bright light, shine through the darkness — marigoldpaw

May 30, 2023
don't try to rush your enemies .
“Today is your lucky day!” He grinned, leading the way to a scheduled area and if he veered them away from the sandy hollow, then well, Oakfang had enough reason to steer clear of it. He had been there when WindClan stood on their border, threatening to massacre cats late into the night like cowards. “I’ll be showing you a few battle moves. Isn’t that interesting?” If WindClan has other ideas, then I want you to be ready. Was left unsaid, tail waving his apprentice forward.

The brown smokey warrior shifted, amber optics flashing in excitement. “What part of the body bleeds the easiest?” He jumped right in, watching Marigoldpaw with crinkled optics, curious. If the other didn’t know, then well, Oakfang would jump right into demonstrating one of ThunderClan’s battle tactics: the lightning strike. “You’ll need to be quick, but don’t ever let your guard down. Keep them on their toes, leave them guessing.” He added, smokey tail curling.

/ @Marigoldpaw
thought speech
Almost as quickly as WindClan comes knocking for help, Oakfang takes Marigoldpaw away for training. He’s not that much of an idiot to realize Oakfang wants his apprentice prepared just in case WindClan attacks, but he wouldn’t be complaining. Any excuse to improve his battle prowess is good enough for him. “Interesting, indeed.” He grins wildly.

When asked what part of the body bleeds the easiest, Marigoldpaw tilts his head in thought. He’s not actually sure, but he can take a guess. “I’m not sure,” he admits, “but if I had to guess, the stomach?” It’s built into all cats to protect your tummy at all costs, but at the same time, he doubts ThunderClan to be so brutal as to base combat around aiming for the belly.

“And never let my guard down, right.” He gets into a fighting stance, waiting for Oakfang’s next move. He luckily has the speed to match most other ThunderClan members, but he can’t count on it to help here. He has to keep in mind the fact that he has little to no experience on the elder cat.​
don't try to rush your enemies .
He hummed, frosted muzzle crinkling. “You are not wrong.” He hummed, reaching a forelimb to tap his missing ear. He’d learned early on. If one wanted to fight, then never go for the kill, your opponent would expect that. “The stomach and neck are the most vulnerable—” He then added with a flick of his tail: “Do not let them get a chance to strike. Your speed is your greatest ally, but so is your strength.” He finished, tone rumbling.

“The ear, on the other paw.” He grinned. “It bleeds.” Amber optics crinkled. “Striking there will hinder your opponent’s eyesight, leaving them vulnerable and give you—” He pointed a tail to Marigoldpaw: “A chance.”

He didn’t waste a moment, surging forward, spinning around the other, kicking up a spray of derbies, hoping to hinder Marigoldpaw’s eyesight. If it accomplished the desired effect, Oakfang would aim a sheathed claw to his apprentice’s flank, darting out of reach with a wild flick of his tail.

All in good fun, Oakfang grinned, amber optics crinkling. He had other things planned for the apprentice, hoping a live demonstration in mock battle would do wonders than going step-by-step.
thought speech
Marigoldpaw’s happy that he got it right, in a way; though it seems that’s not the answer Oakfang was looking for. His answer was the most obvious one, which doesn’t mean it’s correct, especially when it comes to something as calculated as combat. He nods his head at the advice to keep his strength in mind as well as his speed. He plans on taking any chance he can to bolster his physical power just as much as his speed, so he’s not complaining.

The ear, huh… it’s not a part of the body he’d take for much at first glance, but thinking about it more, it makes sense. They’re not something you can easily guard, pointing up so high and all. Before he can think any more on his mentor’s words, however, he takes the opportunity to strike while he’s caught off guard.

Madigoldpaw easily sees it coming, but his body isn’t on the same timer as his mind, and the debris hits his eyes, blinding him as intended. His body tenses as he tries to process both the sudden blindness as well as anticipation for Oakfang’s next action, and it’s hard, but he does take the impact of the hit to his flank better than if he wasn’t guarding at all. He takes a moment to compose himself, huffing as he clears his face of obstructions. “I see your point.”