horseplace BURDEN IN MY HAND — windclan patrol

Snakehiss, the patrol leader! Granted, this patrol only consisted of three cats including himself, but it still demonstrated the trust and responsibility that Sunstride put in him. He still didn't necessarily like the new deputy or his mate, but Sunstride was in an undeniable position of power now. To be recognized by him meant recognition by Sootstar, and that was never a bad thing.

Speaking of Sootstar, her son also accompanies him and Breezerunner on this hunting patrol. He is nearly the age of a warrior and probably doesn't need much oversight, but being in an authoritative position ( if only temporary ) over the Moor Queen's son felt nice. So long he has acted as if everyone outside of his kin was beneath him, but now he had no choice but to listen to his word ( at the risk of being reported to Sunstride and Sootstar ). As long as the apprentice didn't step out of line...

The trio approaches the Horseplace, Snakehiss moving about like his serpentine namesake in a fluid and smooth manner. Many creatures dwell here, including loners. Loners were usually passive and lazy, almost like kittypets with no twolegs to care for them; it was the dogs that they needed to be mindful of. Horses, too. "Keep your wits about you, yeah? The twolegs like to let their mutts run free." Snakehiss remarked to Adderpaw and Breezerunner before stopping to lift his nose to the wind. A mouse scuttles in the grasses nearby...

  • @breezerunner @Adderpaw
  • 67742787_tPGcdYVUNzWpIz9.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
Life doesn't discriminate
The silver chocolate tabby weaves his way through flaxen blades of grass. Amber eyes skim the open moorland ahead of them until the scent of barn animals assaults his nose. How his father managed to live near this place for so long before becoming a member of windclan will never make sense to him. Regardless, he gives pause to scent the air and the bridge of his nose wrinkles in response. Allowing his senses to adjust, Adderpaw picks out the trail of prey amongst the pungent scent just as Snakehiss begins to speak. Wearing a tight expression he glanced at their patrol leader as an ear flicked at the sound of skittering prey. "Keep your voice down, you're scaring the prey." A necessary truth that needed to be relayed but also a slight jab. Even fledgling apprentices knew to keep their voices down. Tufted ears press against his broad helm as he turns in search of his own prey to catch elsewhere but still relatively within earshot.
Between the sinners and the saints
Breezerunner trots along quietly with Snakehiss and Adderpaw. The personalities chosen for this patrol are certainly... Interesting. Breezerunner is observant and quiet, but Snakehiss is bold and proud and Adderpaw is ambitious and sharp. He wonders why Sunstride had chosen the three of them to go together; there isn't nearly enough of his meekness to go around among them. The moor runner moves in silence among them, trying to keep to himself and focus on the task at hand.

"Have you ever come across one?" Breezerunner asks cautiously, trying to make small talk with Snakehiss even as Adderpaw snaps at him to stay quiet "A dog, I mean." The question lingers in the air for only a brief moment though- his gaze snaps towards some of the taller grasses. He can hear quiet rustling of a mouse or shrew, and though not sizable like most wild hares, it may be enough to feed an apprentice or one of the tunnelers. He crouches down as he edges closer to the outcropping of tall grass, maintaining focus as he moves forward towards his prey.

She is on the fence, quite literally, on what to do. This area of the field was corralled off to let the horses roam free and it was in a good spot for the sun to cast over so it was always warm to perch on. She was content to find any warmth lately with how cold and crisp the winds were getting.
Pumpkinpatch's mismatched eyes narrow in thought but she does not get down or get closer to the passing cats, they were obviously in their own territory - a scent she was all too familiar with - and she thinks of the cat who had chased her once before and grips her claws into the wooden fence to maintain her footing. WindClan again. Everytime they passed by horseplace she got uneasy, a bunch of terribly unruly cats.

But it seems there was a good deterent for them and she does not speak up when they talk of the dog which was still chained up nearby, she does not let them know its safe because they might get bold one day and creep closer. Pumpkinpatch wasn't so foolish as to think the invisible border line was enough to stop them causing trouble. They respected their side, not hers.
"Hello...hi." She trills, greeting them even if she didn't want to. They could easily see her from the fence, hiding would do nothing. Her voice wavers, "..I've seen a dog. The dog here. He's big, black and brown, and his collars rattles like bones when he wanders around. You're wise to be cautious." Her head turns, glances around, "I'm not sure if he's out today." A lie, but she speaks it plainly.