Built out of glass | Dawnkit





Dawn- He was born late just after the sun cracked the horizon, was named after the sky
kit- traditional name for kits between the ages of 0-6
Currently 4 moons (started at four moons old)
Born and raised in Riverclan, has no opinions about the other clan
gender/sexuality? Tba
Notes: Og info on them

lilac ticked tabby with white across his face and chest and has leaf green eyes.
As a kit they are big and chunky ball of sweet sunshine happiness, loves life
and will often approach others with a big smile. It's hard to keep this kit down once the sun rises, he wakes up full of energy!
His appearance is not neat or orderly, Dawnkit does not like to be groomed
which means some parts of his fur are puffed up and others flatten down.
loves the rain and everything that comes with it. Enjoys splashing in the mud and
digging to find worms and bugs, he will often look to display his prizes to others.

Positive: Bold, sweet, reliable, and animated
neutral: Chatty, stubborn and biassed
negative: overprotective, short tempered, airhead
Similar to: Honey senpai (Oran host club), Polites (Epic: the musical)

Easy / to form platonic relationships
Impossible currently / to form romantic relationships
Lilacbird (mother) / has a good relationship with /thinks highly of
Silverbreath (stepdad) / has a good relationship with /thinks highly of
Twilightkit (sister)/ has a good relationship with /thinks highly of
Dust (father)/has no opinion on/doesn’t know them