private bubble, bubble pop! ☆ poppysong


* ˚ ✦ salmon jammin' everywhere!
May 15, 2023
(๑✪ᆺ✪๑) golden ribbons of light spill into the entrance of the apprentice den and onto the sleeping bodies of those occupying it, unfortunately chicorypaw had the temporary misfortune of being one of the few where said light gets casted across closed eyes instead causing her to stir awake earlier than the rest. the tortiseshell slowly uncurled from her balled up position, eyes peeling open slowly and blinking blearily as she takes a few seconds to adjust to the waking world. chicorypaw eventually gathers herself together and slips out of the den where she is greeted by a few scattered clanmates around the clearing getting ready for the day. among those stood out the familiar silver tabby figure of poppysong, her mentor, and the young she-cat wastes no time bounding towards her with a drowsy little grin while completely forgetting to make herself presentable.

"g'mornin poppy—" ivory jaws would part mid-sentence to release a yawn that she tries to stifle with a paw. "song! what are we doing for training today? hunting? fighting? swimming? bug tracking?" she'd ask giddily, light green eyes sparkling with anticipation for what's to come.


She stretched her fluffy form out before padding out of the warriors den. It wouldn't take long for her apprentice, Chicorypaw, to find her, and she stifled a chuckle at the girls enthusiasm. She was the same way when she was an apprentice, and she definitely remembered badgering her mentor for continuous training...

Needless to say, she understood what Chicorypaw was going through even as the girl stifled a yawn and turned a giddy expression her way. "Unfortunately no bug tracking! But! We are going to go on a border patrol together today. Just the two of us!" She flicked her tail, smile growing on her maw as she beckoned the apprentice to follow while she made her way out of camp to the stepping stones that would allow them to cross without them getting in the water. She wasn't a fan of the water, after all.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
(๑✪ᆺ✪๑) with a quick shake to fluff out wild curls of cream and blue, chicorypaw follows close behind poppysong as they head over to the stepping stones that connect their island to the rest of riverclan's territory. the river is slow moving today with small waves lapping against the sides of their rocky platforms and chiorypaw wonders if it's because of the recent issues that cropped up. "hey poppysong, where do you think the river has been going? do you think it's gonna go away completely? if it does, ya think cicadastar will have to rename the clan to something like dryclan?" a string of giggles escaped her maw as she hops from one stone to another trying to keep focus on her balance so she doesn't end up slipping accidentally.

"maybe we can ask starclan to send us some rain so it can fill up again!" surely their ancestors can work their funny dead people magic to conjure up some storms, right? chicory's paws eventually find soft grass again and she lets out a little noise of success before looking towards poppysong once more, plumed tail waving back and forth.

Poppy glanced back at her rambunctious apprentice, eyes round and laughing even as she stifled the auditory response that was ripe within her throat. She shakes her head, dismissing the apprentices concerns. "I am sure we will figure out a solution before too long. Perhaps Starclan is doing this to test our faith, you think?" It was one test of many, despite Poppysong's own belief in the star-pelted cats of the heavens, she still needed to make sure her and her charge were on the same page when it came to that subject-- as well as many others. Getting to know her apprentice, as well as teach her the ways of Riverclan's best warriors was her job. It was her duty to the clan, and one she would take very seriously.

"Alright Chicorypaw, can you point in the direction that Thunderclan's border meets ours?" She sits, waiting for an answer with her tail neatly wrapped around her paws.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
(๑✪ᆺ✪๑) the young apprentice slopes her head to the side when presented with poppysong's contemplative question, brows furrowing a little in clear confusion as she tries to make sense of what was being asked. was her mentor implying this whole thing is starclan's doing and it was just a way to see if riverclan's belief remains unshaken in troubled times? honestly it sounded a little silly to chicorypaw because why would they need to take away the river just to see if people still believe in starclan, couldn't they just come down at night as ask them upfront? chicorypaw blinks a few times before finally coming up with an response. "well, if it's a test i'm sure riverclan will pass with flying colors!" her words are accompanied by a little nod and wide smile.

moving on from that subject and onto the training, she is soon instructed to point them towards thunderclan. a snow-touched muzzle would lift at a slight angle towards the sky, pink nose twitching as she takes in the rolling breeze into her lungs trying to get a feel for all the scents around them. chicorypaw hums a little in concentration, there wasn't anything that really stood out to her besides riverclan scent but if she took in a few more sniffs she could catch the wavering smell of something woody and sharp. that must be thunderclan! "hrm, i think it's that way!" she decides with confidence, briefly pointing a paw towards the east of where the two currently are. "is that where we're going first?"

// rolled to decide if she did know and it came out to be that her direction is right but she's mixing up skyclan and thunderclan

Poppy chuckled at her apprentices response, giving her a steady nod in response. The girls determined display and the execution of her response to the question Poppysong had given her was even better. She had to stifle another bout of laughter. She halfheartedly glances in the direction her apprentice had indicated towards, shaking her head. "Close! But that is not Thunderclan's border, it's Skyclan's! Now come on, we've got a ways to go to mark the borders for the day." She rose, padding towards the direction of Thunderclan's border with her head and tail held high, not waiting to see if her apprentice was following.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
(๑✪ᆺ✪๑) chicorypaw will happily take being atleast semi-right in her answer and slightly puffs out her chest at this minor accomplishment, if you could even call it that. poppysong is on the move again, reminding the apprentice that there was alot to be done today especially if they wanted to visit all the borders without burning too much daylight. she quickly scrambles after her mentor not wanting to be left behind and when chicorypaw was atleast trailing a little closer behind a fluffy tail her gait transformed more into little leaps and bounds similar to that of a baby fawn. "watch out thundercats, we're coming for you!" she exclaims, maybe a little too loudly as it causes a few small birds to take flight with startled squawks but she doesn't seem to notice.