It's startlingly green here. His twolegs keep plants within their den, tall and sprawling with thin blades like the legs on one of those wispy spiders, though far less interesting to toy with. They're kept separately from each other, alive but tamed and contained— not all that different from himself before his twolegs carved out part of the door's base. They were probably motivated by his clear (i.e. loudly vocal) interest in the expanse denied to him in their den. Now, whether they intended him to jump the row of wooden teeth blocking his view is...unlikely, but so far, he's home before they are, and they haven't noticed his two jaunts out through the neighborhood.

Ever since the strange cats the yard over spoke of feral cousins in the forest, he's reckoned with a powerful urge to make for the treeline. It is compelling as much as it is nauseating, and that's the only reason it's taken this long for Hitch to investigate these clan cats.

The farther he walks, the more apparent it is that they must be nearby. Their scent strengthens until he feels he's been struck across his sun-tender nose, and for more reasons Hitch can't explain, he stops. It must be instinct. The territorial kind, like what's spurred these cats to mark the foliage. Hitch swallows, smoothing a paw across the pink splay of his bandana.

"How do I look?" He asks. Predictably, the rock says nothing, but it does say quite a bit about Hitch that he's talking to it. "I heard somewhere if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything. Not my color, huh?"
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Newleaf had brought new life with it, flowers were popping up like weeds, not just the flowers that came with weeds like dandelions or daisies either. Beautiful blooms of daffodils had caught her eye, some lilac in the further reaches of the forest. Flora was out looking for flowers to bring back to the kits of the clan, it wasn't the most important mission but she thought it would be appreciated. Near the border was an absolutely delightful small gathering of tulips; she briefly considered taking a second trip when she heard the voice of another. It didn’t sound super threatening, though she wasn’t sure what was exactly counting as a threatening voice.

“How do I look?” Originally, she presumed the voice was speaking to her. The maine coon wasn't exactly sure why the voice would be talking to her but she still set down her bounty for the day. Cautiously pacing towards the source, peeking her head from around the corner of a tree, her green eyes watching with curiosity. Was he.. Talking to a rock? Amusement crept up and her eyes twinkled with mirth. The Daylight Warrior moved from around the tree, letting herself be known. “I think that's your colour!” She chirped happily as she analysed the colour of the bandana. After taking a moment to think about it instead of just blurting it out to make conversation, yeah! she was pretty certain that's his colour.
“Clearly the rock doesn't have eyes, you should try asking someone who does. I'd be more inclined to believe them!”
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Today they'd brought an easy-going border patrol. Setting a relaxed precedent that most cat's seemed to be enjoying. The territory was rife with beauty and the winds had grown warmer each passing day. Dogbite loved this time around even before he'd made Skyclan their home. While brushing his jagged pelt against a lone tree distant voices caused their tattered ears to twitch. Curious, he abandoned said task and trotted ahead.

Upon arrival to the assumed location of the sound, they catch an outsider yammering away at a rock. Such a bizarre scenerio is enough to make them halt in surprise. The spell is soon broken as a familiar molly bounds forward to greet them. Her voice bright and cheery with an innocent lilt. Shaking his bedraggled head the Lead quickly follows after to stand beside their taller clanmate.

Once she finishes he promptly looks up with a knowing expression. "Flora, let's not make small talk with strangers til' we know their intentions." He passes one of the newer additions to their ranks a half-hearted smile. There is no grit to their words but a hidden warning sits plainly within. The tabby knew she meant no ill-will in it but regulations were meant to be upheld for a reason.

After the loss of many he wasn't so ready to forgive the dangers that lurked beyond their borders. Nor the lies of those he didn't personally know. Memories of a coppery stench seemed to forever stain their judgement. Albeit, this cat smelled clearly of kittypet and the pink bandana at their chest marked it true. For now he would set aside such judgement until warranted.

Clearing their throat they address the peculiar tom with interest. "May I ask why you've come to our border to speak with our rocks?" A twinge of humor laces his meow but their good eye lacks any mirth. Eyeing the pale stranger with cool calculation. He wouldn't make the mistake of letting his guard down any time soon but there was no harm in niceties.

  • jLfE0mV.png
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 33 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Reactions: hitch
Still no answer from the rock of course, but then there is a voice; it bounds through the foliage with a cheeriness that sets Hitch's shoulders relaxing as the owner steps toward him. Appearances can be deceiving, of course, but he can't summon any suspicion when faced with such an easy, friendly demeanor, especially when she's gone and complimented him. He presses a paw against the bandana again and grins lopsidedly. "You do? That's a relief. Don't think I'd have been able to convince my twolegs to switch it out for a better one." His pale gaze drifts back down to the stone. Eyes. Right. "That explains it. I guess that was pretty silly of me, huh?" He clears his throat and regards the stranger again, lingering on her collar. "Are you one of those clan cats?"

The second cat appears shortly after, scarred heavily across their face and one missing eye away from an awkward, accidental comparison to a rock's capability. He's a little more stern than the first cat, gently reminding her that Hitch could be anyone or anything— dangerous among them. Caution is understandable, yet the disparity between tone and expression sets Hitch a little on edge, like laughing without smiling. "Confirming a rumor, partly. If you are clan cats, is it true you sometimes...take on other cats? Cats like me, I mean."
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"SkyClan does. You're in the right place." Orangestar confirms from above, paused in her trek through the trees and distracted briefly by voices at the Twolegplace border. It's become easier this newleaf, she had noted, branches stretching towards each other like mates yearning for a familiar embrace. In a few season-cycles, they might not need to jump from bough to bough anymore. Tucking that thought away for later she turns to face the trio, plumy tail dangling beneath her as she sits down atop the branch as if holding court. The kittypet that Flora and Dogbite questions (mostly Dogbite, really) seems vaguely familiar, but not enough so that Orangestar can find a name for them. More likely than not, he is a relative of someone she knows.

"You're a kittypet, then." It's not a question, but nor is it an insult. Simply an observation, brown eyes flicking to the bandanna around pale throat. It reminds her of Dandelionwish. Her attention returns to his face, to unusual peony eyes. "What's your name?"
  • // @Springpaw apprentice tag
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin
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SkyClan. That's what it was called, but Hitch finds himself more interested in how easily the sun-accented cat perches in the tree. The branches seem sturdy enough for ample climbing, and he wonders whether it's a common skill— maybe that's what they're named after. ClimbingClan or TreeClan aren't nearly as appealing, at least to his untrained ear. Hell, for all he knows, there very well is a TreeClan out there and he's just unwittingly insulted all of them.

Names aside, Hitch feels a bit awkward staring up at her like this, but she's clearly made herself comfortable with an authoritative air that tells Hitch the distance between them isn't just physical. He should probably make a good impression, then, to avoid getting thrown out on his tail (scant as it is). He straightens up and clears his throat, nodding firmly. "Could probably spot one of us a thousand steps away," he says lightly, rocking back on his heels. "I'm called Hitch, mostly. And a few other things, but that's the most dignified. Who am I talking to?" His pale gaze travels between the three, curious; he'd heard their names are said to be unique.

There's something a little more pressing on his mind now, though. "Is there..." He pauses and shuffles his weight. "A test?"
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