camp Bugs Life || Leaf bug

Nov 7, 2022

He stared. Unblinking. Bluish eyes bore right into the bug Infront of his paws in the middle of camp. His blue fur puffed up and his paw ready to tap.

It was a bug......That looked like a leaf.

Or was it a leaf that looked like a bug!?

"What are you."


Of course, bugs don't talk. They make other noises.

He continued to glare at the bug Infront of him as it carried on, crawling along, minding its own business. His little brain is working overtime to comprehend the creature before him.


"What are you."

Red ears twitch at the kittypet's words, viridescent gaze shifting to the blue feline. At first, Greenpaw thinks he's talking about him, thinks Dawnglare's already gotten to his head with his anti-green rhetoric. Instead, the kittypet is focused on something else green.

A... leaf..? So green in leaf-fall? Hadn't all the leaves turned the color of his fur, at this point, rather than stayed the color of his eyes?

It shifts, without a breeze to carry it. Moves, as if something's carrying it. Ants, maybe?

"Woah, what is that?" he asks, moving closer to it. Upon closer inspection, he fails to see a single ant carrying it, rather, legs of its own. The apprentice jumps back, surprise evident on his face. "The leaf's sprouted legs!"

Since when could they do that? Was this what happened to all leaves, as they prepared for leaf-bare to arrive?
WAIT AROUND, I'LL SMILE AGAIN ✪ At first, Watson is startled to hear about a walking leaf only to remind himself that such a thing is proposterous children's talk only to then roll back around to an amplified startle. "Well, I'll be..." The scruffy tom comes to crouch near his clanmates with a scrutinizing stare down at the bug just minding its own business. It almost makes him shiver, thinking of how many times he's passed a tree and one of these things could have been sitting on it and looking with its beady eyes. Even if he's sure its little brain is as empty as a dog's, it still creeps him out enough for him to shuffle back a distance from the ambling disguise.

Turning his head to the side a bit, the tabby remarks with a tone of humor, "Must have lost his stick bug cousin." His own words threaten to tinge him with a bit of melancholy as he too is missing his pair in Skittles but at least he knows that his friend is still well.



"The sticks are bugs too!? What!!!" His voice was grating and squeaky when it was shrill in shock or surprise.

He looked back at the leaf bug. What secrets did it know. "Have the leaves evolved into bugs, or have the bugs evolved into leaves!?"

He needed answers!!!

He extended a paw to gently poke the insect. The bug did not appreciate this, flittering it's wings as it leaped away from him, causing Grapejuice to jump in surprise with a startled hiss.


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( ) in the midst of camp stood a party consisting of grapejuice, greenpaw and watson who all seemed to be observing something from varying distances. large, tufted ears swiveled forwards as huckleberry approached, something about a leaf sprouting legs and stick bugs? it sounded just a tad ridiculous, how in the world could a leaf just suddenly grow a couple of legs and start walking? well, color him surprised when he caught sight of the little creature mid-leap trying to escape the offending limb that touched it.

"huh and here ah thought ya'll was playin' some sort of make believe. that really is a leaf with legs!" an amused laugh slipped from his maw.

( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )