BUCKGAIT X LIGHTNINGSTONE (open riverclan litter)

Blitz Krieg

alpha and omega moonlight howl
Jun 7, 2022

You want your tale of enemies to lovers? Well, here it is!

Buckgait was born and raised in the land that is now known as RiverClan territory. Born into a family that prized toms, she had always been thought of as lesser, even being given her name to denounce her femininity as a form of salvation. She grew up with the need to be seen as something indestructible; this led to her parents forcing her to become mates with a tom who shared similar ideals as them in hopes he could tame her. Buck would then overwork herself during her pregnancy as she felt she constantly had to prove herself, leading to heartbreak as her only kit, delicately called Fawn, would be too weak to survive long enough to walk. In her grief, she drove out her mate and family and found friends who she formed a colony with in the wetlands.

Lightning was born far away from the clans' current territory in rolling meadows full of plentiful prey. His childhood alongside his littermate, Brook, was happy enough. However, after unearthing a dark secret about his home and finding out he and his sister were to be traded away to an enemy colony, they decided to run away. It had been them against the world, two adolescents fighting to survive on their own until they came across Rain's colony in the pine forest. He took them in, and while Lightning grew to care for his colony, his focus would always remain on his sister and keeping her safe from what he perceived to be a dark, dangerous world.

As was destined, both cats ended up in RiverClan upon its formation. Lightning would become Lightningstone, a cynical and brooding warrior who was assigned to guard Buck, the unruly and rebellious loner from the wetlands as her colony decided to join the clan. Oh, they despised each other! However, several moons of being tethered by duty would lead to a greater understanding blossoming between the two. As time passed, they even grew to become begrudging friends, late-night talks and private hunts becoming common. She would teach him to fish. He would teach her that life in RiverClan wasn't all that bad. It wasn't until Lightningstone watched as her bloodied form entered camp after an encounter with twoleg hunters that he realized his true feelings for her. He would try to shove them down and avoid her, even remaining absent as she earned her true place in RiverClan and was named deputy. But Buckgait has never been one to be ignored or denied. An aggressive confrontation led to his reluctant admittance of his love for her, and some time later, she would admit to the same. Now, all these moons later, the former RiverClan deputy is hunkered down in the nursery pregnant with their kits. She is ecstatic! Lightningstone…not so much. But they are committed to making it work.


[x] This litter will follow realistic genetics, which can be found below. Birth defects and disabilities are allowed if researched and played correctly. Genetic mutations not found in the below genetics are not allowed.
[x] This is not first come first serve. There will be three slots chosen on April 11th. Any form can be used.
[x] These kits will be born April 16th starting at 2 moons and will age realistically. Per RiverClan's current rules, they will be apprenticed at 3 moons.
[x] Absolutely no angsty or depressing backstories! Buckgait will be an extremely attentive and doting mother, and Lightningstone will be, well, a present father at least.
[x] We would prefer the kits to remain in RiverClan their whole lives. Of course, we understand plots pop up that may require the character to leave; we just ask it's run by us!
[x] We would like this family to remain at least semi-active! They don't have to be posted with all the time, but a minimum of 10 posts a month is asked of you. Long-term inactivity may result in us rehoming your slot. Of course, we don't want to do this so we ask you only apply if you can be counted on to stay active and interested in this character!
[x] Have fun! These are your characters and we can't wait to see how they flourish and grow!


Buckgait and Lightningstone are both Gen 1, making this litter Gen 2.
Lightningstone has two siblings - Rainwhisker (deceased) is his sister and littermate and Stormwhisker (played by Jay) is his younger brother and will be the kits' uncle.
Buckgait has no played family. However, her deceased daughter is Fawn, who is this litter's half-sister.


Sire: LH blue smoke w/ curled ears (carrying cinnamon, non-silver)
Dam: LH cinnamon w/ low white and stumpy tail (carrying dilute)
Kits can be black, blue, cinnamon, fawn, black smoke, blue smoke, cinnamon smoke, or fawn smoke
- kits will be longhaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- kits may have curled ears or normal ears
- kits may have stumpy tails or normal tails
- black-based kits will carry cinnamon; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; smoke kits will carry non-silver; curled eared kits will carry normal ears; stumpy tailed kits will carry normal tail


NAMING It is heavily preferred that applicants stick to names that are ICly realistic for the parents to give. We would like to avoid doubling up on prefixes, so if applying with a name not on this list, we encourage you to check all five clan censuses to make sure a name is not currently in use by an active, living character!

Buckgait's Names
Hartkit, Doekit, Prongkit, Hoofkit, Cariboukit, Deerkit - a continuation of her own name and expanding the family, allowing for feminine names to make up for her own
Bank-kit, Shorekit, Reedkit, Strifekit, Oxbowkit , Meanderkit - to describe the river; she believes it will help them become strong swimmers​

Lightningstone's Names
Deerkit, Reindeerkit, Hornkit or other deer-related names
Sleepykit - given to a quiet, calmer kit
Black-kit, Shadykit, Shadekit or other dark color-themed names
Glowkit, Beamkit, Burningkit, Lightkit, Raykit, Flashkit or other luminous names
Streamkit, Rillkit, Runletkit, Creek-kit, Meadowkit, Riverkit - RiverClan-specific names
Tempestkit, Squallkit, Galekit, Sleetkit, Hailkit - continuing the family's storm name theme
Brook-kit, Drizzlekit - for his late sister; doubles as either a RiverClanny name or storm name​
The name Fawnkit would absolutely not be given!




time to play "do i remake tem for this litter", a game in which i am leaning slowly towards yes. if i decide to do so i'll make this pretty later

tempestkit -> tempestsong
> lh black smoke w/ low white, undecided on curled ears / stumpy tail (c. cinnamon, dilute, nonsilver)
> very proud. >:P energy to non riverclanners, :P energy to her own clanmates. a little bit of a trickster. pretends to be grumpy like her dad.

a stone holding warmth in your mouth
meadowkitmeadowpawmeadowflame, meadowspring?

↳ named for the fair heather-y color of his pelt & for his riverclan heritage
— kit of riverclan
— FTM trans man (he/him); gay
buckgait x lightningstone, sibling to TBA

longhaired fawn smoke with low white, bright green eyes & stumpy tail reference
baby fat and longhaired fluff make meadowkit look much bigger and rounder than he actually is-- but his personality makes up for it. the kitten's pelt is always strewn with reed scraps, leaves, and twigs from his daring adventures around camp (and outside of it when he can get away with it). eventually he might like weaving some of the longer grasses into his fur as an accessory, but in his kithood the greenery is just a result of a clumsy kitten with no care for how he looks.

as he gets older he'll thin out considerably; though his parents will have passed down some of their muscle, meadowkit is on the lither side of his family. this doesn't mean he's not as strong as any other riverclanner, though-- he just has to work harder to become like them. meadowkit walks with a confident gait, head and stump-tail always held high. his usual expression, though, rather than spelling out arrogance, radiates a warm sort of kindness that could make any cat trust him.
↳ carrying cinnamon(?? i think lol), non-silver, normal tail


( + ) optimistic, golden-hearted, heroism as an ideal, loyal ( / ) impulsive, highly competitive, not the smartest ( - ) jealous, weighs self-worth according to his relationship with others
— believes in riverclan's greatness and strength above anything else. undyingly loyal to his clan he will always be self-sacrificial when it comes to them (and even more so when it comes to his family). he thinks that heroism and kindness are founded on that self-sacrifical behavior. will go against his personal morals if ordered to by his clan (to an extent).
— bubbly and kind! really enjoys making friends. he likes to have a wide web of people he can rely on- and people he can help. he puts a lot of stock in how other people view him, so he thrives when he is in others' favor and wilts when he is perceived negatively. needs to learn confidence that is not heavily intertwined in his relationships. his kindness also does not extend to those he views as evil; he is sort of black-and-white in his morality, but will show mercy even to his enemies. he just won't be very nice about it.
— ever the optimist! fights to be a shining ray of joy for riverclanners / his family, especially when times are difficult. can be a bit of a class clown because of this and loves to tease / prank others (all in good fun- unless he's targeting someone he doesn't particularly like)
— will likely inherit the views of any cat he finds to be particularly heroic (his mother first and foremost)! probably has anti-kittypet prejudice and really hates windclan. a pretty malleable mind; but once he finds something to wholeheartedly believe in he gets really stubborn.
— a deep-seated, oft-hidden jealousy for attention from cats he adores can make meadowkit act selfishly. though he generally tries to put others before himself, in the right circumstances he can obviously (and perhaps even cruelly) act for himself first
— swings between wildly productive (to the point that i think he'd be a difficult apprentice to have) & bouts of unwillingness to work
— may start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will always try to show mercy
excels at physicality; he will be a good hunter and combatant. extremely dedicated to his work, to riverclan, and to his family.
poor at restraint, thinking before doing, not being overbearing, letting others figure things out on their own. wants to be everyone's hero which can make him hard to get along with.
— lawful good | 7w8 | ESFP | VIII. strength


— oocly im really interested in his relationship with lightningstone and the difference between buckgait's active doting and lightningstone's simple presence (but possible lack of outward affection)
— id really like to develop him primarily ic and just go with the flow wrt plots, so this personality / strengths and weaknesses are subject to change!
— aesthetics: knights, grass, golden wheat; the sun on the water; lambs and wolves
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- Fawn smoke kitten with a stumpy tail and sunshine yellow eyes / carries non silver
- wondrous , easily impressed , easily impressionable/influenced , adventurous , curious , ambitious , bold , confident , imaginative
Palette: pale yellows & whites
Aesthetics: summer child, honey bees, ponds , warm rain , dandelions
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shadykit / shadystream?​
(also considering oxbowkit / oxbowlake; rainingkit / rainingsky, reedkit)​
— if my kitten is selected, i'll leave the exact choice up to the parents, as i like all four of these :)​

— afab LH blue smoke with bright golden eyes​
— coloring and facial structure bears notable resemblance to their father​
— late grower; they'll start out a bit smaller than average and eventually end up a bit taller than average​
— very classic riverclan looks; shadykit takes a quiet pride in this​

genderfluid he/she/they, leans more toward they/them most of the time​

.•:* pos. loyal, studious, affectionate.
.•:* neutral. quiet-natured, dreamy, dissociative.
.•:* neg. impolite, off-putting, dependent.
— a shy and decidedly odd child, shadykit prefers to stick close to their parents or siblings in social situations. they struggle to understand most rules and social norms, and develop spoken language later than most of their peers, preferring to stay quiet even after they've got a good grasp on speaking. when they do speak it may not fit the situation or make much sense, as they spend a lot of time in their own head and can forget to give context for the thoughts they share aloud.​
very affectionate despite these delays/struggles. shadykit will adore their parents, siblings, and anyone coming to visit the nursery; plentifully physically affectionate, though the ways they show physical affection may be abnormal or unexpected, and they may need time to work up the courage for it.​
— in love with nature; very studious. will watch bugs or plants for hours if you let them. fascinated enough by the mundane that they won't be so desperate for apprenticeship as their peers, perfectly happy in camp; apprenticeship will surprise them with a whole new world of wonders to explore! depending on their mentor they may be an excellent apprentice or a terrible one; a patient mentor who works with their unique learning style will see them flourish into a very dedicated, very purposeful warrior.​
— overall they're a happy kid, if a bit strange. at least during early childhood they'll like themself a lot, enjoying the way that they think and the way the world interacts with them, bolstered of course by their parents' love. shy, yes, but not self-deprecating, and considering the amount of strange kids in riverclan already, i don't imagine their self-esteem taking any big hits as they grow up.​
— to be determined by development in their apprentice moons​
— some qualities of theirs that are likely to flourish: their studious nature, their exceptional observation skills, the lithe form they'll grow into (well-suited for agility), and their lust for exploration​
— to be determined by development in their apprentice moons​
— not suited for brute strength; initially disinterested in battle/battle techniques though this is subject to change​
— less suited for teamwork due to their communication difficulties; enjoys it but may not know how to cultivate it​
— though quiet and a bit dependent on family, shadykit is not easily frightened. thus they might take a flightier sibling under their wing, spending time with them and coaxing them out of their shell​
— conversely, they might love to follow after a louder or more rambunctious sibling, attracted to exuberance!​
— clanmates may not expect mischief from their quiet, unassuming nature. do they take advantage of this to cause trouble in sneakier ways, or do they try their best to behave in the hope of more praise?​
— very attached to their parents and particularly their mother, they may struggle with leaving the nursery at apprenticeship. perhaps they'll stick closer to their siblings or to their mentor, or even sneak into the warriors' den to cuddle up to a parent. how is this received? what will help them find comfort sleeping alone each night?​

i only have one riverclanner at the moment, ashpaw, with whom i've been pretty consistently active since kithood. i have been waiting for a litter to introduce a new kitten, and two riverclanners is a good number for me, so i think i'd be a good candidate for the activity preference.​

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loving you was lethal
brookkit . brookpaw . brook(?)

↳ named lovingly after lightningstone's deceased sister.
— kitten of riverclan; in being devoted to her home, she finds most other clans in contempt.
— afab, she / they
buckgait x lightningstone, sibling to fawn, tbd

blue w/ low white, green eyes. long haired, feathery tail, curled ears.
an initial look at brook would suggest her a plain feline - while inheriting her father's coloration, she finds herself lacking his smoke patterning. it does seem that she's blessed with little differences, as with the white that splashes against her tail tip and a portion of her muzzle, however beyond that brook lacks what many of her siblings retain; visual interest. perhaps that is why she maintains a vain outlook of herself, keeping her fur immaculate even from a young age.

brook bears longer fur, a thankful gift of both of her parents, however despite her efforts her chest fluff constantly seems unruly and untamable - much to her own chagrin. it feels like a constant battle to her, and as such she can often be seen simply grooming herself. her favorite attribute of herself is her green eyes; they are most often compared to fresh greenleaf grass, however she sees them more in the underwater weeds that inhabit the river. she hopes that it's a sign on its own - that she'll be a prized swimmer and thus riverclanner.
↳ carrying cinnamon, normal ears


( + ) sharp, observant ( / ) over-achiever, vain ( - ) self-destructive, gullible
although her vanity is already established, brook is not the sort to put others down for her own sake. at least, not her clanmates and family. hoping to be a star riverclanner, the sharp and watchful brook will often find herself at odds with those from other clans. she would never dare befriending any of them, unless petitioned to by a superior. some would say that she would do most anything to gain the support of her higher ups. others would say that this is a result of buckgait's hen-mothering but lightningstone's standoffish demeanor.

brook finds herself incredibly devoted to her parents, particularly her father. she believes that being named after his beloved sister would hold herself in a higher regard than her siblings in his eyes - that both terrifies and excites her. most of her behaviors can be explained as a means to remain a sort of gem to him. regardless of that, however, brook is unafraid of also approaching her mother with her successes - and perhaps even more comfortable, even, with presenting her failures.

with the nature of roleplay, brook's personality may shift and change with the flow of the storyline. i hope that this outline remains as is throughout her life and that i'll be able to add what i can as it comes. i definitely hope to focus on what life would be like as a junior to someone she would never be able to meet - even moreso attempting to please a present but distanced father.
mannerisms: constantly grooming herself, very facially expressive
— will not start fights | will attempt to end fights | will not flee, unless gravely injured | will show mercy
— will excel at swimming, fishing, tracking
— will not excel at hunting, climbing, fighting


— as stated, brook will constantly be trying to prove herself to her superiors - and above them, lightningstone. she will find his approval as the greatest success, however being tasked with special quests from those above her will provide a similar excitement. at the end of the day she just wants someone to say that they're proud of all she's done.
— brook will be unknowingly close to buckgait, in spite of her constant striving for attention from her father. much of her life will be spent with her mother, after all, and she will seek out the other for advice or even just to talk. i think she will struggle with admitting that buckgait is the most important figure in her life, as she will often operate on the childish idea that she can't have several prized figures.
— her first real battle with another clan will exemplify her shortcomings with fighting. a scar will mar her, causing a great hit to her self image. she will feel like a failure and struggle with trying to 'fix' herself - which will then lead to overworking and overtraining, at least until someone tells her that it's alright to fail.
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CARIBOUKIT: he / they; masc nonbinary, bi ace – lh warm blue smoke w/ brown eyes + curled ears. cariboukit’s name is apt, when one looks at him; his colors resemble those of his namesake, if not a bit cooler in color. most of his body seems to be a faintly warm blue, with little view into the white banded undercoat beneath. on the chest and tail, however, these bands are much more plain to see. it’s the location of these colors that really connects him to his name. the lighter patches of fur are in the same spots as one would see on a caribou, tying them together in appearance and name. his fur is long and thick, fluffy to the point of being difficult to upkeep. he does so, however, considering grooming is a nervous habit of his. his legs are a bit shorter than one might expect of a regular cat, though not to the point of being a mutation, only being slightly unusual. his tail is long and feathery, more like his father’s than his mother’s. his ears, too, are his father’s, curling back rather than pointing forwards. he’s a miniature, warmer version of his father, for the most part. his eyes are a very warm brown, standing out against his blue coat.

─ 2 moons: BUCKGAIT xx LIGHTNINGSTONE; siblings tbd: kit of riverclan

✦ nervous, private, impulsive, cariboukit is the picture of an introvert. while they have their friends and family, they tend to get very nervous around others they’re not close to. there’s always an underlying anxiety to their actions when they’re going about their day around camp. they would much rather be tucked away in a den or hidden away out in the territory, far from the many, many faces that surround them. this leads to them striking out on their own rather often, even when they rather shouldn’t. they would rather split off on their own and get in trouble for it than stick around and push through it. they’re also rather methodical despite their impulsiveness; if you know the rituals and actions they stick to, it isn’t hard to predict where to find them when they disappear even if the one searching is not particularly close to them (emotionally speaking).
─ will have obsessive compulsive disorder; fair warning that i won’t be using research, it will be according to personal experience with ocd as someone who has it, so anything that doesn't match up to textbook depictions is because of that

─ most likely will be a drypaw; he’ll dislike water regardless as he is a stickler about clean and well-groomed fur and wet fur is uncomfortable to him, but i imagine it will be the result of a bad experience with water/swimming as a kit or early apprentice! either a regular accident, a result of an excursion gone wrong, or something happening while playing with a sibling/training with a mentor
─ associated with: feathers, leaves, scratches in wood, dry mud, antlers, warmth, steam in the cold, candles, aged maps
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Reedkit . Reedpaw . Reedpool / light / heart

↳ Reed ; given to her by her mother in hopes it would encourage powerful swimming skills later in life
— Kit of Riverclan; resents other clans, believes Riverclan is the best.
— Female (AFAB), She/Her; Pansexual
Buckgait x Lightingstone, sibling to ???

Willowy fawn smoked she-kit with light green eyes. While not exactly boney, Reedkit physique could easily be seen as “a gust of wind could blow her away.” Yet, she often moves with grace, often silent and fluid as the river itself. Pale fawn-hued fur compliments her light appearance, with cream smoked roots outlining her ears, chest, and underbelly. Her face is narrow but not sharp, and often wears a bright and relaxed smile. Her eyes are shaded green, but the color is only a tint, making them almost look white from a distance. Her long silhouette is cut abruptly short with a stumped tail.
↳ carries non-silver & normal tail length


( + ) Relaxed
( / )
( - )

A ray of sunshine on her best days, an irritatingly optimistic presence on her worst, Reedkit is not the type one would expect to see in an environment such as the wild. She likes to go where the wind takes her, or where the sunning is best. She’d rather spend her days gliding in the shallows of the waters in search of particularly shiny shells rather than prepare herself for apprenticeship. She is able to sit still and listen to the birds for a concerning amount of time, and grow tired of a game of moss ball in the blink of an eye. Hardship is a foreign term to Reedkit, and though she’s heard many horror stories from her own clanmates, has the naive belief that none of those things could ever happen to her or her siblings, as long as she keeps the positivity flowing.
She’s an enjoyable cat to be around, and can easily engage in any upbeat conversation, but conveniently is able to avoid any of the heavy stuff, leaving that up to those around her. Reedkit doesn’t see a point in having a care in the world or expectations, as from what she’s seen, those only bring you down. She can smoothly charm her way into your heart, but when faced with confrontation, her true cowardly traits come to light, as she runs before she can think twice.
mannerisms: when feeling overwhelmed, goes to find solace in the river ; tends to laugh a lot, even in just casual conversation ; when uncomfortable, she will simply shuffle away.
— will (not) start fights | will (not) end fights | will (not) flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at swimming , tracking , & foraging



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forgive my northern attitude
Cariboukit . Cariboupaw . Caribouyell, Cariboustorm, Cariboustrike, Caribouslam

↳ Caribou for his larger size and mother's family
— Kit of Riverclan; no thoughts on other clans
— AMAB, He/Him; undecided sexuality
Lightningstone x Buckgait, sibling to TBD

A longhaired black tom with curled ears and a short tail Caribou is a large and in charge cat, with curled back ear and a stumpy tail. His build is lean and muscled, a nearly perfect Riverclan build. He has sleek long black fur and serious amber eyes, with especially long whiskers, his least intimating trait.
↳ carrying cinnamon, normal ears, normal tail, dilute / masking N/A


( + ) brave, decisive, protective( / ) stoic, perfectionist, quiet ( - ) aggressive, pig-headed, self-serving Caribou is the perfect solider, dedicated to his home and using every ounce of strength to protect it, even as a kit he will try and protect not only his siblings but the nursery. He can be seen as cold and distant, never voicing his opinion. Not to infer he doesn't have an opinion on things, it's quite the opposite, he just keeps it to himself. His appearance and stand-offish personality may be a turn off for some, but if he is chipped away at he is kind and patient, to an extent. He likes to watch birds at the river when he is a little older.
mannerisms: Doesn't tend to move, like at all, he just sorta stares and speaks when spoken to.
— will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will not show mercy (dependent on situation)
— (will) excel at fighting, swimming, nest building



Brightkit / Brightpaw / Brightspark
Named by Lightningstone but a mama's girl to the very end
➳ Kit of Riverclan; Incredibly curious of the world beyond her home
➳ Female (she/her); pansexual, polyamorous
Buckgait x Lightningstone, sibling to TBD

Pretty as a picture...
A vision of beauty just like her mother, though, where Buckgait is hard and strong, Brightkit is all softness and curves. Built for speed and dexterity rather than strength, much of Brightkit's agile physique is disguised by the gleaming length of her fur. Her plush, feathery pelt is a delightful blend of cinnamon and amber hues with a creamy chest and belly as if she were left in the sun long enough to leech her of Buckgait's rich, ruddy coloration. On her chest is a small locket of white. Her hind paws are also white, though one of the markings continues up the back of her leg in a thin streak and spiderwebs up her left flank like a bolt of lightning. Brightkit's eyes are a deep, soulful blue and will eventually lighten to match her mother's eyes as she ages.
➳ LH cinnamon smoke w/ low white and blue eyes; carrying non-silver

A diplomat in a family of proud warriors...
From an early age, there was always something different about Brightkit. When all the kits had eaten their fill and drifted off into slumber, she was the unruly child who crawled away into the unknown despite her blindness and deafness. Some may call her impulsive, but Brightkit, above all else, has an undoubtedly strong spirit. She laughs loudly, lives shamelessly, and has a unique passion for life throughout all its ups and downs. With a sharp mind and warm heart, Brightkit doesn't back away from a challenge but she is also not the sort of cat to needlessly harm others. Her curiosity and goodwill can occasionally put her at odds with her more patriotic clanmates because she doesn't seem to possess the same distaste for outsiders that is generally encouraged within the clan. She idolizes her parents and wishes to make them proud, though she goes about it in her own way. Charismatic and beautiful, Brightkit prefers to talk in order to get her way. She takes pride in her appearance--no amount of whining or threatening can convince her to leave the den before she is groomed to perfection. It is easy for most cats to see only what Brightkit allows them to. Only those who know her best can see beyond her beauty and vanity to the clever, ambitious cat within. No matter her shortcomings, Brightkit always perseveres.
➳ STRENGTHS: Charismatic, adaptable, motivated, brave
➳ NEUTRAL: Honest, trusting, curious
➳ WEAKNESSES: Vain, impulsive, head-strong

— Has the skills to be a great hunter, but dislikes getting dirty
— Prefers to talk first, start fights later / will finish fights / prone to mercy
— Loves the glory of battle but looks down on unnecessary bloodshed
— Unafraid to challenge or question authority, especially her parents & siblings
— Strong sense of self / wants to make everyone proud but not at the cost of her own beliefs
— will excel in diplomacy, fighting, and agility
— needs work in hunting, stealth, and patience​