. Left eye green and right eye blue, his gaze remains steady, if not somewhat dulled these days.
↳ Carrying cinnamon, dilute, solid, and longhair


( + ) Adaptable, patient ( / ) Nonchalant, private ( - ) Noncommittal, aimless When he was younger, Twilightpaw was not exactly outgoing, but was still vibrant in his own way, exchanging friendly barbs and pranks with others. Now, however, his shine has dulled, and though he's still the same cat he used to be, there are some noticeable differences to those who knew him before. He holds himself a little further away than before, and his friendly nature is more an act than something genuine. More aimless than he used to be, Twilightpaw hardly applies himself anymore, often relegating himself to simply watching the world pass by around him. Despite these differences, however, his old self still shines through in some ways - Twilightpaw still finds himself 'going with the flow,' in that he prefers to follow the lead of others rather than lead the charge. Open to change, he rarely fully commits himself to one option; in fact, it's hard to get him to commit to anything at all, and Twilightpaw much prefers running from and deflecting problems rather than actually facing them.
Mannerisms: Pokes his tongue out when deep in thought, avid people-watcher, takes his time choosing his words when fully engaged
— Might start fights | Will end fights | Will flee | Will show mercy
— (Will) excel at diplomacy, climbing, (will) be average at hunting, fighting


— While Twilightpaw tries not to let himself get too bothered by the words of others, eventually he'll reach his breaking point and lash out in a fit of uncharacteristic anger, letting out all of his pent-up emotions and unresolved grief in the process
— In the aftermath of his hurt, Twilightpaw will make a greater effort to regulate his emotions, and will begin to lean on some close friends for support in a way that he hasn't even before Briarstar's death. Twilightpaw will come to the conclusion that it's better to hold his loved ones close than push them away for fear of losing them, and will become clingy to those he is close with
— As he gets closer to becoming a warrior, he will increasingly deal with the idea of legacy, and at some point Twilightpaw will be unable to continue ignoring the way it stings when others recognize him for his family members first and foremost. He'll want to be known as his own person, and Twilightpaw will begin training in earnest, for once putting in effort in an attempt to stand out
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alright guys! before those chosen are announced, i want to preface this by saying two things: first off, you've all made the decision very hard with your lovely apps! if we could choose all of you, we would in a heartbeat <3
second of all, since there's only 2 applications for the oldest litter, we have decided to leave them open a little longer! those who submitted an application for the oldest litter, please reply below if you are still interested in them! and those who applied for the youngest but didn't get chosen, you are absolutely free to change your application to fit the oldest litter if you desire!

now, without further ado, here are the chosen kits for the youngest litter <3

@Chérie with lilacpaw
@waluigipinball with teaselpaw
@Hijinks with twilightpaw

thank you all so so much for the interest!! we would love to see the rest of you apply for the oldest litter (and make our decision super hard again)!
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Thank you guys so much!!!! Im so excited to work with yall and develop lilacpaw even more in the future <3

Good luck to the older sib apps to come, and those who are already put up!
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