bugs, grubs and hugs! & eating bugs competition


Now you'll never see me cry
May 1, 2023
This was the best idea had yet!

What better way to show that he was warrior material than consuming something that might help in dire means? Bugs where not the most ideal choice of food for most cats, but they worked good in a pinch and with winter just around the corner so why not start now? Also this would be a good way to trick some of the fellow apprentices' and maybe even some warriors' they where brave enough for it. White paws moved spiders, beetles, ants and worms into seperate piles as well as a few crickets and some other bugs that the name was unknown of. It was more of a matter of collecting as many as possible than anything else.

With an expert eye, Goldenpaw made sure the piles where perfect as they couldn't be anything less than that. With a satified nod the young tomcat lifted his head with a narrowed look at the nearest cat to him, "Think you got what it takes? To be a warrior? Why not show that pride and prove your stance in the clan by consuming at least two bugs from the pile," He dared them with a lift of his chin, then turned to the next cat with a swing of his head, "What about you, hm? Think you can win?" He flexed his claws with the challenge and smirked a bit in response to himself.

feel free to be the two cats hes talking too!
bug eating competition!

AND I DON'T NEED TO BE HUMBLE, ✧°.☀ ————————————

This had to be the stupidest idea Goldenpaw has had yet.

Lilypad would watch from in front of the warrior's den, a look of both disbelief and exasperation on her face as she heard the apprentices' beckoning to eat bugs. As she sat there trying to think of how Goldenpaw had gotten to this level of idiocy, his gaze turned to her and challenged HER to this ridiculous idea too.

Oh no. Not happening. Still, she would snort and make her way over to stand before the piles of insects and her skin crawled, "Uh, I've already proven I'm good enough to be a warrior thanks. How about you set the example, Goldenpaw, and take the first bite?"

Her smirk was teasing, although she hoped he didn't actually take her up on that jab. She'd get her ears raked if Goldenpaw ate one of these gross things and then got sick. She would look down at the piles again and wince, surely this was all just a prank and he didn't actually intend to eat anything that was here.


[penned by zaeya - ]
  • Haha
Reactions: wolfie



♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡
Prickleflower had been just trying to walk by, but in doing so she was getting sucked into some stupid apprentice game. Her first instinct was to ask “did you do your chores?” and ruin the fun, but her eyes narrow at the bug pile. The thought of putting one in her mouth and feeling their numerous legs crawl around was enough to make her sick. Think you can win? Prickleflower straightens her head, no, I don’t play at stupid games… Instead she shakes her head, ”I’ve got better things to do than empty my stomach trying to eat one of those.” Only glancing at Lilypad who was trying to entice Goldenpaw into playing at his own game.

Sloestride's expression soured from mild amusement to unabashed revulsion at Goldpaw's suggestion. He had been watching the apprentice wrangle the critters for a little while, unable to resist the urge to learn his plan. When the sun-stride tom turned to the group of warriors however, a spike of worry raced down his spine- his words supporting Sloestride's apprehension.

"Uh, yeah what they said. I'm curious about a lot, but not that..." Broad ear swooped low in a bewildered show, he gauged the other's opinions. He was glad they were taking up the offer too- then he'd have to and he really didn't want to. Almost reflexively, Sloestride bobbed his inky chin. Lilypad too appeared just as reluctant, though the curve of her maw suggested she might be finding it more amusing than the mahogany molly.

He blinked sharply as a spider extended a needle-like leg from the toiling bundle. Grim. "Maybe you'll have better luck with the younger cats" The memory of Falconpaw investigating a slug's palatability came to mind.
Raccoonstripe comes to sit beside Prickleflower, wearing a matching expression of distaste. "Oh, is eating bugs all it takes to be a warrior these days?" His tone is both bored and annoyed. "Go on then. How great of a warrior are you?" He wants to watch this fool shove as many bugs as he can into his crazed mouth.

None of the warriors are biting, it seems. Neither Lilypad nor Sloestride offer to partake in the delicacies offered. Sloestride tells him to try the younger cats and Raccoonstripe lets out a snort of laughter. "Maybe one of those kits Wrenflutter had to take in. Probably the best competition you'll have."

Goldenpaw gave a loud huff in response to the three warriors' that had approached him but all declined his challenge. C'mon! Didn't they have some sort of wonder or need to win in them? Lilypad was first and the chocolate tabby cat rolled his eyes at her as he always did when she approached or open her big maw. Daring him to take the first bite and he bared his teeth ready with a snarky response to her, but Prickleflower popped up afterwards. The femme cat had better things to do appearantly and so did Sloestride as they too stated they weren't that curious about anything he was doing.

Goldenpaw then looked at Raccoonstripe as the lead warrior offered him to go ahead and do it, and then stated that Wrenflutters kits where the best competition he had. The chocolate cat flinched inwards and there was a visible falter in his green gaze as he looked down for a second at his pile of bugs. He thought of all cats that a lead warrior would be at least a little nicer, but suppose beggers can't be choosers.

"Fine!" He stated with teeth bared once more in a sneer at the three warriors', and Lilypad, before marching up to his pile of bugs. Without stopping for a second thought he scooped up a beetle and popped it into his mouth with a crunch-

Then the arrogant apprentice leaned over and wretched whatever was left in his guts.





♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡
Prickleflower finds no surprise in the rest of her clan-mates denying Goldenpaw’s challenge. Sloestride suggests trying with younger cats before Raccoonstripe snorts with laughter, maybe one of those kit’s Wrenflutter had to take in. A purr of amusement rumbles in her throat, she even smiles ever so slightly.

The apprentice bares his teeth, barks ”fine!” before scooping up a plump beetle and allowing it to slide down its gullet. Prickleflower looks away, too disgusted to continue to bear further witness to what was occurring in front of her. She hears violent wrenching and wearily looks over to see the grass shimmering with Goldenpaw’s spit, and… is that a beetle wing…? Prickleflower think’s she’s going to get sick, ”….Make sure you clean that up.” and she walks away, not daring to look back.

If eating bugs was all it took to prove himself worthy of being a warrior, then Toadpaw would do it.

Or, at least, he was going to take on Goldenpaw's challenge - until all the warriors were so adamant about not taking part in it themselves!

Why should Toadpaw join in if no one else was? Or if... If Raccoonstripe was certain that only kits would take on the challenge? Surely, there was some lesson on strength to be woven into Goldenpaw's game, right? Stonepool would agree with him, the apprentice is sure of it.

The brown tabby watches on as a sneer of fine! comes from the older apprentice, as the golden tabby leans forward to complete his challenge himself. Toadpaw's nose scrunches up at the sight - it was kind of gross to be eating bugs, after all. Even if it's gross, he'd expected Goldenpaw to complete the task at hand. It's an expectation, however, that falters almost immediately, as the crunch of a bug leads to retching.

"Gross!" Cerulean gaze is quick to look away at the noise. Only when he thinks it's done, he looks back to the golden tabby, a tilt of his head following.

"... Does that mean you're not worthy of being a warrior?"
AND I DON'T NEED TO BE HUMBLE, ✧°.☀ ————————————

Lilypads' smirk would ever so slowly fade away as more and more warriors gathered and also declined. But something about the way they all did it, the disgusted looks, rubbed Lilypad the wrong way and she had to force her fur to remain flat, her expression patient as she sat there. Maybe it was because it wasn't hitting the same because when she and Goldenpaw were throwing insults at each other there was always an unspoken friendly rivalry to the undertones. But this? Lilypad started to feel guilty now as she saw that hesitation in Goldenpaws' expression, but as she opened her maw to say anything that may change the apprentices' mind, he crunched on a beetle and then immediately vomited.

It was her turn to wince, though instead of walking away she would stand and move to growl, "You mouse-brain. I swear." Toadpaw's words would touch her ears and once again she had to fight from snapping as her temper and protectiveness of her begrudging friend reared its head. Taking a breath she would meow smoothly, "That's not what it means at all, Toadpaw. Goldenpaw is just messing around. Fun and games, ya know?"

Lilypad turns back to the tom and shook her head, tail lashing as she started kicking dirt over his sick, "Though as far as games go even this was kinda stupid." She would smirk at this though, a sign she hoped Goldenpaw would read it for what it was; a small but simply teasing jab.

[penned by zaeya - ]