camp BURNIN’ BRIGHT [loose tooth]

Jan 10, 2024
*✧・゚ Now that the snow is melting, Sangriakit gets to go to SkyClan way more often. She’s never seen the forest so full of life, though, with birds chirping every morning and absolutely every kind of bug clinging to the leaves of the plants. The girl has had to be reined in by her mother multiple times on their walks to and from SlyClan’s camp, her curiosity too great to ignore—but in her defense, she spotted a really shiny rainbow bug on a rock the other day. She’s getting bigger now, too, and so is Coffeekit. A warrior even told her the other day that before the new rule, she would have been an apprentice now. But she’s not an apprentice, so Sangriakit stays in the nursery with her brother and her cousins and even Bobbie’s little kits, batting a mossball around and eating whatever good prey is brought to her by the warriors or apprentices.

Today, when she takes a bite into a small mouse, she notices that something is different. Something is… wrong. When she chews, one of her teeth moves. "Huh…" She runs her tongue along the row of teeth, feeling carefully for the one that feels weird. It only takes a few moments of prodding at it when she finds it, to realize the problem is that it’s loose! It’s wiggly! "My tooth ith looth," she says, lifting a pale paw to her face. She rubs carefully at her striped cheek, attempting to figure out what’s going on.

Is her tooth supposed to be loose? What if it comes out? What if she loses it, and it never comes back? Are all her teeth gonna fall out? "My teeth are all falling out!!!" She shrieks, panic lacing her tone. Oh no, oh no, oh no. What will her mom think if she sees? What will Figfeather think, too—will she be mad that Sangriakit isn’t acting like a warrior already? The little torbie crouched low to the ground, covering her muzzle with both her white forepaws as she shifts her jaw to wiggle her loose tooth.
All is well in SkyClan's nursery so far that day; Lionkit finds himself to be more of an observer than a kit who constantly needs to occupy himself with stimulation and play. He was quite tired from a couple of "sparring" matches with some of the other kits ( he had lost most of them, unfortunately ) so he now took to watching the happenings around the den.

His eyes eventually landed on Sangriakit, who appeared to be having trouble eating her mouse. Apparently one of her teeth had come loose! Oh dear... what had happened? Would Sangriakit be able to eat mice still? "Oh no!" Lionkit exclaimed, folding his bi-colored ears back as her panic radiated onto him. "Um... Umm..." The cogs in the point's brain spun, trying to figure out the solution to this situation.

Wait! His brother was the medicine cat apprentice! "@Fireflypaw ! Sangriakit's teeth are falling out!" Lionkit projects his voice in the form of a loud squeak, taking a few steps in the direction of the medicine den.

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    he/him; kit of skyclan
    longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
"Already?" Orangestar muses to herself, a wry amusement crossing her features over thoughts of the passage of time. She's no medicine cat, but she is a mother; and she knows what this means. Soon all of the nursery's denizens would be shedding their baby teeth, something she barely remembers her own experience of. The memory is laced with a muffled panic and something almost excited. The recollection of her own kits losing their teeth, however, is much newer. Sangriakit seems to be taking this better than she remembers them doing.

The leader pauses by the nursery, where Figfeather's kit is pulling a slew of faces. A half-eaten mouse sits abandoned at her paws, which she deems the most obvious culprit. Lionkit stands at attention, squeaking his concerns in hopes that Fireflypaw would hear them. Orangestar ushers him back into the nursery, certain that he would be met with success in short order.

"All your teeth will fall out." She informs the two kits, aiming for honest and likely landing somewhere closer to blunt. She doesn't seem to realise the kit-panicked implications that they might not grow back. Hers had, why wouldn't theirs? "It's normal."

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    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin

Oh, clamouring panic- kits were prone to it, weren't they? The sound made Mallowlark quirk his head, grey eyes wide and inquisitive, nary a blink fluttering across star-grey. And it sounded truly horrendous- fistfuls of fangs being ripped out by some invisible force! If he didn't know better, his stare would be with morbid curiosity- but no, what he held within it instead was knowing humour. Clockwork-like, he settled his attention uppon Sangriakit, giving a quick nod after Orangestar's assurance that it was normal.

A chuckle wrinkled his snout, and stuttering chuckle-breaths punctuated his words. "Hah- yeah- soon, you'll be able to start a collection!" A whole pile- a tiny little kit like that'd be able to stand on that ivory tower, too. Look above her... her imagined SkyClan. Because that was what kits liked to do, wasn't it? Teeter at high places and proclaim themselves leader. "N'if you leave them in the sun they'll go so white it'll blind'ya," and his voice was knowing and wise, having scooped many fangs under his shadowy paws across his lifetime. Sangriakit would have to wait for it to actually fall out, though.

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 First Daisykit and Fluffykit with the pain in their teeth... Now Sangriakit's are falling out. It seems a plague has befallen the kits of the camp, and Hollykit cannot help but wonder if he will be next. He watches the scene with owlish eyes, sticking close to Lionkit yet remaining silent. He does not know the solution, and so he hangs back and observes instead.

It does not last long. Orangestar's blunt "reassurance" has their fur bushing out. Oh, the horrors that adulthood brings! To lose every tooth in your mouth, collected like scraps sun bleached blinding. A collection would be fun, sure, but teeth are supposed to stay in your mouth. "But - but how will she eat?" He asks, leaning forward. "She'll need new ones, but prey teeth are too small... Um, can you put them back? Once they've fallen out and they're all extra-white?" He looks between Orangestar and Mallowlark for answers, clearly the experts in this situation.

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, three moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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"Thank you Lionkit, I'm coming. Hold on a moment." Fireflypaw quips from the back of the den, dark ears pointed forward as he rummages through the herb storage. He cannot give them anything for the pain, they are far too young still, but Fireflypaw turns to @DAWNGLARE with a smile. "Mind teaching me how to deal with a kitten losing their teeth? I'm unsure if we give them anything, or just leave them be." The high priest would have the answer to this- he always did, after all. His wisdom is uncanny, and as Fireflypaw turns to leave the den, he can hear words of blunt reassurance from Orangestar and idea from Mallowlark to let the tooth dry.

"He's right, you can keep the tooth as long as you don't try to swallow it. Why don't you go show your mamas, Sangriakit?" He grins from ear to ear, happy that the child is growing strong. Losing ones teeth is part of life, part of growing up, and he knows Sangriakit will do just fine. To Hollykit's question, Fireflypaw shakes his head. "Once you lose your teeth, they'll grow right back. So don't try doing anything funny when yours begin to fall out, okay? Just let me or Dawnglare know if it hurts."
*✧・゚ Green eyes catch sight of the other kit as he makes his way over to her. She doesn’t quite know what to think of the new kits who have been brought into the nursery, but she knows that Hollykit and Lionkit are fun even though they’re still little. But when Lionkit calls for Fireflypaw to come over and look, her eyes widen. While it feels as though the other kit’s concern should reassure her, it instead makes her worry even more—the pointed kit pretty much confirms that her teeth are gonna fall out! And then Orangestar comes over and says the same thing!! The ginger-patched leader even seems amused by the idea! "My teeth…." she whines, squeezing her eyes shut, as if she can block out reality entirely.

Mallowlark is a weird cat, but the kit gives him a wobbly smile when he approaches, because at least he doesn’t immediately start talking about how her teeth are gonna fall out and scatter all across the ground… but then agrees, too! But he also says she can start a collection, and white, shiny teeth would definitely fit in with the other shiny things in her connection back at home. So maybe it isn’t all that bad? Hollykit speaks up next, though, and reminds her of something—how will she eat? "How come you have teeth, but mine are all gonna be gone?" Her words are punctuated with a slight sniffle, but for the most part her expression draws into one of frustration. How come everybody else gets to be happy and have teeth, but hers are falling out and nobody else is worried about it?

Her question is answered when Fireflypaw casts a broad smile at her and suggests that she show her parents her loose tooth. She looks around for one of the two she-cats, but doesn’t spot either of them right away; little cinnamon ears droop. She’ll have to show her mom later, when they’re heading home from SkyClan’s camp. She just hopes her tooth doesn’t fall out before then! "Wait, they’ll grow back? How many teeth do I have? Do I have a… a hundred? A bajillion?" The mention of swallowing her own teeth goes right over the kit’s head, as does the warning to see one of the medicine cats if anything hurts—the kit opens her mouth wide, poking at her loose tooth with a white-capped paw. How many are in there?
Dawnglare is already quite fine with Fireflypaw handling this. "This" being, essentially nothing. An ear had remained pricked to little... Lionkit's cry, but had quickly gone back to minding its own business. That is, until Fireflypaw turns to him with a question. " How to deal with it? " he parrots, paws working to give some much - needed care to his and Mallowlark's nest. His lips quirk in an odd smile then, a blustery almost - laugh seeks to spoil what he says next. " They can whine, if they want. " he wasn't stopping anybody.

" Oh, do you mean us? Nothing, " he corrects. " Though if the pain is truly unbearable... we can afford some poppy seeds. " He turns to glance his apprentice over his shoulder, tail flicking idly. " Do not let them lie to you, though. " he steadily warns.

Fireflypaw is soon slipping out of the den, and perhaps it is curiosity that has him following... ( Curiosity and a little something more... his gaze often takes on a calculating edge, as of late. He has watched Fireflypaw plenty over this moon, for reasons left unsaid... ) He is just in time to hear plenty of kittish whining. Kittish... but entertaining, he will admit. Sangriakit seems quite concerned with the fairness of this matter, and at that, Dawnglare smiles. " Don't worry, all of his teeth will be gone too, later, " he assures. Hopefully, Sangriakit would find this quite just.

How many teeth do I have? Do I have a… a hundred? A bajillion? " Oh, so close. " he coos. " Two dozen or so. " Something like that.

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  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 63 moons old as of 4.8.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads