camp BURN THE STARS // open

It was a rare sight to see the family together like this, sharing prey together. Lividpaw had just taken the first bite of his frog when Crawlingheart decided to share something with them, a new information that never had been mentioned before. " Have i ever told you about the story of my nephew?." the father said as he stared down at their offspring. Lividpaw gave nothing but a shake of his head. He didn't even knew he had one. " My nephew was the son of my sister. He was born and raised here. However after a tragedy that happened at the thunderpath my sister suddenly left and my nephew decided to leave the marshland after the great battle to join the clan on the moors. There he grow up and eventually become the clan's medicine cat." Crawlingheart told the brief story of it all. He had no real clue how his nephew's life had been after leaving here. Crawlingheart paused to take a bite from his own prey, ignoring altogether as his other offspring, Basilpaw tried to be sneaky about joining them as he laid down beside his brother, silently in doing so wishing to hear this story as well.

Lividpaw stared at their father in wait for them to contunie, wondering why now of all times they decided to share this story for?. " His name was Leech but later he earned the name Vulturemask. Have you ever heard that name before?." Lividpaw remained silent, knowing there was something behind his fathers words. Basilpaw however failed to catch up on this though. " I haven't! but it's so cool that one of our relatives used to be a medicine cat!." Basilpaw couldn't stay quiet any longer as he boldly spoke up. But words reached deaf ears as Crawlingheart only looked into his blue eyed child eyes. After a moment the father looked away as he ducked down his head to take another mouth full bite of the cadaver as the story suddenly ended there to leave a hidden message that only Lividpaw seemed to be able to catch up on.

  • Nervous
As much as she may not like the gathering — the sights; the smells, the bountiful amount of infuriating RiverClanners, as well as opportunities to be embarrassed by the apprentice you never wanted — it was good for information... It better be, judging as that as all it was there for. What was it, but a glorified gossip session? One that seemed more respectable, more discreet taking place beneath StarClan, rather than at sunhigh while cleaning the pelt of your best friend, or whatever. ( She thinks that's how it goes, anyhow ). It was where Clan Leaders would go, look how good we're doing, even if they very much weren't. This, is something Chilledstar doesn't bother participating in so much as the others, but being the only one not following in the program somehow bothered Sharpshadow more.

All that to say — she knows... names. She knows the names of their fox - hearted neighbors, so that she could know them before they raid their camp to eat their kits, or whatever. A dark ear is perking at the mention of a name. If Sharpshadow could be nosy before all five clans, she could be within her own clan, damn it. " Vulturemask? " he repeats, a nervous frown settling upon his features. " Do you... I... You knew him? "

Kin to a WindClanner, it's not a moniker Sharpshadow would exactly wear with pride, and so the look he gives to the young apprentices listening to Crawlingheart is a pitying one. Not the kind of... soft - hearted pity. But an, Oh. Sucks for you...

It reminds her then, that Sootstar had once lived in this very same camp herself. He almost can't believe they made her... but then — actually, no. He can. The warrior witholds a deep sigh.

Catching the two - toned pelt of Forestshade — someone who.... who he could quip to, if nothing else, he supposes... he would mumble beneath his breath, " Cool isn't really what I'd call it, but... "

  • ooc: I just think it would be so funny if i tagged @FORESTSHADE here for no reason
  • 77138241_LGsAhejnM5wt5R0.png
    SHARPSHADOW: he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms ; 20 moons old as of 2.13.24 ; ages every 8th
    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.
    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others.
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3
  • Haha
Reactions: Blitz Krieg
Betonyfrost's eyes move in memory, a barely perceptible flick, before returning to how they had been. She lays with her paws folded at her front, her eyes now slitted. Dislike creases her face, but it doesn’t grow into anything more. So many had left, back then—Betonyfrost was too young and naive to see it for the betrayal that it was. The clans had been too new; Betonyfrost hadn’t yet known what they would become.

All of us who were marsh-born are liable to have kin in other clans—if only distantly. We were the originals and the rest of the clans are made from us or outside implants,” Or from the Pine Group, which may as well have been outside implants, “Now they are happy to deride us as if they do not come from this very place.

She passes a paw over one of her wilted ears—abruptly grooming—and continues speaking through swiping her paw with her tongue, “I wouldn’t worry about Leechface, or whatever his name had been. The best of us stayed here.”​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 28 moons | tags
As always, Forestshade isn't trying to eavesdrop. But her ears are how she sees the world; they twitch and flick in all directions to pick up on sounds and voices, even if she is not necessarily trying to listen in on conversations. She isn't interested enough to do so. But she does focus when she hears that name. Vulturemask. The she-cat stops in her tracks next to Sharpshadow, trying to hide the surprise that washes over her expression.

Vulturemask, the tom she'd rendezvoused with at Fourtrees on several occasions, talking and grooming each other beneath the stars. Vulturemask, who she now knows has died many moons ago, but lives on in the kits she bore here in the marsh. It is knowledge that she has not told to a soul, but the reminder of the name is enough to gain her attention.

Sharpshadow's muttered quip brings about a forced huff of amusement as she tips her chin up and flicks her tail. "It's certainly nothin' to go bragging about at a Gathering," She responds, a little louder than she'd intended. She's still caught off guard, after all.
YOUR MOOD IS LIKE A CIRCUS — there wasn’t much that slugkit knew about her family outside of the immediate relatives that lived within shadowclan. there was her mother, @EGGSKIP , her father blazeclaw, and her siblings who she could do without: leechkit and mantiskit. she wasn’t entirely sure if her mother was one of the originals — she was fairly sure her father was, just because he was completely ancient and super old, but she couldn’t help but wonder if that was really the case as she eavesdropped an lividpaw’s conversation with his father. she wondered if she had any cousins — she knew she didn’t have a nephew, or whatever a girl-nephew would be called considering all her siblings were just as much of babies as she was.

"do you think we’we welated?" she asked, entirely genuine in her questioning as she peered up at the small group. she’d like to think that maybe, somewhere in her line, that maybe she was related to more of the clan than she thought. she didn’t like the thought of being related to outsiders, however. they were scary. "i bet we’we supew cousins."

  • wye3c6qnlg4.png
    chocolate tortie / fawn chimera with low white, green eyes
    3 moons old; ages the 24th every month
    orient. unknown ; currently not looking
    daughter of eggskip and blazeclaw
    kit of shadowclan
    easy to befriend ; trust gained very easily
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

" Clean your ears Sharpshadow i just said he was my nephew." Crawlingheart known for his bitter temperament would point out not so kindly to the other warrior with mild annoyence. " If you're gonna eavesdrop on some cat's private conversation at least listen." Crawlingheart went back to eat now wishing to finish his meal quickly so he could get up and leave this crowd that had surrended them, disinterested to share his family tree to all of them. Lividpaw however felt different.

He paid close attention to his clanmates reactions as he had his own opinions on this matter. Paying little attention to his fathers bitterness which he was all too familiar with. " They're right Basilpaw. Our cousin were nothing but a traitor. I'm sure starclan punished him in the end for his bedrayal." he said, feeling almost ashamed to be related to somebody who had been blessed by the stars from another clan, windclan on top of that. He had heard stories over how corrupted that clan was to the point of even starclan themselves turning their back on them.

Basilpaw on the other hand felt a little bit disheartened because he thought it was cool to be related to somebody who had been a medicine cat...he had heard only cats who starclan believed to be special were honored with a such position!. Aha, to bad he wasn't allowed to feel that way!. So he wouldn't!. " Uh, yeah right!. I mean i suppose he isn't then!! like super uncool!!. I for sure would bite him if i ever would meet him!." Yeah, he totally would do that!. Traitors were bad and just big meanies!. Slugkit stated something that earned Basilpaw's attention right after noticing that Forestshade acted a bit weird! but he didn't dare to comment out about it or else she might hit him on the head...

" We might be!!! i mean we have the same colors on our eyes! even if yours are alot prettier then mine!. But still!! it would be pretty cool....right?" Basilpaw shared a hesitant look around him to search after clues he was saying the right thing right might end bad otherwise...