private BRICK BY BORING BRICK // Orchidpaw

Though it feels like things are finally dying down, Drizzlepelt doesn’t want to take his chances. He knows how bad it is to let his paranoia fuel him, but this time it feels warranted. He’s only had so much time to train Orchidpaw too, and he hasn’t done much in the way of combat. He’s certain that the calico could handle himself fine if push comes to shove, but there’s nothing wrong with prepping him further.

When everyone spreads out to do their own thing, he takes his apprentice to the training field. Luckily it seems like they’re mostly alone for now, so no one has to hear his rambling. Not that he expects Orchidpaw to stay silent on whatever he happens to say. “I assume that you’re fine with learning combat today?” Drizzlepelt asks, a little too formally. He’s already off to a great start, how wonderful…

“With how many rogues we have to deal with it seems, plus the rogue WindClanners, I… I want you to be ready for anything. Even if that means killing. Sootstar and her son might be dead now, but I doubt that will stop them.” They for sure would attempt to take SkyClan first, if it were to happen. “Keeps your claws in, but try and attack me.” Drizzlepelt’s eyes narrow as he lowers his body, back arched.​