bring it on | open, wrestling


sometimes I lose my way
Sep 7, 2022
I won't apologize for being who I am
An exasperated sigh escaped the jaws of the young cream tabby tom as he lay stretched out upon the ground. The lids of his eyes at half mast, watching in a bored fashion the calm interactions of skyclan's camp. It was different from what he was used to, windclan was nowhere near as quiet and collected. There were shouts and commands flowing from every direction and while his ears did not ring from all of the hustle and bustle, he was not used to such a relaxed atmosphere. He needed something to do, anything but laying around wasting his day away. Lifting his head Coyotekit pushed himself to his paws, scanning the area for his fellow peers. Hopefully the other kits would not mind playing a game with him, he would roughhouse all the time with the other windclan kits. Perhaps skyclanners would not be so different. "Hey! Would anyone like to wrestle?" Coyote called out in a hopeful tone.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

Figkit hasn't heard anything good about WindClan... no, quite the opposite. They had killed one of her clan-mates, no one had directly told her but naturally she overheard meetings and cats talking. They sounded cruel, vicious, and vile... not cat-like at all... To think some thought ShadowClan was the scariest of all the clans! The hills were the last place Figkit would ever wish to be.

Yet before her was a living, breathing, WindClan cat. A cat who was born into a group Figkit heard nothing but bad about... for that she doesn't think she likes Coyotekit... nor his mother, nor his siblings. She hates sharing a den with them, she's scared of them.

"No one wants to wrestle with you... you'll kill someone. When WindClan cats fight, they kill." She would inform Coyotekit with a frown present on her face. The child was more scared of them than hateful, who could blame her after all the tales she's heard?
I won't apologize for being who I am
So far he did not receive any takers, which caused another huff to fall from his maw. He half expected kits from all over to come flocking to him so that they could all wrestle. What was wrong with these guys, didn't they know how to have fun? Finally soft mint colored eyes landed upon Figkit as an excited smile touched his lips. Finally! There was someone he could play with, or so he assumed. Lifting a single cream colored paw he took a step toward her, only stopping once her harsh words met his ears. Coyotekit's ears flattened against his skull as he mulled over the accusation. "No they don't. What are you even talking about?" Nothing like that ever happened whenever he wrestled with his peers back in windclan.

However, he could not ignore what Leopardcloud said the day before about death only awaiting them back home. That couldn't have been true, right? But then he remembered the look Redstorm gave his "sister" at their meeting the distrust and borderline disgust apparent upon his face. Now, here she was spewing unsavory things about windclan. Coyotekit felt his eyes narrow as he looked at the ground. Even if those things might have been true that did not mean it was who he was. At least that is what he believed. Wanting to remain somewhat optimistic he looked up, taking another step closer. "We never got hurt in windclan when I played around. Come on I'll show you, lets play." Would she take his offer?
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

Her head shakes, unconvinced by Coyotekit's words. Maybe Coyotekit has never hurt anyone yet... but his former clan-mates certainly had! If he was born in the same clan as them, surely that meant he was capable of doing the same? Figkit didn't want to end up like... like... "WindClan killed Haze... You're WindClan..." There is both fear and a tint of anger in her tone, why had Blazestar and ma allowed such dangerous cats into camp...?

"I won't play with you, I won't end up like him." The young girl shakes her head, she couldn't risk it! Wouldn't!

Mossykit watches with a frown - unlike coyotekit, she had gotten injured rough housing before - the tiny nick in her ear easy evidence of that. But she certainly hadn't been killed - nor had she seen anyone else be killed for that matter. She doesn't like the way Figkit is looking at her brother - the way she's talking to him. "We're not windclan though. We're skyclan now," she corrects quietly, padding over. She gives the other kitten one last look with stoney copper eyes, before the mottled tortoishells focuses on distracting her siblings. "I'll wrestle with you. I've been wanting to practice the move I saw one of the warriors do the other day," It'd be good practice for her future apprenticeship after all - even if she's not usually the mot rambunctious child, she certainly love's to learn new skills.
I won't apologize for being who I am
The young molly is persistent, unwilling to change her stance on the matter. Coyotekit feels his whiskers tremble with blatant annoyance as she continues to hurl accusations and hurtful words. A scoff departs his lips, small claws longing to poke into the soft soil beneath to relieve his building tension. His muzzle wrinkles instead and his head rises as if looking down on her. "I didn't even do anything to you! But you know what? You probably wouldn't know what the meaning of fun was if it came and slapped you across the face." He was done trying to be nice. If she wanted to be rude and mean then he would toss it right back at her. At this point he would much rather be labeled a windclanner than an uptight skyclanner. When Mossykit arrived Coyote's mint green gaze shifted in her direction.

"I don't know if I want to be skyclan, Mossykit. No matter what we do cats like her are still mean to us." Shaking his head he wondered why Leopardcloud thought this place could be any better than windclan. His sister then offers to wrestle with him and it prompts a ghost of a smile to return to his lips. "Okay..." He he murmurs in a soft voice, still working to calm himself. "Show me what it looked like." Bowing down into a playful stance he waited for Mossy to make her move.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you