bringer of fire ☀︎ idle talk

Sunfreckle tries to keep the nursery clean, every so often the overwhelming urge to just lay in his nest all day took him but he had felt significantly better since his talk with their leader not too long ago. It was warming to know that once he returned to his duties he'd be welcomed happily and the expectations placed upon him were things he was already capable of. If anything he was more upset they hadn't had the talk sooner but that was his own fault. His own worries and apprehensions had suffocated him, hilariously if he had only followed the advice he gave to others he would've managed better in the long run but whether through sheer stubborness or just his usual dismissive nature he hadn't seen what was right before him. Today he is managing well, dragging out the moss to replace and glancing around for any cat he could grab for a moment to take it outside of camp, since that one walk with the dog scent he had been a little too afraid to leave camp again even if he had Rabbitnose with him. Spotting the point apprentice nearby he forgot immediately what he was doing and flicked his tail upward in greeting to the other.

"Marigoldpaw! The new name suits you well, how is your training going? Oakfang was a good choice for you, he's a kind cat." Sensible enough to and probably patient, it was an excellent fit but he didn't expect anything less from Howlingstar's decision making. He wondered how stressful it might be, having to decide the fate of the trainees within the camp and making sure they got the mentor that best suited their needs; it wasn't a job he envied or ever thought himself capable of at all but he was fairly comforted in knowing that Flycatcher was equally skilled in that same regard. When their black tabby leader eventually retired to the elder's den the gray tom was sure to fill her paw prints with ease.
"Have you seen the borders yet?" He adds on, curious and excited for the apprentice but hesitant to overwhelm him with too much pestering.
PAFP - @Marigoldpaw
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Marigoldpaw had kept pretty busy with apprentice work lately, which he was mostly happy about. It did leave him less time to visit the nursery however, and he misses seeing Sunfreckle and his kits. He hasn’t taken the time to socialize much with the rest of the clan, and it’s easier to find comfort in the things you’re familiar with. Needless to say, when Sunfreckle approaches him, his face lights up and tail shoots forward in greeting as well.

“Oh! Thank you.” He replies bashfully at the compliment. “Training is going fine. I wasn’t sure how to feel about Oakfang at first, but I think we’ll be a good match.” He doesn’t wanna bring up how weird Oakfang comes off to him, especially since it seems like only a him problem. Maybe adults are just kind of…weird like that sometimes. As long as he is learning, that’s what matters; he made a promise and it’s going to be fulfilled, so he doesn’t see things going south.

He also doesn’t mind all the questions, happy to just have an outlet he’s comfortable with. Sometimes it feels like he bottles too much in, but that’s just how he is. “We went to the one by Fourtrees, and ran into both WindClan and RiverClan. It was…something. I think they hate each other more than either of them hate us.” He still doesn’t have much of an opinion on either of the two clans that’s his own, but he’s sure that’ll change if that’s how they consistently act.​
It was weird, not having Marigoldkit...paw around so much anymore. It was a change Rainbowkit had first acknowledged sleepily – one meeting, Marigoldkit had left, and then he never came back. Rainbowkit hadn't been quite sure what had happened at first, after all, they're not old enough to catch their own prey and stuff. It occurred to them belatedly, that, oh, Marigoldkit – paw – must be doing that apprentice thing. And a second oh, Rainbowkit would be doing it soon, too.

He's barely here anymore, and Rainbowkit thought that was very weird. Also very weird, is that in not too long, Rainbowkit would hardly be here anymore either. They're not ready to leave Sunfreckle, they don't think. Rainbowkit trails after their father, happy to follow the familiar warmth despite how big they were getting. Rainbowkit wouldn't mind staying small for a little bit longer. " What's fine? " they ask, leaning into Sunfreckle as much as he would allow. " Good fine, or, ahh, it could be worse but it's actually really bad still fine? " Rainbowkit has learned that sometimes, cats lie. And sometimes, they don't lie, but they are just shy of it. " Fine " is one of those.... weird words. AS Marigoldpaw's friend, they think they should know.

Apparently, he ran into both RiverClan and WindClan in patrol. Rainbowkit blinks in surprise. Aren't those the two super evil clans? " Did they have a fight? Will we have to fight a lot? " He didn't really wanna fight. He wants to eat raspberries and play games with his siblings. " I mean... all of WindClan will run away screaming when they see how scary I am... but what about you? "

  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 4 moons old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.
He's heard a patrol met two other patrols this time at the border. He's curious about how that went down. He plops down beside Sunfreckle and Rainbowkit. Marigoldpaw would surely tell them about it, but Rainbowkit asks about Windclan and Riverclan after Marigoldpaw comments about how they hate each other more than Thunderclan. There's certainly reason for it, after all.

"They had a REALLY BIG HUGE FIGHT." Sparkwing bellows dramatically. It is his DUTY. AS HIS BIG BROTHER. TO DISPENSE KNOWLEDGE TO HIM.

"SO BIG AND HUGE, THAT THEIR HATRED TOWARDS EACH OTHER WILL CARRY ON FOR GENERATIONS TO COME, IT IS IN THEIR BLOOD." He continues. His story telling skills are truly amazing. Rainbowkit also asks if they'll have to fight... And he has to be honest with him.

"We all have to fight some day... Its kind of inevitable. Whether it be rogues or other clan cats, we have to fight to protect our friends and family!" He says, keeping his dramatics. " BUT DO NOT DESPAIR.... IF ANYONE TRIES TO HARM YOU, I'LL BITE THEM." He declares loudly.

He sounds silly and dramatic, but he's serious. If anyone, clanborn or not, tries to hurt his siblings, he will destroy them.

"Lemme see your scariest face, Rainbowkit! Ya gotta be READY!!" He says, looking at his little sibling.​

If he were to be honest he is not quite certain how Sparkwing has managed to make it all the way to adolescence. The tom was loud and obnoxious and Burnstorm was, frankly, surprised a predator had not heard his loud mouth and decided to make off with him yet. Or perhaps it is this very thing that has saved him. Who knew. Sunfreckle's whole family was a mystery to him actually. There were some of his brood that were pretty decent like Mousenose and Freckleflame but then there was Sparkwing. Looking at Rainbowkit, he prays that the little bundle of white yellow and blue takes more after his older sisters.

Despite how the other warriors voice grates against his ears Burnstorm actually finds himself smiling, laughing even. A brief and strange sound coming from the shadowed tom. "Who knows maybe RiverClan and WindClan will tear each other apart one day" all their lives would certainly be better for it if they did. "Gatherings wouldn't be as exciting though" he ammends with a twitch of his whiskers. Just think of how boring it would be without the two clans constantly bickering with one another. And with RiverClan focused elsewhere they didn't have time to worry about taking Sunning Rocks back from ThunderClan.

  • ooc : — ​

  • 60128620_HIwWDbxBpKFbAR4.png

    ➵ he / him
    ➵ thunderclan warrior
    ➵ single ; crushing on roeflame
    ➵ heterosexual
    ➵ a large black furred tom with long hair and golden eyes
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]

He finds it sweet, that Sunfreckle makes it a point to check in on Marigoldpaw. The young tom is still newly out of the nursery, innocence fresh as morning dew dripping from his whiskers as he recounts what he’d seen on his first border patrol. He tells the burnished queen that RiverClan and WindClan hate each other more than either of them hate ThunderClan; the tabby has to smirk at this revelation, even as Sparkwing regales Marigoldpaw and Rainbowkit with his booming theatrics.

He comes to sit beside Burnstorm; his kin is less enthused than Sunfreckle’s look-a-like son, but his comment interests Raccoonstripe. The lead warrior evaluates the big jet-black tom with interest. “It’s in ThunderClan’s best interests that they remain one another’s enemy,” he says calmly. “The longer they wear one another out, the longer we remain out of Sootstar’s way.” He has no way of knowing Burnstorm had been thinking something similar; but Raccoonstripe’s reasoning goes further than that.

The ambitious tabby’s dark eyes gleam as he considers a future where RiverClan and WindClan weaken each other to the point they can no longer defend their territory. Sunningrocks need not be the end of ThunderClan’s territory expansion, he thinks with a small, secret smile.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
“Good fine, good fine,” Marigoldpaw chuckles at Rainbowkit’s question. “It’s more just…unusual, is all. I don’t feel like it’s fully set in how much my life has changed and will continue to. But hopefully it’ll be an easier transition for you.” At least Rainbowkit will have his siblings to divulge in if there’s any worries. Him too of course, but Marigoldpaw is sure that having blood family makes things a little easier. He only has himself…

The topic quickly changes to the more interesting talk of his first boarder visit. Sparkwing exaggerates the encounter, and it takes everything in him not to roll his eyes. Even so, he’s right about fighting being inevitable. Marigoldpaw’s more on board than Rainbowkit is, and even if he isn’t as angry as some of the older cats are with the other clans, he is fully ready to engage in combat with them in need be. Sounds more fun than letting them destroy each other instead, like Burnstorm and Raccoonstripe are suggesting.

“If I train hard enough, they’ll know better than to mess with me.” He might not have that much strength right now, but if he continues to do his best, that will change. No, it WILL change. He’ll become of the best warriors ThunderClan has ever seen!​