pafp bruises on my knees 〰 berry paint

They take it very seriously, the role of being an exemplary daylight warrior... which meant making sure the others of their cohort felt secure, felt safe and... most importantly, respected. Today meant dragging in one of their youngest recruits (and yes, Edenberry does credit themself with the success of more kitty-pet joiners) out for a chance to relax. Bluepaw, surprisingly, had a lot of work ethic to show off and was getting annoyingly difficult to convince to be a kid.

They don't remember being half so serious at that age...

"You gotta lighten up at least a little," they meow, nose lifted as if indignant. "We're gonna have some fun and you're gonna like it!" They turn to glance at their blue-furred follower with a squinted look that reveals it to be a teasing more so than lecture.

The scent of sweets on the breeze tells them that their target is near- the sugary smell is enough to make their stomach twist in painful memory but... they have to persist. They cannot avoid every berry bush forever. And... it would be a tasty treat if Bluepaw got a little hungry. No one could say they were stealing prey from bellies that actually needed it when it was just fruit.

"Look!" They are careful in their extraction of a particularly plump one (their throat tightens, thinking about the connotations of being plump and how it felt much more personal now), displaying it to their younger friend with a grin. "I've got a lot of white to mess up," they explain before smushing it into their fur and leaving a blue-ish smear behind. "We can decorate! Though.. I guess you could do that on a leaf too maybe... but it's more fun when it's fur."

They turn slightly, so that the apprentice might have more canvas to work with, "Go ahead- I'm not worried about getting dirty."


  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 13 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back / filling out where previously skinny
    -- color #728c69​
Lately Bluepaw was trying to throw himself into every possible avenue in the way of the clans. He wanted to work and work until his paws fell off and he couldnt move the next day. It was all worth it to prove he could be a great warrior despite his kitty pet heritage and he was more than wanting to see the whole world. There was so much he didnt know, so much left unsaid, and it was insane he didnt know about any of it before then. Though sometimes it was nice to be reminded that not everything had to be work related or exhausting himself.

Today was one of those days.

Edenberry was leading them through the forest and was telling him to lighten up a little. To have fun and like it, and he huffed in response, “I do have fun! Thank you very much!” He countered back in a pouty way and flicked his ear slightly in response, but they had a point. They were right about the fact he didnt lighten up ever now a days and had a hard time just being an apprentice for a while. He wasnt a year old yet anyway so not like it was the end of the world to have a little bit of fun.

The white cat narrowed their eyes at him as they turned to him and he swallowed thickly, before nodding meekly. Easily giving in of course as he knew they meant well obviously. Then the air carried sweetness to it and he twitched his nose at the new scent- what was that?

Bluepaw followed behind Edenberry as they came to a berry bush and he furrowed his brow at the white warrior. What were they on about? Though he watched them pick a plump berry from the bush, declare they had enough white on them, and then smushed the berry into their fur. HE gasped loudly in surprise and sky blue hues widened slightly, what was- huh? He didnt see such a thing before! He never thought of painting someone with a berry! This- this was an amazing idea!

You have to paint me if i paint you! That’s how this works obviously” Bluepaw determined with a small nod, and moved over to his friend to put a paw in the berry juice they had on their side. The tomcat laughed a little and smeared it further, before finding a berry on the ground to smush with a white paw and returned to press a paw print into their white cheek.

Bluepaw couldnt contain his snorting and loud laughter, “Youre gonne be a blueberry by the end of this for certain we’ll have to call you Blueberry instead of Edenberry!


  • Bluepaw-- 10 months Skyclan Daylight Apprentice
    -- AMAB Cisgendered Masculine
    -- Panromantic Demisexual Questioning Polyamory
    -- Apprentice to Beetleback
    -- A stock, short blue tabby cat with high white and sky blue eyes (carrying; TBD)
    -- Notable friendships; Edenberry, Florabreee, Jaypaw, Owlheart, Emberpaw​
She's similar to Bluepaw, in that most would observe her and say she needs to 'lighten up' — although none of their Clanmates have taken interest enough to do so. For that, Ekat would be thankful, as a disparaging remark on her character would more than likely drive her to tears no matter how well-intentioned. Fortunately, she's been spared the conversation, luckier than the apprentice who followed Edenberry and watched them paint their fur with sweet-smelling pigment. Or perhaps not lucky after all, for Bluepaw actually seemed to be having a great deal of fun — which Ekat notices when her senses are drawn by his erupting laughter.

The she-cat watches from a safe distance, halted in her pawsteps by the sight of Bluepaw smearing the warrior with the sticky berry's juices. Ekat shudders at the thought of the cloyingly sweet residue in her own fur, sticking to her midnight pelt and dyeing the color a deep navy. She hesitates where she stands, not wanting to draw any closer and become an unwilling victim in their painting fun — but also not wanting to appear strange for simply watching, should they notice her. In the end, Ekat opens her mouth and stammers out an awkward, "That might be a mess to wash out." She realizes she sounds exactly as she expected — a cat who needs to 'lighten up.'​

Kurt knows a great deal about having fun, and he'd be more than happy to join in with Edenberry and Bluepaw's coat-painting - the only thing holding him back is the fact that he's a deep black coat himself, one that wouldn't show any of the beautiful colors that might be originated from the berries that the two cats are going to be smashing into one another's pelts.

"Ah, but what fun it is in the moment, fraulein." Kurt chided playfully when Ekat mentioned how it would be a pain to clean up. Even the thought of the time it might take to wash out doesn't discourage Kurt in the slightest; he'd be in Edenberry and Bluepaw's place if he had a canvas to be painted upon.

Dogbite sat near the camp's center, restlessly contemplating the day's earlier events. I'll need to bring a hunting patrol out soon... Hmm. No maybe it's too hot? However- The sight of Edenberry and Bluepaw's playful interaction stopped him mid-thought. Witnessing the scene unfold pulled a rare grin to his face.

The scent of sweet berries soin reached Dogbite, sharpening his attention to the duo. Edenberry's insistence on having fun and Bluepaw's reluctant acceptance were a reminder of the importance of community.

Such encouragement to lighten up resonated with the Lead. He often got far too strung up in serious thoughts. Assumedly they observed as Edenberry smeared berry juice on their fur, turning to give Bluepaw a canvas to work with. Bluepaw's initial resistance gave way to laughter as he joined in, leaving a paw print on Edenberry's cheek. Their laughs echoed through the camp, a sound that was refreshing.

Ekat's hesitant comment about the mess drew a chuckle from Dogbite. It was true. Cleaning berry juice from fur would be a challenge, but the joy it brought was worth the effort. Kurt's additional chiding added to the lighthearted atmosphere.

The tabby's blue eye softened as he observed the play among his clanmates. Despite the challenges they faced, moments like these reminded him of what made him love Skyclan in the first place.

Deciding to join in, Dogbite approached the group with a light-hearted grin. "Looks like you're having all the fun." They remarked, his scratchy meow kind and inviting. "Mind if I join? I could use a little decoration myself."

He settled beside Kurt, extending a pale leg towards the group "Maybe something fun and swirly. Wanna lend me a paw?" He suggested, his tone playful. The tabby felt the weight of his worries lift slightly as he immersed himself in the simple joy of the moment.

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; mentor to hollypaw
    ✧ 35 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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✧ .Moments of fun are often cast aside these days, but Greeneyes was once one to have a good deal of it. And with the scent of berries thick in the air just as a lull in his day hits, the lead warrior can’t help but to be a bit curious, to investigate the scene he approaches.

Smatterings of color streak Edenberry’s coat, stain Bluepaw’s paws in apt hues. A mess to wash out, Ekat says. Maybe so, but it looks to be fun for the two of them, and Greeneyes is never one to say no to an accessory or two. And with the realization of his own snow-freckled fur, the lead warrior settles into the group.

I wouldn’t mind some extra colors in my fur — “ he chirps, assessing the choice of berries before him. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Mentor to Fluffypaw, formerly Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack