private BUG'S LIFE + splashpaw


it's hard to make the good things last ✦
Jan 29, 2024

———————————riverclan | apprentice | she/her——————————
"It's just a little bit further!" Turtlepaw cried over her shoulder as she bounded through the reeds toward the river. Its gentle rushing called her forth. Even though her time in the twoleg camp was brief, it had felt like she'd never be here again. Sometimes, she had nightmares about shiny branches entrapping her again and big fleshy paws grabbing at her fur... pulling it off of her bones.

She tried to distract herself from those visions as much as she could these days. Today's distraction: Splashpaw. She was excited to see a new face in the apprentice den, even if she wasn't really clear on the circumstances around her arrival. Snakeblink tried to explain some about what happened, but he used a lot of complicated political jargon she couldn't really parse. None of that mattered, really. All that mattered was that she was friendly and willing to take a walk with Turtlepaw when she needed to get away from camp.

The ground beneath her paws turned squishier the closer they grew to the river, and Turtlepaw opened her mouth to drink in the earthy scent the mud produced. "Okay! Welcome to my favorite place in the territory!" She gestured to the muddy shore covered with large rocks. Small birds picked around for snails here, and a faint smell of twoleg trash hung in the air. That wasn't going away any time soon.

[penned by muddly].
Splashpaw has come to learn that RiverClan, too, has a couple apprentices that are out of the norm. Previously (and she supposes, still to this day) she had fit that mold too-well. But at least here by the stream, that subset of felines are kinder about their denmates. Or... at least, they're kind in some fashion to her. Turtlepaw is included in that, the grey-brown furred she-cat excited to show her something, though refusing to tell her what it is until they reach it.

Splashpaw excitedly keeps to the other's flank, slowing her step with her as they happen upon a muddier place in the territory. The air is muggy and thick, and the ground underfoot consumes rather than spreads. It's like... ShadowClan. But she doesn't say that. "Oooh," she grins, almost cheshire-like for a moment as she pads forward, instantly drawn to a snail that clung to a smooth stone. "Why's it your favorite? Is it.. because of these things?" Snails aren't usually in the marsh, after all. It's a new discovery for her.​