BUILD A HOME // building nest


✟ 18/4-24 ✟
Aug 3, 2022

So this was where he was going to sleep for the next couple months to come. Shallow took a look around into the den like a hawk searching for its prey or in his case the perfect spot to build his nest on. He had been out to gather some moss to bring back with him, having placed it in his memory that Sunfeckle's nest had been of moss. He had tried to memorise it all so he could build an identical nest like his. It had been cozy and warm, it had felt safe. He wanted that. The problem was he had never built a nest of his own but it couldn't be that difficult. With a nod to himself the newly promoted apprentice would head over to the spot he had decided to build his nest. It was far away from all of the other apprentices nests, in the darkest corner. It was perfect for him. Placing the moss down he started to work with it, to spread it across the ground and puff it up to make it look comfy. In the end it didn't look anything like the nest Sunfreckle had have in the nursery. But it might still work.

Shallow decided to lay himself down into the nest to try it out, but to his disappointment it didn't feel anything like Sunfreckles had. It just...didn't felt the same. Not as warm and cozy. Devastated he would stare down blankly at his paws, no emotions shown in his violet blue gaze. " I wonder why..." he mumbled out the thoughts to himself, puzzled. Maybe he needed more moss?. He rose to his paws and headed outside and for a bit he was gone not having wander far away until he had gather up more moss to return back with and entered inside the apprentice den again to place new moss on the nest. He then tried it out again still didn't feel right. Something was still missing. The nest didn't have the same warmth to it. Shallow decided to give up with a sigh as he sat up in the nest, staring in defeat down at his paws. Whatever. He guess it wouldn't work. He wrapped the tail over his paws. He was cold again.

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
Shallowpaw, was it? He was that kit that was brought into the Clan, and now he was an apprentice. Frankly, Lightpaw didn't know anything about him beyond that. Sure, he'd seen him around, but he couldn't recall ever having actually spoken to him. As came with the upgrade from 'kit to 'paw, or rather, just 'paw in his case, he was now moving into the apprentices' den. As if it weren't crowded enough already.

When the blue-furred tom worked at making his own nest, Lightpaw had made no comment, only occasionally glancing over from where he lay in his own nest. He was either really picky or really bad at it, because he didn't seem very comfortable when he laid down, and eventually seemed to give up.

The golden apprentice rolled onto his back, the other now upside-down in his view as he contemplated his words for a moment. "Y'know," he began, "It's only getting colder. I mean, if you wanna cozy up in the corner by yourself, then fine, but I figure it would be warmer if you made it closer to everyone else." Stretching a paw into the air, he hooked a claw in the tangled den wall and left it there.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

Since bringing Shallow to ThunderClan admittedly Sunnyday had not been able to spend much time with the youth, and it left a bitter taste in his mouth. The tom made up his mind to hurry through his duties that day and to devote some of his efforts to finding feathers out in the woods. Fortunately he struck gold when he managed to catch a wood pigeon, of all things, and naturally such a creature was laden with soft feathers. Two duties in one, his day couldn't have gone better.

The tom returned to camp with his catch and he made an immediate bee-line for the apprentices' den. Normally he'd take such large kills to the nursery but considering that many of the kits had just become apprentices he decided that the catch would be of better use among the young fledgling future warriors instead.

Upon entering the den he overheard the tail end of Lightpaw's words. "Is Shallow feeling cold?" A flicker of concern lit up within him and he looked in Shallow's direction with wide blue eyes. The warrior set the pigeon down at that point in order to allow himself to speak. "Staying apart when leafbare comes is hardly wise. Even the inside of the dens can be prone to frost, and trust me, nobody wants to lose their tails or toes to it. I brought a pigeon for you all to share, and I was thinking you could use the feathers to add to your nests to help keep warm." The warrior leant his head down and he plunked a sizeable mouthful of soft, little feathers from the pigeon's chest before he tiptoed his way towards Shallow, keen to offer him the extra bedding materials. "It'll work better than moss." He explained after setting down the feathers, a warm smile on his face.

hailpaw | 06 months | trans demi-girl | they/them + feminine terms | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold skyblue

The concept of making nests is still an odd one for Downpour. They had to worry about such silly things as the weather out here - the was no arm blanket to curl upon, no windowsill from which to safely watch the rain. To watch their namesake. Their own 'nest' was a pitiful - a half hearted attempt at best, simply a few twigs and feathers and scraps of shed fur they'd gathered and simply tossed into a vague semblance of a bed. It was good enough for their needs so far - it wasn't as though the newly dubbed Hailpaw was in it very often, and they certainly still had plenty of kitten-fat to keep them warm on the colder nights. Watching Shallowpaw's attempt, they tilt their head to the side, joining in the conversation. "You're welcome to put it over here with ours - I doubt cloudy or stormy would care" they offer, a careless shrug following their words. They don't really mind either way, but it feels polite to at least offer.


Join his nest with the others?. He wasn't sure he liked that idea not liking to share his space with cats he barely even knew. Taking a moment to think this over Shallowpaw would take his time before glancing over at his denmate who was laying upside down a bit away and not long after briefly moved his attention to the second apprentice who was offering to take his nest over to them to share space with them and two other apprentices. It wouldn't take long before he looked away again to a different direction from both of them. " I'll think about it." Came his answer, looking rather disinterested to even contunie this conversation any further. He twitched a ear.

To his surprise an unexpected visitor arrived into the den, one he was very much familiar with. Shallowpaw's attention was quick to turn to Sunnyday who was walking over towards them with a pigeon in his mouth. The apprentice blinked his eyes, remembering to only have once or twice eaten a pigeon before but that had been in the twoleg place. Not out in the wild. Sunnyday seemed to advise him to move his nest over to the other apprentices too, just like his two denmates had. Maybe there was a point in what they were saying. It had been warm sleeping next to Sunfreckle. In the first place he had never experienced leafbare before, but it had already proven to be colder then he had thought it would be and they where not even in the middle of that season yet. Would he really lose a tail or toe though?. He had heared that if getting to cold could have serious consequence.

" I guess that would be troublesome." If he lost a body part. He already had a missing leg, and that was already problematic to deal with. Perhaps there was a valued point in what they where saying.

Flinking his ears when the warrior come up closer to him to drop the feathers in his nest which would help with keeping his nest warm, the kit would lift his head up to look up at the tall warrior, his eyes blinking when they smiled at him so warm and brightly. " Thanks..." he would say now staring at them with unblinking eyes. Slowly he would lift his paw up to place it on his chest. Huh. He didn't feel so cold anymore...


The warrior lifted a forepaw up and he aimed to ruffle up the fur on the top of Shallowpaw's head in a playful manner. "Heh! Now come on then, let's get that nest moved closer to the others! I'll give you some help." He padded over to the spot offered up by one of the other apprentices and he began to dig a dip into the ground to help make the base of the new nest more comfortable. He generally found that the raised edges helped to keep the built up heat from the body better contained. Not only that but it stopped bedding from slipping away if inhabited by a restless sleeper... like him.