pafp burn your castle down // sharp thing

Dec 1, 2022

oddpaw & 07 moons & agender & it/its/they/them & riverclan apprentice

to have a sibling is a strange thing - it is to have an extension of yourself, to never be alone, to have another. Oddpaw likes that they have siblings - two in fact, both with names just as silly and strange as they. As the creatures shifts upon the stones, pelt shining in the greenleaf sun like the flames of a firelight flickering and sending sparks flying, it leans against one said sibling. Squishpaw, a sister, where they are just a sibling. Paws scrabble frantically against the ground, digging, searching. They were supposed to be hunting for prey, but instead it has decided that stones and shiny-things are much more important. 'Look, Squishpaw - Oddpaw has found a thing," they say, as though she is not right there, looking at the same strange thing as them. "A shimmer-shine-sparkly," it reiterates, absorbed in simply admiring the strange not-stick thing they have found.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: please wait for @Squishpaw ; prompt by deja <3
    tw/cw: —
  • — a striking rosetted tom with a pelt the color of fire and ice and wide round golden eyes. it's gait is awkward and strange, legs moving stiffly as it toddles about, but it seems to swim gracefully within the water. it often speaks in the third person, puzzling others with it's strange riddles and whimsical words.

    — physically easy && mentally medium
    — non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    — please attack using [b][color=#ffdb58]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


Squishpaw treasured time with her family and, even better, time out of camp. She was thrilled to be enjoying the feel of the sun against her pelt and water over her paws. She was content to hunt while her sibling looked for -- something? Something seemed to have caught Oddpaw's attention quite thoroughly. She lowered her paw to join Oddpaw in staring at the object glinting in the light. It was shinier than the usual rock which automatically increased the thing's value to Squishpaw. She pressed her shoulders against Oddpaw to lean against it while examining the stick-esque thing more closely.

"A shimmer-shine-sparkly!" Squishpaw echoed with enthusiasm. "I wonder what it is!" She blinked at her sibling in a hurry, "Not that your name isn't enough!" She poked at the stick and flinched dramatically as blood welled on her paw. She stared at it, then looked at Oddpaw in shock.

"Not a rock," she said solemnly. This was an obvious statement, but it seemed to be important to share regardless. She knew Oddpaw wouldn't mind. Squishpaw wasn't terribly worried about the cut - the bleeding had already stopped - but she was worried about what to do with the thing.

"Should we bring it to Cicadastar?" she asked. Her head tilted as she considered the idea. "He might know what to do with it."

Fernpaw's penchant for collection has lessened recently, what with his increased focus on training. He'd never been detrimentally distracted, but over time it had become clear to him that he needed to put more focus into his training that he had when he was younger. That was what Iciclefang had gone through- discipline, no doubt, with Smokethroat as a mentor. His father was not the shouting-orders type, but discipline could come from within, too. Self-discipline, it was called.

Still, when he saw Oddpaw and Squishpaw huddled over something, the small ginger tom strode over, cocking his head at the sight of a glittering thing- and wrinkling his nose at the metallic scent of blood. "Is someone hurt?" he asked, before his eye befell the object completely. It was unlike anything in his almighty hoard- and though the idea of injury made his skin crawl, he couldn't deny there was something beautiful about it. "Where'd you find this?" he asked- slightly sidetracked, slightly concerned.
✦ penned by pin ✦
Apprentices get up to such foolish nonsense, Iciclefang thinks. One of them—Squishpaw, the calico with green eyes—had pricked her paw on something and has continued to regard it as if she should pick it up. Oddpaw, too, is uncomfortably close to whatever it is that’s sharp enough to draw a cat’s blood. She comes to stand beside Fernpaw, her eyes narrowed and her voice as well-honed as the edge on the object. “Do you minnowbrains not have anything better to do than stand about pricking yourself on garbage?” She looks at the thing they’re all fawning over with disinterest, then lifts her icicle-sharp eyes to each of the younger cats.

“Get away from it and alert your mentors,” she mutters with distaste. “Go see Ravensong before you get an infected paw.”

// sorry she's anti-fun

  • — iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin

Squishpaw straightened like someone had grabbed her spine and moved it for her. Her head whipped to find Fernpaw now in their company. Her ears burned. He was much older than her and sure to have opinions on her and Oddpaw's choice of activity, especially when distracted from what they were supposed to be doing. Fernpaw had become so focused on his training lately, and Squishpaw's admiration of Fernpaw's dedication, plus Fernpaw's handsome looks, turned her slightly tongue-tied.

"No one's hurt!" she squeaked, quickly setting her paw flat on the ground and not flinching when dirt encrusted the tiny cut. Fernpaw didn't seem overly concerned and Squishpaw let out a breath of relief, much happier to talk about the new object instead. "Oddpaw found it in the ground!" Her tail flicked to indicate the shallow hole Oddpaw had dug.

Any further conversation between apprentices was stymied as Fernpaw's water mint scent was overpowered by ozone and pinecones. Squishpaw's ears flattened against her head. She stands and slinks away from the sharp thing with a muttered, "Yes, Iciclefang." She taps Oddpaw on the shoulder, an invitation to join her, and glances at Fernpaw briefly before looking away. He had better things to do, probably, and it wasn't like visiting Ravensong was going to be a good time. She opened her mouth briefly to tell Fernpaw goodbye, at least, then closed it without saying anything as a feeling of insecurity washed over her. No, she would go back to camp with her sibling and hope her scolding wasn't too harsh.​

oddpaw & 07 moons & agender & it/its/they/them & riverclan apprentice

Concern flickers in wide eyes when squishpaw pulls back, drops of bloo welling on her pawpad - "Owwy," they say, though it is a nois of shared concern and sympathy given that they themselves are unharmed. And then others arrive. There is a pout upon red-and-white face at the older cats words, but a nudge from the creatures sister keeps it quiet. Golden gaze stares forlornly the object, wanting to keep it, even if it had bitten squishpaw, but they suppose iciclefang must know best - they are older, wiser, a warrior. "Okay - let's go squishpaw, oddpaw will find you something even better," they promise - as though it is their sister who is sad to leave, and not them.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: out
    tw/cw: —
  • — a striking rosetted tom with a pelt the color of fire and ice and wide round golden eyes. it's gait is awkward and strange, legs moving stiffly as it toddles about, but it seems to swim gracefully within the water. it often speaks in the third person, puzzling others with it's strange riddles and whimsical words.

    — physically easy && mentally medium
    — non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    — please attack using [b][color=#ffdb58]action here[/color][/b] and tag account