camp burn auburn [intro]


bye bye baby blue
Dec 11, 2023

it hits my head and I feel numb————————————————————
Cats had been driven out of the clan because of what they did to Halfpaw and him. Now he was to go about life as normal, as if the WindClan deputy hadn't brought him back to his home, as if he hadn't been told that ShadowClan didn't like them, that they were orphans with no one expect each other. He had been glazed over, like a husk of cat. He had been in ShadowClan for two moons, in that time he had come to have a few thoughts of his own, then he was in WindClan and they gave him ideas and now... now he was nothing. He was quiet and let Halfpaw talk instead of himself. He preferred to analyze the clan with the same flaming orange eyes that Smogmaw watched them with. He felt alien compared to them, like a foreign body, eventually he would be rejected by the host.

He was barely out of kit-hood and yet already mossball and games of pretend seemed obscure and uninteresting. What was mindless fun compared to trying to fit a mold. He was to remake his mind from the ground up. Sootstar's voice still rang in his head, but he wanted to give his family and clan the benefit of the doubt. He would try to silver his tongue, try to stomach the taste of frog, try to be more than a returned kitten. He sat there, watching the cats around him converse, joke, eat and work. Laurelpaw was going to be just like them. Whatever cat approached him first would be the first trial.

my body's looking wrong———————————————penned by WriteAboutRadish

Had things gone differently, Wheattail could have ended up a Windclanner. It was something she thought of often. The former loner was certainly more comfortable on smooth and rolling plains than the swamps of Shadowclan. If she showed up at a different border (and if Sootstar wasn’t completely insane) then she could be scurrying after rabbits right now.

Still, she didn’t regret her choice to stay with Shadowclan. The new warrior felt a sense of duty towards her adopted home, and that included making sure the little ones were well looked-after. Amber eyes casually scanned camp as she groomed autumn fur, eventually landing on Laurelpaw. She felt bad for the tomcat, barely out of the nursery but having dealt with so much already. With a small sigh the she-cat would stand, padding forwards to try and cheer the child up.

“Apprentices are allowed to have fun as well, you know” Wheattail would remark, coming to a stop and sitting beside Laurelpaw. “Though I can understand the urge for simple silence.” The former loner was no stranger to solitude, and had grown to appreciate its contrast from the cacophony that so often surrounded Shadowclan. Still, the she-cat wondered if Laurelpaw’s qualms were of a different nature.​

Ever since their birth, their mothers death, Staringheart had vowed to watch over these kits. In their first couple of moons, she had played with them, she had made sure that they knew love, at least in some form. And love them, she did. Halfpaw was always the most outspoken of her littermates, the first to run into trouble and bring the others along with her. How sad was it that this very bravery would be punished so much, by the paws of her own mate no less.

The apprentice age across all the clans was, to her, young. At only a paw-full of moons, it would be permitted for them to still act like kits, for them to run around, to laugh to play, to not have to worry about things such as leaf-bare. And oh how she wishes she had someone to give her that advice when she had been younger. She had been so worried about being grown, been so concerned abut the encroaching leaf-bare she heard the adults often talking about, that she had decided to go to carrion-place to try and do something about their dwindling prey pile herself. And hadn't she paid such a big price for it? That was neither here nor there though.

Her sights set upon Laurelpaw, who is watching the comings and goings of the clan. She is about to approach him herself, the words 'I'll trade you a mouse for your thoughts' upon her lips, ready to be spoken, but the newly named Wheattail beats her there first. She dips her head in polite greeting to the warrior as she approaches and then her round green eyes are only for the apprentice before them. "If-if you want to play Laurelpaw I'll play with you. Ju-just name the game" and shes sure Wheattail would have no qualms about joining them either. Whether he liked it or not, he had roped himself into this.

*+:。.。 Singekit was no stranger to anti-social behavior. If he were allowed to have it his way, the tom-cat would be snoozing in his nest forever and always with only his mom and Swallowkit for company - really, all he ever needs! But unfortunately 'Wally doesn't always want him tagging along, and even his patient, loving mother needs space so here Singekit is, prowling the edges of camp searching for entertainment that doesn't scream at him to go away. His eyes, luckily, fall upon Laurelkit quite quickly.

Laurelkit and Halfkit had changed since their dip in the Windclan pond. He couldn't quite put a name to it, but Singekit wasn't sure he liked the difference from them. Laurelkit especially though looked ad acted like a sodden mouse that fell into the bog and couldn't get out of the sticky mud, resigning himself to his viscous fate. It irked the irritable tom-kit. He was certain that if it'd been HIM who was taken, he would've defeated the whole of Windclan to get back home! He would've returned to camp with what's-her-name's uh...Not-Chilledstar's head in his maw! She can't be that strong anyway since she doesn't hunt on mud or fight in the dark like the coolest clan alive!

"We should play Shadowclan versus Windclan!" Singekit would shout, stomping over like the welcomed sight of an encroaching tornado. Although Singekit didn't particularly love interactions, he adored wrestling and adults who always lost to his mighty, tiny paws! Sometimes - not always but sometimes - his peers liked it too, so hopefully this would be a good way to get the light back into Laurelpaw's eyes. "We can be the shadowclan heroes, and the warriors can be the gross and lame Windclan losers, what do you say?" he mulls a thought, before letting out a dramatic sigh and adding, "Ill even let you be leader, I GUESS! But only because I want to be called Singefang!" such a cool name, "so what do you say, Laurelstar? Wanna chase these grass-munchers out of our camp?" he asks, wiggling his rump, ready to pounce at his 'leader's' command.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    1 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently


You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

Laurelpaw and Halfpaw's return had caused some...raised tension within the clan, Granitepelt and Siltcloud being found guilty on many accounts of things and not only that, the two barely had a chance at being kits before being thrust into being apprentices. Talk about gaining a break, right? Snowpaw didn't mind though, why would she? It wasn't like their return have sparked many others attention to be settled onto the two of them. A huff came from her lips before she approached, dipping her head in greetings to Starlingheart and Wheattail before looking at Laurelpaw briefly and then focusing her attention onto the tiny creature.

"Is that the only game you know Singekit?" she asked smoothly with a frown on her lips. She could understand why Laurelpaw was...well serious he went through a lot, and with that so much can change a cat drastically. Laurelpaw had lost his mother, was taken away from his home only to promptly be returned to a place he probably hardly knew... of course he probably didn't want to play around, Snowpaw hardly stomached the ability to play games herself when her parents had gone to starclan.

"Perhaps, he just wants to sit there and have peace and quiet " Snowpaw expressed coolly, and not have a screeching little kit clawing at his ears. But! What does she care? She hardly knew Laurelpaw herself, so why did she dare come to his defense? Sympathy? Pity? Or maybe she just felt like it? She did not know why at all but still Laurelpaw did seem...lonesome in the current moment.

it hits my head and I feel numb—————————————————————————————
Wheattail approached. Perfect. Laurelpaw watched quietly as Wheattail took her place next to him, he looked up to her as she spoke and smiled at her remark, it was like a new cat inhabited him as he became smiley and attentive, it wasn't strictly intentional, but he knew that smiling and nodding along to older cats meant they liked you more. "Oh, I have LOADS of fun. I'm just a little tired right now." his voice was light and childish still, it matched his now chipper demeanor.

He was ready to hear Wheattail's next piece of wisdom when Starlingheart joined the two. He liked Starlingheart, though he tried to avoid her as of recent, he felt this weird sadness around her, it was guilt, though he didn't know that. His paws shifted about as he watched her nod to Wheattail, he repeats the action, although not directed at him back to her. She then offers him a game, any game. His tongue slides along his teeth for a second as he thinks, he didn't have a favorite game like Halfpaw might so it was hard to name one off the top of his head. Thankfully he doesn't have to answer, Singekit takes it upon himself to make a game up for them to play.

Laurelpaw's large fluffy tail began to sway side to side in annoyance. Not only is Singekit loud but he also was picking a bad game. His eyes were locked on the kitten, his fur starting to ruffle along his neck. He didn't think that WindClan was gross or lame, if anything they were better than ShadowClan, at least they didn't eat frogs and- and well- WindClan liked him. He was trying hard to believe ShadowClan when they said he was wanted, but he had been told to many things on the moors. He could only sift through so many lies and truths. So, right now Laurelpaw was having a very hard time thinking of his friends in WindClan being gross and lame. They had taken care of him, Ebonylight, Sunstride, Periwinklebreeze, Scorchpaw, Sootstar, they had cared about him just as Starlingheart has.

Just as he opened his mouth to start his harsh objections to being leader of ShadowClan, Snowpaw seemingly cools his temper as she scolds Singekit's abrasiveness, "If you want to play clans you should talk to Halfpaw. She's like really good at bossing cats around being leader. I think tag would be a better game." he spoke with authority, despite not wanting to take the role of leader he was remarkably good at telling Singekit, or Singefang, what to do.

my body's looking wrong——————————————————————penned by WriteAboutRadish

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Oh what a tragedy. Kidnapped by a clan of blood-thirsty cats that took upon the mantle of a clan, perhaps fed whatever information to keep him loyal, then dropped back upon Shadowclan's borders. If Mistmoon could imagine the amount of emotion going on in Laurelpaw's mind, it'd probably be no better than her own, just more... painful, perhaps? Seeming to glide over from nowhere, she flicked an ear, humming thoughtfully as her eyes scanned the young apprentice. Perhaps, in normal circumstances, she'd spout something about how she thinks what he's going through must have been difficult, perhaps ask a question that'd be met with offense, but given this was the deputy's son, the same deputy who just chased two cats from the clan due to this cat's specific kidnapping, she figured holding her tongue would be best. "Can always play my favorite game... guess which bird dropped what feather?" She suggested, glancing to the others around her, gauging their reaction to her offer. Birds were fun. They could fly, they had feathers rather than fur, and they made pretty songs that greeted them all when they woke up. What was there to not like. "Though... that might be hard... haven't seen many birds around since leaf-bare started," She mused, her ears dropping slightly in disappointment. She wondered where they went when it got cold. Did they seek somewhere warmer? Did they hunker in the trees, waiting until the frost left the ground and bugs returned to squirm and scurry along the mud? Perhaps she should pay closer attention to them when she can next cycle around. Maybe she could follow them to this warm place and there may even be lizards there for her to gorge herself on.

  • MISTMOON she/her;they/them;it/its, warrior of shadowclan, 13 moons old
    Small black cat with wispy fur and white mask on face and tips of front toes.
    important relationships on this line / / family, mate, apprentice, kids, whateva!
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Angelkisses@Angelkisses on discord, feel free to dm for plots.