brimstone fire and eyes aglow ] swimming, intro.


Jun 30, 2023
There’s a slight grimace on Swamphowl’s face as he steps into the water. Water has never been his favorite thing, and he decides that that certainly hasn’t changed as he moves a bit deeper into the water. If he had his way, he’d spend all of his time on land, far from the water that some other RiverClanners seem to love so much, but an acquaintance of his had suggested that he try to get used to it. After all, even if he hates swimming, there’s always a chance that not being completely uncomfortable in the water will come in handy at some point. If RiverClan were to be in a battle and an enemy were to knock him into the water, for instance, he should be able to brush it off and jump right back into a fight.

He grumbles under his breath to himself as he moves deep enough in the water that he has to start moving his paws, treading water. Not too deep that he can’t get out quick if he has to, though. It's the dead of leaf-bare, and he doesn't want to be in here so long that he freezes. The water weighs heavily in his fur, but he does his best to ignore the terrible sensation, as well as the uncomfortable experience of floating. It’s not the first time he’s swam, so it’s not unfamiliar, but it’s no better than any other time he’s been in the water, either.
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Mudpelt watches from a nearby stone, where he's been perched in hopes of catching some fish. So far, he's had no luck, so he's resorted to staring at Swamphowl's rather funny expression as he slips into the icy water. "Brrr, you're braver than me!" He says to his clanmate, his body shaking in a faux shiver. He can't imagine going for a leisurely swim right now at the peak of leaf-bare. His short pelt could never handle the freezing touch!

"Just don't spend too long in there! I don't think Ravensong wants to deal with anyone getting the chills," He adds on, cracking a grin but there is indeed a glint of concern in his warm eyes. One can't be too careful in the cold season. Illness is around every corner - he's just grateful whitecough hasn't found is way into the camp yet.
Another cat approaches at the sound of Swamphowl wading into the river's frigid waters, her ears pricking curiously as she watches the grumbling tom. Hawkcloud's muzzle curls in an amused smile that she attempts to hide at the sight of the tabby's disdained expression — but trying to keep herself from giggling only makes her let out a funny stifled sound from between her pressed lips. The she-cat pauses beside Mudpelt, reaching out a paw to touch the cold river water. "You're right," she tells the older tom at her side, grinning as she shakes droplets from her paw. "I think Swamphowl might've lost it!"

Of course, the young warrior would easily head into the river if she really needed to, and she didn't mind getting her paws wet even in leaf-bare — but fully swimming in this weather just for fun was not an eager activity for Hawkcloud. Seeing Swamphowl in the water, though, treading along — it's admittedly a little bit tempting. She's sure even the teeth-chattering cold might be a little bit exciting, too. Hawkcloud shuffles her paws in close as she sits on the riverbank, watching Swamphowl with an ever-widening grin. "Maybe I should grab a branch, in case he needs fishing out," the she-cat muses.
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Ferngill had flourished from the tutelage of his father, from Mudpelt's guiding paws; he enjoyed swimming, even in cold waters! Though the warm was preferable, of course... icy-cold, when all-encompassing, was pretty difficult to get used to. Today was particularly biting in temperature- now that Leafbare was reaching its apex, even Ferngill wasn't venturing into the water unless he absolutely had to. Observing it was comfortable enpugh, dotted with stars.

Awe was written, emerald-glow in his single eye; a laugh of encouragement burst from him as he watched Swamphowl drift through the water, like a feather skimming the surface.

He giggled at Hawkcloud's musing, and glanced to the river once again, trying to get a read on Swamphowl's wellbeing from a distance. "Let us know if your paws start going numb," Ferngill chimed, a grin decorating his face- though as ever, there was a flicker of sincerety beneath the skin.
penned by pin
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After the last time someone had been in the icy waters, Lichentail was constantly on edge to see others near it, much less wading around. Her eyes stalk him like prey to be caught, certain in a moment his muscles will seize in the chill and he'll sink like stone. It is a blessing that so many dedicated, wonderful clan-mates linger along the shore as well... It is enough to guarantee that he will not drown at the least.

She thinks in idle wondering, in measured staring, that he might be lucky enough to stir some fish to the surface, that the crowd might lunge forward like they are in a choreographed war with piscine enemies.

Ferngill pipes up from nearby- hollow eyes blink out of her thoughts to actually listen to the gentle banter moving back and forth. It was so... light. You could forget almost, that it was the dead of leaf-bare... that there were mewling kittens in the camp that begged for her to spare a moment to cuddle with them.

"Mudpelt's right," she echoes his concern with half the attention the aptly named muddy tom had given it. "We need those paws fully thawed for patrols."

"You all keep chattering on about it and you can feel it for yourself," he grumbles, a halfhearted threat at most. He wouldn't actually pull them in, after all. Not all of them have the thick fur he does that makes it a bit easier to bear the icy chill of the water. That's not to say he doesn't feel the cold at all, though; even his fur is not enough to completely keep out the chill. More and more of his clanmates are gathered around the river now, and with a huff, he decides to give them something to do. "If you're all just lazing about, might as well make yourself useful," he snarks, though there's no bite behind it. With purpose, he lashes his tail, lets a paw swipe out through the water, hopefully startling a couple fish to bring them closer to the surface. If they have the time to sit around watching him, they have the time to jump forward and catch a couple fish.

After a few moments in which some of them hopefully would have at least tried to snag a fish, he moves again, though this time it's to put his paws back on solid ground, dragging himself from the icy water. He gives a full body shake, letting the droplets fly all over the place as he frees his fur of water. He doesn't look to see if any of them are close enough to get splashed; if they are, serves them right for not moving when they saw him getting out. They should have expected him to shake himself free of water.