oneshot Burn bright as a star

It wasn't fair!

It's not fair!!


Sparkpaw ran out of camp in an upset, teary eyed rush. He didn't stop running, not even when he tripped over a root hidden in the snow. The sun was setting and it was freezing, but he couldn't feel it.

Two siblings he had lost now. Would he ever see Mossypaw again? He didn't know, and it scared him.

Why was this happening? All he wanted was for his family to be together and happy. For his clan to be safe and happy. No more deaths or exiles. It hurt.

It hurt so much.

He ran until he caught scent of the Skyclan border. How could he forget, the border where Morningpaw had died? He wished he had been there. Maybe he could have saved her.

He stayed a foxlength away from the border and crumpled to the ground, sobbing and sniffling. He couldn't hear the soft pawsteps approaching from the other side of the border.

Mountainheart had heard the apprentice approaching and was moving in to make sure he wouldn't step over the border. He wouldn't have a repeat of that skirmish. He stood at the border, tall and stalwart, gazing down at the weeping apprentice.

He was no threat, he realized. That was the form of a cat who was breaking, or on the edge of breaking.

What was more interesting was the fact that he had such a familiar scent..... Rabbit?

His features softened and he sat down. "What seems to be the problem, lad?" He spoke softly.

Sparkpaw gasped and looked up in surprise. "None of your business!" He spat.

"Fair enough." Mountainheart replied. "I was simply curious as to why you were sobbing at our border." He continued. " Though I suppose that also has an obvious answer."

Sparkpaw blinked away his tears to get a clearer look at the large tom before him. He was familiar.... Had he...Met him before?

No....But he had heard of him! Rabbitnose always told him stories of his father, a big tom with billowing smokey black fur and emerald eyes and a voice as calm and gentle as as a distant thunderstorm. When he looked at Mountainheart, that's what he saw and heard.

"Is your name.....Spruce?" He asked timidly. It better be. He would look so stupid if it wasn't. He couldn't handle that kind of embarrassment right now.

Mountainheart's ears perked at his old name. How does this child know it? Had his reputation truly grown to reach all the way here?

"....Yes. I go by Mountainheart now, though." He explained. "Tell me....How do you know that name?"

Sparkpaw stared wide eyed in shock. He was right! No embarrassment for him!!!

"My dad tells us stories about you- You're..... You're my grandad!!!!" Sparkpaw explained, his grief put on the sidelines for the moment.

Mountainheart's jaw dropped in shock. He could hardly believe it. Rabbit had kits? He could feel joy rising inside him. He almost forgot about the border, almost crossed it. But he paused, just as his paw was nearing the line.

Sparkpaw hopped over to him and looked up at him with wide eyes. "IS IT TRUE YOU FOUGHT A BADGER AND WON!?"

"Yes." Mountainheart laughed. He hadn't killed the badger, and it seemed inexperienced, but a badger is a badger and it doesn't take much for one to kill a cat. "Took it's eye for trying to hurt your father and his sisters."


Mountainheart wanted to hug this child.

"What is your name?" Mountainheart asked. He hadn't introduced himself in his excitement.

"Oh- my name is Sparkpaw!" Sparkpaw answered.

"A wonderful name, it suits you well!"

" You think so!? My other dad calls me his brave little spark!!"

Mountainheart smiled brightly. Precious. " And indeed you are, I'm sure!" He said. " Do you have any siblings?"

Sparkpaw's excited expression faltered as he thought about Dovekit and Mossypaw. They deserved to be here, with him and Pigeonpaw. "Yeah.....There were four of us but.....but Dovekit died." He started to explain before tears began to form in his eyes. "And....And Mossypaw was taken by twolegs....S-so it's just me and Pigeonpaw now...."

Mountainheart felt crushed. His heart sank. Rabbit had four children.... And lost half of them before a full cycle of seasons had passed...... He must be devastated, was he alright?

He looked to the red tom before him, who was beginning to let his tears fall. Borders be damned, he settled himself as close to it as he dared and pulled Sparkpaw into a loving embrace. Sparkpaw buried his face into his fur and wept.

"It's not fair....!"

"I know, I know."

"I just want my sisters back- and everyone else we've lost...!" Sparkpaw sniffled.

It hurt his heart to know his family had been through so much, and he hadn't been there to help them. Mountainheart gently nuzzled Sparkpaw, and wiped his tears away.

"Sparkpaw.....Life is painful, sometimes. I know. We lose those we love....And it hurts." He began, meeting Sparkpaw's gaze as he looked up at him.

"But we must keep walking forward. For those we have lost, and those we can yet save."

Sparkpaw blinked, thinking on those words.

They brought him a sort of comfort. He wasn't sure how to explain it. Dovekit was watching from the stars, and Mossypaw was still alive, just not here.

She could still come home.

"Dovekit may be gone, but she is still with us. You can have all the adventures she should have had for her. And always hold out hope that Mossypaw will come home." Mountainheart said softly to him.

"'re right.... I'll always carry them in my heart.....And so they're always with me."

"Yes... And when everything seems hopeless... Stand tall. Never give in to the darkness in your heart."

"You're right.....I gotta be strong...."

"Be strong for your clan....Your family...And yourself."

"Y-yeah..... I'm gonna!" Sparkpaw sniffled. "I'll be strong for everyone!!"

"I'm proud of you for making it this far. Now.... You should run along. It's late, and I'm sure your parents are worried." Mountainheart said, rising to his feet. "Speaking of.... Tell Rabbit and Badger I would love to see them, if they'd like to come by the border some time."

Sparkpaw hopped back and gave Mountainheart a big smile. He was right, his dad's were probably worried sick about him. "I will! See you later, grandad!! Thank you!!!" He yelled at he always does, and bounded off into the forest.

Mountainheart watched him go with a smile. His heart was breaking that he couldn't go with him, but he was a Skyclan cat. He had to stay to his side of the border.

He would spend the rest of his time out fixing up his scent, he didn't want Sparkpaw to get in trouble. He also needed time to think about what to say to his kits. He must make sure they understand the new code put in place, now that they'll know he's here.