burn book and pink on wednesdays & Flowercloud

Jan 5, 2023

.°☀ I'll believe it all

It was a rather warm day for the midst of spring, with a high humidity that one would only guess that rain was suppose to come soon. There was a few clouds in the sky but the sun mainly remained and it casted down warm spots onto the dirt flooring of the clearing. A young cat was settled upon a patch of sunlight and was humming to herself as she weaved together another flower crown. That loner from a few weeks ago had shown her how to do it and now she was just trying to perfect the craft so to speak.

Bananasplash had just returned from her little adventure with Pigeonsong and seemed- happier than usual. She gave a little flick of her tail as she continued her little hum as she worked diligently. Then seemed to grow rather frustrated with the crown and sighed, putting it down and shaking her head. The flowers keep breaking off at the head and she didn't know how to solve that. Pushing it aside she sighed to herself and looked out towards the camp entrance for a moment, getting lost in her own thoughts as she laid there in the warm sunlight.

The mind traveled to that of a different place, wondering how the others' where fairing. Those who had been kidnapped by the twolegs and not returned home yet. Quillstrike was one of the bigger one she was missing but she also had concern for Daisyflight, Snowpaw and the others'. This wasn't something easy nor would it be something they where to forget about anytime soon. It did spark if they where okay. If they were being fed, if they where sick or hurt or whatever happened beyond this shelters walls.

A soft sigh left through her nose and she lifted her head up with a slight shake of her head, this wouldn't be helpful. Quillstrike was well Quillstrike and he was more than capable of taking care of himself. He would return to her and she would have so many words for him for worrying her so much or scaring her like that.

Then her deep green gaze moved over to movement out of the corner of her eye, and it was the feather in her fur that she was spotting from her shoulder. A soft smile played across her lips; Pigeonsong. Then she flushed brightly and shook her head more vigorously to dislodge those thoughts, no there wasn't time for that either. Gushing over how sweet he was, or how he understood her so well- no not when Quillstrike was missing. She sighed to herself and looked down at her fron paws; Starclan take mercy.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
The humidity was no joke. She could feel the sweat build up under her pelt, but could not do a lot about it. Fur was in clumps she would have to pluck off as her shedding season began, but had not a lot of energy to do so. She'd get to it sooner than later.

Green eyes cast across camp, watching sadly as Crowmask would turn tail to leave camp as soon as she left the den. Avoiding her like the plague, she would not know. She did not have the heart to talk to him since their last words exchanged.

Carrying on as if nothing happened after a sigh, she would instead see BananaSplash, a daylight warrior, casting a sad gaze into the dirt beneath her paws. Her own therapy, was to make sure the others of her clan were fairing well, and alas a strong duty of hers would come.

"You look sad, darling. Worried of the current happenings?" Flowercloud asked, voice as sweet as honey. she approaching beside the other molly with a gentle expression. Sitting down, she would wrap a fluffy golden and black tail over her toes, and get comfortable.

She liked to listen to others. To try to make them feel better. "We'll get them out you know. Well rescue them and anyone else in there. You need not to fret too much, trust in Blazestar, he's doing his best."

Perhaps it was bad to assume, and she realized that as she spoke. but so many, their mind lost and stuck on thinking about the awful situations their clanmates are being put through, or what they could be put through. She knows nothing of the shelters, but only hopes everyone is okay.
  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

.°☀ I'll believe it all

As they where approached, the young warrior lifted their head and blinked a few times at the furry she-cat known as Flowercloud. Bananasplash then looked back down at the floor, kneading at the ground with front paws before giving a soft sigh, "I know we should trust in Blazestar, but i just- I worry. They could all be hurt or something in there," She admitted softly. Though she kept to herself that her main concern was for Quillstrike. He was a formable warrior and she shouldn't worry about him, but she couldn't help it. Those cages looked like hell and he was probably loosing his mind in there.

"Do you think they'll come back? Or are they forever stuck there?," Bananasplash asked quietly like she was afraid of the answer. A sentence that not many would believe as they had to come back right. They had to be okay. Howlpaw was still young, Ashenclaw had kits on the way and the others' where beloved members of the clan. They just had to come back didn't they?

There was a small shake of her head, "No, you're right, we have to have trust and do our best," She nodded firmly with a small flick of her tawny tabby tail. Banansplash then turned her attention onto Flowercloud, "What about you? How're you doing? Are you alright?," She gestured with a small paw to prompt the other she-cat to share with her her feelings.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Flowercloud remained silent as BananaSplash worried on. She couldn't answer if they were hurt in there. She didn't know much about shelters or two legs at that. Surely they wouldn't hurt the cats right? "Are there many bad two legs?" she asked, unsure.

She never heard of bad two legs but she didn't ask about them. The cream and white molly would ask if they would return and Flower nodded. Confident feeling as she responded, "Blazestar wouldn't abandon his clan like that, darling. He's just as worried as everyone else."

Then, her questions went to Flower herself, asking how she was doing and her jaws opened then closed. "I'm fairing well. I worry, but I'm confident that we will get them back home safe. I just want to keep everyones heads up, and boy, that isn't easy. Somes emotions can't be quelled. So for now, I'm here offering the best of my emotional support as I can." she responded gently, not really answering as she didn't know how she actually was. She was too used to bottling up her emotions she could not answer truely. she knew deep down she was sad, but with all events, she worried just like everyone else.

.°☀ I'll believe it all

Those pointed ears perked up at Flowerclouds' question, "Of course, theyre are lots of kind twolegs out there it just feels like they're trying to help but in their own way," She murmured softly with a small shrug of her shoulders. Then the young warrior moved her gaze from the she-cat before to her sorta past her for a moment, "I hope so, I just- want them all home okay," She gave a small nod of her head as she settled on something to say.

Flowercloud then answered her own question with that of she was doing fairly well and that she was confident that everyone would come home. Offering emotional support to those who needed it most and she couldn't help the little chuckle that left her maw, "Thats mighty kinda of you, Flowercloud," She mused with a playful accent to her tone, "We could always use that- Starclan knows how stressful this was,"


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Trying to help? Taking them away from their families, more so, but Flower had to be positive. "We all want them home safe and sound, and they will return safely." She was only unsure if there'd be injured cats along with them returning.

"I don't think I'll ever let anything stop me from my nurturing," she said, giving BananaSplash a smile. "Is it just clan events bothering you? Or.. is there anything else?"

.°☀ I'll believe it all

Clan events where indeed bothering her, but there was also the issues she had with three specific cats. One of them taken by the twolegs, one of them the clan grump and the other the sweetest boy in the world. Bananasplash looked down at her white paws for a moment with a twitch of her ear and sighed through her nose, "Suppose I do have- boy issues. Or love issues? I don't know- I just know I like three cats in the clan and I just- I don't know what to do about it," She confessed finally with a twitch of her tail.

The pale tabby warrior then finally looked to Flowercloud with a desperate look to those green eyes, "I really like Quillstrike ya know? But then theres Chrysalispaw and Pigeonsong too and there so many emotions and stuff," She rambled onward with a gesture of a front paw and shook her head softly, "Is it possible to like more than one cat? To be with more than one cat?," She hoped the other she-cat had an answer, or some sort of solace.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
"No one is going to stop you from liking whomever you like. Love issues is common. Cats are scared of if the other notices or don't notice. They wrap themself up in it. And as long as you remember honestly and communication, everything will work out wonderfully," she suggested, her gaze gentle and warm.

Though, she couldn't communicate with the one she loved, she decided to just ignore her own antics. Suggesting what should be done but unable to do it herself made her feel like a hypocrite. But what could she do? She loved avoiding conflict more than anything else.

instinctively, she rested her chin on bananas head, as if trying to comfort the other cat, a light purr coming from her chest.