private bumblebee on the scene .. sunnyday

can we leave it behind? The ceaseless ride of affairs had left Sabletuft whirling in its aftermath. At first it had been unassuming, a glimmer of light had shown its face and his Clanmates had hope that their ill-gotten stars hadn't forgotten about ShadowClan. WindClan had tested their teeth and claws, and they had shown the cotton-tailed cowards why they had their place in the forest. Conflict was an event Sabletuft had always been careful to avoid, unsure and scared of what he would turn into again. The skirmish had coaxed long forgotten shadows of his past into the WindClan border, and Sootstar had become victim to his blind rage.

His nightmares of the Great Battle had quickly been replaced with that fight.

Could it be considered an omen he had been given the title of a Lead Warrior for his brutal, destructive behavior? He had saved a friend, ShadowClan's deputy, Chilledstar said he honored their home. He knew he deserved it, though it took some reassurance. The onslaught of bears razing their camp down to the ground in the very meeting his was promoted certainly hadn't seeded doubt in his mind...

So much had happened. It was hard to believe nearly two moons had passed since he had last seen his... friend. Staying beneath the Thunderpath had been a sore reminder of just how much he missed the golden tom. A sickly, sinking feeling that he wished away in vain. It was wrong. Their meetings were wrong. His liking toward the warrior was wrong. But still his paws carried him away from camp. Still his heart stuttered when he came closer to that tunnel. With prey having been scarce on his side of the border since the relocation, he wasn't surprised when nothing of their 'neutral claim' came up. He was tempted to find something within the marsh to bring back, but he was already here. Sunnyday would arrive any moment, surely.

The Lead prowled beneath the tunnel, the scent of his Clanmates stale now. Empty-pawed and head still spinning from the anxiety-inducing adrenaline, he might have lost his head if it weren't attached to his shoulders. — tags


Too long he had waited for the meetings with his friend from another clan to resume. Having ShadowClan stay on ThunderClan's territory for a temporary time had been torture, especially when knowing that Sabletuft had been so close yet so very, very far away. The frustration had been hard to endure but he had made it through, and now he moved on hurried steps away from the camp in order to head for the tunnel that led beneath the thunderpath. However, despite his best efforts to scour the thunderpath for deceased animals there was little to pick from. Well, except for that of a deer, but that was no good. It was only by sheer determination that he found a squirrel along the verge.

The familiar scent of his friend reached his nose as he neared the tunnel, and not wishing to startle the other he offered a cheery chirp to announce his approach. With a smooth motion he slipped into the gloom, pausing briefly in order to let his eyes adjust. Blinking, he then let his sights settle upon the tom before him. A soft purr rumbled in his chest as he drew closer before setting the squirrel down. "Good evening, Sabletuft. It's... it's been a while." Now they could finally speak freely without fear of what their clanmates might say or do.

Sunnyday felt giddy as he made himself comfortable on his side of the tunnel. "Sorry that the prey isn't bigger, there wasn't much on the thunderpath today." Too many scavengers, no doubt. "But... um... how have you been lately? I trust that the bears have finally left."

can we leave it behind? Head turning at the sound of his friend, and Sabletuft felt his heart lift to a featherweight. The golden tom joined him below in the tunnel, and like a breeze the worries that clouded his mind fluttered away. He glanced down at the prey in his jaws, more noticeable from the fluffy tail that dragged with it. For a moment he felt a bit sheepish being able to find anything on his end, but it didn't appear to bother the other tom much. He didn't have the best nose for tracking.

"It has, that patrol-" Sabletuft paused for a moment, forcing himself to settle so that he thinks before he spoke. I'm sorry. But what was there to be sorry for. Outside these tunnels they were strangers. Never meant to share prey side-by-side. Let alone even the same air so closely as they did now. They had their roles to play in their respective Clans. He felt his shoulders sink down as he was lost with the words for what he wanted to say. have you been lately?

His entire world had been upside-down for an entire moon. Starting from the very announcement of his promotion, he only felt the star's had scorned his home.

"Chilledstar has recognized my efforts towards ShadowClan's success and has given me a place on their council." Sabletuft rested back on his haunches and straightened. There's more eyes on my back. But of course straightforward statements were a struggle for the tom. "I led the unit to chase them away with Chilledstar. We have a small rank of warriors now, the thing's were... insatiable. But they're gone, and thing's have been calm since then."

He didn't want to silence to fill, so he quickly moved on. "I'm hopeful seeing you back on patrol with your Clan. Are things getting better now?" — tags


"Oh? You're a lead warrior now? Congratulations my friend!" Sunnyday's eyes widened with genuine surprise and pride as he looked at the ShadowClanner, already beaming a warm smile at the news. All thoughts pertaining to the additional risk now posed towards their meetings came later, but he honestly didn't want such lines of thinking marring what should be something good.

"I am sorry to hear that good cats were lost, but I am relieved that you were able to drive them away... and... and that you are okay." A flush of heat rippled beneath his pelt as he said the words. But it was true, if anything had happened to Sabletuft then he honestly didn't know what he would do. He... he needed his friend, his support.

As things turned back to himself and how he had been with a patrol he almost seemed to squirm uncomfortably on the spot. "I... er... yeah. I returned to camp and I've resumed duties, but... it's not perfect. It's clear that a few aren't keen on me being back and I'm very much walking on egg shells." The golden coloured warrior explained as he visibly fidgeted where he was sat. In truth he didn't want to linger on the subject, not when it left him feeling miserable. "B-but enough about me, um, how are things with your apprentice going?"
can we leave it behind? Sunnyday's congratulations bloomed warmth within his chest. It brought him to realize that nearly none of his Clanmates had congratulated him, even after they had relocated from the bears ambush. Too frantic worrying for their own survival and future, he understood it might not have been much of importance to some. Still, being a Lead Warrior he understood how thankless it often was. Most days though he felt like he was still just a senior warrior to his peers, and that he didn't mind all too much.

Sabletuft's smile is small, but genuine. "Thank you. It's just me and Ferndance aside from Smogmaw as our deputy. But we work hard, and we're rebuilding. Fast." He was convinced that in his efforts, he may be the first cat to ever work their tail clean off. If his paws didn't go first.

The dark tom shifted closer to share the squirrel as dull claws of hunger reminded him to eat. He nudged the golden tom playfully, amber gaze flashing with confidence. "I think I can survive whatever trials their StarClan puts against me, us." He's not sure if he meant for ShadowClan or the two of them, but he would agree to both. No matter what, he would think fondly of Sunnyday. The pass is made back to him and Sabletuft rolled his shoulders back with a sigh.

"The impossible apprentice. He graduated, but not for the right reasons... He was the oldest apprentice, everyone his age already warriors for two moons now. There simply wasn't anymore he could be taught, or that he was willing to learn. He couldn't stay an apprentice forever so he's been given his warrior name." There was little attempt hiding the disapproval in Sabletuft's voice. His tail flicked in agitation, but he said no more as he took his fill from the squirrel. — tags

Sunnyday's bites of the squirrel were small and calculated as he continued to hold onto the habit of wanting the ShadowClanner to consume the lion's share of their meals. He was swift to push the squirrel back towards the other tom, though there was less and less to return each time. In comparison to the rabbit that they had once shared the squirrel certainly didn't compare and he knew that there would be nothing to takeaway once their meeting was done. It was a pity but sometimes that was just life.

"I see..." So Sabletuft was no longer a mentor at that time, and his apprentice had earned a warrior name despite obvious issues. Sunnyday mulled over the idea for a moment before he exhaled softly. The lanky tom attempted to rest a paw gently upon the other's shoulder as he tried to offer some form of comfort to the other. He could understand the frustration but he also knew that things just had to be. "It will be what it will be." What else could he say in the face of fate? Life marched on and they simply had to endure it.

Briefly he looked in the direction of the squirrel, or rather what was left of it, before he looked back at Sabletuft. "Feel free to finish what is left. I'm not overly hungry." He explained with a quick smile, even though he was partially lying through his teeth. He was in truth still hungry, but his stomach hurt and he didn't wish to chance another mouthful. Instead he shuffled closer to the tom's side and attempted to lick at Sabletuft's shoulder fur, probing the opportunity to groom the other's coat. "I forgot to mention but we finally rid ourselves of the boars from our territory too." It was some good news at least.