private BURN A BRIDGE OR TWO — whitepaw

❪ TAGS ❫ — Snakepaw had not one but two issues with this assignment — collecting moss was boring and dull, he'd rather watch ants march along the soil. Secondly, he was to be partnered up with none other than his cousin, Whitepaw. He had nearly winced and groaned at the very mention of her name; besides the fact that she was a curse bestowed by StarClan themselves, his relationship with her was... awkward. Nonexistent, practically. He tried to pretend that she didn't exist at all most of the time, and yet it was difficult to ignore the fact that she shared his blood. It was outright embarrassing.

So, as much as the apprentice dreaded embarking on this task, Snakepaw figured it would be best to just get it over with. "Come on. Keep up." Snakepaw orders Whitepaw as the two apprentices trekked through the moors, not too far from camp. Dark clouds were layered overhead, a certain coldness lingering in the air and pricking his whiskers. "Rain is on its way." The one thing that would make this day worse was getting sopping wet.

The tom cat swiftly makes his way over to a rock and inspects it, circling until he finds a patch of green on its side. Snakepaw immediately got to work, scraping the soft growth off of the surface with his claws. He frankly didn't care if Whitepaw helped or not; he just wanted to get this over with.

// @whitepaw
Whitepaw didn't often mind chores, it was simple, easy to do, and calming, at least to her. Only this time, she was paired with her estranged, jerk of a cousin. They've barely interacted, and practically haven't spoken as far as she recalls. Yet, she knew of their blood relation, purely due to her overhearing an argument between Greyhawk and Shadowsight. It wasn't an encounter she thought of, as the only thing of value it shared was the detail that the two apprentices were related. Yet it was hard to form a relationship with someone who often avoided you.
With a silent exhale, the ghost-like molly followed the tom, not bothering to initially respond to the raven-furred apprentice. She trekked after him, her gaze focused on the sky as the clouds amassed. It was pleasing to see, the bright sunny days were her least favorite. Her ear twitched as his words reached her. "That's good." She quietly replied. She liked the rain. Sure it made some chores harder but it was soothing. She lingered behind for a second as he approached and circled a rock. As he got to work, she exhaled again and went to help. Best to finish this chore pairing as soon as possible. It was a tense silence between them, and she itched to fill it. "...How are your parents doing?" It was a soft inquiry and one that occurred to her as she realized she didn't see the tom's parents that often, much less spoke to them. She waited for his answer as she helped peel away the moss with a soft hum.