sensitive topics BROKEN // rta, losing owner


Sep 24, 2022
) Warnings: descriptions of abuse, murder of owner in spoiler section. Doesn't need to be read in order to know what's happened to Totoro.
The days were turning colder and as a result Totoro found himself being kept inside. At first he yowled at the window, longing to be let out so he could return to SkyClan, but his human ignored his pleas. After a few days he finally stopped his begging and settled back into the old rhythm of being an indoor cat. Toasting himself comfortably in front of a fire, getting chin scratches and simply being adored by his human female. Really, what more could he want during the coldest time of the year? Slowly all thoughts about the clan of cats became a distant memory. Maybe next summer he would try to find them again. Maybe.

There was one issue however that interrupted the peace; the male human that kept coming round.

At first nothing was really wrong, he could accept that his owner had found herself a mate and he wished her well, but then the yelling started. Listening to two humans barking at each other was nothing short of being traumatic and annoying, but then the male dared to lash out one day. The scream that his owner made caused him to act, and it was perhaps the first time Totoro had ever hurt a twoleg. It had been a flash instinct, but he had sank his fangs into the male's leg and ended up getting kicked across the floor as a result. Although he didn't understand twoleg language he could guess that the bastard was cussing his very existence. At least it caused the male to storm off, leaving their den. That night Totoro refused to leave his owner's side, and from the way she gripped him it was clear that she didn't want to go anywhere during that time.

A few days passed and peace seemed to return. Totoro felt certain that things would stay that way and that his owner and him would return to the good times. But... fate was not on their side.

Totoro had fallen asleep in front of the fire that night instead of joining his twoleg. Something he would come to regret. A self-blame that would haunt him for the rest of his days. The smash of glass sounded from somewhere further in the house followed by the sound of a struggle. By the time Totoro had roused and ran through it was already too late to do a single thing. His owner lay dead on the floor and above her stood the male. Totoro lunged to attack, but the male was ready and struck him down with a harsh blow that left him reeling and seeing stars. Before he could even recover the male seized him by the scruff and tail, hauling him through the den before throwing him outside into the back garden. Totoro struggled to suck in a breath as he lay on the damp grass, but he saw the shadowy figure looming over him with a shovel in hand. The object swung down fast, but fortunately with adrenaline pumping through his system he rolled clear of the strike. Gathering his legs beneath his body he then sprinted for the hole in the fence, exploding through it and off towards the wilds beyond.

On paws now numb from the cold of the late night, Totoro hobbled his way through the maze of pine trees back towards the old familiar surroundings of SkyClan. But he didn't hold any of the usual joy or upbeat attitude that he'd normally bring with him. He looked broken and lost. Life would never be the same for him. In that moment he longed to find the clan cats, if anything so he wouldn't be alone during his anguish. Whatever energy he had left seemed to be sapped away and he slumped down weakly into the grass and scattered pine needles. Pain. The harsh throb emanated from his head and from other parts of his body, a reminder that twolegs could be capable of horrific cruelty.

He would never be able to return home. He would never get to see his owner again. The tom choked on a sob and he bared his teeth in a desperate bid to fight back the tears. But it was no use and they fell like rain.

Your sins weigh upon your soul.

Scarabpaw never once had a good experience with two-legs, not even with their own human who had mistreated him and many others, making him leave and search out for the better. He had been on patrol with a few others when the sight of Totoro came upon him and his copper gaze danced with worry as he approached the warrior. How long has it been since he last seen the tom? He wasn't sure, his long tail flicked a bit as he hesitantly shiffed his paws before letting a sigh out, grimacing before a gentle smile splayed onto the apprentice's lips "welcome home, Totoro" he said smoothly, glancing over to the patrol wondering if Scarabpaw would be waved off to fetch their strange medicine cat or not.

He wondered what happened though, it had been quite some time since they have seen the warrior and judging by the toms scent, he had been with some twolegs, of course he had began to show his kitty-pet side with the softness of his body, and yet...why did Totoro look so...defeated? This was something unusual for Scarabpaw to see in the other, as he was always so eager to do things, and even had a liviness to him but... it had perished and he frowned a bit narrowing his eyes, perhaps he'd ask more on it later but for was best to make sure the warrior was okay before badgering him with too many questions, but he definitely wasn't going to be allowing the other out of his sight too quickly after his disappearance, and perhaps that was him wanting to look over Totoro or worried the tom would disappear again.
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A hulking form lay haloed by the pine-needles, one Twitchpaw had to admit he had not caught sight of in a long while. Totoro- he'd always been a kind face, despite his flippancy with food and his clear preference for the warmth of a Twoleg home. The kittypets that lived at Twolegplace often became familiar faces, even in fleeting meetings- and for as scattered as Twitchpaw's thoughts often were, his memory was at least reliable. Though- he could not say he had ever seen Totoro with such a face of dejection. No- no, not dejection, but horror, or something in between. He trusted his thoughts that much.

Tentatively the bicolour tom made his approach, granting Scarabpaw only a wide-eyes glance before allowing his attention to catch back upon the familiar face. Such a strangely calm welcome flitting from the maw of the apprentice when faced with such an unorthodox sight. If no one else would, Twitchpaw supposed he would reach a paw out for aid.

"Are you alright?" Perhaps a stupid question- for if he was alright he wouldn't be making that face- but the scruffy apprentice knew it important to provide a shoulder when its weight was needed. He'd needed one, once or twice... the least he could do was offer. Though it wasn't much of an offer, was it?
penned by pin ✧
) The tom isn't alone for long, but he had no joyous smile to give in greeting. Still, he raises his head and casts his bloodshot gaze towards the other felines who had come. Welcome home. The words linger in his mind, echoing over and over again. This... this was his home now. It was the only home he had left. Did this mean that his life being a daylight warrior was well and truly over? He would have to become a full warrior, one that didn't tread the line between kittypet life and the wild.

Are you alright?
No. No he was not. Totoro blinked slowly as he inhaled a shaky breath, desperately trying to steady himself both mentally and physically. "My owner... she was killed." He croaked out the words weakly with an edge of disbelief. A part of him wanted to deny the harsh reality that he was facing, but he knew he had to accept it.

Totoro longed to ask the apprentices about what he should do, but could he really burden the youths with such a thing? Could they even comprehend the horrors that he had gone through? The tom strained himself up onto his paws but it was a shaky ordeal and he was clearly struggling. "Help me to camp, please." The last thing he wanted was to faint so far out, he wasn't exactly the sort of cat they could carry. Roll, maybe, but that wouldn't be pleasant. He stumbled a fair bit as he attempted to walk and it was obvious that his vision was failing him somewhat as the haze of exhaustion and pain threatened to claim him.
( ) "Totoro?" The familiar coo of Deersong would enter the scene next, aqua eyes widened slightly with surprise and concern as she caught up with Scarabpaw and Twitchpaw after the two broke off from the patrol. She would give both apprentices approving looks for being diligent before turning to her heartbroken-looking clanmate.

My owner...she was killed...

A shudder would run through the she-cats body with those words, she herself had never had a bond with a two-leg like many of the daylight warriors had, but she could only imagine how horrifying it must have been to witness, and then to make your way back to camp. As Totoro struggled to his paws, Deersong would quickly step in and support his side, "Easy brotha', you're safe now." She would try to comfort before the deputy looked to the apprentices once more, "Scarabpaw, please take a warrior and find something for Totoro to eat. Twitchpaw, run back to camp and alert Dawnglare, then get a new nest together if you can." Her tone was soft, yet held a smidge of the new authority that had been there since her promotion. Hoping the apprentices listened to her, she would meow kindly to Totoro, "You just let me know when you get tired and we can take breaks, ok?"

Grizzly remembers the leafbare. He had understood their own word for it– winter. Win-ter. It was what they whispered about when the snow began to fall down, it was what they had called the world beneath the dancing star-streams. Though he had no idea what it meant, as with many of the things that they mewed about (what sense does winter make, anyway? it seems much more clear to call it leafbare when the world is bare of leaves), he had appreciated their thoughts of it. They have time left before that dusting of white comes down across their territory, and yet he finds himself lost to it anyway as the signs creep up. Nights seem longer, darker. There is a bite to the wind as it sinks its teeth into his fur. And the world around them begins to fall apart. It was towards the edge of leafbare that he had lost his own world, their voices and lives fading to the barking of a desperate dog. At least his would live on. At least there is hope that one day, perhaps, they will return.

Totoro does not have that anymore.

He sinks into stride opposite of Deersong, ignoring the urge to tack his own directions onto the now-deputy's. Her authority would take adjustment, but Grizzlyridge takes to it with the warmth and gusto that he can muster. Though her manner of speech may cause him all manner of alarm at times, she is a gentle soul. She would be good at this. He presses his broad shoulder into the other large tom. Despite himself and the situation they have found themselves in, he still has to restrain a laugh at the oddness of it. Totoro was no small beast. "You'll be okay," he soothes gently, turning to nudge him in quiet comfort. "We'll get you home in no time."

  • floabie_by_tausune_dffvyqj_1.png
  • GRIZZLYRIDGE. world-weary warrior of skyclan.
    ──── uses he - him - his, may accept they - them - theirs.
    ──── about four years old.  a former pine group member.
    ──── homoromantic homosexual, but this may develop.

    a large, broad-shouldered highlander cat with lightly tufted curled ears and large paws made larger by extra toes. a solid seal point with only a small white marking on his muzzle and deep blue eyes.
  • "speech"
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Peeling from the ferns, nose twitching having brought him faithfully to the scene. Thistleback drinks in the event as it plays out before him, his mate and Grizzlyridge supporting a very bruised and tussled Totoro.

Tears riddled down the battered muzzle of the round shaped feline, it was bizarre a sight but nothing puzzled Thistleback further than he allowed it. A suffocated flame of sympathy blossomed faintly in his chest at the sight of him, like a cracked frame of what he was. Round edges didn’t make it less prominent in tragedy. The piebald watches in quiet conference with his thoughts as Totoro is guided and surrounded.

" welcome home, lad " he adds, a set of words to mirror Scarabpaw’s pleasant few.

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — daylight warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png

) Safe? Safe?! How could he feel safe when he knew that his owner's killer was still out there? He prayed that such a monster would never find his wild home, or anyone else's for that matter. Why would a twoleg ever kill another twoleg? Especially one as sweet and kind as that of his master. Anger tried to swell up within him, but it fizzled out under his lack of remaining energy. He just didn't have the strength at that moment. "Thank you... all of you." With the help of Deersong and Grizzlyridge he finds himself able to brave the journey back to the camp, only needing short stops in order to catch his breath.

As they arrived at the camp itself the large tom finally collapsed from exhaustion, unable to take a single step more. "Sorry, I don't think I can move any further."
The female had just barely heard, her ears perking as an apprentice came racing in, and another. Something was wrong but she didn't know exactly what, and as a patrol and Totoro came in with a wave of anguish and pain, she couldn't help but be quick to the scene. She could feel the grief.

"Totoro..." she whispered ever so softly to the pain stricken daylight warrior, her cold nose touching his head in respect and as if trying to take the grief off of him. But she had no magical powers that could do that.

With no clue what was going on, there was no words she could say to comfort the male. The 'its going to be alright' phrase was even worse for someone in pain. Because the truth with that was that sometimes pain would not be easily cured by such words and time itself was worse than karma. It took time to heal, and sometimes, healing never occurs.

But she hoped whatever happened would heal.


A young cat sat idly off to the side of camp, watching as everyone walked into camp and this overhanging sense of grief straddled the air. There was a slight head tilt before white paws trotted along the camp clearing to the group of cats as they entered and looked up at Flowercloud as she touched her nose to Bearhearts' head respectfully. What was going on? They didn't understand and they opened their mouth to speak, but they found the air was more tense than they realized. Perhaps it would be best not to ask a million and one questions right then and there.

Though Briarpaw did understand that their mentor was saddened by something- though what they did not ask. Suppose he would say so or something about it would come up in conversation. They did not know when that would be but they would be there for their mentor no matter what! The young lilac tortie flicked their white patched tail slightly before lowering their head with empathy, "I'm sorry-but you're always welcome here!," They spoke honestly, with a nod at their own words. "SPEECH"


  • //
  • BRIARPAW devoted and loved
    — they/fae/she; 5 months; single; lesbian mongamist
    — Skyclan Apprentice; mentored by BEARHEART
    — Snarky, hesitant and a little bit of a over achiever

    casual character. penned by wolf.​
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