build a fortress that is bulletproof ✿ twitch

They stood across from each other, the sand beneath them grit after recent rainfall. It would make any tumbles less forgiving, though leaping from a standstill would be easier. Combat training had taken Daisyflight a little bit of time to acclimate to, as much of her own knowledge was borne from heat-of-the-moment exchanges and slurred advice. After leading some sessions as deputy, she had confirmed her suspicion- that you had to learn by doing.

"I’d like you to try and hit me, hard as you like. Don’t worry, I won’t be angry." Her instruction was mild, followed by a step back into a prepared stance. She wanted to see where Twitchpaw’s instincts lay. And, hopefully, to teach a quick lesson.

Slit eyes watched him in the lull, the snow of her brow wide taunt to her scalloped ears. The lay of his paws, tail and spine were of particular interest as they were both the greatest tools in an attack and the greatest tell. The instant her apprentice made his move, she attempted to leap aside, hooking a clump of half-soak sand into her wake. A cowardly move to many in the clans, no doubt, but an invaluable one in her time.

Just- hit her? What was she thinking? Surely she knew- he hit hard when he did, he'd learnt it from many a scolding. Prodded often as a child just because it was 'funny' to some kits in the Clan, he'd retaliated more than once and had been told off for it an equal amount. He knew his strength... though most of it had been demonstrated with the jaw. Opposite his mentor now, he supposed... since she wanted him to... well, could he refuse? If he said no- well that was that, wasn't it? Refusing to hit his mentor meant he'd never get trained. He'd never be a warrior. He'd live and die Twitchpaw- and even then he doubted his parents would remember it.

She lowered herself to a stance, and that was when Twitchpaw struck- white paw outstretched, he aimed to strike her across the face, a blow that went sailing right over her. Out of the way she leapt- really an easy manoeuvre since she'd known he was going to do it- but the aftermath was the really nasty part. Right in his face sprayed a awful of sand, immediately sending him recoiling backward with a yelp.

"Shh-PFFTHHHH...!" Angling his face away from his mentor, he spat the sand back out onto the ground, shaking himself free of the grains. "What was that for!?" What, had he done it wrong or something? It wasn't like she'd given him particularly detailed instructions!
penned by pin ✧
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As predicted her apprentice was sent spluttering, a hack of grit sent spewing from his folded frame. The anticipated pity was swallowed up by an unfamiliar satisfaction, one she hadn’t felt since she had planted her paw on the neck of her enemy moons past. Daisyflight blinked it back and affixed the suitable look of apology in its place.

"Irritating, isn’t it? It makes you stumble, with surprise and anger." The calico knit her front paws together and sat, giving the tom time to gather himself. "While the exercise was contrived, I wanted you to feel that. Such strikes against a cat’s calm will unravel them in a tussle." A cat reeling for blood might well get it, but they’d lack the focus to protect themselves and their goal.

Once Twitchpaw was back to a ready state, she stood to match it. "We want to keep a level head while fighting." Daisyflight nodded brusquely. "This time I will approach you. Do your best to avoid my paws, and if you begin to slip in the sand why not use that momentum to produce a countermeasure, hm?"

The warrior then jumped forward in a half-step, attempting a blunt thrust to his shoulder. Regardless of success, she leant low and shoved her own shoulder forth. Each attack was balanced, lacking in her usual ferocity. Daisyflight just wanted him moving, to get into the habit of avoiding blows. The consistent onslaught would continue until something changed, for better or worst.

/i did not proofread this :,)

He indeed gathered himself, in whatever scattered ritual enabled it. A shake of matted fur, a couple disorientated blinks and he was there, sat to attention once again. A good student, despite the assail that he'd just been met with- though a slow nod of understanding moved him finally when she explained her reasoning. It was supposed to be frustrating. Unravelling them... yeah, that was better than ripping the to bits, a movement that was hardly guaranteed. Disorientation was a good weapon, he supposed... confusion was not an emotion you particularly expected when entering a battle.

"Okay." Readying himself, he watched as his mentor adjusted her position, informing him to keep calm. Easier said than done, but he'd try- and that he did as she made her attacks. The preparation certainly helped- something he had to remind himself he would not have in a real battle- for with the knowledge that her blows were imminent, he managed to dodge out of the way quite easily. A skittish nature aided his avoidance, and as he stood still-bristled with moon wide eyes set statuesque upon her, he realised there had been something she'd done that he had missed.

"Oh!" A yelp of realisation fled from his maw before he slid a paw forward, skimming it across the ground to spray sand at his mentor. It didn't get anywhere near her face, though- no, it all just fell like half-hearted rainfall, the type that barely exists and is persuaded by the slightest breeze. "Sorry. Fuh-forgot that sand... bit."
penned by pin ✧