camp BURIED IN THE DESERT // tunneling 101 for kits


Sootstar had gathered the kits of the clan. They stood behind the leaders den where a small patch of soft dirt was, she thinks it’d be a good idea to show them all some tunneler tricks… Even the kits who were likely destined to become moor runners had been invited, she wouldn’t miss an opportunity to not show off the skill set of a tunneler with anyone.

”Now watch as I dig, notice that I do not dig like a crazed mutt, I put thought into every scoop of dirt.” Slowly she begins to dig out a hole, she could go faster but for demonstration purposes it was best she takes it slow. Each pawful of dirt is flung into a neat pile right behind her, ”You want to pile the dirt, you’ll be able to use it to help strengthen the walls of the tunnel later.”

With a decent size hole started she draws back and looks at the gathered kits, ”Would any of you like to try continuing what I started?”

//thread for kits! But adults and apprentices may watch on or give tips if they have any to the kits

they didn't necessarily like her way of teaching but they weren't going to complain. nearly four full moons ago they were just a kit themself, listening to the same ramble... though maybe a lot less... rough about it. they only sit with their paws gently pressed together, tail curled over them. they tilted their head as they watched their leader, before they shifted their attention back to the kits. they wondered what the kits wanted to do. would they be tunnlers, or moor runners? the only thing they hoped was that they did not have the same attitude that some windclanners had. kindness should have come first. not pompousness. but they say nothing. cats will be whoever they grow up to be.

"if you n-need any i can do that t-too."

their voice is soft, and unwavering despite the small bit of a stutter. it doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes their nerves got a little frazzled despite them not necessarily feeling anxious.
Littlekit was so happy to be at this lesson. He was getting a lesson on digging tunnels from SOOTSTAR, COOLEST CAT in Windclan. Actually, COOLEST CAT in the forest. He sat nicely with the other kits. He was going to be a tunneler, small as he was. And he was excited! What kind of stuff was there in the ground? What kind of bugs would he find? Rocks? Other stuff? To find these things, he had to be good at digging.

When Sootstar asks if anyone would like to volunteer to keep going from what she started, he bounced up and down. "Me!! I'll do it!!"

And so, he bumbled over. Sure, he may be a bit of a klutz. But he could do this! He takes his place and starts to carefully dig away at the dirt, adding to the pile Sootstar made. He made sure the hole was perfectly round, too. For some reason, it HAD to be that way. Like, ABSOLUTELY needed to be perfectly round or else he would bite it.​

When Sootstar had come to gather them all, Luckykit had fallen into step immediately, dutifully trailing along after the other kits and settling into place to await the demonstration. While he's been trying to keep it out of his mind, the motley collection of his fellow denmates serves as a stark reminder that one day he and his littermates will be split between moor runners and tunnelers, no longer free to stick to one another's sides and instead half out in the open plains and half below the earth. There's still time yet, but the signs are still there - Scorchkit and Rumblekit have been growing bulky and lanky, while he and Frostkit remain on the smaller side. Selfishly, Luckykit hopes that they'll both hit a growth spurt so that all four of them will at least be able to train alongside one another, but he knows it's a distant hope at best. At least this way they'll all have a sibling to work with; he doesn't think he could bare the thought of entering the tunnels alone, or even patrolling the moors without knowing he has a sibling in the same boat. If he weren't so displeased at being separated, he might think it was poetic, in a way - one parent and two kits fulfilling each role.

As Sootstar begins to dig into the earth, each movement carefully measured, Luckykit watches intently. Every motion is deliberate, calculated, and it's more than just a little intimidating. It's not just digging, not really; like Sootstar said, thought goes into every aspect of the work, and as far as he's concerned, there doesn't seem to be much margin for error, considering one wrong move could probably collapse a tunnel. When Sootstar asks for a volunteer to pick up where she left off, he makes no move to step up. Experience is invaluable, especially since his apprenticeship is coming up sooner than he would like, and yet Luckykit can't make the first move, too hung up on the burgeoning realization that tunneling is going to be harder than he had imagined. Thankfully, Littlekit is quick to dart forward, small paws sifting through the dirt, but he almost wishes his fellow kit hadn't stepped up to the task. Digging looks natural for him, as though there's hardly anything to it, and Luckykit feels something unpleasant well up within him. He doesn't have any sort of digging experience - hadn't even thought about preparing like that - and now he feels he's already falling behind, watching Littlekit smooth out the edges of the hole as he works.

The pile of dirt continues to grow, the hole deepening, until finally Luckykit can't take just watching anymore. "I can do it, too," he says, squaring his shoulders as he trots up to join Littlekit. Rather than try and start on a new spot, he places himself across from his new digging companion, hovering uncertainly in front of the forming hole. Deliberate movements, he tells himself, before scooping his first pawful. It's awkward, at first; the dirt is more loose than he expected, and he loses part of it before it can make it into a new pile. Gritting his teeth, Luckykit tries once again, this time with more success, adding another small scoop to his own pile. Maybe it wasn't so bad, even if his attempts were almost certainly clumsier than Littlekit's. Dirt-stained paws continue to work against the earth, gaining confidence as they go, but he still feels outclassed - after all, Sootstar and Eaglepaw both have moons worth of training, and Littlekit at least seemed to already know what he was doing. There's not much he can do about any of that now, however, so Luckykit continues to dig, making an attempt to mimic Littlekit's smoothing of the walls of the hole and keeping his eyes trained on his work, not wanting to know who was watching. /font]


The sharp sound of Sootstar's voice was enough to attract Rattleheart's attention as he slipped into camp, a small mouse dangling from his jaws. At first he thought he had missed some kind of meeting call, or perhaps she was talking to some of the others on what to do about Riverclan and Windclan. After just a moment of listening, though, he realized that she was teaching. Teaching tunneling in particular, her advice intimately familiar based off of Rattleheart's previous experience. Although he had to admit his own lecturing style probably wouldn't have been quite so focused on how barbaric others could be. He couldn't stop himself from snorting, relieved by the distance between himself and the leader - no chance of her thinking he was laughing at her.

Once his catch was tucked away in the freshkill pile, the tunneler followed the sound of voices all the way around to the other side of the leader's den, joining just in time to see Littlekit and Luckykit working together. It warmed his heart to see Luckykit involved, unable to deny the fact that he had been hoping at least one of his sister's kits would become a tunneler. Maybe he'd even get to apprentice one of them when the day came for them to get their -paw names. The thought was an exciting one... but an anxiety-inducing one as well. Most of his thoughts were, but becoming a mentor had been sticking in his mind for moons now. Rattleheart was certain he wanted to become one - he wanted to make his family proud, and help with the future of Windclan - but the actual proposition was horrifying. What if he messed it up? What if some apprentice ended up suffering and getting held back, because of him?

It was easy to tell that his thoughts were spiraling, and he was quick to shake his head as he settled into a seated position nearby. His focus right now should just be helping Sootstar with her lessons - more tunnelers with more experience was never a bad thing, right? He piped up, eying the hole that Littlekit and Luckykit had expanded so far, "The both of you are doing great. Be careful, though." Rattleheart glanced briefly over at Sootstar, hoping she would agree with his advice. "Sootstar already said you should put thought into each scoop, but it's especially true in some areas. The last thing you want is a rock slicing open your paw pad while you're working. Can leave you out of commission for a while until they get a bit tougher." He holds up one of his own paws in demonstration, the rough calluses there formed from moons of digging through dirt and rocks. It had been slightly painful at first - especially when calluses decided to form as little "horns" near his claws - but got easier over time.

hollykit joined, sat alongside littlekit. she was almost sure that she was to become a tunneler, small and thin framed for her first two moons. it was an exciting idea, they were skilled and respected. sootstar herself was one, so surely they earned her favor by default. however, as she reached her third moon she noticed just how much she stood above littlekit. it almost scared her, like one day she had sprouted new legs that did not belong to her. and although a bit disheartened about her newfound height, she was quick to get over it. spiderbloom was a moor runner, she has been told juniperfrost was as well. the stars wanted her to follow in her parents pawsteps, it was all according to their plan.

still, she was excited to take any knowledge their leader offered. even if her days wouldn't be spent below the earth shoveling dirt, it couldn't hurt to at least know the basics. she could improve on her skills even if they were not going to be honed daily. plus, it was important to get her face in front of the leader, show her how capable she could be. there were no losses in this situation, unless she failed horribly. that was simply not an option, however.

she watches, studies how littlekit and luckykit remove the dirt and prompt it in the direction of its new home on the pile. littlekit worked with more precision, that was to be expected. he was her kin after all. hollykit does not move to join them, listening to rattleheart's input with a small nod. she holds onto what they're doing right, takes note on what they are criticized for. the kitten does not yet feel confident enough to join them yet, but her inquisitive gaze does not leave their form. perhaps when they got tired she would take over, but for now she remained on the side to study their movements as they flung dirt.


With upmost pleasure, she watches the kits eagerly take to digging as she had instructed. What a blessing it was to see the youth of the clan take such interest in tunneling and contributing to their clan. Suppose, she could expect nothing less from children that shared the blood of Juniperfrost or Scorchstreak and Badgermoon.

Eaglepaw is acknowledged with a flick of her ear as she notes Littlekit’s putting effort into something she deemed unimportant. Perfectionism was ideal in tunnelers, you needed to be nothing but perfect to keep the walls safe, but put it into the wrong areas of your work and you get nothing but wasted time and energy. ”Don’t focus on appearance, Littlekit. The size of the tunnel does not matter so long as it’ll fit a cat.” Then her eyes flicker to Luckykit. His digging is clumsy, yes, but full of immense effort. She did not expect much more out of a first time digger.

Rattleheart who had also taken to watching reminds the kits to be mindful with their scoops. She meets his gaze and nods approvingly, ”We shed blood and sweat for our clan daily, but it is an honorable and important task. WindClan would bend and buckle without its tunnelers.” Her paw pads too had been toughened with experience, a jab against a stone to her was nothing but an annoyance. For soft kitten paws, it’d likely be a trip to the medicine cats den.

The black pelt of Hollykit is visible in the corners of her gaze, the kit has taken to watching. ”Hollykit, why don’t you come over and give it a try?” She flicks her tail in invitation, ”Littlekit and Luckykit can make room for you.”
Happiness shone in Badgermoon's eyes as he watched Luckykit join Littlekit in what he presumed was their first time digging; their tiny, churning paws moved with an energy and a care that he found admirable, even if he himself was entirely ignorant to the life of a tunneler. "Nice work, son. You too, Littlekit." offered the deputy in a low purr, coming to stand alongside Rattleheart. He liked Scorchstreak's brother, and considered him family, in a way - even if he and the tunneler's sister were not mates, they shared kits, and Badgermoon was grateful that his children had an uncle who was involved in their lives. The black-and-white tom glanced at the smaller cat before inquiring, curiously, "Do you think you'll end up mentoring one of them?" he, too, had been thinking of when the kittens would become apprentices; Rattleheart would surely be a fine mentor.