bumble-bees are out | raggedkit

Mar 30, 2023
A fear settles deep within Orchid's heart as she lays close to mamas side, near-violet eyes trained intently on the entrance of the nursery. Orchid cannot sleep, no matter how high the moon rises in to the sky, no, she cannot help as she shakes. Her apprentice ceremony would be coming up here soon, probably within the next couple sunrises, and Orchid feels her stomach churn, get queasy at just the thought of it. It's not fair! Orchid wants to forever stay in the nursery, right next to mama. Tulipkit could go be an apprentice though, they know shes been craving to become one. Tulip had talked about how cool it'd be to get a mentor like Chilledstar, or even Geckoscreech, but it petrifies Orchid to know that those two are even options. Too many highly respected cats to just disappoint.

Theres an owl hoot above that sends Orchid scrabbling right out of her nest. Tulipkit groans in her sleep and does a little kick, but for all Orchid knew, she hadn't woken up her sister. A small sigh of relief tumbles from her mouth as she shuffles closer to the entrance, slightly curious (and fearful) eyes gazing towards the starry night sky. They find themselves deep in thought, whether or not mamas own mama was looking back at them, if she'd be proud of them like mama was. They had never met Lily Frond, or even her mate, but mama spoke very highly of them.

Theres pawsteps that nearly send Orchid out of their own fur. Head whips around to spot who it is, only slightly relaxing. It was Raggedkit! "W-Wh-" they have to swallow their anxieties down, squeezing their eyes shut for a second. "W-What are you doing still up...?" they blink innocently. Orchid wouldn't tell... Oh, but what if Raggedkit got them in trouble? Once more does the pressure and light-headedness in their head rises. "Are- Are you afraid of being an apprentice too?" they blurt their thoughts out before they could think through them, and immediately do they shrink away. Oh, how stupid of them! They shouldn't have spoken, they shouldn't have spoken at all!

  • Wow
Reactions: RAGGEDBITE.

"sometimes, he comes out here to talk to the stars."

the sound of orchidkit makes him spin towards her, his tail gently sweeping. he offers the skittish kit a smile, gesturing for her to sit beside him. she didn't have to but it would make him happy if she would. then she speaks again, and he blinks in confusion for a moment. scared? oh, no. he wasn't scared of anything. his ear twitched before he spoke.

"he doesn't think so. he wants to make his mama proud so... being an apprentice would do that, maybe! this one can't exactly ask her. well, he means, he could. but she can't answer. he won't be able to hear her from the stars."

his gaze moved back to the stars for a moment before he giggled quietly.

"he thinks he's scared of being alone."

he answered. maybe that's why he tried so hard to make friends with everyone. from fear. all his family was dead... he didn't want to be by himself. friends was the only way he knew how to not be alone.

"are... you scared of being an apprentice? how come?"