private BUILD A ROCKET \ pumpkinpaw

It'd been- a task to try and explain to Pumpkinpaw that they'd have to wait a bit before they could go back into the territory- especially when, before, they'd been so excited to see the world. Well, at the very least Pumpkinpaw would hopefully be a master of apprentice chores before they could start working on its hunting abilities... still, Twitchbolt couldn't help but eke a bit of apology into his smile when he approached it, bundle of moss in his maw.

Jittering paws placed the supplies before Pumpkinpaw- and a few flowers from the outside, too. "We're practicing nest making, today," he muttered, trying to fill the silence- but he accompanied his words with a motion of the paws, trying to replicate the motion of nest-weaving with the air. That sort of... visual accompaniment worked, sometimes. If he was lucky, efficient enough with it. Stars above. It'd be a dull lesson, probably- he imagined he'd get prodded for some sort of explanation, a question... anything, anything at all. In that moment, Twitchbolt looked very much as if he thought staring at Pumpkinpaw enought might magically turn them six moons old.

penned by pin ✧