sensitive topics bundle of joy | joining, injured kit



fear was a powerful thing. for little amélie, battered and bruised and lost deep in the foreign pine forests of skyclan territory, it was all that she knew—or, more accutately, all that she could properly remember. it felt almost as if the rest of her life had been a feverish fantasy, colors and voices blurred to near-incoherence, and the world only gained clarity with the sound of a foxhound's snarl and a feeling like fire incinerating her tail.

the memory sent a wave of emotion through her, and the kitten's vision blurred with the onslaught of tears, as she finally quit walking and crawled her way under a nearby bush to shelter herself from any more vicious beasts. her sobbing was quiet, whispers of wails escaping her throat, as she lamented on the pain that her tail and ear still suffered, caked in dried blood.

how long had she even been out here? it could have been days, it could have been weeks, or it could have been only since the previous morning. amélie was tired, and starving, and had finally given up. she curled herself as tightly as she could, no longer caring about how loud her cries may have gotten.

kittens weren't built to handle this type of stress, especially not kittypet kittens.

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Your sins weigh upon your soul.

The world was cruel, something any kid should not have to come to terms with, even Jackal himself. He had decided to leave the camp to see if he could find any flowers for little Sprout during her time recovering from the illness that racked at her body. His paws softly crunching the dead leaves below him while his ear twitched at the sound of kitten wails, narrowing his copper eyes he began to trace the source before coming to a halt. "Why are you crying? Do you wish to hear a joke? And why do you hide?" he asked standing in front of the bush that Amèlie hid in.

Of course, the best thing the little kit could do was refuse to hear a joke from Jackal, they were down right awful, but don't tell him that, he wouldn't know and yet he was unsure what to do in this situation of a wailing kitten, Sprout herself has always been quiet and the only kit he had a slight attachment to in a sense of wanting and need to protect so be was in a complete and awkward state not knowing how to handle such things. His fluffy tail swished hoping to get a response but he wondered if he should get someone much more socially equipped for this.
amélie had been so preoccupied with her own misery that she hadn't even noticed the stranger's approach until he spoke up. once he did, she forced herself silent, the fear-scent strong and mixing with the stench of dog and blood that permeated from her matted fur.

when her silent hiccups and sniffles finally quieted to a more reasonable level, where she thought she wouldn't feel as closely scrutinized as if she had been wailing her heart out, the kitten lifted her head and stalked to the edge of her hiding place, peering out with nervous brown eyes at the taller cat looming above. he didn't seem... bad. and he definitely wasn't a dog.

she tried to flatten her ears, but winced, the movement sending a burning pain through the ear that had been bitten and torn halfways off. with a quiet whine, she crouched down, paws curled underneath her, and watched jackal for any signs of aggression. the tears still sparkled in her eyes.

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A cool blue gaze flickers across the ground, piercing, the way it stared, boring down on any unfortunate soul caught beneath it. Pointed teeth grit with barely-constrained annoyance. There's a chill that settles upon him, prominent and crisp, even if leaf-fall was still fresh in the air. The verdant fronds sprouting from Her skin were particularly ugly today. Poor mother, important as She was, Her wilds were horrid, loaded with sickly green blood. The leaves couldn't change faster, grass couldn't dry any quicker. Sick of it. Green-leaf has been rearing its ugly little head for far too long.

A distraction, thank the stars. Broken whines crawl forth from the ground. In an instant, he presses an ear to the earth. However wretched, he ought to hear it. Did She too wallow in sorrow? Wail over the sorry frame she had to sport? His nostrils flare with a heavy breath. He's hardly in the mood for comforting, but he owes Her, after all... "Shhhh..." his coo is gentle as he could manage, despite the way his brow furrowed and pointed teeth pressed to his lip. "Blessed thing, calm your heart. It's okay..." he assures her. He loved Her all the same, despite her garrish looks. He taps a paw to the ground, warm comfort.

Her crying seems to soften into sweet nothingness. Good - even if she still sounded on the verge of tears. Never before has she communicated with such vividness and transparency. Was her woe really so great that it could not be contained? He drones a low hum of consideration, jaw set in his thought.

[ He thinks she is the ground crying im sorry ]

Basilpaw had had an encounter with a dog not too long ago. The whole clan had, actually, but the ones that had attacked the clan while he had been away had been small, barely bigger than the full grown warriors. The one who had chased him and the rest of the patrol had been big. Snapping jaws and slobber dripping onto his back still torment him in his dreams, threatening to catch him. He is always faster. Just barely.

He casts a look at their medicine cat as he speaks. He had never heard Dawnglare comfort anyone. Strange. He was unaware that his comforts were meant to be directed at the ground and not at the small scrap of kitten that stood trembling before them now. She looks like she had been chewed by a badger! Basilpaw doesn’t say so though. His mother has always taught him to be nice to other cats…

Hey there! It’s okay. he speaks softly to the younger she cat, his voice gentle. He knew what it was like to be scared, after all. Im Basilpaw and this is Jackal and Dawnglare he introduces each cat in turn, flicking his tail in everyone’s direction as he named them. ”you’re in Sky Clan, it’s okay. No one’s going to hurt you” hopefully not a lie, he knows some of his clanmates can be volatile but he also is aware they would never harm a child. ”are you okay? What happened to you?
The comfort had helped her, really, but when she looked over, she saw the larger tom with his head pointed directly at the ground. He wasn't looking at her at all. This didn't bother Amélie, though—she actually thought it was pretty funny, and while in her current state laughing would be impossible, she did crack the tiniest twitch of a smile.

At Basilpaw's introduction, Amélie finally deduced that these cats weren't an active threat, and very carefully crawled her way out from under the bush. The silver-gold bell attached to her ribbon collar jingled as she moved, and both of her ribbons were miraculously mostly in tact despite the injuries.

She opened her mouth, and for a moment looked as if she was about to speak, but all that came out was a tiny, heartbroken whimper. I'm lost. Her thoughts were as loud as she wished her voice could be. And I'm tired.

Despite her mental complaints, the little kitten still said nothing at all.

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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

The scent of a child's blood is enough to alarm any adult cat, but now that he is an impending father, Blazestar is on high alert. Jackal, a new joiner and a kit -- the flame point makes a note to remind him not to leave camp without an adult -- is peering at a quivering scrap of bush. Dawnglare, too, mistakenly cooing to it as though it is sentient and not hiding a living cat.

Basilpaw speaks to her, tries to comfort her, and Blazestar brushes his tail appreciatively against the apprentice's shoulder. "Little one, are you hurt?"

He's answered as a soft-pelted kittypet kit crawls her way from beneath the bush. Her eyes are enormous with terror, her ear and tail in shreds, torn from the fangs of some predator. She quivers still from whatever terror remains after being savaged.

Blazestar's heart aches. He remembers finding Butterflypaw like this, too afraid to speak, but this kit has been ravaged. "I'm Blazestar," he says, getting down on her level but remaining a few tail-lengths away. "We live in this forest in a group called SkyClan. This is Dawnglare. He can help you feel better and make sure you don't get sick." He worries -- does Dawnglare know about infection? He can't recall, isn't sure what his friend actually knows or what he just claims to be an expert on.

Keeping his voice calm, Blazestar presses: "Won't you come back with us?"

- ,,
Her paws ached from walking, and her eyes hurt from crying, and exhaustion and hunger tore away what little energy she had left. Though Amélie was too young to fully grasp the concept of death, she knew very well what she instinctively wanted. She wanted food, she wanted warmth, she wanted a way out of the pain, and more than anything, she wanted comfort. None of these cats had been cruel or dismissive, and aside from the black and white tom's odd behavior, not a single snarl left their lips.

The moment her newfound safety registered in her mind, the tears flooded her eyes once more, and she crouched into laying down. It was a type of relief that hit her in a tidal wave of raw and exhausted emotion; she was too exhausted for her tears to be anything other than silent and peaceful.

Kittypets were not often kept with their birthing parents for very long. Amélie was no different; for as much as she knew, she had no mother, and had been weaned from the nip of a bottle, the hand of a twoleg, rather then the belly of a familiar molly. There had never been any other cats in her household. She didn't know how to act, nor how to feel, but her want for some type of soothing voice had her crawling whisker-lengths closer to Blazestar, nose pointed in his direction to give him a timid and testing sniff.

When she was completely sure, the scruffy and messy kitten fell slightly limp, allowing herself to be picked up in her own exhaustion. No more walking. Amélie quickly decided that she probably wouldn't walk for a very long time, and that if they took her somewhere safe, the first thing she would do was nap.

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