private BRIGHT EYED AND BUSHY TAILED —⟢ brackenpaw

Feb 23, 2024
There are not many things Bilberrykit enjoys about Greenleaf. Too hot, he thinks, only after dusk settles over camp. Birdsong pierces the otherwise quiet world at a near constant rate and, in the privacy of Bilberrykit’s mind he amends: too loud.

There are not many things Bilberrykit likes about Greenleaf but, as the sky steadily darkens, he finds himself leaning in anticipation for one of the things he does. Soft, yellow-green lights populate the surrounding gorse wall and taller tufts of grass. Bilberrykit understands them to be small, red-headed beetles. Such beetles hadn’t existed in Newleaf—Bilberrykit would have noticed them with as much time as he spent poking around the gorse.

How long do they last?” His voice is hushed and holds his smile as he tips his head Brackenpaw’s way—because he is near, because he expects Brackenpaw to know, “The glow bugs weren’t here before.” ​
📱on mobile! | windclan kit | black and white harlequin | five moons | tags

Brackenpaw hadn't taken much time to get to know Periwinklebreeze's three kits in the time they had been part of WindClan's life, she knew and enjoyed her time with Vulturekit but that was really it. They had seen Bilberrykit around camp though, the two had been part of the same conversations a pawful of times and based on that they enjoyed his company. As they sat in the quiet of camp, enjoying the slight breeze that was rarely afforded in Greenleaf. They weren't particularly a big fan of their first experience of this season but she was fortunate enough to spend most of their days in the tunnels, when they were in the heat of the sun they could for the most part avoid it. By the time she showed her face around camp these days it had started to slowly darken, avoiding the brunt of the heat. Today was no difference, they had appeared as the sun had started to set and had sprawled out onto the ground as she sat. They let out a sigh of relief as the sky started to darken around the edges, bathing it in the ink of the night yet still keeping the orange of the setting sun.

Bilberrykit's voice causes a large ear to flick in his direction, though their eyes never really part from the gathering of yellow-green lights emanating from the beetle like creatures that awoken during Greenleaf. "The glow bugs?" Of course he was asking about the glow bugs, what else would he be asking about? She mirrors his hushed tone, not wanting to scare the insects away as she was rather enjoying the sight. They nod their head back his way and there's a click of their teeth pressing against one another in thought, jaw shifting from one side to the other. How long did they last? They weren't too sure, this was her first Greenleaf, she too hadn't seen these bugs prior though. Briefly she recalls Orangepaw talking about them when she spoke to him last, maybe she could ask him about them and come back with more information one day? "I'm not too sure, I haven't seen them before." They're dissapointed in themself for not having the answers to this question.

Wanting to save Bilberrykit from the dissapointment as well she adds on "we should count the days together, keep an eye on these glow bugs? We could see when they dissapear then?" It sounded like a fair suggestion, if anything they were eager to keep track themself even if the young kit didn't want to join them on this. They tear their sight away from the bugs to look back at the harlequin kit, with a curious head tilt they gesture a paw to his side. "I hope that you've had a good day, did you see any cool bugs?" His littermate didn't seem too interested in insects but based on the conversations she's held with him he seemed to be equally excited about them. Maybe she could find a kindred spirit, maybe even a friend through this mutual interest.

  • ooc.
  • Brackenpaw
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 9 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater

It's an exciting thought—counting down how long these bugs last and knowing from that when they will come again. His smile grows into a toothy beast and his tail swishes twice behind him.

"Maybe this is their first time here," An equally exciting prospect that perhaps sometimes things simply came into being one day—no preamble and no fuss. Such a thought meant that Bilberrykit might continue to see more new things throughout his life, and nothing would ever be boring. Or maybe bugs were always a reliable phenomenon as Brackenpaw seems to think and that counting the ticks of the moon could be a way to know exactly when they arrive and depart, just like the coming gathering or the way one season changes to the next.

As for cool bugs...

"I'm a kit," Bilberrykit reminds Brackenpaw, as if she might have forgotten, "I just see what's around camp. Sometimes there are beetles or worms or fleas, but when I'm an apprentice I'll see a lot more." His mismatched eyes widen then, owlish with realization, "But then you see a lot, don't you?"​
windclan kit | black and white harlequin | five moons | tags

The thought hadn't crossed her mind before, maybe they were new? It couldn't be entirely out of the realm of possibility for this to be their first time here. "Maybe, it's our first time seeing them here so that's basically the same right?" They thought so anyways, what's the matter of them being pre-existing if even then the duo hadn't seen it. More importantly, that the pair may not be able to find anyone else who cared enough about the bugs around them to notice these creatures or any interesting trivia that came with them. No, it made sense to just act like this is their first time here. "Maybe the fires a few moons ago attracted them?" They find themself suggesting with a curious glance given to Bilberrykit.

They blink at him, of course he's a kit. "I know that, you may find something cool though" she comments with a sniff, weirder things have happened after all. Would it be so strange to think that there was something interesting within the bounds of camp, especially with everything that's happened lately. There was no point dwelling on that, right now she should just focus on the insects in front of them. It seems that despite stranger things occuring around camp that nothing interesting had been found in terms of bugs. It sounds like the usual suspects that she had been used to since they were a kit themself.

There's a pause at Bilberrykit's question then a curt nod. "Mhm, seeing is... too generous for the tunnels. I hear them though" They keep that whisper, a soft temperament lest they scare the glow bugs. It added to fostering a teasing fear, like had been done for them when they were a kit. "Scuttering around, I see quite a few outside too. Near the tunnels and just around the moors" when they're out there exploring the territory she can't help but stop every so often to see a new kind of beetle or try to catch something flying by. "There's a lot of beetles right now, I think I saw... A grasshopper too? Maybe when you're an apprentice I could show you where they usually are?" Hopefully he would be made one in a reasonable amount of time, at least while it was still warm and the insects flourished.

  • ooc.
  • Brackenpaw
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 9 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater