private BROTHERS UNDER THE SUN | bristlekit


The boy isn't sure how he feels about his brother, recently. It seemed almost as if Bristlekit was constantly there to try and hold Nettlekit back. To be the restraint that the lynx-point tom didn't have. The kitten isn't sure if he appreciates it or not. Brothers were supposed to have each other's backs, right? Nettlekit flicks his tail thoughtfully, draped in the shadow of the nursery as the afternoon light shimmered just outside, though all he could really see was the difference in light and shadow.

After several long moments of quiet thought, the young tom rises from where he had been sitting, and carefully pads his way out into the clearing, scenting the air. He's searching for Bristlekit, ears flicking, nostrils flaring, until he finds a trace of his brother's scent. After a second, he detects it upon the breeze, and begins trying to work out the location. It takes him a bit longer, but soon enough, he's cautiously picking his way toward Bristlekit, trying to avoid bumping into any other residents of the SkyClan clearing.

At last, he has reached his brother's position, and he waves his tail in a silent gesture to follow. Without awaiting an answer, Nettlekit makes his way back toward the nursery, though instead of stepping inside, he feels his way around to the back. Hopefully, they'd have some privacy here.

"Bristlekit." The boy stops, taking a seat and curling his tail over his paws. Sightless eyes settle coldly upon the form of his brother. "I want to go out." His ear twitches toward the camp barrier nearby. "Are you going to come with me, or are you going to tattle?" It's a pointed question, a test of familial loyalty. Besides, if they were careful, and if they didn't stray far, they'd surely be alright.


Sitting in the clearing he has been watching the Skyclanners. Watching their interactions and how they go about their day. It's almost like Riverclan, almost, save they hardly ever come back with wet pelts. Or with the smell of fish on the horizon. It's strange but he hasn't much thought of being able to eat any other food besides that which comes from the river. Now he has had a taste of squirrel, a taste of a bird, a vole. It's very different than what he is used to eating and he tries to pick at what he has now. Tries to think of which is his actual favorite. Maybe the vole....but fish is much much better to the ground walking rodents. A soft yawn pulls from his throat and he is about to push his food away when he catches sight of his brother walking over to him. For a moment he is pleased to see him coming his way but it slowly dissolves into curiosity when he merely beckons him to follow after him. So he does with a heave of paws and a careful movement. Behind the nursery they go but he doesn't question it and he simply settles down as his brother makes his demands.

He wants to go out? Beyond the nursery, beyond the camp barriers? Is that not against the rules that they are supposed to stay in camp till they are apprentices. Those murky blues of his let nothing escape on how he is feeling as he looks toward the barrier of the camp. Though a pang hits him as the other asks if he is going to tattle on him. Tattle? He doesn't think that is what he did but perhaps it can seem like that. Yes, most likely. He doesn't mean to tattle on his brother but to merely keep him safe and away from what could cause him harm. His fur puffs up a bit and he shakes his head. "I wouldn't...wouldn't tattle!' He makes sure his brother understands this as he shifts to stand back up, glancing over his shoulder just for a moment in order to see if anyone actually is close to hear them before he looks back. "We should, I want to go out too. I want to see Skyclan's territory."

  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlekit - tom / 2 moons old / riverclan kit / aspiring warrior



He's honestly surprised when Bristlekit responds; the denial of being one to tattle, before ultimately agreeing to the adventure beyond the walls of SkyClan's camp. Nettlekit's paws tingle with excitement. He's never really left the camp on purpose before. By accident, sure. But this would be something else entirely. A plan of his own making. Truthfully, he had thought Bristlekit wouldn't agree. Now that the possibility of adventure is very much real, the boy is almost unsure of what to do with the idea.

"You will have to be my eyes." Nettlekit informs, a glint of mischief within his sightless gaze. "Look for a place in the camp barrier where we might be able to climb through the brambles. I'll keep an ear out for anyone that might see us." Nettlekit thinks they're well shrouded in the shadow behind the nursery, but that didn't mean some other nosy kit wouldn't happen upon them in the middle of their little escape. His keen hearing would betray their presence far before Bristlekit could see them. With his tail, the young tom offers a flick of encouragement toward his brother, knowing that they would have to be quick and quiet.