camp BURNIN' UP A FEVER // putting kits to bed

// @FLUFFYKIT @Daisykit @weedkit
Open to all! Just tagging my babies <3

Butterflytuft lounges outside of the nursery with her forelegs stretched out in front of her, chin resting on one of them. The evening is winding down, with the clan's warriors sharing tongues around camp and apprentices feasting on the meals they've earned after chores. Her kits should be getting tired soon, right? They've been playing all day - Weedkit and Daisykit sometimes act as if they have endless energy. Fluffykit, on the other paw, is curled up next to her, where she often is. It's a good day, and she's content.

Purring, she watches as her sons wander back over to her, and she assumes they're ready for bed. But as every mother learns, going to bed is a process for children. Sometimes, there is a list of things that must be done before everyone can comfortably curl into their nest and go to sleep. So she purrs, "What would you all like to do first before bed-time?" She eases herself onto her paws and nudges Fluffykit to follow her, eyes returning to Weedkit and Daisykit. She of course expects the obvious: a game, or grooming, or a story.

Though Daisykit hadn't noticed it, as the days had turned to weeks into months of his young life he had slowly gotten more and more energy. It was hard to notice how late it had started to get when he eventually started to go to bed when he was playing with others around camp, and though he once didn't want to leave the nursery ever the soon-to-be apprentice found himself wondering more and more what was outside of camp.

By the time a yawn threatened to escape his maw, Daisykit had already been trying to nudge Weedkit back over to the nursery, paws shuffling quietly before Butterflytuft asked what they wanted to do before bed-time. A question they had been asked often, a routine that had long brought comfort to the kit and for a moment he stayed silent before looking to his mother. "Can you tell us about outside camp?" He'd ask as he moved towards the shared nest to get comfortable, blue eyes looking expectantly at his mother as soon as he was finished. He'd have to go outside soon to train with whoever Orangestar chose to be his mentor - something he found himself thinking about more now than he had before - so he wanted to know what to expect.

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    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
The sky darkens, and Fluffykit snuggles closer to Butterflytuft’s flank, her purr rumbling in her chest. It’s a nice evening; the weather is warm, but not unbearably so, and camp is starting to wind down. The last of the apprentices are eating their meals, and the warriors are in repose, sharing tongues and stories. Her brothers scamper about, getting the last of their energy out, before Daisykit comes trailing over to them, jaws parting in a massive yawn. Butterflytuft asks them what they want to do before bed, and Daisykit asks if she can tell them about outside.

Fluffykit’s opinions of outside is that it is scary and dangerous. It had taken her an abundance of courage to work up going from the nursery to camp, and she doesn’t know what she’s going to do when she’s going to be expected to leave camp. Her mentor will likely have to drag her by her tufted ears into the pine forest. She nervously turns to Butterflytuft, looking for reassurance. “It’s… it’s not that bad, is it? Or is it really scary and full of monsters?” She frowns at the possibility that she’s created in her head.

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  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

Butterflytuft watches with a content smile on her face as the little ones climb into their shared nest. Stars, they’ve gotten so big that it’s quite a squeeze now, but she wouldn’t haven it any other way. Purring, she steps into the nest of moss and pine needles to curl up alongside them, her tail draping over their backs.

Daisykit’s question has her blinking in surprise. Tell them about outside of camp? Outside of camp is full of foxes and badgers and dogs…it’s not a place she wants them to go ever, she wants them to stay here with her forever. But she knows that’s not realistic. She knows soon they’ll bear -paw at the ends of their names and they’ll no longer be hers to keep safe. Still, for now, it is her job. She looks between them and thinks for a bit before she begins to groom the top of Fluffykit’s head. “Outside of camp is dangerous for little kits like you. It’s got predators, and twolegs, and rivers that can sweep you away,” She warns them between licks, worry in her yellow eyes.

“But…” She trails off, knowing it’s her job to prepare them. “When you’re apprentices, you’ll be with your mentors and it’ll be safe. You’ll learn how to be safe. It’ll be fun to explore it all, won’t it? Maybe we can go together.”
𓆝 . ° ✦
Weedkit all but covers his ears at the mention of monsters and dangers outside of camp. He hates these sorts of stories. Weedkit is not fearful like Fluffykit, nor curious like Daisykit. What difference does it make if the outside world is full of terrible dangers? He does not want to venture outside of camp. There is no appeal to a world outside of what he already knows. Butterflytuft describes the dangers, and Weedkit is confronted with a new danger that he had not even considered: the environment. Will he have to learn to swim too? On top of patrolling and hunting and fighting?

The black and white kit frowns silently as his mother speaks. He blames Daisykit for having to hear about the perils of his future, and he blames Fluffykit even more for driving it down the path of fear and danger. Weedkit prickles in annoyance. However, at the tail end of Butterflytuft's words he finds his attention caught up by her mention of apprenticeship and mentors. "We will be apprentices soon," he observes with eyes that blow wide like saucers at the thought. Novelty is not Weedkit's favorite thing. "Who will mentor us? Will you? Or father? What if our mentor hates us or thinks we're stupid?"

 ° .  . ° 
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    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!